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Author: limau_nipis

Information about breastfeeding

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2009 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Perbezaan kandungan susu ibu mengikut waktu (pdf version)


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 Author| Post time 6-1-2009 10:03 AM | Show all posts
http://www.hami** IBU Tahun pertama kehidupan seorang bayi adalah sangat penting kerana pada jangka waktu inilah pertumbuhan fizikal dan mental mula berkembang. Malangnya dalam tahun pertama ini juga sebahagian kematian bayi berlaku. Punca utama kematian ialah cirit-birit yang ada kaitan dengan pemakanan dan penyusuan bayi. Oleh itu jagaan yang kurang sempurna dan pemakanan yang tidak lengkap dan sesuai boleh menyebabkan kematian bayi.

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2009 03:41 PM | Show all posts

Breastfeeding and your diet
[size=85%]Source link:

Like most breastfeeding mums, you probably worry that something you eat or drink will pass into your breast milk and harm your baby. While it's true that what goes into your body usually does make its way into your milk supply, the amount is generally a tiny fraction of what you ingest.


Your baby may be more irritable and feed more frequently if you ingest a lot of caffeine. Babies can't get rid of caffeine efficiently, so it can build up in their systems. Remember, caffeine can be found in chocolate, soft drinks, and some herbal teas and medications, in addition to coffee and tea. Too much caffeine can also cause sleep problems and nervousness.

One or two cups of coffee a day won't harm your baby, but try to avoid caffeine or at least reduce your intake while you're breastfeeding. Try drinking decaffeinated coffee and tea and avoid colas and other carbonated drinks that have added caffeine.

Does the caffeine I eat or drink get into my breast milk? Could it harm my baby?
[size=85%]Source link:

Caffeine does enter your bloodstream, and some portion of what you eat or drink appears in your breast milk. If you consume more than 400 mg of caffeine a day (about what you'd get in four mugs of coffee), it might affect your baby. That's why it's probably best to restrict your intake while breastfeeding.

Though one or two cups of coffee, tea, or cola isn't likely to affect either of you, more might make one or both of you irritable, jittery, agitated, and sleepless. If you want to have a cup or two of coffee or tea a day while breastfeeding, make a conscious effort to drink at least eight glasses of water every day as well (good advice whether or not you're taking in caffeine).

And if the caffeine seems to bother your baby, abstain for a bit until after you've weaned her to drink it again.

How much caffeine is in my favourite foods and drinks?

You might be surprised how easily you can get a big dose of caffeine. This chart highlights just a few common foods and drinks that contain the stimulant.


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Post time 15-1-2009 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Ibu Hamil dan Menyusu Badan Makan Makanan Rapu Boleh Buatkan Anak Obes

{mosimage}Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan di London, ibu hamil dan menyusukan anak yang kerap makan makanan rapu (junk food) boleh menyebabkan anak mereka lebih berisiko untuk menjadi obes. Kajian itu juga menyarankan ibu-ibu hamil dan menyusu badan mengurangkan makanan berlemak, manis dan masin dalam pemakanan mereka. Tabiat pemakanan ibu-ibu ini akan mempengaruhi deria rasa dan kawalan selera bayi mereka sehingga sukar untuk ibubapa mengajar anak-anak mereka ini tentang pemakanan sihat setelah mereka pandai memilih makanan sendiri nanti.

Makanan Tinggi CLA Memperkayakan Kandungan Susu Ibu

{mosimage}Ibu menyusu yang makan makanan tinggi kandungan conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) boleh meningkatkan kandungan kumpulan asid lemak ini dalam susunya. Asid-asid lemak ini mempunyai pelbagai kebaikan dalam penjagaan kesihatan antaranya kesan anti kanser, anti oksida, pengurangan berat badan dan pengurangan risiko sakit jantung.

Dalam kajian yang didedahkan dalam Jurnal Kajian Pemakanan ini, susu perahan ibu menyusu yang makan biskut diperkaya CLA ini didapati mempunyai kandungan asid lemak lebih 46% berbanding ibu menyusu yang makan biskut biasa. CLA dalam susu ibu mencapai tahap tertingginya selepas 8 ke 28 jam ibu-ibu memakan biskut khas ini.

