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Author: tobby

Benarkah Ibn Taimiyah Menyeleweng ?

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Post time 27-1-2008 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 27-1-2008 06:37 PM

Dan ramai jugak pengikutnya yang dah mampus kena halau dari Lebanon (Fatah-islami-munafiqin), Iraq (al-Qaeda Iraq branch), Afghanistan (Al-Qaeda Mat Laden branch) dan di mana-mana saja di dun ...

hehe apa pengikut syiah tak pernah merasa mempus ke? atau semua masih hidup macam Imam Mahadi...
Alqaeda memang tak aktif di Lebanon pun.
Di Iraq nampaknya Kerajaan syiah boneka amerika taklah nak gembira sangat, baru aja bulan ni ketua polis ninenjah (utara Baghdad) dah kojol sama 25 orang lain, dekat 200 orang cedera... hehe

Bulan lepas je 15 orang pemimpin "awakening council" yang jadi talibarut amerika dan syiah, dah kojol jugak, lepas satu satu kampong kena attack dah tak boleh duduk senang lagi dah... hehe

Di Pakistan pulak alqaeda baru je dapat tawan satu fort di utara waziristan sempadan afghanistan, dari Pakistan... (dah lama declare Islamic State of Waziristan) hehe

Amerika dah mula risau di Pakistan - mengikut asia times ada harapan kemudahan nuclear pakistan jatuh ke tangan mujahideen Islam... Taliban tangguh dulu spring offensive di afghanistan sebab nak kacau musharaf dulu di Pakistan.  Benazir Bhuto dah padam, CIA sekarang cuba berjinak jinak dengan Nawaz Shariff pulak... hehe

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Post time 27-1-2008 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kupia at 27-1-2008 10:17 PM

hehe apa pengikut syiah tak pernah merasa mempus ke? atau semua masih hidup macam Imam Mahadi...
Alqaeda memang tak aktif di Lebanon pun.
Di Iraq nampaknya Kerajaan syiah boneka amer ...

Muahahaa...wahabi sudah merapu syok sendiri...tak dapat nak kaitkan fakta2 dengan isu semasa. Ishkk....jahil sungguh pemikiran wahabi noo.
Yang dok halau fatah-wahabi-islamunafik dari Lebanon tu sapa?? Dah lupa kah?? Jemaah Islami Fathi Yakan yang dok tolong bantu askar Lebanon tu syiah jugak ka ataupun ahbasy??

Kita pi pulak di Iraq. Islam Awakening Council tu sapa?? 15 orang tu aja kah?? Oooh depa sunni tareqat takdak pengikut cam wahabi beribu-ribu.

Di Pakistan pulak semua wahabi dah cabut menyembunyikan diri kena buru askar Pakistan. Nak sembunyi mana lagi???   Mesjid merah wahabi pun dah kena tukar cat lain. Ishk..ishk..ishk.

Teruskan lagi menganalisis sejarah dunia.  Syok pulak nengok kejahilan wahabi.

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Post time 28-1-2008 09:50 AM | Show all posts
syiah tengah syok sendiri...

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Post time 31-1-2008 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kupia at 26-1-2008 09:10 PM
Sheikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dah meninggal lama dah, tapi ada terlalu ramai yang menyambung dan meyambut perjuangan dia menyebabkan tergencat dan terhencut hencut pergerakan si sufi sesat dan syi ...

Mengapa perjuangan Ibnu Taiminyah akan sentiasa ada? Kerana sentiasa ada orang2 khawarij dalam sulbi2 manusia setiap zaman.

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Post time 31-1-2008 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by abuaya at 31-1-2008 10:37 AM

Mengapa perjuangan Ibnu Taiminyah akan sentiasa ada? Kerana sentiasa ada orang2 khawarij dalam sulbi2 manusia setiap zaman.

Kerana adanya penyembah wali-wali dan penyembah kubur sepanjang zaman...

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Post time 2-2-2008 02:10 PM | Show all posts
hahahaha...mana ada org sembah wali dan kubur bang oi.....!! hahahaha... Ahlu Sunnah sembah Allah je...kami tak sembah wali atau kubur hahahahahaha...ada bukti ka? ke pakai hentam ikut kepla aotak macam selalu je....? hahahaha

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Post time 2-2-2008 08:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by abuaya at 2-2-2008 02:10 PM
hahahaha...mana ada org sembah wali dan kubur bang oi.....!! hahahaha... Ahlu Sunnah sembah Allah je...kami tak sembah wali atau kubur hahahahahaha...ada bukti ka? ke pakai hentam ikut kepla aota ...

