Pres Iran - Ahmadinejad - Update: Pewaris Revolusi Khomeini
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Leaders such as this shows how "peaceful" Islam is. :re: |
Balas #3 Mawlay\ catat
thanks...apesal nak mintak maaf plak... bagusla aku tak baca lagi..... lantak la dah ada ka blum... benda baik patut di ulang2 |
Balas #4 artlx96\ catat
Respek dgn kezuhudan beliau. Tak de lg pemimpin dunia masa kini yg boleh buat mcm ni. TAPI, dr segi fahaman, tak tahulah nak cakap. Lebih2 lg baru2 ni iran gantung 2 org ulamak sunni. |
Reply #4 artlx96's post
Ok syukran, betul kata kau benda baik buat contoh pada pemimpin yang lain lebih lagi kat malaysia ni |
Dia ni mmg ada spiritual aura. 2/3 tahun lepas masa kat persidangan PBB dia kata dia ada nampak sesuatu yg org lain x nampak. |
Balas #26 batuk\ catat
Hi Batuk, eek.
Ahmadinejad pendokong kuat Mahdaviat, menunggu kemunculan Imam Mahdi.
Masa dia berucap depan delegasi UN 2007, semacam ada kuasa ghaib ketika itu, semua yg hadir kaku terpegun selama 27/28 min, ada lingkaran cahaya pada dirinya, org kanan dia yg kat bawah pun nampak.
Lagi tentang keperibadian beliau.
- Suka drive sorang diri malam-malam ke kawasan daif berjumpa dgn keluarga yang hilang saudara mara semasa perang Iraq.
- Semenjak dilantik 2005, menggalakkan orang awam utk menulis surat kpdnya, dia terima berjuta-juta surat meminta bantuan kewangan & berkenaan masalah peribadi. Dia berusaha membalas kesemua surat tu.
Menimbulkan bahaya kpd keselamatan dirinya sendiri kemungkinan akibat poison pens.
Kalau Najib, berani ke nak buat spt Ahmadinejad, keluar malam sorang-sorang tanpa pak guard keliling pinggang sedangkan siang hari pun tak berani?
[ Last edited by dome at 28-4-2009 11:59 ] |
Originally posted by dome at 28-4-2009 11:57 AM
Hi Batuk, eek.
Ahmadinejad pendokong kuat Mahdaviat, menunggu kemunculan Imam Mahdi.
Masa dia berucap depan delegasi UN 2007, semacam ada kuasa ghaib ketika itu, semua yg hadir kaku terpe ...
Following his 2005 speech before the United Nations, it was reported that in a conversation with Iranian cleric Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Ahmadinejad stated that he felt he was surrounded by a ring of light. Reports suggested that a CD containing video of this conversation circulated Iran. In the video, Ahmadinejad reportedly said that an audience member informed him about the light, he felt the light himself, and that for 27-28 minutes, the audience did not blink. FardaNews.com, a convervative website, and other sources accused Ahmadinejad's opponents of distributing the video to discredit him. |
Originally posted by cz at 28-4-2009 21:10
Following his 2005 speech before the United Nations, it was reported that in a conversation with Iranian cleric Aya ...
Kenapa, saya salah translate ke? Wbp saya bukan ambik dari website yg bro/sis kasi tu. Dolu-dolu ada debat hangat pasal Ahmadinejad yg mistik ini di forum lain psl Imam Mahdi. Saya pun dah ingat-ingat lupa psl link tu, bila google jumpa yg ini. Sorilah klu silap translate.
Dari Christian Science Monitor, 2007
He often raises the topic, and not just to Muslims. When addressing the United Nations in September, Mr. Ahmadinejad flummoxed his audience of world political leaders by concluding his address with a prayer for the Mahdi's appearance: "O mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last repository, the Promised One, that perfect and pure human being, the one that will fill this world with justice and peace."
On returning to Iran from New York, Mr. Ahmadinejad recalled the effect of his U.N. speech:
one of our group told me that when I started to say "In the name of God the almighty and merciful," he saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura. I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink. |
Aku mmg respect kat Ahmadinejad
Memang pemimpin Islam yg hebat la dia ni..x takut nak suarakan pendapat dia
x mcm pemimpin kt malaysia..cam gampang |
Presiden Iran bertanding lagi
TEHERAN - Presiden Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (gambar) secara rasminya mendaftarkan diri sebagai calon presiden dalam percubaannya memegang jawatan berkenaan buat penggal kedua, lapor agensi berita ISNA.
Mahmoud pergi ke Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan membuat pendafataran untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya presiden.