Kandungan CLA yang tinggi secara semulajadinya terdapat dalam makanan seperti susu, keju, telur, minyak sayuran dan sesetengah jenis daging (ayam, daging lembu dan kambing yang makan rumput - bukan bijirin). Kebanyakan kajian tentang CLA dan kesannya terhadap manusia menggunakan supplement komersial.

Bayi Menggigit Semasa Menyusu

{mosimage}Kebiasaannya gigi pertama bayi anda mula tumbuh sekitar umur 4-6 bulan. Bayi anda akan suka untuk mengunyah, atau menghisap apapun yang dijumpainya (termasuk anda!) supaya gusinya yang gatal rasa lebih selesa. Sebenarnya semasa menyusu bayi tidak boleh mengigit kerana dia tidak boleh melakukan dua kerja (menggigit dan menyusu) ini secara serentak. Jadi apabila dia telah habis menyusu, cepat-cepat pisahkan puting anda dari mulutnya sebelum dia mula menggesek gigi. Jika dia sempat menggigit, katakan "JANGAN!", pisahkan mulut bayi dari puting anda. Rehat untuk seketika (2 minit) dan kemudian sambung semula. Jika bayi anda melakukannya lagi, katakan lagi "JANGAN!" dan jauhkan mulut bayi anda dari puting.

Doakan Anak Ketika Menyusu

{mosimage}Ketika menyusu bayi, ibu digalakkan membaca doa yang baik untuk kesejahteraan anak, ayat al-Quran serta harapannya supaya anak itu menjadi orang berguna. Ruang mendoakan anak terbuka selebar-lebarnya ketika menyusu anak. Melalui cara itu, anak bukan saja sihat daripada segi fizikal dan mental, tetapi juga rohani - Dr Robiah Kulop Hamzah, Susu ibu semai kasih, hmetro

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2009 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Preparation to breastfeed at the hospital

  • Bring your breastpump
    This is important to stimulate your milk production, in case you need it.
  • Tell the nurse beforehand about your wish to fully breastfeed your baby
    Convey to them that you do not want your baby to be feed with formula milk.
  • Ask for a lactation consultant (LC)
    LC can help you with the positioning of your baby, teach you how to watch for the baby's sucking and even answer your questions about breastfeeding.
  • Room in with the baby
    To ensure success, you can ask for the baby to room in with you. I know this is hard work, with you being tired after just giving birth. But most private hospitals are concerned about a mom's rest, that the nurse resort to formula milk to give a break for the mom. This is a big NO if you want to ensure your baby do not have any nipple confusion (bottle vs breast).
  • Be confident
    You should never doubt yourself that you can produce milk. My mature milk only came in the 4th day after I gave birth. I only feed my baby with colostrum (the early milk) from day 1 to day 3. A newborn's stomach is the size of one tea spoon (5 ml) only.

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Post time 20-1-2009 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Jangan Tukar Cepat Sangat Ketika Menyusu / Pam

Jangan terlalu cepat menukar payudara (dari kiri ke kanan atau kanan ke kiri) ketika menyusu/pam terutamanya jika anda mahu anak anda lebih berisi. Lebih banyak anda mengosongkan payudara selepas menyusu/pam, lebih cepat susu akan terisi kembali ke dalam payudara. Jika terlalu awal menukar payudara, bayi juga tidak mendapat susu yang lebih pekat, lebih lemak yang semakin banyak terdapat jika semakin lama bayi menghisap di setiap belah payudara.

Bayi Menggigit Semasa Menyusu

Kebiasaannya gigi pertama bayi anda mula tumbuh sekitar umur 4-6 bulan. Bayi anda akan suka untuk mengunyah, atau menghisap apapun yang dijumpainya (termasuk anda!) supaya gusinya yang gatal rasa lebih selesa. Sebenarnya semasa menyusu bayi tidak boleh mengigit kerana dia tidak boleh melakukan dua kerja (menggigit dan menyusu) ini secara serentak. Jadi apabila dia telah habis menyusu, cepat-cepat pisahkan puting anda dari mulutnya sebelum dia mula menggesek gigi. Jika dia sempat menggigit, katakan "JANGAN!", pisahkan mulut bayi dari puting anda. Rehat untuk seketika (2 minit) dan kemudian sambung semula. Jika bayi anda melakukannya lagi, katakan lagi "JANGAN!" dan jauhkan mulut bayi anda dari puting.

