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Author: JFK

Misteri Mongolia

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Post time 11-10-2008 01:48 PM | Show all posts
Silk Road
Main article: Silk Road
The Mongol expansion throughout the Asian continent from around 1215 to 1360 helped bring political stability and re-establish the Silk Road vis-

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Post time 11-10-2008 02:16 PM | Show all posts
The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in human history. The 13th and 14th century, when the empire came to power, is often called the "Age of the Mongols". The Mongol armies during that time were extremely well organized. The death toll (by battle, massacre, flooding, and famine) of the Mongol wars of conquest is placed at about 40 million according to some sources.
Many ancient sources described Genghis Khan's conquests as wholesale destruction on an unprecedented scale in their certain geographical regions, and therefore probably causing great changes in the demographics of Asia. For example, over much of Central Asia speakers of Iranian languages were replaced by speakers of Turkic languages. The eastern part of the Islamic world experienced the terrifying death and destruction of the Mongol invasion, which turned northern and eastern Iran into a desert. Between 1220 and 1260, the total population of Persia may have dropped from 2,500,000 to 250,000 as a result of mass extermination and famine.
Non-military achievements of the Mongol Empire include the introduction of a writing system, based on the Uighur script, that is still used in Inner Mongolia. The Empire unified all the tribes of Mongolia, which made possible the emergence of a Mongol nation and culture. Modern Mongolians are generally proud of the empire and the sense of identity that it gave to them.
Some of the long-term consequences of the Mongol Empire include:

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Post time 11-10-2008 07:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lizz_7777 at 11-10-2008 02:16 PM
The death toll (by battle, massacre, flooding, and famine) of the Mongol wars of conquest is placed at about 40 million according to some sources.

bangsa mongol ni mcm babarian viking gak. mrk ceroboh utk memusnahkan negara2 yg mrk singgah, bukan utk amik bwk balik tamadun2 & ilmu pengetahun ke negara mrk.  spesis mongol ni mcm spesis predator kita boleh tengok dlm movie holywood PREDATOR. they are hunter.....memburu & membakar kampung2 adalah hobi mrk.


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Post time 11-10-2008 07:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lizz_7777 at 11-10-2008 02:16 PM
The eastern part of the Islamic world experienced the terrifying death and destruction of the Mongol invasion, which turned northern and eastern Iran into a desert. Between 1220 and 1260, the total population of Persia may have dropped from 2,500,000 to 250,000 as a result of mass extermination and famine.

ganazz betul bangsa mongol nih.  

kiranya pembunuhan gadis mongolia dgn menggunakan C4 tak ler sekejam maner....

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Post time 11-10-2008 08:16 PM | Show all posts
genghis khan mati pd umur 65 tahun.  

wilayah yg terkena bahana pembunuhan, torture & pemusnahan besar-besaran oleh tentera mongol ialah:

1. China
2. Russia
3. southern Asia
4. Eastern Europe
5. Middle East

tak leh bayangkan mcmn keadaaan penduduk negara2 ni yg kena semelih & bunuh oleh mongolian army.

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Post time 11-10-2008 08:20 PM | Show all posts
yg heran tu sanggup depa ni travel  beribu2 batu naik kuda utk menyeksa bangsa2 lain di dunia nih.....


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Post time 12-10-2008 12:08 AM | Show all posts
penjajahan Mongol, mengikut standard jenayah perang antarabangsa adalah sangat brutal.

Contohnya, selepas ibu negara Samarkhan jatuh ke tangan Mongol, ibu negara ni dipaksa pindah ke Bukhara dgn saki baki manusia2nya sekali. mengikut sejarahnya, Genghis Khan mengarahkan 2 org jeneralnya yg paling ganas utk 'completely destroying' saki baki tinggalan empayar negara ni. Genghis Khan bagi arahan supaya kedua2 jeneralnya memastikan segala tinggalan istana, seluruh bandar & ladang2 tanaman dihapuskan.

sebab tu byk negara yg dikongker oleh Mongol pasti menghadapi kebuluran yg dasyat selepas segala tanaman & ladang dimusnahkan. Genghis Khan hatta mengerah tawanan2nya mengorek & mengubah aliran sungai supaya membenamkan bandar kelahiran raja Samarkhan supaya tdk ada apa lagi yg boleh dikenang oleh sejarah.  punya la hasad dengki & laku musnah.

