hello there...
i know a full cure for cancer..
i don't give preachy emotional speeches about hope and sabar and all that crap:re:...not much help...
i'm gonna give you the info straight on...
but i'm too lazy to elaborate panjang sangat..but i will elaborate to you briefly
you can google for more information..
kepercayaan haku...
hospital 50%
alternative 50%
the alternative cure for cancer..
1. lemongrass..
the cancer cells commit suicide..
drink it before buat chemo..
2.vitamin b17..-apricot seeds and apple seeds
tapi ader cara nak pakai neh..bukan sebarang..
first...cancer is attracted to sugar..
vitamin b17 actually baits the cancer cells with sugar..then bombs the cancer cells with cyanide..
both of them can get rid of cancer...
but...the damage done by the cancer kat organs aren't reversible..
buy it lam bentuk pills..
there's certain amounts for cancer patients... and leh wat org healthy..
too much vitamin b17..can cause death..sebab cyanide..
back in the old days...cyanide was used by the US government to kill prisioners..
lam bentuk gas..made from apricot seeds..
dier ader arahan ..klu guna b17....bukan sebarangan..
i forgot..but i'm sure you can research it
3.habbatus sauda..
does not have any side effects..
cure all diseases..
yg neh...mesti makan byk2..bukan sikit2.. |
Reply #20 luvisindair's post
takziah to you and your family. |
takziah buat semua yg telah kehilangan ahli keluarga....
bila dibaca tulisan dari anda semua... saya amat2 memahami dan merasai apa yang anda rasa.... dan kesunyian pasti terasa bila kehilangan orang yang tersayang....
http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=277902&page=6#pid24914306 |
Originally posted by luvisindair at 4-8-2008 07:29 PM ![](http://eforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hmmm..my dad passed away on 23rd may,3 ari lepas aku bukak thread ni,sehari lepas birthday die yg ke 63..
die meninggal ari jumaat pukul 1 pg,mse aku dlm flight..aku smpi msia ari jumaat pukul ...
Al-Fatihah n takziah diucapkn utk luvisindair...
actually juz nk share pnglmn yg hmpir2 serupa tp xsm..mak sy pun mninggal coz this colon cancer.dsahkn ade cancer tu in june'00..then dec'00 da operate utk buang cancer tu.ms tu da stage 4..mmg doctor kata boleh thn 6 mnths jek.even da buat kemoterapi.tp still usaha utk rwt pe yg bole..eg:hosp+rwtn altntf.
alhamdulillah still btahan lebih 6 buln.smpi la feb'02 skali lg doc chck mmg cancer tu da serang organ lain..doc xbole buat ape2..kami adik bradik hanya boleh doa n bg support pd arwah..n akhirnye in sept'02 mak prgi juga..ms dpt tau berita sedih tu shari sblum final exm.hari jumaat kul 3am..ms tu blaja kt kuantan.umh lak kt tg karang...pg tu driver uitm rushing bwk blk kg..tp xsmpt jugk nk tgk arwh mak..
mm..mudh2n roh mak dcucuri rahmat-Nya..amin.
so br sy tau betapa dasatnye rs kehilangn seorg ibu..
so utk u all, hargailah ibu anda selagi beliau msih ada.. |
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