Air susu ibu tidak ada berkahnya

Al Ghazali menyatakan: "Air susu ibu yang keluar dari makanan haram tidak ada berkahnya. Jika terserap anak kecil, maka jasmaninya terbentuk dengan materi yang buruk. Akhirnya perangainya cenderung kepada tindakan-tindakan yang buruk".



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Post time 27-1-2009 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Notes from ajasu: (copy and pasted from prev thread)

Kenapa baby lebih prefer FRESH EBM banding frozen EBM

Salam, tumpang lalu....Alhamdulillah baby prefered fresh EBM than frozen. Actually Aja realised ramai yg x setuju if I mention that kita kena utamakan fresh EBM than frozen.Maafkan ya.. But that's the truth n trigger bila kita bekalkan EBM kepada bayi..especially below 6 months where it time for the baby to develope their immunities and antibodies. Mcm liyana ckp la, yana pon realised kan yang baby lebih suka fresh n tahu bahawa lebih antibodi inside.

Frozen EBM even berkhasiat, it has less immunities and antibodies, however masih lebih baik dr bg formula.

Kalau org tanyer Aja, biasa Aja akan nasihatkan utk mommies bg fresh EBM, perah today bg esok, nk lagi bagus... bekalkan yang perah semlm DAN yang perah semasa subuh2.

The correct practices is to perah dan tinggalkan utk baby. But its so impossible kan. So kita perah hari ini dan bg esok. Kalau ada extra, kita simpan as stok beku. Stok beku ini sebenarnyer utk contigency plan n emergency.

Then the question arise 'when should we used the frozen EBM?', IF a mother are able to produce more than the baby intake than might as well bekalkan semua fresh EBM, production yang berlebihan simpan sebagai beku. BILA? BILA? BILA? BILA NAK GUNA STOK BEKU TU? guna bile kita kekuangan fresh EBM utk baby, guna bila biasa kita boleh bekalkan 5 botol EBM, sekali ada masalah x dpt bekal 5, bekal 4 fresh so 1 boleh topup stok beku.

ABIS NANTI STOK EXPIRED? Tujuan kita bg EBM atau menyusukan bayi kita adalah utk bg khasiat terbaik kan? so kalau kita boleh bekalkan yang terbaik, kenapa kita nk bekalkan bukan yang terbaik? kalau kita terpaksa let go frozen stok..nk buat camne? Aja sendiri simpan over 100 stok beku and still usaha bg fresh EBM + 1-2 stok beku, stok beku tuh Aja rotate..keluarkan sehari satu je (my baby is 9 mos now)..masa dia below 6 mos, Aja bg semua fresh. Tujuan Aja selain khasiat, adalah supaya sebagai bfeedingmom Aja x bergantung pada stok beku. Sebaliknyer bile kita usaha bg fresh EBM, the more kita akan usaha utk pumping at work..

NATURE OF WORK.. --mcm kita baca kat thread 'nak buat ape stok beku banyak2' ..kebanyakan mommies ada alasan why dia simpan stok beku. Cth mcm Dr. Ain yang simpan 255 stok beku, why because her nature of work yang memerlukan dia on call, tinggal anak memalam, tinggal anak 2 3 hari. Kalau kita moms yang kerja opis 8-5, napa x usaha pump at work dan bg esok nyer..LEBIH..sila buat stok beku. Tak cukup stok beku baru guna frozen.

Gini la umpamanyer, napa baby lebih suka susu fresh EBM banding frozen. Umpama la kalau kita simpan ikan dlm peti ais 3 bulan, kita goreng ...sedap tak kalau banding ikan kita baru beli tadi kat TESCO?? mesti bezakan? kalau ikan nk mkn pon pilih ikan segar, awat kita nk bg anak kita frozen sokmo kalau boleh/cukup nk bg hat fresh..

