lawak nyer... cm TT heran.. wakakkakaka |
lawak nyer... cm TT heran.. wakakkakaka
tamanteman Post at 27-7-2009 11:21
Tau takper. Buat semak jer kat sini.
Anyway aku tak kisah lah ZZ menyanyi lagi ker tak.
Buat album lagi ker tak.
Yang penting sebagai peminat kita sokong sampai bila2.
Maklumlah anak dah 4, Keluarga bahagia.
Kalau giler terkejar2 award, kejar glamour, kejar laki org sana-sini pun buat aper kan?
I think ZZ has everything that completes her.
Aper gunanyer dapat award satu lori kalau keluarga tak bahagia kan?
Senang sekali tgk artis2 mcm ziana, liza hanim, amy mastura yg tak tergilerkan glamour and have the attitude that family comes first. |
2 statement lau da xlaku.. ala ct pn pnah gak slow down wat psembahan smata2 untk focus kt fmily sume.. da org pangil so dy terima je r.. xbaik tolak rezeki.. dy xde r tamak smp xpk sume 2.. lau tamak dy da lama da jd plakon kt malaysia ni... show dia pn da di limitkan.. |
2 statement lau da xlaku.. ala ct pn pnah gak slow down wat psembahan smata2 untk focus kt fmily sume.. da org pangil so dy terima je r.. xbaik tolak rezeki.. dy xde r tamak smp xpk sume 2.. lau tama ...
tamanteman Post at 31-7-2009 01:56
aik... kata tak heran?...
Looks like TT cared enough to post a reply.
Ct tu hal dier la. yg bawak masuk ke sini tu buat aper?
I didn't say CT tamak rite?
Ha ha ha...
Adik terasa ye?
Sampai backing habis gitu...
Ha ha ha...
Kalau makan cili mestilah terasa pedas kan?
Ha ha ha...
Anyway betul ker CT slowdown kerana 'Fokus utk Family'?
Bukan ker kerana mkt utk CT dah kurengg...
Ha ha ha...
Aper pun TT, teruskan menyokong CT.
Tabik dgn sikap 'Delusional Fanaticism' anda!
Ha ha ha...
Tanpa peminat siapelah CT kan?
*Sniggers* |
22# ah_miao
salah satu contoh peminat ZZ yg rasional
bukan macam si parasit tak tahu malu tu |
sah2 TT educated.. lau x.. xmerasa r study oversea dulu kn...
leh r ko micha.. sdey je ak tgk.. hahaha |
nmpk sgt perbezaan si pandai ngn si bodoh.... educated people vs uneducated......
micha Post at 31-7-2009 20:17
manusia kalo da bodoh tu mmg terserlah...... kalo x educated tu mmg terserlah kengokngekkan....... |
sah2 TT educated.. lau x.. xmerasa r study oversea dulu kn...
leh r ko micha.. sdey je ak tgk.. hahaha
tamanteman Post at 31-7-2009 20:34
eh eh ader aku ckp ko ke....... yg ko terasa kenapa....... x educated betol mak nyah felda ulu ni |
sah2 TT educated.. lau x.. xmerasa r study oversea dulu kn...
leh r ko micha.. sdey je ak tgk.. hahaha
tamanteman Post at 31-7-2009 20:34
eh eh ader aku ckp ko ke....... yg ko terasa kenapa....... x educated betol mak nyah felda ulu ni |
pape je r ko micha.. ko ni konon2 nye cm pempuan d bwh lindungan kaabah je.. ko jgn berangan la.. ko ingat ko bagus sgt?? haktui.. cm forum ni bapak ko yg punye.. sah2 lau uneducated xkn tau ict! ko ni sah2 la gile.. mmg xde spisis manusia lgsung.. |
Post Last Edit by ah_miao at 31-7-2009 20:55
Iye blajar obersea ye?
ha ha ha
you make me laugh...
I bet u do not understand half of the english I wrote...
ha ha ha.
Kalau nak tipu, berpada2 lah dik oi... ha ha ha.
Habis! sumer kebodohan, pemikiran yg cetek, kekurangan matang TT sumer ter-exposed!
Saya suka layan karenah TT.
Makin banyak yg ditulis makin... to put it nicely, makin kelakar.