Ahli sunnah atau ahli Bida'ah....

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Post time 3-2-2008 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kupia at 31-1-2008 11:30 AM

Kerana adanya penyembah wali-wali dan penyembah kubur sepanjang zaman...

haku rasa org Islam yg sebenar takkan menyembah kubur atau wali......itu cuma andaian anda sajer tanpa hujjah yang nyata......haku tak nafikan segelintir org yg memang sembah kubur utk dapat nombor ekor ....itu mmg terang2 khurafat......mereka pergi menziarah kubur semata2 atas tanda hormat kepada penghuni kubur itu  sambil mensedekahkan Al-Fatihah.... .

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Post time 3-2-2008 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kerengge at 3-2-2008 10:56 AM
haku rasa org Islam yg sebenar takkan menyembah kubur atau wali......itu cuma andaian andasajer tanpa hujjah yang nyata......haku tak nafikan segelintir org ygmemang sembah kubur utk dapat nombor ekor ....itu mmg terang2khurafat......mereka pergi menziarah kubur semata2 atas tanda hormatkepada penghuni kubur itu  sambil mensedekahkan Al-Fatihah.... .

Mengapa perlu rasa bersalah kalau tidak memuja kubur dan bertawasul dengan wali2 yang telah mati? Perlukan bukti? cukup banyak bukti2 yang boleh diketengahkan, ada dalam tulisan, ada dalam gambar2 dan dalam video2 pun banyak..  Pegi Masjid Kuala Dulang di NS, pegi ke Pulau Besar, Melaka, pegi ke Makam Habib Nuh di Singapura, apa orang Melayu Islam buat keliling kubur tu? Bayar nazar kat situ?

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Post time 3-2-2008 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kupia at 3-2-2008 11:09 AM

Pegi Masjid Kuala Dulang di NS, pegi ke Pulau Besar, Melaka, pegi ke Makam Habib Nuh di Singapura, apa orang Melayu Islam buat keliling kubur tu? Bayar nazar kat situ?

Rata sungguh hang dah pi berjalan noo. Hang tengok sendiri depa sembah Habib Nuh ka? Depa sembahyang kat Habib Nuh gaya camna?? Citerlah sikit naaa.

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Post time 4-2-2008 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 27-1-2008 11:49 PM
Muahahaa...wahabi sudah merapu syoksendiri...tak dapat nak kaitkan fakta2 dengan isu semasa.Ishkk....jahil sungguh pemikiran wahabi noo.
Yang dok halau fatah-wahabi-islamunafik dariLebanon tu sapa?? Dah lupa kah?? Jemaah Islami Fathi Yakan yang doktolong bantu askar Lebanon tu syiah jugak ka ataupun ahbasy??


Islamism in Lebanon: A Guide to the Groups
by A. Nizar Hamzeh Middle East Quarterly September 1997
A. Nizar Hamzeh is associateprofessor and chair in the Department of Political Science and PublicAdministration at the American
University of Beirut.


Amal (meaning"hope," an abbreviation for Afwaj al-Muqawma al-Lubnaniya), 15,000members: Sadr launched the Movement of the Deprived (Harakat al-Mahrumin) in1974, and the next year founded Amal as the Movement of the Deprived's militarywing. By about 1976, Amal had become a political organization with an Islamistcharacter. After Sadr's disappearance in August 1978, Amal (first under Husaynal-Husayni and then Nabih Barri) lost its Islamist character. Amal and theSupreme Islamic Shi`a Council (headed by Muhammad Mahdi Shams ad-Din) proposesa democratic pluralism (at-ta`addudiya) based on intersectarian consensus.3Amal has ten seats in Lebanon's parliament.

Hizbullah (Party of God),almost 15,000 members: The Israeli invasion of June 1982 then provided thecrisis that won Shi'i radicalism a mass constituency. Hizbullah's ideologyderives from the political writings of ayatollahs Baqir as-Sadr and Khomeini,plus the experience of the Iranian Revolution. It subscribes to Khomeini's theorythat a religious jurist (wilayat al-faqih) should hold ultimate politicalpower. The authority of this jurist, both spiritual and political, may not bechallenged; he must be obeyed.4 Hizbullah sees itself fulfilling the messianicrole of turning Lebanon into a province of Islam.In its "open letter" of February 1985, Hizbullah declared thatMuslims must "abide by the orders of the sole wise and just commandrepresented by the supreme jurisconsult, who is presently incarnate in theimam-Ayatollah Khomeini." 5 It also called for a battle with vice, meaningforemost the United States, and for the destruction of Israel to make way for Palestine.