Ada jugak Aja penah jumpa mommies, dia x paham..dia pam hari nih, balik umah dia bekukan semua. esok bg anak hat beku 3 bulan lepas...kesian sgt kat anak..kat mane khasiat nk dpt? just dr direct bfeeding mlm2? sure its enough?

So PLEASE mommies..even if you hate my statement on this pls fahamkan balik why you give EBM to your babies.. usaha utk simpan stok beku (sebab kita x tahu bile susu kita akan merudum atau masalah akan dtg atau bile kita akan sakit) TAPI in the same time must try to give fresh EBM..TQ

sekian, yang baik dtg dr Allah yang buruk itu dr kekhilafan kita sendiri..
Macamana nanti baby refused FROZEN EBM

ha...ada jugak bgtahu Aja camni, takut nanti anak x nak frozen EBM.But actually itu yang membuatkan kita sentiasa maintain pumping at work. So that kita x depends sgt dgn frozen EBM. Bila kita too dependant on frozen EBM, kita jd malas nk pump sebab the thought that you have a lot of frozen EBM.

So bile kita usaha pump today utk bagi esok, lagi semangat kita usaha utk bg baby fresh milk. Lagi rajin kita mengepam. And from my experience..rasa bersalah ooo kalau x dpt bekal enough freshmilk. esok tuh mesti usaha juga pump on schedule.  

Another way I think can help most mother utk bg EBM frozen. I'm not sure this will work for everyone. Kan biasa kita diberitahu, thaw frozen EBM overnite? Actually that makes EBM ada skit bau (ni pengalaman Aja la..kalau berbeda dgn org lain, sorry ya).. So what I did back then in 2006 and now, Aja kalau nk bg frozen satu botol utk topup dgn fresh EBM, Aja x thaw overnite. Instead, Aja bg kat nursery hat beku tuh pagi2, I asked them to use it bile dh petang. So what the nursery did, diorg thaw under water (so tak de bau fridge diserap oleh susu) atau nk bg minum jam 6 ptg. They left the frozen EBM to thaw on counter top at sempat thaw 2 jam tuh sebelum masuk dlm warmer utk warm kan. So tak de bau x menyenangkan.. Rase pon manis lagi...

[ Last edited by  ajasu at 29-1-2009 12:12 PM ]



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Post time 4-3-2009 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Is your milk supply really low?

First of all, is your milk supply really low? Often, mothers think that their milk supply is low when it really isn't. If your baby is gaining weight well on breastmilk alone, then you do not have a problem with milk supply.

It's important to note that the feel of the breast, the behavior of your baby, the frequency of nursing, the sensation of let-down, or the amount you pump are not valid ways to determine if you have enough milk for your baby.

What if you're not quite sure about baby's current weight gain (perhaps baby hasn't had a weight check lately)? If baby is having an adequate number of wet and dirty diapers then the following things do NOT mean that you have a low milk supply:

Your baby nurses frequently. Breastmilk is digested quickly (usually in 1.5-2 hours), so breastfed babies need to eat more often than formula-fed babies. Many babies have a strong need to suck. Also, babies often need continuous contact with mom in order to feel secure. All these things are normal, and you cannot spoil your baby by meeting these needs.

Your baby suddenly increases the frequency and/or length of nursings. This is often a growth spurt. The baby nurses more (this usually lasts a few days to a week), which increases your milk supply. Don't offer baby supplements when this happens: supplementing will inform your body that the baby doesn't need the extra milk, and your supply will drop.

Your baby nurses more often and is fussy in the evening.

Your baby doesn't nurse as long as she did previously. As babies get older and better at nursing, they become more efficient at extracting milk.

Your baby is fussy. Many babies have a fussy time of day - often in the evening. Some babies are fussy much of the time. This can have many reasons, and sometimes the fussiness goes away before you find the reason.

