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Author: makcikmengamok

Apa yg leh Increase imun system kita?

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2009 02:36 PM | Show all posts

Balas #20 Arissa_Sofea\ catat

mod ada tak nak recommend apa2 yg bagus utk boost immune system...

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2009 02:38 PM | Show all posts

Balas #20 Arissa_Sofea\ catat

so mod aku dah confuse...leh explain clearly and in detail...apa yg berlaku pada immune system kita klu kita exercise..


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Post time 10-5-2009 02:39 PM | Show all posts

Balas #18 Arissa_Sofea\ catat

never mind if you dont understand. obviously you have no idea at all about what I've said. you can read more of Dr Becker in his Cross Current. I dont expect everybody to understand complicated stuffs like this.

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Post time 10-5-2009 03:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #23 arnauld's post

I dont understand because it doesn't make any sense. NO, it's not complicated, I'm an educated person, so throw at me all your scientific facts, I'm sure I can understand it.

Do you even know what you are talking about??

tell me what is this 'negative ions' from your understanding......

if youre gonna suggest it, might as well explain it....don't you think?

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Post time 10-5-2009 07:29 PM | Show all posts

Balas #24 Arissa_Sofea\ catat

It doesnt make any sense to u because you were thinking of the negative ions that bind the atoms to form a molecules. That is a part of negative ions functions. But the negative ions I was talking about was the one in the form electricity that flows in our body, that keeps the cells alive. Every single living cell require energy to stay alive. What water is to river, is what negative ions to electricity. Our human body has body electricity of 40mili ampere (caucasian perhaps), that keep the body alive, when we are active the electricity level will increase as we need more energy to move more frequently and faster. but when we grow older, the metabolism is reduced and the electricity that we produced is at much lower level. what will happen to our cells receiving lower level or electricity? can it maintain the cells well being receiving less number of negative ions? considering the same number of cells, receiving less number of negative ions consistently for number of years, guess what will happen? the rate of dying cell will be bigger than the rate of creation of new cells, that is call aging! The more negative ions you get whether through increased metabolism or artificial supply like ionizers in your car or in your operation theatres or even the one produced by Germanium heated with our body heat, will help cells prolong their life span thus rate of dying cell will be smaller than rate of creration of new cells.

Read more about this at Dr Becker, Cross Current & Body Electric. If you can read japanese you can search for Dr Ishigaki Kenichi.

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Post time 10-5-2009 08:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #25 arnauld's post

ok...if anyone else understands this please do explain it....

i don't understand a thing of this mythical negative ions....

first of are right the cells need energy......and this energy is not in the form of electricity....

the energy comes from the glucose and oxygen, the metabolism inside the cells in what we call the Kreb's cycle.....

this all happens in the mitochondria inside the cells......and the continuous Kreb's cycles produce ATP, molecules which contain high level of chemical energy.......

again NOT electricity....or electrical energy....

when you are saying that cells receive energy supply from electrical energy supposedly produced by these negative are wrong

instead.....cells receive energy supply from the food (glucose) and metabolism with oxygen in the form of chemical energy....

and then, this chemical energy that cells receive and generate, will be converted to electrical energy (for example in the nervous sytem), converted to kinetic energy (in the muscles and heart), converted to heat energy (to warm the body) and etc......

where/when on earth did cells receive electrical energy from 'negative ions'???

i'm sure i've got a whole lot more to say....but see how you respond to the above statement first.....

p/s: i dont wanna read 'Dr Becker' article....i wanna read what u say, because u suggested this here....not Dr. Becker

you can find a whole lot of mythical health benefits etc. on the internet researched by various 'doctors'....but are they recognized by the medical organizations worldwide? NOT NECESSARILY....

if they were, I would have given negative ions to my patients everyday in the wards....

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Post time 10-5-2009 10:14 PM | Show all posts

Balas #26 Arissa_Sofea\ catat

"when you are saying that cells receive energy supply from electrical energy supposedly produced by these negative are wrong"

I am saying that negative ions is the electrical energy, from chemical energy it converts into electrical energy before finally convert into potential energy that we have.

"where/when on earth did cells receive electrical energy from 'negative ions'???"

naturally from foods, artificially from ionizers, -ions from germanium etc. you have never heard about these approach? may be brits dont have this technology yet.

"you can find a whole lot of mythical health benefits etc. on the internet researched by various 'doctors'....but are they recognized by the medical organizations worldwide? NOT NECESSARILY...."

If you can read Japanese, I can send you the whole book. They have completed a clinical trials on this. I dont care whether Malaysia government or even british government recognized it or not as I believe Japanese & American safety and drugs management standard is very much more exposed, as well as thorough is their qualification procedures.