Genghis Khan juga sgt enjoy menyeksa tahanan2nya. salah satu kaedah penyeksaan ialah dgn memanaskan perak sehingga cair & menuangkannya ke dlm telinga mrk.


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Post time 12-10-2008 12:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #26 tobby's post

Banyak tu dah bising.

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Post time 12-10-2008 12:52 AM | Show all posts
mereka adalah orang Gasar ug kita tahu Ganas,Berani dan Kejam..tetapi mereka tidak pintar..mereka hanya tahu berlawan sahaja..dan mereka menang kerana mereka kuat..tapi tak pandai nak mentadbir..sebab mereka kureng guna otak..

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Post time 12-10-2008 12:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #29 tobby's post

Bangsa Mongol sampai sekarang ini memang cukup mahir menggunakan panah sebagai senjata mahupun tujuan berburu

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Post time 12-10-2008 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Neraka Bulan at 12-10-2008 12:56 AM
Bangsa Mongol sampai sekarang ini memang cukup mahir menggunakan panah sebagai senjata mahupun tujuan berburu

mongol skrg nampak cam baek........ tak sgka dulu kala nenek moyang jahat nak mampos

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Post time 12-10-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #33 tobby's post

Bangsa berubah mengikut zaman dulu jahat sekarang baik. Kitaran hidup berputar silih berganti.

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Post time 1-11-2008 01:54 AM | Show all posts
mungkin sebab dasar tutup pintu kerajaan mongolia skang yang wat derang mundur kot.
bangsa turki pun dikira bangsa monggol/tartar..semuanya datang dari tanah besar asia tengah..walopun derang ganas, anak cucu derang banyak yg islam cam dinasti mughal kat india,ottoman dan kat russia. golden horde pun banyak yg islam

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Post time 2-11-2008 11:35 PM | Show all posts
sebut mongolia teringat altantuya

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Post time 3-11-2008 03:16 AM | Show all posts
Itulah psl. Skg klu nampak perkataan Monggol jer, automatik teringat kat 'dia..'   

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Post time 3-11-2008 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kuseng_power at 8-10-2008 04:09 PM
tu la klu ikut kan antara sejarah2 yg ganas nie mongolia terlibat kan..

ganas lagik org malaysia yg bleh letupkan org mongolia tanpa rasa bersalah......

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Post time 5-11-2008 09:02 AM | Show all posts
tak silap aku, empayar mongolia ni cuma bertahan 3 generasi je...

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 Author| Post time 22-11-2008 12:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #39 totokreturn's post

r.baginda kata dont spread lies about najib ..ko faham bahasa mongol ke tak ni????

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Post time 22-11-2008 01:28 AM | Show all posts
Jangan le sebut itu perkataan fobia aku.

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Post time 23-11-2008 10:24 AM | Show all posts

monggol niehhh kekejaman ngn brutal diorg nehhh dilebih lebihkan jerh ... hakikat sejarah takder le gitu ... genghis khan ruled by the law ... cuba korg tgk balik code of law dia mesti korg akan pikir balik ... dia kejam kat org yg lawan dia jerh

sebelum dia takluk satu kawasan ... dia bagi warning dulu kat penduduk kawasan tu supaya surrender .... kalo penduduk tu surrender dia takde masalah ape ... takde seksa2 niehhh .... tapi kalo diorg melawan tu yg dia melawan balik .... lagi lama penduduk satu kota tu bertahan ... lagi lama kepungan .... lagi laaa dia kejam .... itu rule biasa ... dipraktikkan dari zaman troy lagi

empayar monggol niehh satu lagik diorg takluk dan takluk dan takluk .... tapi diorg takde ilmu administration ... thats why tak sampai setahun diorg takluk .... kawasan tuh terlepas balik .... l

epas genhis khan mati .... anak cucu beliau mongke, batu, ogadei, hulagu, chagatai, kublai suma divide empayar monggol niehhh sesama diorg .... kerajaan yg diwarisi hulagu (ilkhanid persia) later on memeluk islam ... kerajaan golden horde plak akhirnye hancur ditangan catherine of russia ... kerajaan kublai khan lama2 pudar camtu jerh kat asia timur ....

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