Your baby guzzles down a bottle of formula or expressed milk after nursing. Many babies will willingly take a bottle even after they have a full feeding at the breast. Read more here from board-certified lactation consultant Kathy Kuhn about why baby may do this and how this can affect milk supply. Of course, if you regularly supplement baby after nursing, your milk supply will drop (see below).

Your breasts don't leak milk, or only leak a little, or stop leaking. Leaking has nothing to do with your milk supply. It often stops after your milk supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.

Your breasts suddenly seem softer. Again, this normally happens after your milk supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.

You never feel a let-down sensation, or it doesn't seem as strong as before. Some women never feel a let-down. This has nothing to do with milk supply.

You get very little or no milk when you pump. The amount of milk that you can pump is not an accurate measure of your milk supply. A baby with a healthy suck milks your breast much more efficiently than any pump. Also, pumping is an acquired skill (different than nursing), and can be very dependent on the type of pump. Some women who have abundant milk supplies are unable to get any milk when they pump. In addition, it is very common and normal for pumping output to decrease over time.



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Post time 10-3-2009 03:37 PM | Show all posts
teruja ila tgk stok2 susu forumer kat sini

mmg menakjobkan...
akak ku lipat gandakan usaha ku tidak lama lagikkkkkkkk

aiyakkk nak freezer gak

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2009 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Managing your stock stash

Smart use of your Freezer Stash

Everyone talks about having a terrific freezer stash ready for when you go back to work, but the freezer stash deserves a bit more discussion than just 搈ore is better



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Post time 19-3-2009 05:20 PM | Show all posts
alhamdulillah... byknye info.. setakat nie eva leh supply susu yg cukup kt my baby. works hours usually dia minum 4 oz 4-5 kali. bile byk susu mmg masalah nk storage. kene pikir nih

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Post time 25-3-2009 03:44 PM | Show all posts
KORANGGGGG.....aku cilok nih dr (credit to aamsBB)
cerita mengenai usaha seorg ibu dr australia nak susukan anak dia semula

go to... ... ghlight=relactation

or read below..

I did it!


Hi Liss

Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you that I relactated 8 months after stopping. It can be done and this is my story ... *very breifly, of course*

When my son was born nearly five years ago, I was determined to breastfeed. Always wanted to... and always knew that was the way in which all my children would be feed. After I gave birth (3 days later), I tore all the muscles up the back of my spine and through my left arm.. (unrelated to the birth, just a freak thing that happened). This accident left me with a frozen left arm, hense leading to great difficulty in latching my son on the opposite breast, my right one. This in turn, lead to me getting a massive crack in the right nipple. As I could not correct the latch (due to the frozen arm and mass amounts of pain) the crack never healed and contined to bleed and expel green puss at every feed. Four weeks later, mastitis set in. The doctor's believed that infection had found it's way into my nipple through the crack, and burrowed deep into my breast tissue. For 7 days I took oral antibiotics to no avail, then the doctor sent me to hospital for IV antibiotics and heat ultrasound techniques on the affected breast. Another 5 days passed before they sent me to have an ultrasound, as my mastitis wouldn't clear. Turns out I had an abscess the size of a tennis ball under the areola and was prepped for immediate surgery. I was later informed that the abscess was so infected and severe, that I would be dead if it wasn't for the anibiotics and removal. Afterwards, I had a massive hole in my breast, that could not be stitched up, as it would cause my breast to collapse. So instead, I was packed with 2 and a half metres of gauze, that was removed and re-packed everyday.. (without pain medication I must add! ) Needless to say, the doctor cut half my milk ducts to reach the abscess and due to the packing and re-packing of gauze, I couldn't put my son to feed on that side and my milk dried up. I kept feeding from the other breast and topping up with formula... Of course, I looked very lopsided as my left breat grew to twice the size of the right one! After four months, my son flat out refused to nurse anymore and my breatfeeding days were over...

At first I was okay with this, as everything was such a mission anyway, but as the months passed, I grew bitter and resentful. I blamed the medical profession for allowing this to happen and was angry that no one would support me when all this was happening. I even remember a lactation consultant telling me in hospital... "Wow, you have been through a lot. Maybe it would be best if you just cut your losses and quit" I was blown away by this! She should have been the one rooting for me!