Yes you will give negative ions in the ward, perhaps in the near future. In Japan they already have an institution certified by government to treat patients using this methodology. And my American doc friend also using this for his family. He told me that this subject was taught to him in his molecular biology class.

Never mind if you dont take this, as I am very familiar with hesitation. Need to go back to Manchester derby...;-))

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2009 11:24 PM | Show all posts
i don't know anything....but i'm rooting for arnauld...cos i see how hard he tries to explain to you......
sofea sometimes have to go outside from your text book
and be open minded...don't just pust it a little research...and think about it...then compare..
you'll be surprise...of a what you'll find

going by the text book is limited..

good doctors thinks outside the text Dr Mehmet Oz...

[ Last edited by  makcikmengamok at 11-5-2009 00:36 ]

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2009 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arnauld at 10-5-2009 22:14
"when you are saying that cells receive energy supply from electrical energy supposedly produced by these negative are wrong"

I am saying that negative ions is the electrical energ ...

hey thanks for sharing your info..
there's a new whole world of info for me to discover now!

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Post time 10-5-2009 11:29 PM | Show all posts
saya makan 4life trf factor

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Post time 10-5-2009 11:33 PM | Show all posts
saya slalu bersin pepagi, ntah la may be kurang immune system lam badan kot, saya malas nak jumpe doc, sbb banyak ubat saya tak leh makan so saya makan le trf factor tu untuk tingkatkan immune system, so saya leh lawan virus jahat yg menyebabkan saya slalu sgn selsema, setiap hari...!

skrg ni selang sehari saya selsema, tak la sekerap dulu...
saya try jer 4life ni.. hopefully ok..

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Post time 10-5-2009 11:53 PM | Show all posts

Balas #29 makcikmengamok\ catat

err one more thing mak cik mengamok, cut down your sugar, or better be sugarless. once you dah familiar nanti, you akan rasa yang pahit tu sedap...



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Post time 11-5-2009 01:46 AM | Show all posts

I am saying that negative ions is the electrical energy, from chemical energy it converts into electrical energy before finally convert into potential energy that we have.

oh now you are saying that electrical energy is converted from chemical energy....but then, the cells yang produce the negative ions....and not the negative ions supply the cells with the electrical energy ....Isn't it??...kind of contradicting to what u have said before...

In Japan they already have an institution certified by government to treat patients using this methodology

what's the name of the institute?

sofea sometimes have to go outside from your text book. going by the text book is limited. good doctors thinks outside the text books

fine i'm a textbook person. It's because we've been taught that way. So that we don't kill patients with strange stuffs...It's called Evidence Based Medicine

a consultant I know had to stand in court because a patient under the care of him died in the ward. apparently the patient took herbal medicines in the ward by herself which of course was not prescribed by my consultant....but still he had to answer for it....crazy isn't it?
the herbal medicine was for athritis.....but apparently it reacted with a blood pressure tablet and turned into a poison....

how bout that?

oh, by the way, what is this negative ions? there a product with a name? is it liquid? tablet? suspension? gas? what's the active ingredients?

Germanium is an important semiconductor material used in transistors and various other electronic devices. Some germanium compounds, such as germanium chloride and germane, can irritate the eyes, skin, lungs, and throat.

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2009 02:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 11-5-2009 01:46
fine i'm a textbook person. It's because we've been taught that way. So that we don't kill patients with strange stuffs...It's called Evidence Based Medicine

a consultant I know had to stand in court because a patient under the care of him died in the ward. apparently the patient took herbal medicines in the ward by herself which of course was not prescribed by my consultant....but still he had to answer for it....crazy isn't it?
the herbal medicine was for athritis.....but apparently it reacted with a blood pressure tablet and turned into a poison....

how bout that?

that's why aku cakap...buat research...jangan main lantak sebarang...
research from top to bottom...

memangla refer text book...but once in a while...kita buka minda...belaja new things outside the text book...
but ada jugak baiknya...supaya kita tak hidup in an island...
but doesn't mean ko nak apply kat patient...biar mind open sikit..

Jenny McCarthy dier nyer anak kene Autism..
masa dier tanya cakap...tak dpt buat apa2 lagi..
so dier cari kat internet...tak official lagi..
and berjaya buat anak dier jadi normal..

klu ader something that's new..
rugi klu tolak ilmu baru sewenang2nya....
at least give it a chance...baca and research...betul ker tak..mende tu..
bukannya nak percaya...that's why aku cakap the's up to you to decide...