Presiden itu diiringi oleh pengurus kempennya, Mojtaba Samareh Hashemi dan penasihat media, Mehdi Kalhor.
Dua naib presiden iaitu Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie dan Ali Saeedlou turut hadir.
Agensi berita IRNA menyatakan hanya presiden itu dilihat untuk mendaftar diri semalam.
Mahmoud merupakan tokoh kedua daripada empat calon utama yang dijangka bertanding dalam pilihan raya presiden pada 12 Jun depan.
Berumur 52 tahun, Mahmoud sudah berkahwin dan mempunyai dua anak lelaki dan seorang perempuan.
Presiden Iran itu menampilkan imej diri sebagai seorang lelaki biasa.
Beliau kerap berpakaian baju-T dan jaket berbanding jubah hitam yang dipakai oleh pemimpin-pemimpin ulama Iran.
Anak kepada seorang tukang besi, beliau dilahirkan pada 28 Oktober 1956 di sebuah kampung yang miskin di wilayah Semnan di luar Teheran.
Beliau kemudian berpindah ke Teheran dan memperoleh ijazah doktor falsafah dalam bidang pengurusan lalu lintas.
Sebelum Presiden Iran itu mendaftar, bekas ketua pasukan pengawal revolusi, Mohsen Rezai turut mendaftarkan diri bagi bertanding dalam pilihan raya tersebut.
Mohsen yang mengetuai pasukan itu selama 16 tahun sehingga 1997 merupakan tokoh konservatif yang pertama mengumumkan akan menentang Mahmoud.
Bekas speaker parlimen, Mehdi Karroubi dan bekas perdana menteri berfahaman sederhana, Mir Hossein Mousavi turut dijangka bertanding dalam pilihan raya tersebut. - Agensi |
Thursday June 11, 2009
NEWSMAKER - Ahmadinejad's economic record may sway Iran vote
By Parisa Hafezi
TEHRAN (Reuters) - If Iranian voters deny President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad re-election on Friday, it may be more a verdict on his economic performance than on his fierce rhetoric against the United States and Israel, his defence of Iran's nuclear policy or his persistent questioning of the Holocaust.
| Iranian President and candidate for the upcoming presidential election Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waves to supporters before addressing them in front of the Sharif University in Tehran June 10, 2009. (REUTERS/Damir Sagolj)
| Ahmadinejad, 53, grabbed 62 percent of the vote in the 2005 presidential poll, upsetting widespread predictions of victory for the seasoned former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
He swept to power with the backing of Iran's devout poor, especially those in rural areas, who felt neglected by past governments and liked his promise to put oil wealth on the table of every family in a nation of over 70 million people.
Ahmadinejad has distributed loans, money and other help for local needs on his frequent provincial tours, but critics say his free-spending policies have fuelled inflation and squandered windfall petrodollars without reducing unemployment.
Since he took power, prices of food, fuel and other basics have soared, hitting more than 15 million Iranian families who live on less than $600 a month, according to official figures.
Ahmadinejad, who blames inflation on a global surge in food and fuel prices that peaked last year, has pursued unorthodox economic policies such as trying to curb prices while setting interest rates well below inflation, now less than 18 percent.
Born a blacksmith's son in the farming village of Aradan, 100 km (62 miles) southeast of Tehran, his family moved to the capital in his early childhood. He studied engineering and has alternated between teaching and administrative posts.
Ahmadinejad, a small man who wears open-necked shirts and windbreakers, plays on his modest origins and lifestyle. After the 1979 revolution, he joined the elite Revolutionary Guard.
His rise to power appeared to signal a return to the stern revolutionary roots of the Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, after hardliners snuffed out the reformist challenge when Mohammad Khatami was president from 1997 to 2005.
Ahmadinejad often denounces Western "hegemony" as well as the U.N. and U.S. sanctions that have raised trade costs and deterred Western investment in Iran's oil and gas sector.
During his term, the U.N. Security Council has imposed three sets of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme, which the West suspects has military aims, not merely civilian ones as Tehran insists. Ahmadinejad's moderate rivals say his fiery anti-Western talk has helped isolate Iran diplomatically.
The incumbent is basking in support from Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has called on Iranians to vote for an anti-Western candidate. However, this apparent endorsement could provoke a backlash from voters who stayed at home in 2005 but might relish a chance to say 'no' to Khamenei.
The supreme leader ultimately calls the shots in Iran, where the president can only influence policy, not decide it.
