satu lg..
Taare Zameen Par..
inspirasi utk budk2 dyslexic n utk ibu bapa n guru yg brdepan dgn budk2 cmni.. |
mcm nak bedal jgk..
i am sam.. er... boley trime ker? |
susahker nak differentiate antara inspiring films and sad ones?
nak menangis boleh jengik thread sebelah....
sini tempat berfikir sedikit selepas one viewing
sentimentality doesnt take center stage.... |
Coyote Ugly + Legally Blonde |
as for me
am insprire nak jadi good lecturer gitu
so aku suka cerita cam
beautiful mind, good will hunting, proof
and even some part in the earth the day stood still pon inspiring
masa klaatu debate with the prof. |
Originally posted by bzzts at 16-12-2008 01:30 AM 
inspirasi apa ni? bende inspirasi ni subjektif sikit.
tapi bedal je la...
good will hunting - matt damon
erin brokovich - julia roberts
goal - kuno becker
mighty ducks
coach carter
30 ...
Saya suka filem ni........ Dah berkali2 saya tengok... Best gilerr lakonan Julia R.............. Hidup !! |
The Pursuit Of Happyness
Spirited Away( best animated movie)
Hairspray |
Aku just nak ucapkan tq pada forummer yang sudi beri idea mengenai filem2 yg ada inspirasi tu.
Each & every one of us ada pendapat sendiri ttg filem yang bagus & beri inspirasi. Macam aku pulak, filem Sleeping with the enemy tu memamg filem feveret aku. Sebab kisah dia tentang keberanian seorang ompuan untuk lari dari husband dia yang kaki dera & mulakan hidup baru.
Aku tengok filem ni masa mula2 nak belajar dududk sendiri. Masa tu aku baru beli umah & rasa sayang nak sewakan. So lepas aku tengok filem ni, aku pindah dok umah tu & start berdikari.
So sekarang ni aku just nak kumpulkan mana2 dvd yang korang suggest tu, bila boring nanti buleh aku layan dvd kat umah.
Adios....  |
List2 suggestion movie yg dah di compile setakat ni:
1. Sleeping with the enemy (Julia Roberts)
2. Coyote Ugly (piper parebo ke apa nama pumpuan nih)
3. Gladiator (Russel Crowe)
4. The pursuit of happyness. (will smith)
5. Kite runner (jagala kawan ko baik2)
6. Into the wild
7. Little miss sunshine(muzik starting dier menginspirasikan hidup aku)
8. Forrest gump..suka forrest gump yg sgt jujur tp berjaya dlm idupnye.
9. Good will hunting - matt damon
10. Erin brokovich - julia roberts
11. Goal - kuno becker
12. Mighty ducks
13. Coach carter
14. 300
15. Spiderman 2
16. Family man - nicholas cage
17. Billy elliot
18. BLACK (filem hindustan) - Rani Mukherjee, Amitabh Bachchan
21. I Am Sam....best cerita ini...sesiapa yang tengok tentu akan nangis..
22. October Sky
23. 21
24. Definitely, maybe
25. CHAK DE INDIA! best! bg semangat utk trus bjaye dlm idup!
26. Dil Chahta Hai - pasal friendship.....apa apa korang buat pun, friendship yg sejati tak putus
27. Finding Nemo ~ Kasih seorg ayah
28. Taare Zameen Par.. - inspirasi utk budk2 dyslexic n utk ibu bapa n guru yg brdepan dgn budk2 cmni..
29. Legally Blonde
30. Beautiful mind,
31. Good will hunting,
32. Proof
33. Spirited Away( best animated movie)
35. Hairspray
36. |
slumdog millionaire...a story of a street kid in mumbai become an instant millionaire after takin part in a reality show...wa x tgk lg tp wa tgh mencarik movie nehhh  |
Reply #25 peacefrog's post
i understand u. tp we may not change the world, totally bring peace to earth, tp at least kita bleh bring peace to a person kan!
As the old man walked down a Spanish beach at dawn, he saw ahead of him what he thought to be a dancer. The young man was running across the sand, rhythmically bending down to pick up a stranded starfish and throw it far into the sea.
The old man gazed in wonder as the young soul again and again threw the small starfish from the sand into the water. The old man approached him and asked why he spent so much energy doing what seemed a waste of time. The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.
"But there are thousands of miles of beach, and miles and miles of starfish. How can your effort make any difference?"
The young man looked down at the small starfish in his hand, and as he threw it to safety in the sea, said, "It makes a difference to this one!"
just want to share this story with u. hope u are ok. |
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