The Islamic Association(al-Jama'a al-Islamiya), 5,000 members: An Islamist group whose origins go backto the height of Gamal Abdel Nasser's efforts at Arab unity in 1964, whenmembers of an older organization8 established the Islamic Association inTripoli.9 Following the Arab defeat in 1967 and the decline of Nasserism, theIslamic Association and other Islamist groups throughout the Arab world gainedstrength. During the civil war, its militia, called the Mujahidin, fought withthe Lebanese National Movement against Christian Maronite forces; in 1982-83 itparticipated in fighting the Israelis.

The Islamic Associationengages in internecine struggles with the Ahbash and the Tawhid, as well aswith the traditional Sunni religious establishment as represented by JuridicalOffice (Dar al-Ifta') and traditional leaders (the Karamis of Tripoli, the Salamsof Beirut, and the newly-emerged Hariris of Sidon), whom it regards as theinstruments of foreign interests. Its members tend to live in Lebanon's urban centers with large Sunni concentrations-Tripoli, Beirut,and Sidon. It recruits the young via the Muslim StudentsAssociation (Rabitat at-Tullab al-Muslimin). The Islamic Association offerssocial welfare services, though less sophisticated ones than Hizbullahprovides, but has not succeeded in attracting many Sunni votes; it won threeseats in the 1992 parliamentary elections and just one seat in 1996.12

The Islamic Unity Movement(Harakat at-Tawhid al-Islami), almost 1,000 members: Originating in Tripoli during 1982, it was the creation of Sheikh Sa'idSha'ban, previously a leader of the Islamic Association. Islamic Unity servesas an institutional extension of Sha'ban, one of Lebanon's Islamist movements' few charismatic leaders. Itsfighters consolidated their control over Tripoli in 1983-1984 by defeating anumber of rivals and then, at the height of its power in 1985, splintered, asKhalil 'Akkawi and Kan'an Naji left to organize their own associations.13 Inthe fall of 1985 the Syrian army entered Tripoli and crushed Islamic Unity'smilitia, though it permitted Sha'ban to maintain leadership of his now unarmedmovement.14 This defeat did not prevent the militia's subsequent reemergence inBeirut, Sidon, and south Lebanon. In 1988, the Tawhid forces joined the IslamicResistance to fight the South Lebanese Army and the Israeli forces in Israel's "security zone."

The Association of IslamicCharitable Projects (Jami'at al-Mashari' al-Khayriya al-Islamiya), known asAl-Ahbash ("the Ethiopians"), almost 8,000 members: One of the mostcontroversiol and interesting of contemporary Islamic groups, due to itsorigins, its eclectic theological roots, and its teachings, which do not fitthe conventional Islamist mold.21 The Ahbash is a Sufi (or spiritualist)movement that devoutly follows the teachings of Sheikh 'Abdallah ibn Muhammadibn Yusuf al-Hirari ash-Shibi al-Abdari, also known as al-Habashi, a religiousthinker of Ethiopian origins. It is spiritually Islamist but not politically.By the late 1980s, the Ahbash had become one of Lebanon's largest Islamic movements, having grown during thecivil war from a few hundred members to its present size. The Ahbash did notcreate a militia of its own, nor did it engage in sectarian violence or fight Israel. Proselytizing and recruitment are its main aims,along with a commitment to moderation and political passivity.


In addition to these fivemajor groups, a number of lesser organizations, many clandestine, operate in Lebanon. Many are affiliates and offshoots of Hizbullah.22

Islamic Resistance(al-Muqawama al-Islamiya), almost 5,000 members: Established after the Israeliinvasion of 1982, when it fought a guerrilla war against Israel and General Lahd's forces. It originally consistedof both Shi'i and Sunni fighters, who represented virtually all Islamicmilitant groups, but Shi'i fighters played a growing combat role over time. In1985, the Islamic Resistance became the combat arm of Hizbullah.

