Konspirasi : USA Tipu Dunia Tentang Pendaratan Di bulan -
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Reply #20 ussopp's post
usop ko gi mana 600 km tu... nak tau gak.... aku travel ada ler lebih dari 1000km in one shot dah.. tapi tu ler.. still tak leh nak compare pi space nih..... nak rasa gak...!!! ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Topik nih dah banyak kali timbul....tenggelam balik...pastu timbul balik...
Suma perihal gambar-gambar tu ada penjelasan fizik....cuma terpulang kita rajin nak baca atau tak...
Dulu berapa tahun lepas, pernah view video just sebelum depa mendarat...agak exciting jugak. Tak semua orang bertuah macam Neil Armstrong tu... |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 17-2-2009 08:25 AM ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Rasanya salah satu sebab ialah ongkos...
Bab ongkos ni, bukannya NASA tak dak duit , tengok aje budget yang di peruntukan untuk NASA pada tahun 1973 , lebih kurang aje kan seperti pada tahun sebelum tu yang merupakan tahun terakhir manusia ke bulan ( dua pendaratan ke bulan pada april dan dec 1972) . Budget keseluruhan yang di peruntukan untuk NASA tak lah kurang teruk sangat pun pada tahun 1973 , cuma budget untuk program apollo aje di kurangkan , kenapa ?
Fiscal Year: 1972
Original budget request
NASA: $2,517,700
Apollo: 612,200
Fiscal budget appropriation
NASA: 2,507,700
Apollo: 601,200
Funding Breakdown (thousands of dollars)
Flight modules $55,033
Science payloads 52,100
Ground support 31,659
Saturn V 142,458
Manned space flight operations 307,450
Advanced development 12,500
Fiscal Year: 1973
Original budget request
NASA: $2,600,900
Apollo: 128,700
Fiscal budget appropriation
NASA: 2,509,900
Apollo: 76,700
Funding Breakdown (thousands of dollars)
Spacecraft $50,400
Saturn V 29,309
Kerana presiden amerika ketika tu Richard Nixon tak nak teruskan program tu lagi dah .
"The tremendous feeling of national triumph following the first moon landings was fleeting, however, and Nixon rejected NASA’s ambitious post-Apollo plans, which included developing a series of large space stations, continued missions to the moon, and an initial mission to Mars in the 1980s. ( http://www.nasa.gov/50th/50th_magazine/10presidents.html )
Jadi yang menjadi persoalan nya kenapa nixon tak minat nak teruskan lagi dah program apollo tu kalau ia merupakan kejayaan terbesar amerika ketika tu ? kerana dia malas nak terus-terusan berbohong la tu , sementara orang tak discover lagi pembohongan tu maka elok di hentikan saja , kang dia dapat malu besar pulak kang kalau ada yang persoalkan itu ini sehingga terbongkar rahsia ketika dia masih presiden lagi .
Tengok aje reaksi nixon ketika mendapat berita bahwa dua rakyatnya berjaya buat apa yang tak pernah di buat oleh memana manusia pun , kira event tu macam sejarah dunia yang terbesar la kan , cuma tepuk tangan dan kata hooray aje ??!! , orang tengok bola lagi riuh rendah gembira ketika bola masuk gol nak di bandingkan dengan nixon punya reaksi nih ... tak logik betul la reaksi dia , melainkan lah sekiranya dia memang dah tau bahwa it was all just a fake event , maka memang la tak dak apa yang nak di gembirakan sangat pun , cukup la dengan clap dan hooray aje menandakan kegembiraannya bahwa the whole event tu berjaya di fake kan dengan gemilangnya
Richard M. Nixon, 1969-1974
Richard Nixon was in the White House, sitting with Chief of Staff Robert Haldeman and astronaut Frank Borman, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon on July 20, 1969. History records that he simply clapped and said, “Hooray,” when Armstrong stepped on to the lunar surface.
Nixon was acutely aware of the importance of the moon landing to U.S. prestige in the world. He made remarks via a phone hookup to the moon-walking astronauts, saying, “As you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to Earth.” These words underscored his view that U.S. leadership in space was part of U.S. leadership in global diplomacy.