It would be rash to assume that Iran's nuclear policy or its decision on how to respond to diplomatic overtures by U.S. President Barack Obama will change, even if a moderate candidate defeats Ahmadinejad in June, analysts say.
His challengers are Mirhossein Mousavi, prime minister during the 1980-88 war with Iraq, former parliament speaker Mehdi Karoubi and former Revolutionary Guard commander Mohsen Rezaie. All three advocate a less abrasive foreign policy.
Presidents can run for two consecutive four-year terms before they must step down. They can run again at a later date. |
Pilihan raya Presiden Iran bermula
TEHERAN 12 Jun - Pengundi Iran membanjiri pusat-pusat pengundian di seluruh negara ini hari ini sempena pilihan raya Presiden republik Islam ini, yang menyaksikan pertarungan sengit antara Presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dengan seorang bekas Perdana Menteri yang ingin memperbaiki hubungan dengan Barat.
Empat calon bertanding dalam pilihan raya itu tetapi Ahmadinejad, 52, dipercayai menghadapi tentangan paling hebat daripada calon sederhana, Mirhossein Mousavi.
Beribu-ribu penyokong Morhossein telah berarak di seluruh ibu negara ini untuk memperlihatkan sokongan padu mereka kepada bekas Perdana Menteri itu.
Kemenangan bagi Mirhossein, 67, boleh membantu meredakan ketegangan antara Iran dengan Barat yang bimbang dengan program nuklear Teheran, selain mencerahkan peluang untuk mengadakan dialog dengan Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Barack Obama yang telah melahirkan hasrat untuk membuka lembaran baru dengan negara ini.
Dua lagi calon ialah bekas Speaker Parlimen, Mehdi Karroubi yang juga satu-satunya ulama yang bertanding jawatan tersebut, serta bekas ketua Kor Pengawal Revolusi, Mohsen Rezai.
Bagi rakyat Iran, pilihan raya itu membuka peluang untuk menyuarakan pandangan mereka mengenai penggal perkhidmatan Ahmadinejad sejak empat tahun lalu, terutamanya pengurusan beliau terhadap ekonomi negara pengeksport minyak ini yang kini mengalami kadar inflasi dan pengangguran yang tinggi.
Pengundian bermula pada pukul 8 pagi ini (11.30 pagi waktu Malaysia) dan dijadual berakhir 10 jam kemudian, walaupun tempoh pengundian dijangka dilanjutkan kerana pegawai menjangka peratusan yang besar akan keluar mengundi daripada keseluruhan 46 juta pengundi berdaftar di negara ini.
Keputusan awal dijangka diketahui awal esok dan penganalisis meramalkan persaingan sengit antara Ahmadinejad dengan Mirhossein boleh membawa kepada pengundian pusingan kedua pada 19 Jun ini.
Pemimpin tertinggi Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei menggesa rakyat keluar menunaikan kewajipan mereka sebagai pengundi.
"Semua orang perlu keluar mengundi dan membuat keputusan berdasarkan pertimbangan mereka," kata Khamenei.
Peratusan tinggi yang keluar mengundi mungkin menandakan penyertaan ramai pengundi propembaharuan yang memulaukan pilihan raya empat tahun lalu semasa Ahmadinejad memperoleh kemenangan mengejut dengan janjinya untuk memulihkan nilai-nilai revolusi Islam 1979.
"Peluang Mirhossein bergantung kepada sokongan daripada pengundi yang memulaukan pilihan raya sebelum ini," kata seorang penganalisis Iran. - Reuters
..dengar kat news pagi tadi, ahmadinejad sedang dahului -
harap dia yang menang -- |
Ahmadinejad selesa mendahului pilihan raya presiden Iran
TEHRAN: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, penyandang jawatan Presiden Iran sedang mendahului pencabarnya, Mirhossein Mousavi, dalam pilihan raya presiden negara itu, hari ini.
Ia berdasarkan angka yang diberikan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Negara, di sini.
Suruhanjaya itu berkata, Ahmadinejad sudah memperoleh 18.8 juta undi daripada 28.9 juta undi, yang sudah dikira sehingga kini, berbanding Mousavi yang mendapat 9.3 juta undi.
Dianggarkan maksimum 80 peratus yang mengundi daripada 46.2 juta pengundi yang layak, bermakna Mousavi tidak dapat merapatkan jurang itu walaupun beliau memenangi baki semua undi yang masih belum dikira. - Reuters |
Saturday June 13, 2009
Ahmadinejad wins Iran election, Mousavi cries foul
By Parisa Hafezi and Fredrik Dahl
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won re-election by a thumping margin, official figures showed on Saturday, but his moderate challenger rejected the tally as a "dangerous charade" that could lead to tyranny.