Islamic Jihad (al-Jihadal-Islami), almost 200 members: Widely believed to be the twin of the IslamicResistance, used by Hizbullah for attacking Western interests. The name firstappeared in claims of responsibility for the bombing of the U.S. embassy in Beirut in April 1983, followed by the suicide bombing ofthe Israeli military headquarters in Tyre in October 1985, and the kidnapping of Westerners,mostly Americans, in March 1984. 'Imad Mughniya reportedly controlled theorganization. Although no news has been heard about Islamic Jihad since 1988,some reports indicate Mughniya is still active and in charge of Hizbullah'soverseas security apparatus (which handles intelligence and conducts overseasterrorist acts).23


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Post time 4-2-2008 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Islamic Amal, almost 500 members: Headed by Husayn al-Musawi, who left the Amal movement in 1982 to protest its secular orientation. Musawi, a former school teacher, made Islamic Amal a devoted follower of Khomeini's ideology, including his theory of the religious jurist and its strong opposition to the West.24 Principally based in Baalbak, with close ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards (an Iranian militia sent to Lebanon in 1982 and mostly withdrawn in late 1991), Islamic Amal appears to be aligned at present with Rafsanjani and the Syrian government.

The Islamic Movement (al-Haraka al-Islamiya), almost 200 members: A seemingly independent, semi-clandestine group based in the Bekaa Valley, headed by Sadiq al-Musawi, a cousin of Islamic Amal's Husayn al-Musawi. It follows Khomeini but is independent of Hizbullah and enjoys direct access to Iranian militants. Its militia, Army of the Truth (Jund al-Haqq), has ties with Shi'i minorities in the Arabian peninsula; in the mid-1980s it targeted Saudi diplomats in revenge for the Saudi execution of Shi'i activists.25 Though apparently inactive since 1989, the movement may have gone underground. In 1993, Sadiq al-Musawi accused Hizbullah of having deviated from Khomeini's teachings and called for an Islamic Republic in Lebanon.26

The Faithful Resistance (al-Muqawma al-Mu'mina), almost 200 members: An Amal splinter group, seemingly independent. It carried out a Katyusha rocket attack on northern Israel in January 1986 (at a time when Shi'i Islamists were accusing Amal of having entered into a secret agreement with Israel).

The Revolutionary Justice Organization (Munazzamat al-'Adala ath-Thawriya) and the Oppressed of the Earth Organization (Munazzamat al-Mustadafin fi'l-Ard), almost 100 members each: Both served as covers for Hizbullah's militant activities and held Western hostages: the former in December 1986 claimed responsibility of kidnapping four university professors whom it described as spies and the latter claimed responsibility for kidnapping two U.S. citizens and four French television crewmen. Both organizations have been inactive since 1988.

The Husayn Suicide Squads (Majmu'at Husayn al-Intihariya), almost 100 members: Obscure except for the name of its leader, Abu Haydar al-Musawi, a relative of the other Musawis. The group surfaced only in 1982 when it claimed responsibility for attacks against the South Lebanese Army to protest its collaboration with Israel.

The Islamic Struggle Movement (al-Haraka al-Islamiya al-Mujahid), almost 100 members: First appeared in 1987 under the direction of Sheikh Abdullah al-Hallaq, a Sunni influenced by Hizbullah and the Islamic Resistance. The movement aims to recruit Sunni and Palestinian fighters in the Sidon area to attack Israel. It failed, however, to organize a Sunni resistance in the south similar to Hizbullah's.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya known by its Arabic acronym, Hamas), roughly 500 members in Lebanon (and many more on the West Bank and in Gaza): Sheikh Ahmad Yasin of Gaza founded the Islamic Assembly (al-Mujamma' al-Islami), an activist offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, in 1973 in Gaza. Soon after the onset of the intifada in December 1987, he established Hamas, the leading Palestinian Islamist movement. It also has a presence in the Palestinian camps of south Lebanon, under the leadership of 'Imad al-'Ali.27

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine (Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami fi Filastin), almost 1,000 members:28 A grouping of small, militant Sunni bands such as the Brigades of Islamic Jihad (Saraya al-Jihad al-Islami) and the 'Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Born in the despairing slums of Gaza, Islamic Jihad followed the teachings of Khomeini and Egypt's Jihad Organization (Tanzim al-Jihad) in its use of violence and readiness for martyrdom to achieve an Islamic order.29 With PLO support, it accelerated guerrilla attacks against Israeli targets in 1986, thereby helping trigger the intifada. Israel responded in the spring of 1988 by expelling its spiritual guide 'Abd al 'Aziz 'Awda to Lebanon and arresting scores of his followers. The Islamic Jihad continues its attacks against Israel from Gaza and south Lebanon.