[ Last edited by blastoff at 20-2-2009 05:02 PM ] |
Originally posted by ussopp at 17-2-2009 09:10 AM ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Balas #10 blastoff\ catat
saya remain 50-50.....
cuma hujah seperti tak nampak bintang atau bendera berkibar nampaknya tak boleh diguna pakai utk menafikan hal ini....
maknanya perlu alasan yg lebih konkrit utk menafikan.....if not, sy remain 50-50 dan terbuka.....
Para astronaut kat bulan misi utama mereka bukannya ambik gambar tapi membuat saintific research , jadi banyak masa mereka spent untuk menjalankan saintifik research mereka tu la , dan memandangkan masa mereka di bulan terlampau terhad, jadi persoalannya macam mana para astronauts tu dalam 6 missions yang merangkumi 4834 minit kesemuanya di bulan boleh ambil gambar pegun sebanyak 5771 keping ( satu gambar pada setiap 50 saat nonstop , dan ada yang di ambil di lokasi yang berbeza yang agak jauh jaraknya pulak tu ! ) , kalau tiap saat depa kat bulan tu cuma ambil gambar nonstop then bila pulak depa buat saintifik research depa tu ?
Dan pulak semua beribu gambar tu adalah picture perfect dan tak dak sikit pun out of focus gambarnya , menggunakan kamera yang tak boleh di focus guna mata sebaliknya kamera tu di letakkan di dada aje dan kena guna arah badan aje sebagai panduan ? Mission impossible !
For a start, he says, the TV footage was hopeless. The world tuned in to watch what looked like two blurred white ghosts throw rocks and dust. Part of the reason for the low quality was that, strangely, NASA provided no direct link up. So networks actually had to film man's greatest achievement from a TV screen in Houston - a deliberate ploy, says Rene, so that nobody could properly examine it.
By contrast, the still photos were stunning. Yet that's just the problem. The astronauts took thousands of pictures, each one perfectly exposed and sharply focused. Not one was badly composed or even blurred.
As Rene points out, that's not all: The cameras had no white meters or view ponders. So the astronauts achieved this feet without being able to see what they were doing. They managed to adjust their cameras, change film and swap filters in pressurized suits. It should have been almost impossible with the gloves on their fingers.
The principal objective of all six missions was SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH projects to be carried out by the two astronauts. Most of the projects, which numbered about a half dozen each mission, were remarkably similar on all six missions. All of these science experiments involved unpacking equipment from stowage bays, assembling it, transporting it to its location, setting it up, and then doing the experiments. As you might imagine, each of these research projects would require a major portion of the TIME of the two men for each experiment.
Another major project besides operation of the packaged experiments was the Geological Study, which involved searching for different specimens of rocks and soils in various locations, documenting and collecting samples to return to earth. This obviously occupied much of their TIME.
Almost incidental to the main astronaut tasks was PHOTOGRAPHY. Each astronaut had his own camera. (Apart from the Apollo 11 EVA.) It was a square-format specially-built Hasselblad. It was mounted on a chest-plate for the astronaut to operate. The astronaut had to manually set the shutter speed and apertures while wearing bulky, pressurized gloves and without being able to see the controls. The cameras had NO VIEWFINDER, so the astronaut could only guess at what was being photographed. Each camera had a bulk film magazine holding more than a hundred exposures. The film (mainly Ektachrome color film) had a very narrow exposure range, which required PERFECT aperture and shutter settings, because according to NASA, the cameras did not have automatic exposure capability.
It is important to know that although each man had his own camera, they ALMOST NEVER USED THEM AT THE SAME TIME. Usually one of them was photographing the other doing some task. Therefore having two cameras DID NOT TRANSLATE TO TWICE AS MUCH TIME FOR PHOTOGRAPHY, as one might surmise. Now that you understand the missions, here is my discovery of NASA overzealousness, which has been successfully hidden till now.