The scale of Ahmadinejad's victory -- he took nearly twice as many votes as former Prime Minister Mirhossein Mousavi with counting almost complete after Friday's poll -- upset widespread expectations that the race would at least go to a second round.
Mousavi protested against what he said were many obvious violations in the high-turnout presidential election.
"I'm warning I will not surrender to this dangerous charade. The result of such performance by some officials will jeopardise the pillars of the Islamic Republic and will establish tyranny," Mousavi said in a statement made available to Reuters.
He had been due to hold a news conference, but police at the the building turned journalists away, saying it was cancelled.
Iranian and Western analysts abroad greeted the results with disbelief. They said Ahmadinejad's re-election would disappoint Western powers aiming to convince Iran to halt work they suspect is aimed at making bombs, and could further complicate efforts by U.S. President Barack Obama to reach out to Tehran.
"It doesn't augur well for an early and peaceful settlement of the nuclear dispute," said Mark Fitzpatrick at London's International Institute for Strategic Studies.
A bitterly fought campaign generated strong interest around the world and intense excitement inside Iran. It revealed deep divisions among establishment figures between those backing Ahmadinejad and those pushing for social and political change.
Ahmadinejad accused his rivals of undermining the Islamic Republic by advocating detente with the West. Mousavi said the president's "extremist" foreign policy had humiliated Iranians.
On Friday night, before official results emerged, Mousavi had claimed to be the "definite winner". He said many people had been unable to vote and ballot papers were lacking.
He also accused authorities of blocking text messaging, with which his campaign tried to reach young, urban voters.
State election commission figures showed Ahmadinejad had secured a second four-year term with 61.6 percent of ballots against 32.5 percent for Mousavi with 39 million votes counted. It put the turnout at 80 percent of 46 million eligible voters.
Trita Parsi, president of the Washington-based National Iranian American Council, expressed disbelief at the wide margin in Ahmadinejad's favour. "It is difficult to feel comfortable that this occurred without any cheating," Parsi said.
Ali Ansari, who heads the Institute for Iranian Studies at St Andrews University in Scotland, said: "eople will wake up today in Iran in shock, not that Ahmadinejad has won, but that he has won on such a dramatic scale."
Western capitals had hoped a victory for Mousavi could help ease tensions with the West, which is concerned about Tehran's nuclear plans, and improve chances of engagement with Obama, who has talked of a new start if Tehran "unclenches its fist".
Now they must again deal with Ahmadinejad, who has refused talks with six world powers over Iran's nuclear programme.
The three-week election campaign was marked by mudslinging, with Ahmadinejad accusing his rivals of corruption. They said he was lying about the economy. Inflation, officially put at 15 percent, and unemployment were core issues in the debate.
It was unclear how Mousavi's supporters, who thronged the streets of Tehran nightly during the campaign, might react to Ahmadinejad's victory. U.S. strategic intelligence group Stratfor called the situation "potentially explosive".
Scuffles broke out overnight between police and chanting Mousavi supporters in a Tehran square, a Reuters witness said. Police said they had boosted security across the capital. All gatherings have been banned until final results are declared.
Ahmadinejad draws his bedrock support from rural areas and poorer big city neighbourhoods. Mousavi enjoys strong backing in wealthier urban centres, especially among women and the young.
Two other candidates attracted only tiny voter support.
Ahmadinejad, 52, won power four years ago, vowing to revive the values of the 1979 Islamic revolution. He has expanded the nuclear programme, which Iran says is only for electricity generation, and stirred international outrage by denying the Holocaust and calling for Israel to be wiped off the map.
"If there was a shadow of hope for a change in Iran, the renewed choice of Ahmadinejad expresses more than anything the growing Iranian threat," Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said in a statement. "The international community must stop a nuclear Iran and Iranian terror immediately."
Ahmadinejad, who has cultivated relations with U.S. foes around the world, received telephoned congratulations from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the Fars news agency said.
Mousavi, 67, rejects Western demands that Iran halt uranium enrichment, but argued for a different approach to Iran-U.S. ties and nuclear talks -- although these are policy areas ultimately controlled by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The United States has had no ties with Iran, the world's fifth biggest oil exporter, since shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution. Obama said his country had "tried to send a clear message that we think there is the possibility of change".
tahniah ahmadinejad !!! :victory: |
tahniahhhh |
Dia menang election ker?
Nice...aku suka... |
baru seimbang kuasa dunia.. |
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