Supporters of the Islamic League (Ansar al-'Usba al-Islamiya), almost 200 members: Headed by Ahmad as-Sa'di (known as Abu Muhjin), formerly of the Islamic Association. The League declares its aim to be the liberation of Palestine and the Muslim community.30 The League first appeared in August 1995 with the assassination of Nizar al-Halabi, president of the Ahbash. Despite evidence of Abu Muhjin's involvement in the assassination, the Lebanese authorities have not been able to locate him.

The Association of Muslim Clergy (Tajammu' al-Ulama' al-Muslimin), almost 200 members: An umbrella group led by two activist sheikhs, Mahir Hammud (a Sunni) and Zuhayr Kanj (a Shi'a), that seeks to promote Muslim unity. Founded by Sunni and Shi'i leaders in response to the Israeli attack of 1982, the Association represents a coalition of militant clerics who share Khomeini's ideals and a determination to fight Israel and to establish an Islamic order in Lebanon.31

The Islamic Front (al-Jabha al-Islamiya), almost 100 members: A second umbrella group, founded in 1985 by Sheikh Mahir Hammud. It brought together sheikhs and lay leaders; its program is generally critical of the West, its Arab allies, and their willingness to make peace with Israel.32

Party of God Collectivity (Ummat Hizbullah): Despite its name, not a political party but an umbrella organization of some half dozen radical Shi'i groups affiliated with Hizbullah.33

Lebanese Islamic Resistance Front (Jabhat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya al-Lubnaniya), almost 500 members: Founded by Sheikh 'Abd al-Hafiz Qassim in the wake of the 1982 Israeli invasion of Beirut. A militia made up of an alliance of the Sunni Muslims and Palestinian guerrillas, it claimed responsibility in 1982-83 for attacks against Israeli troops inside West Beirut. It disbanded after the PLO's eviction from Lebanon in 1983.

[ Last edited by  kupia at 4-2-2008 10:42 PM ]

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Post time 4-2-2008 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kupia at 4-2-2008 10:39 PM


Islamism in Lebanon: A Guide to the Groups
by A. Nizar Hamzeh Middle East Quarterly September 1997
A. Nizar Hamzeh is associateprofessor and chair in the  ...

Memang al qaeda dah takdak di Lebanon sebab depa dah berambus keluar kena halau oleh tentera Lebanon yang dibantu oleh rakyat Lebanon sendiri. Hang lupa nak C & P Fatah al-Islam ka??? Hehehee....pi cari lagi info pasal puak-puak yang dah mampuih di Lebanon ni kemdian mai C & P di sini lagi supaya orang2 yang ada akai boleh membuat analisis sendiri.

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Post time 5-2-2008 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kupia at 2-2-2008 06:09 PM

Mengapa perlu rasa bersalah kalau tidak memuja kubur dan bertawasul dengan wali2 yang telah mati? Perlukan bukti? cukup banyak bukti2 yang boleh diketengahkan, ada dalam tulisan, ada dalam g ...

la serkap jarang rupanya wahabi ni...
hang tengok diorang dok kat kubur tu hang dengar ke dia memuja dan menuhankan orang dalam kubur tu? ke hang syok sendiri supaya ada modal nak mengenakan Ahlus sunnah aka Ahbasy (mengikut tafsiran ko)ni?

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Post time 5-2-2008 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 4-2-2008 06:49 AM

Memang al qaeda dah takdak di Lebanon sebab depa dah berambus keluar kena halau oleh tentera Lebanon yang dibantu oleh rakyat Lebanon sendiri. Hang lupa nak C & P Fatah al-Islam ka??? Hehehee ...

hahahahaha...wahabi kantoi...!!