For more than three years I have been collecting and analyzing nearly all the significant photos from the Apollo missions. These official photos are readily available on multiple NASA websites for downloading. Recently I noticed they were taking up many gigabytes of memory on my computer's external hard drive, so I began organizing them and deleting duplications. I did a rough estimate of the number of Apollo photos, and was amazed that I had thousands!
I visited several official NASA websites to find HOW MANY PHOTOS WERE TAKEN on the surface of the Moon. Amazingly, NASA AVOIDS THIS SUBJECT almost entirely. Two days of searching documents and text were fruitless. But Lunar Surface Journal, one of the sites, lists every photo with its file number. So I undertook to make an actual count of every photo taken by astronauts DURING EXTRA-VEHICULAR ACTIVITY (EVA), the time spent on the surface out of the LEM.
Here is my actual count of EVA photos of the six missions:
Apollo 11........... 121
Apollo 12........... 504
Apollo 14........... 374
Apollo 15..........1021
Apollo 16..........1765
Apollo 17..........1986
So 12 astronauts while on the Moon's surface took a TOTAL of 5771 exposures.
That seemed excessively large to me, considering that their TIME on the lunar surface was limited, and the astronauts had MANY OTHER TASKS OTHER THAN PHOTOGRAPHY. So I returned to the Lunar Surface Journal to find how much TIME was available to do all the scientific tasks AS WELL AS PHOTOGRAPHY. Unlike the number of photos, this information is readily available:
Apollo 11........1 EVA .....2 hours, 31 minutes......(151 minutes)
Apollo 12........2 EVAs.....7 hours, 50 minutes......(470 minutes)
Apollo 14........2 EVAs.....9 hours, 25 minutes......(565 minutes)
Apollo 15........3 EVAs...18 hours, 30 minutes....(1110 minutes)
Apollo 16........3 EVAs...20 hours, 14 minutes....(1214 minutes)
Apollo 17........3 EVAs...22 hours, 04 minutes....(1324 minutes)
Total minutes on the Moon amounted to 4834 minutes.
Total number of photographs taken was 5771 photos.
Hmmmmm. That amounts to 1.19 photos taken EVERY MINUTE of time on the Moon, REGARDLESS OF OTHER ACTIVITIES. (That requires the taking of ONE PHOTO EVERY 50 SECONDS!)
Let's arbitrarily calculate a MINIMUM time for these tasks and subtract from available photo time:
Apollo 11....subtract 2 hours (120 minutes), leaving 031 minutes for taking photos
Apollo 12....subtract 4 hours (240 minutes), leaving 230 minutes for taking photos
Apollo 14....subtract 3 hours (180 minutes), leaving 385 minutes for taking photos
Apollo 15....subtract 6 hours (360 minutes), leaving 750 minutes for taking photos
Apollo 16....subtract 6 hours (360 minutes), leaving 854 minutes for taking photos
Apollo 17....subtract 8 hours (480 minutes), leaving 844 minutes for taking photos
So do the math:
Apollo 11.......121 photos in 031 minutes............3.90 photos per minute
Apollo 12.......504 photos in 230 minutes............2.19 photos per minute
Apollo 14.......374 photos in 385 minutes............0.97 photos per minute
Apollo 15.....1021 photos in 750 minutes............1.36 photos per minute
Apollo 16.....1765 photos in 854 minutes ...........2.06 photos per minute
Apollo 17.....1986 photos in 844 minutes ...........2.35 photos per minute
Or, to put it more simply:
Apollo 11........one photo every 15 seconds
Apollo 12........one photo every 27 seconds
Apollo 14........one photo every 62 seconds
Apollo 15........one photo every 44 seconds
Apollo 16........one photo every 29 seconds
Apollo 17........one photo every 26 seconds
So you decide. Given all the facts, was it possible to take that many photos in so short a time?
Any professional photographer will tell you it cannot be done. Virtually every photo was a different scene or in a different place, requiring travel. As much as 30 miles travel was required to reach some of the photo sites. Extra care had to be taken shooting some stereo pairs and panoramas. Each picture was taken without a viewfinder, using manual camera settings, with no automatic metering, while wearing a bulky spacesuit and stiff clumsy gloves.