Anyway, as time passed I became quite depressed everytime I made a bottle of formula and decided I wanted to breastfeed again. I read some books, checked out the net and decided to give it a go! I hired a hospital grade breast pump (from my local chemist for 6 weeks), pumped every 3 hours during the day and twice at night, and this is what happened over the six weeks...

Week 1 - After pumping for this week, I noticed My breasts felt 'sweaty' and alittle damp. No milk though.

Week 2 - Seen a drop appear during each pumping session. The drop never fell or dripped down, but it did form. The drop was fairly clear too .. similiar to colostrum.

Week 3 - Several drops are forming, and breasts are starting to feel more full and heavier.

Week 4 - Drops are starting to fall during pumping and even noticed wet patch on bra.

Week 5 - Drops are now flowing slowly, milk is now white in colour (no longer clear), breasts are very heavy and are definitly slightly 'leaking' between pumping sessions.

Week 6 - Sprays appeared during pumping and let-downs became apparent.

After this, I purchased a double Breast Pump and continued pumping on the same schedule. Obviously my son didn't physically 'breastfeed' as he was nearly 12 months old and wasn't interested anymore, so I just pumped my milk and bottlefed him.

This whole story might seem silly and time consuming to some people, but since I was becoming so depressed and obsessed with the whole situation, I knew that this was the only solution to my feeling okay with what happened to me. Turns out I was right. I kept pumping and bottlefeeding for the next 12 months and weaned my son off the 'breast' (AKA - the pump) just after his second birthday...

You can do it Liss and I wish you all the best.


*Tandem Breastfeeding a 2 year old and 1 year old... Life is Beautiful!*

Me: 28
DH: 37

# 1: 7 Years (Boy) June 2000
# 2: 2 Years (Girl) April 2005

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Post time 4-4-2009 10:47 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-5-2009 02:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nitty at 13-5-2009 03:01
nak tnya otai2.....camne nak pkai liner playtex?after pump dlm botol ah tu trus masuk/transfer ke liner ke?n kalu bby nak minum kna sejuk liner dlm warm water tp takut liner bocor sbb kna air pan ...
Originally posted by deba at 13-5-2009 21:30
haha...thx bagitau beza liner ngan insert. sesape nak jawab cemane nak transfer susu yang dah dipam kedalam liner?

TUTORIAL CARA GUNA LINER (ni jenama playtex liner)

Aja biasa guna liner 8 oz walau utk isi 4 oz, sebab takut melimpah bila nk ikat dgn getah

- mula2 pegang mulut liner dgn 2 jari

- then cuba selisihkan utk membuka nya

- then masukkan mulut liner ke atas mulut botol seperti dlm gambar di bawah
kira kita selungkupkan liner tuh atas bottle

- then tuang susu dlm liner yang diselunkupkan atas bottle, kalau boleh laju skit la
kalau tak nanti mudah smear.. then biar susu habis menitis ke dlm liner

- then, dh selesai...ikat liner dgn getah seperti di bawah
sebelah tuh guna playtex liner, sebelah tuh medela breastmilk bags/ storage bags
mahal skit la medela punyer sebab dia ada ziplock...
biasa liner org ikat dgn getah jer... kalau breastmilk bag biasa ziplock

sekian, nanti apa tak sure leh utarakan pertanyaan and pendapat ya..

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Post time 19-5-2009 01:28 PM | Show all posts
nak tnya kt otai2...

sy stay kt umah mentua...dia yg mengasuh my 3 months baby.....
sy keje opis hour, tp disebabkan perjalanan ke opis amik ms yg lm, dlm kul 7 mlm baru leh smp umh...
ekceli, bila blk umah byk menda kena buat..nk pam susu pon dh pnt sgt...esok pas subuh kuar g opis lak...
sy guna manual pum...skali pam leh dlm 6oz je...tu pon kalo susu penuh...
kt opis xde fridge nk letak susu...freezer kt umh mentu penuh dgn brg basah, xberani nk letak ebm kt dlm tu....
nk beli freezer mmg dh xde tmpt nk letak...
kalo buleh, sy memg nk yg terbaik utk my baby....

persoalan saya ialah :

1. leh x suggest, pam ape yg berkesan, mudah diguna, xpenat mengepam dan xmahal sgt?
2. kalo sy pam di opis, smp brp lm leh tahan utk sy bwk balik n letak dlm fridge (guna utk esok)?
3. mcm ne nk pastikan anak sy kenyang menyusu secara direct sbb kdg2 dia cam lapar lagi je or maybe xpuas menyusu badan??

ade sape leh tulun...??

