Balas #18 indah1285\ catat
dia tak semestinya ada 4 musim. Horoskop bergantung kepada hemisfera mana kita berada. |
Reply #18 indah1285's post
Kalu gitu kita pakat buat horoskop sendiri la... |
Reply #20 antiQue's post
tu ler jd tak tercakap pulak.... tp kalo layan benda ni kdg2 wat gelak jerk.... |
Reply #22 manzilla's post
gamaknya camtu ler... |
kalau Saudi,, memang tak ada peluang le benda horoskop ni.
RIYADH, Sept 14 (Reuters) - A senior Saudi cleric has said purveyors of horoscopes on Arab television should face the death penalty, a paper said on Sunday, days after another cleric argued death for TV owners.
"Sorcerers who appear on satellite channels who are proven to be sorcerers have committed a great crime ... and the Muslim consensus is that the apostate's punishment is death by the sword," Sheikh Saleh al-Fozan told al-Madina daily. |
saya suka baca bab personaliti je utk mana2 la, bulan cina ke apa ke...mcm analisis personaliti anak pertama, kedua dan seterusnya dlm keluarga
bab apa akan jadik hari ni esok lusa tu mmg tak penah amik pot |
Originally posted by ibnur at 15-9-2008 09:10 PM
kalau Saudi,, memang tak ada peluang le benda horoskop ni.
RIYADH, Sept 14 (Reuters) -A senior Saudi cleric has said purveyors of horoscopes on Arabtelevision should face the death penalty, a paper said on Sunday, daysafter another cleric argued death for TV owners.
"Sorcerers who appear on satellite channels who are proven to besorcerers have committed a great crime ... and the Muslim consensus isthat the apostate's punishment is death by the sword," Sheikh Salehal-Fozan told al-Madina daily....
tu dia.... |
Balas #27 indah1285\ catat
tapi kan macam biasa la... mufti cakap macamanapun raja buat rilek jer. TV adik beradik raja punya. |
Reply #28 ibnur's post
hehee... rajakan lbh berkuasa dr mufti.... |
saya suka baca horoscope kat NST, kesemua zodiac yang dia tulis sebab nak improvekan English saya boleh ke? |
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