The agency wants the world to believe that 5771 photographs were taken in 4834 minutes! IF NOTHING BUT PHOTOGRAPHY HAD BEEN DONE, such a feat is clearly impossible...made even more so by all the documented activities of the astronauts. Imagine...1.19 photos every minute that men were on the Moon –- that's one picture every 50 SECONDS!
The secret NASA tried to hide has been discovered: The quantity of photos purporting to record the Apollo lunar EVAs could not have been taken on the Moon in such an impossible time frame. So why do these photos exist? How did these photos get made? Did ANY men go to the Moon? Or was it truly the greatest hoax ever?
[ Last edited by blastoff at 20-2-2009 06:26 PM ] |
Balas #26 blastoff\ catat
this is not mission impossible....
logik.satu gambar setiap 50 saat.....logik
mungkin ada dua gambar dalam 2 saat kemudian rehat seratus saat kan?....logik![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
mungkin ada 10 gambar 20 saat kemudian rehat 500 saat....logik
saya percaya kalau mereka ada filem yg banyak....tentulah mereka berniat mengahabiskan filem itu....lagipun itu adalah perjalanan maut....
bukan boleh pergi banyak selalu...
so hujah untuk mengatakan banyak gambar diambil adalah impossible adalah kurang kuat....![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
macam mana kesemua gambar 5 ribu 7 ratus keping lebih tu perfectly clear, satu pun tak blur dan satu pun tak out of focus , sedangkan camera yang depa guna tu bukannya camera automatik pun, tak dak view finder lagi , kena guna arah badan untuk focus tanpa boleh melihat dengan mata .....
kau cuba ambil camera kau , kemudian kau sangkut kat dada kau , lepas tu kau try ambil gambar dengan hala kan badan kau ke arah benda yang kau nak ambik gambar tu , boleh dapat gambar betul-betul in focus exactly in the middle of the pic aje memanjang ? Beribu gambar di ambil yang resultnya tak boleh di lihat immediately macam kamera digital la ni sebab depa kena cuci filem dulu baru boleh tau gambar ok ke atau senget ke , tanpa guna mata pun untuk focus, tapi semua gambar cantik memanjang aje , semua elok aje kedudukannya di tengah - tengah tanpa ada yang senget ke tepi ke atas ke bawah ke kiri ke kanan etc , .... boleh explain macam mana depa boleh buat benda ni ?
Aku yang guna camera automatik pun tak boleh buat inikan pulak depa yang guna camera manual gitu . Pengalaman aku ambil gambar guna camera digital automatik aku ni pun , jenuh focus guna mata yang kena perati betul-betul wooo agar gambar benda yang aku nak ambik tu tak senget ke kiri atau ke kanan kedudukan nya dalam gambar tu nanti , mana ada main click aje tup tup semua within focus right in the middle of the pic memanjang ! ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
[ Last edited by blastoff at 20-2-2009 08:25 PM ] |
Balas #30 blastoff\ catat
no offense tapi tak cukup mustahil la, blastoff...
still possible... |
Balas #31 ussopp\ catat
pastinya ada positif dan negatif dari point setiap org kata ,
betul diaorg ni dah sampai ke bulan,
tak betul ...diaorg ni tak sampai ke bulan....
pada aku, rekod space craft yg dah pergi lebih jauh dari uranus dan hantar gambar balik ke bumi tu pun dah cukup tunjuk berapa punya canggih kamera dia....