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Post time 12-4-2008 12:41 PM | Show all posts
perdebatan yang tidak pernah membawa kepada penyelesaian...

ibnu taymiyya adalah sejajar dengan iman ahli sunnah..bersetuju dengan sumer
sahabat, tidak mengengkari mana2 ayat quran..

fitnah terbesar adalah kerana ketidakfahaman org terkebelakang ini
ttg pemikiran ibn taymiya..

oleh kerana syeikh tidak mahu mena'wil kenyataan didalam al-quran...
Allah mempunyai tangan, wajah, dan bersemayam...
beliau disesatkan sebagai memujassimahkan Allah..

padahal syaikh tidak pernah mengatakan zat Allah menyamai Zat manusia.
Allah memiliki mata tapi bukanlah dia memaksudkan matanya seperti mata manusia.
syaikh juga memahami "laisa kamislihi syai'",
syaikh juga mengerti ayat wa lam ya qullahu kufuan ahad"..

jangan terlalu cepat melatah dan membuat kesimpulan tanpa hujung pangkal...
kenali diri seseorang sebelum cinta padanya.
selidik dan bandingkan diri yang mengulas dengan org yang diulas..
berwaspadalah dengan perjuangan Anda....
carilah redha Allah pada org2 yang redha kepada tuhannya.

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Post time 12-4-2008 05:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #36 smartmind's post

double thread.  thread ibn tamiyah=al-ghazali? tu dihantar ke peti sejuk sebab posting yg sama.

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Post time 12-4-2008 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Wahabies share beliefs with Jews

Bismillah, I ask Allah to guide us and you to the correct path.

Beware of a man named: Ahmad Ibn Taymiah, who died over 700 years ago.

Ibn taymiah has many deviations from Islam. Imam al-Mujtahid as-Subkiy who lived during the time of Ibn Taymiah, reported that Ibn Taimiyah opposed unanimous agreement of the scholars of Islam in over 60 Islamic Issues. And he along with the scholars during his time declared him as a Kafir for many deviant beliefs and sayings that he never repented from.

Among the abhorrent and false beliefs of Ibn Taymiah:
-He claims that Allah is a body.
-He claims that Allah sits on the throne and seats Prophet Muhammad beside him (Majmoo^ Fatawa).
-He Claims that Allah if willed, can sit on the back of a mosquito.
* No doubt Allah is able to do anything he wills, but such a saying attributes to Allah the sitting, the body and form. And that is kufur. The will of Allah is NOT contingent to the intellectual impossibilities.

-He claims that it's a sin to intend to travel to visit the grave of Prophet Muhammad.
-He claims it's shirk to make Tawassul by Prophet Muhammad.
-He claims that hellfire ends and punishment on kuffar ends.
-He claims that this world is eternal by kind with Allah!! He claims the kind of the world does not have a beginning!!.

And He has many false beliefs that the scholars of his time mentioned and authored against him, in which he had deviated from the path of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama^ah. That's why wahabies use him as source for their beliefs, and that's why they are mislead and misguided from Ahlus-Sunnah.

Ibn Taymiah was imprisoned by the order of 4 Muslim Judges that were from the 4 famous schools (Madhahib): Shafi^i, Maliki, Hanbali, and hanafi schools.

He war imprisoned 4 times, and died in the prison due to his false and blasphemous beliefs.

Hence, Ibn Taymiah at the end deviated from Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama^ah and opposed Ijma^, unanimous agreement of the Muslims to the extent of belying the Quran and alsunna of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

Read from the book of Ibn Taymiah claiming that Allah sits on the throne and seats Muhammad beside him:

Such claim is kufur.

Allah existed before time and place. Before throne or any of the creations. And was not sitting nor did Allah develop or change. Change is from the signs of creation.

Be warned from ALL fancy looking, but false books of Ibn Taymiah.
Be warned of Ibn Taymiah and his followers, and warn others from his teachings, sayings and widespread false books. May Allah protect us, and unite our ummah on our clear Islamic principles.

Allah knows best.


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Post time 16-4-2008 10:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hafiz_alghumari at 12-4-2008 06:52 PM
Wahabies share beliefs with Jewsislami2.gif
Bismillah, I ask Allah to guide us and you to the correct path.

Beware of a man named: Ahmad Ibn Taymiah, who died over 700 years ago.

Ibn taymi ...

ni paste dari wesite tareqat sesat mana ni? bagi rujukan website dia...

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Post time 17-4-2008 08:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kupia at 16-4-2008 10:01 PM

ni paste dari wesite tareqat sesat mana ni? bagi rujukan website dia...

aku rasa ko ni memang tak penah baca buku ibn taymiyah la.
Kalau ko nak yang siao scankan pun diorang leh bagi kat ko.
hehe.Sori nyampuk..

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