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Post time 31-5-2009 02:31 AM | Show all posts


ssarah wrote:
boleh tahu timetable pump tak? actually saya ambil advance maternity leave, so patut naik kerja tengah june huhu

Salam sarah,

Sarah boleh pump dlm pantang bila :
1) Breast engorged and pump sekadar utk melegakan engorge..
2) pump utk buat bekalan baby if you need to go out for awhile without baby
3) pump utk buat stok bekalan utk bekerja.

Cara utk mengepam dlm pantang :
1) samada Sarah pump sambil menyusukan baby (tandem), sebelah baby menyusu, sebelah sarah pump

2) Pump selepas baby menyusu (BUKAN sebab kalau kita pump sebelum baby menyusu, nanti baby nk nyusu tak de susu-itu tanggapan yang salah), tujuan kita pump selepas baby menyusu supaya body dapat signal. Ada demand. Coz our milk is produce by demand and supply method.

Camne nk susun jadual mengepam:
1) Sarah, biasa kalau kita pump waktu kerja, most mothers akan pump between 8 am to 5pm, dengan selang 3 jam. CTH: buat jadual 10 am, 1 pm and 4 pm. Kalau possible lebih kerap lebih bagus.

Suggestion Aja: bila nk mula nk pump dlm pantang (biasa hari ke 30 kita dh sesuai utk pump dlm pantang) sebab by 30 days, our body dh biasa dgn baby demand - maksud susu kita dh establish. Pump waktu tengahari. So ambil lah jam 1 pm.

Why: sebab biasa time kerja ini waktu lunch kita, and kita boleh ambil masa mengepam tanpa gangguan. So masa dlm pantang we gave our body signal, this time kita nak susu.

kedua, time pantang biasa time tghari kita dh kurang kelam kabut, kalu you mulakan dgn pump waktu pagi, even susu waktu tuh bagus, tapi Sarah akan kelam kabut, dgn nk mandi, mandi baby, barut..etc kan. So first jadual starts tghari.

But: kalau kita baru nk pump time nih dlm pantang, baby tetiba nangis, tak pe..ini lah guna kita praktis tandem, sebelah nyusu, sebelah pump. Atau, kita boleh berenti kana pump, bagi baby nyusu. Jgn risau, belah yang kita pump td tetap ada susu...even baru pump. ATAU, pump juga pada waktu ini, even selepas baby minum...Just bg ur body demand, tak kira berapa oz atau mL dapat should be OK.

2) After 3-4 days, you pump on time tengahari, tambah satu lagi sessi waktu petang jam 4 ptg.

Why: sebab jam 4 petang kita dh relax, baby biasa tidur time nih, and kalau kita dah bekerja.. waktu nih kita dh nk solat Asar atau lepas solat Asar kita pump sebelum balik..

BUT: kalau katalah dapat sikit time nih mcm 1 oz ker, tak per...boleh campurkan dgn sesi tghari td. Susu boleh campur dlm 24 jam yang sama. CUMA, baru perah JGN campur dgn dh beku ya? kalau sesi sebelum nih baru 2 oz, simpan sejuk dulu.. then next session dpt 1 oz boleh campurkan. Then bekukan 3 oz buat stok frozen.

3) Selepas dpt rhytm mengepam 2 sesi tuh, when you are ready, tambah lagi satu sesi pada waktu pagi, maybe jam 10 pagi?

Why: supaya by the time kita kerja our body got this signal utk menghasilkan susu pada ketiga2 waktu ini.