![](http://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/images/saturn/saturn.gif) |
Balas #32 me_ai\ catat
wow, uranus, jauhnye pun gambar cantik gak...
yup, gambar yang terlampau clear/cantik tak bleh dijadikan alasan gambar itu dibuat2....atau fake
kalau dah clear, nak wat camna...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by ussopp at 20-2-2009 09:24 PM ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
no offense tapi tak cukup mustahil la, blastoff...
still possible...
no offense tapi takkan u cuma boleh sebut possible aje ? Possible macam mana tu ? Boleh explain in detail tak macam mana menggunakan agakan ketika ambil gambar boleh capai 100 % accuracy rate composisi gambarnya ? Kita bercakap mengenai keupayaan manusia , bukannya pre programmed computer system macam kat camera hubble telescope tu , yang tu memanglah canggih dan mampu untuk focus dengan tepat sekali everytime almaklum lah computer , apollo program ni menggunakan keupayaan manusia tapi boleh capai 100 peratus ketepatannya sampai beribu gambar di ambil kesemuanya tepat belaka komposisinya.
Info kat bawah ni , nampak tak para astronauts tu perlu practice dulu sebab depa akan cuma boleh agak aje komposisi gambar tu , jadi boleh kah dengan hanya practice saja menggunakan agakan boleh capai 100 % accuracy sampaikan tak ada yang tersasar sikit pun ? Kalau possible then macam mana manusia boleh jadi begitu perfect sekali agakan nya sehingga mencapai seratus peratus ketepatan dalam setiap gambar yang berjumlah 5771 keping tu ? Explain please , don't just say possible aje sebab kita bukan nak menang berbahas kat thread ni , yang penting ilmu tu kalau possible then macam mana yang dikatakan possible nya tu nak tau la jugak .
The Hasselblad 70mm EDC
By far the most famous of all Apollo cameras, and perhaps the most important as well, was the Hasselblad EDC, which was adapted from a camera of the same company, designated the Hasselblad 500 EL. Nicknamed "Hassies", these 70mm cameras were used by the astronauts on the lunar surface for still photography, and, as such, took almost all of the photographic images brought back from the lunar surface.
Because these camera systems had no viewfinder, and were worn on the chest during lunar EVAs, a lot of practice was needed to master their use. To that end, the astronauts were issued cameras to take home and practice with.
Left: The "civilian" version of the Hasselblad camera used on the moon, the 500 EL.
The square black object under the lens is the shutter release button.
Right: The lunar version of the camera, without the handle and RCU mount.
My own photos of the Hassie, taken at the Neil Armstrong Museum in Ohio.
Note the handle that has been attached for lunar use, and the trigger mechanism.NASA diagrams. The one on the right shows several features
that were used only onboard the Command Module.
![](http://www.myspacemuseum.com/hassie6a.jpg) | ![](http://www.myspacemuseum.com/hassie2a.jpg) | ![](http://www.myspacemuseum.com/hassie4a.jpg) | ![](http://www.myspacemuseum.com/hassie7a.jpg) | ![](http://www.myspacemuseum.com/rcu_topa.jpg) | 500mm lens
body, used to
take photos
of geological
interest | A nice shot showing
the 500mm configuration.
Also note the camera
mount at the back,
used to carry it
on the chest
pack (RCU) | Astronaut practicing
sighting the 500mm | Apollo 15 astronaut
David Scott, showing
how the camera was
mounted to the RCU.
You can also see the
sample bag holder
clipped to the side
of the camera.
| RCU diagram,
clearly showing the
camera mount |
[ Last edited by blastoff at 21-2-2009 10:20 AM ] |
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Balas #34 blastoff\ catat
hmmm...apa yang hebat sangat dengan accuracy dalam gambar tu....?
cuba beritahu saya apa kriteria gambar tu sampai anda kata ia tak logik ?
accuracy?....accuracy yg saya nampak dalam gambar tu masih tak mustahil bagi seorang manusia....
lagipun, kat gambar tu, semua tak da lah tepat 100 peratus..... ada ja gambar agak ketepi sket....
dan kalau diorang dah training dulu sebelum tu, kenapa nak hairan kalau gambar dia okey?
lagipun macam pistol/senapang, mesti ada tempat untuk mata target, so tentulah dah ada method yg diorang guna supaya diorang boleh agak dengan tepat.... |
Originally posted by ussopp at 21-2-2009 01:30 AM ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hmmm...apa yang hebat sangat dengan accuracy dalam gambar tu....sampai kata hebat sangat....