Dgn komen2 TT yg Cliche
"ala ct pn pnah gak slow down wat psembahan smata2 untk focus kt fmily sume.. da org pangil so dy terima je r.. xbaik tolak rezeki.. " - Post 23
Mcm pernah dgr ye komen itewww....
Ha ha ha...
anyway TT, nevermind your stupidity but why the narrow-mindedness?
Kata, obersea educated. LOL!!!
Sedih lah kan anak melayu supposedly belajar sampai menara gading...
Tapi... ha ha ha... LAWAK!!!
When you replied to my post your stupidity was already exposed.
Ha ha ha.
Bazir duit je kan blajar obersea?
Hu hu hu...
Anyway nak tanyer TT la... Obersea, Uni maner?
Adakah Harvard, Yale, Oxford or Cambridge?
Hu hu hu... |
pape je r ko micha.. ko ni konon2 nye cm pempuan d bwh lindungan kaabah je.. ko jgn berangan la.. ko ingat ko bagus sgt?? haktui.. cm forum ni bapak ko yg punye.. sah2 lau uneducated xkn tau ict! ko n ...
tamanteman Post at 31-7-2009 20:41
eh eh ader aku ckp aku dilindung kaabah ke. mekah pn aku xpi lg........
sah2 la aku lg bgus dr ko dr segala segi. nape? x puas ati ke?
eh eh, ader je org x educated tau it..... msk forum bagai. cth nye ko la...... ishhhh tu pn nk kne gtau ke. ko ni mmg keparat belajar takat mana xtau la....... |
well ah miau.. i think u should learn how to think bout human sense.
lau x ko xyah r nk recomment my post occay..
i knew all my post, n are experts in the field but when it comes down to the field of public like u.. it sound stupiq n proove ur own stupida.. aq ase know capalibility x standing ak occay...
micha2.. lantak ko la.. jnji ak hepy ng life ak.. ak mampu.. dat y r ak sntiase ade kt mne2 konsert ct biarpn nun di london..
takat keje ckup2 makan cam ko ni.. sikit pn ak xheran... hahha |
well ah miau.. i think u should learn how to think bout human sense.
lau x ko xyah r nk recomment my post occay..
i knew all my post, n are experts in the field but when it comes down to the field ...
tamanteman Post at 31-7-2009 23:33
stupiq???? bahasa pe tu hanjeng oiiiii. ko ni kalo aku ckp uneducated ko xnk ngaku........ padahal bahasa ko menunjukkan ko tu ngok ngek.....
yo la, beli tiket konsert kat london, blk msia ikat perut 3 bulan. kete kne tarik. huh mcm aku xtau hidup asam garam manusia menganggur mcm ko....... eeeeeee |
org bodoh cam ko mne tau.. hahahah |
org bodoh cam ko mne tau.. hahahah
tamanteman Post at 31-7-2009 23:59
bapok huduh...... |
Post Last Edit by ah_miao at 1-8-2009 01:32
well ah miau.. i think u should learn how to think bout human sense.
lau x ko xyah r nk recomment my post occay..
i knew all my post, n are experts in the field but when it comes down to the field ...
tamanteman Post at 31-7-2009 23:33
human sense? oh... COMMON SENSE u mean?
ha ha ha...
orite mr/ms obersea educated. lol.
Ok... So, you know your every post.
I know your every post run down every other artistes except CT.
It's a shame for a big star like CT to have fans like you!
So if you want to talk about 'human sense', which part of you is human?
Not your intellect apparently. =D
Expert in your field?
What field is that? May I know?
And you still have not answered my question.
Which top university you went to?
Or should I rephrase that, which oversea pre-school did you go to?
By the way, "it sound stupiq n proove ur own stupida.. aq ase know capalibility x standing ak occay..."
What are you trying to say here?
Your sentence structures are terrible!
Left little to be desired for!
Bahasa melayu penuh dgn hasad dengki.
And your english language... errrm... HA HA HA.
Takperla TT... Saya suka dgn keyakinan yg ada pada diri anda.
Boy! You're a joke!!! Seriously! |
Post Last Edit by ah_miao at 1-8-2009 01:32
human sense? oh... COMMON SENSE u mean?
ha ha ha...
orite mr/ms obersea educated. lol.
Ok... So, you know your every post.
I know your every po ...
ah_miao Post at 1-8-2009 01:29
he is not a boy..... he is nyah...... |
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