Dr. Mehmet Oz...dier cakap...western medicine is limited..
ada lagi kat luar lebey bagus...something like that..

so there is greater things out there..
if you open up your mind...



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Post time 11-5-2009 02:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #34 makcikmengamok's post

what is there to research??

read this:

nak measure pun tak boleh....macam mana nak research....
basically....just assumptions...

mana ko dapat anak jenny mccarthy jadi normal? far as i'm concern, anak dier still autistic jer...

and for your info....aku bukan tolak ilmu....

i would describe it 'critical analysis'.......itulah caranyer semua ubat/treatment approved, the 'PROVE ME WRONG' basis

tu sebabnyer orang dok buat research...randomized controlled trials prove that the drugs/treatments Does Not Work in the first place.....and If it works....great!!!! ...approved, recognized, distribute!!....sbb tu ader statistical analysis....ader confidence interval, false positives, false negatives bla22.....

if you don't understand what i said above....then, nevermind lah....

go with your the negative ionizer whatever....peace...

[ Last edited by  Arissa_Sofea at 11-5-2009 02:49 ]

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2009 03:58 AM | Show all posts

Balas #35 Arissa_Sofea\ catat

aku try to digest apa yg ko cakap..
esok aku baca...dah lewat malam berpinar2 mata aku...

yer maseh anak dier maseh autistic.. do you say..
dier nyer anak act less weird now...

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2009 04:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arnauld at 10-5-2009 23:53
err one more thing mak cik mengamok, cut down your sugar, or better be sugarless. once you dah familiar nanti, you akan rasa yang pahit tu sedap...

aku cutback on sugar...

oh by the way...umm ko ka yg hack pakai seri air punyer nick
heran aku...dier cakap english steady lagi tu....mati2 aku ingat bukan dier...
sekali tengok betul...

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Post time 11-5-2009 08:24 AM | Show all posts

Balas #33 Arissa_Sofea\ catat

"oh now you are saying that electrical energy is converted from chemical energy....but then, the cells yang produce the negative ions....and not the negative ions supply the cells with the electrical energy ....Isn't it??...kind of contradicting to what u have said before..."

this is from my earlier posting,
"but when we grow older, the metabolism is reduced and the electricity that we produced is at much lower level. what will happen to our cells receiving lower level of electricity?"

I've stated it right from the beginning!

need some scientific research, try this one, ... -ions-serotonin.htm

this is just the tip of the the way, perhaps you can ask your facility people why the ionizer is installed in the operation theater...

how's your research on tropical diseases doing;-))

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Post time 11-5-2009 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 11-5-2009 04:00

aku cutback on sugar...

oh by the way...umm ko ka yg hack pakai seri air punyer nick
heran aku...dier cakap english steady lagi tu....mati2 aku ingat bukan dier...
sekali tengok b ...

Makcik ko ingat aku punya engrand cekai sangat kaaaa?

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Post time 11-5-2009 01:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #38 arnauld's post

what will happen to our cells receiving lower level or electricity? can it maintain the cells well being receiving less number of negative ions? considering the same number of cells, receiving less number of negative ions consistently for number of years, guess what will happen?

ok...tu you kept saying 'receiving' the negative ions that give the cells energy...

I am saying that negative ions is the electrical energy, from chemical energy it converts into electrical energy before finally convert into potential energy that we have.

and then you are saying, this negative ions/electrical energy is converted from the chemical energy produced by the cells.....

the first post you said the negative ions supply the energy.....the second, you said the cells produce the chemical energy which then give rise to the negative ions....

not contradicting?'re gonna have a hard time if you are ever in a court.....

and that research you gave on a lame website, that anybody could have created....inspiredliving?..looks like an MLM site to me
i thought it was gonna be on the likes of British Medical Journals or something well-known...

and having read through the research....there was no mention of any ethical body approval for the research.....what? they just grabbed people off the streets...would you like to join my research??

and furthermore, they just said they chose 'twenty weather sensitive patients, 12 females, 8 males'.....there was no inclusion criteria or exclusion criteria...

this study wasn't even standardised!! not randomised......what a weak's like a science lab experiment....just grab subjects to test the effects....and only 20 subjects?? it's far far from being significant enough to represent a population sample.....hummmph

p/s: there is no ionizer in our hospital theatres mind you all belilah ionizer kalau u nak beli...up to's not my job to convince you otherwise.....jgn lupa beli gelang sekali tau (ionizer bracelet).....LOL, getting so ridiculous.....

.my weekend ended....back to work....

[ Last edited by  Arissa_Sofea at 11-5-2009 14:03 ]

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