cuba beritahu saya apa kriteria gambar tu sampai anda kata ia tak logik ?
accuracy? acccuracy apa?....accuracy yg saya nampak dalam gambar tu masih tak mustahil bagi seorang manusia....
lagipun, kat gambar tu, semua tak da lah tepat 100 peratus..... ada ja gambar agak ketepi sket....
dan kalau diorang dah training dulu sebelum tu, kenapa nak hairan kalau gambar dia okey?
lagipun macam pistol/senapang, mesti ada tempat untuk mata target, so tentulah dah ada method yg diorang guna supaya diorang boleh agak dengan tepat....
Kalau guna mata untuk compose gambar tu then boleh lah di terima bahwa gambar mereka tu akan memanjang aje ok. Ini tanpa dapat melihat langsung cuma mengagak aje beribu gambar ok memanjang ..... hmmm , accuracy yang aku maksudkan adalah semuanya berada dalam gambar dengan kedudukan yang elok aje seperti di ambil dalam environment yang terkawal lagaknya macam studio set .
Kalau kau pernah pergi ambil gambar di environment luar kat bumi ni maka kau akan sedar banyak faktor mempengaruhi kau sehingga jarang sangat la kau akan dapat ambil gambar dengan tepat memanjang everytime kau petik camera kau tu , lebih-lebih lagi kalau kau cuma petik camera tanpa focus dengan mata , mereka bukan profesional photographers , kalau practice pun nak capai 100 % accuracy tu memang mustahil la in my opinion .
Pergerakan manusia di bulan adakah sama dengan di bumi ? Apabila manusia berdiri tegak di bulan maka adakah mereka mampu berdiri setegak di bumi tanpa sedikit pun menghadapi masaalah ketidak seimbangan badan ? Dengan pakaian mereka yang begitu clumsy tu , di tambah dengan keadaan di bulan yang mereka tak biasa sama sekali ketika pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di bulan , tapi itu semua masih boleh menyebabkan mereka mencapai 100 peratus accuracy sehingga tak ada satu pun gambar yang terkeluar frame walaupun sikit ?
aku tabik spring la kalau ada orang yang boleh tembak 5771 kali secara tepat ke sasaran everytime dengan hanya pistol di letak kat dada aje ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
[ Last edited by blastoff at 21-2-2009 02:04 AM ] |
tengok bebudak skrg dgn cameraphone cukup la... dia boleh ambik gambar sendiri dari hujung tangan tak tengok viewfinder pun. cantkkk je pic muka dia penuh & center dlm gambar. kalau dia ambik pic dgn kengkawan dia 2-3 org pun cantik je sume muka masuk pic.
yg penting training. apollo mission makan billion2 takkan la diorang tak training benda ni. |
satu lagi, banyak NASA punya foto ni diorang dah crop. maksudnya, bila snap gambar, view dia besar, dan mungkin subjek tak center. so, sebelum publish, NASA crop gambar tu dulu kasi subjek dia betul2 center. |
Originally posted by saden at 21-2-2009 02:04 AM ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
tengok bebudak skrg dgn cameraphone cukup la... dia boleh ambik gambar sendiri dari hujung tangan tak tengok viewfinder pun. cantkkk je pic muka dia penuh & center dlm gambar. kalau dia ambik pic ...
itu di tala tepat ke muka dalam jarak yang dekat tak sampai dua kaki ( itu aje pun length tangan manusia) , boleh laa. Ini beribu gambar dalam berbagai jarak .
[ Last edited by blastoff at 21-2-2009 02:12 AM ] |
Originally posted by saden at 21-2-2009 02:08 AM ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
satu lagi, banyak NASA punya foto ni diorang dah crop. maksudnya, bila snap gambar, view dia besar, dan mungkin subjek tak center. so, sebelum publish, NASA crop gambar tu dulu kasi subjek dia be ...
kat mana kau ambik info yang kata nasa crop gambar apollo sebelum publish ? Boleh bagi link dari statement nasa sendiri tak mengenai perkara ni ? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
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