BUT: berapa amaun kita dapat during this sessions, jgn risau. Sebab selagi baby dgn kita, berapa amun kita pump is TOTALLY NORMAL. Jgn bandingkan production kita dgn org lain. Yang penting adalah utk bagi body signal, bila nk hasilkan susu.

Then, once you dh kerja, dapatkan daily production yang match dgn baby intake. Kalau baby minum total 16 oz sehari, then if you produce 16 oz or more then you are OK. Kalau lebih boleh buat stok beku.

AND, mula2 try feed baby dgn bottles, boleh cuba bagi 2.5 oz dulu. kalau nampak baby mcm menghisap lagi... tambah 0.5 oz - jadi 3 oz. Dan seterusnyer

Masa kerja nanti, maybe boleh buat jadual mengepam seperti berikut:

6 am - so that kita boleh bekalkan yang fresh ni utk baby for the day
10 am
1 pm
4 pm

And sejukkan, esok bekalkan utk baby. Frozen stok guna utk rotation atau contigency plan ya... ;-)

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Post time 2-6-2009 01:01 PM | Show all posts
wahhh best info2 kat sini..nk tanya...leh tak sussu belah kanan dicampur dgn belah kiri..let say belah kanan dpt 1 oz..and then after 20 mins pump blah kiri dpt 3 oz dicampur je dgn susu tadi..ok tak? sbb ada yg kata belah kanan nasik, belah kiri air...plz guide yer

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Post time 4-6-2009 03:48 PM | Show all posts

Balas #34 ajasu\ catat

salam..nak tanya sikit...mana nak beli playtex liner tu?...

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Post time 9-6-2009 12:21 PM | Show all posts

"Does my breastfeeding baby need bottles of water?"

Breastfeeding babies do not need extra water, though formula-fed babies often do. Your breastmilk contains enough water for your baby, even in hot, dry climates. Formula contains higher concentrations of salts and minerals than breastmilk does, so that extra water is often necessary for the kidneys to excrete the extra salt. Also, because of less efficient metabolism, formula-fed infants lose more water. In breastfed babies, not only is extra water unnecessary, giving bottles of water to quench baby's thirst may also lessen the desire to breastfeed. This will interfere with the balance between mother's milk supply and baby's demand. Bottles of water are also likely to cause nipple confusion. A baby who is too warm or thirsty, but not hungry, can satisfy his need for more water by feeding more frequently and just enough to get the watery foremilk, but not necessarily the creamier hindmilk. Breastfeeding babies are great self-thirst-quenchers.

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Post time 24-6-2009 04:29 PM | Show all posts
underweight breastfed babies
sbb my son ada masalah gini skit so i'd like to share this with u guys here...
Some causes for low weight gain in breastfed babies
It is recommended that you work with your pediatrician and a board certified lactation consultant if your baby is having weight gain problems.

First, it's important to determine if baby is having a genuine problem with weight gain. Take a look at Normal Growth of Breastfed Babies for more on this subject.

Following is a quick sketch of some things to look into when baby is not gaining well. This is by no means complete.

Poor breastfeeding management is the most common cause of low weight gain baby taking in enough calories?
Is baby having enough wet and dirty diapers? This is an indicator of how much milk baby is taking in.
What is baby's nursing pattern? Is baby nursing frequently enough? Some things on baby's side that might interfere with nursing frequency include jaundice, sleepy newborn, distraction and pacifier use.
Is mom letting baby determine when to switch sides, or is she switching after a set time?
Is baby latching well and transferring milk adequately?
Is mom's milk supply adequate? (Remember that pumping output is not a useful indicator of milk supply.)
It is not necessary to pump and bottle feed or to give formula to determine whether baby is getting enough calories. There is a specialized scale (available for rent through Medela) that can be used for pre- and post-feed weights to determine whether baby is taking in enough milk. There is a special procedure that is used for getting these weights - make sure the person doing the weighing is familar with it.
See Is baby getting enough milk? for more information.
Evaluate baby for medical problems that might interfere with weight gain.
Babies who are sick (with even a minor illness) often slow weight gain or even lose weight.
A few common things that can affect weight gain are ear infection, thrush, reflux, anemia, allergies, and urinary tract infections.

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