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Author: zairi

Dealer Best Water Filtre n Produk Kesihatan utk warga Penang

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2010 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Water Filtre promotion's End 25th March ni..mari mari

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2010 03:28 PM | Show all posts
nock nock...mana org2 penang ni...

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 Author| Post time 30-3-2010 08:42 AM | Show all posts
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Elken IG6

I have a daughter and she is about 2 years old now. She used to fall sick every 2 months or so. Usually it’s either fever or flu or even cough. I guess that’s common for all kids. Those with traditional thinking would say that it’s due to the growth of their teeth.
Anyway, I was quite concern over bringing my daughter to see the child specialist every 2 months or so for the past 1st year of her life. I was then being introduced to this health supplement called Elken IG6 which is made from Colostrum that is collected within the first 6 hours upon the birth of the calf. This is similar to of a mother’s breast milk.

To my surprise it’s been almost 1 year and 3 months now that I gave my daughter to consume the Elken IG6 and she has only visited the doctor only 3 times. And after taking the medicine for 1 -2 days, it’s a fast recovery for her.

So, now I believe that the Elken IG6 has great effects on boosting-up the immune system of our body. Till today I have always continue to give the Elken IG6 to my daughter and I have also started to consume them an find it effective for me too.
Rating: 9

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2010 10:04 AM | Show all posts

Melalui LD VENUS, Wanita yang sihat memberikan kehidupan yang bahagia. Produk ini di rumus dengan menggunakan herba asli bermutu tinggi, yang di kenal pasti berkesan untuk memulihkan keadaan uterus serta mengawal fungsi fisiologikal kaum wanita selepas haid. Ramuan utamayna termasuklah Radix Angelicae Sinensies, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, Radix Galviae Miltiorrhizae, Herba Partriniae, Herba Leonuri and Radic Astragali Seu Hedysari.

Keistimewaan :
Di rumus melalui teknologi yang maju dengan menggunakan herba asli, tidak mengandungi hormone dan bebas daripada segala kesan sampingan
Di uji secara klinikal oleh hospital yang trekemuka di China dengan keberkesanannya mencapai 98% atau lebih
Di anugerahi Gold Medal oleh National Medicine and HealthCare of China pada tahun 1992
Cecair minuman di simpan dalam botol rekaan khas yang memenuhi semua cirri � ciri kebersihan dan mudah di bawa
Cara pengambilan yang termaju dan menjimatkan masa dan senang di makan untuk menyuburkan tubuh dan menyerikan wajah
Berbau wangi dan sedap di ambil

Kebaikan :
Memulihkan serta mencergaskan kaum wanita selepas bersalin, membantu pengecutan otot faraj selepas bersalin dan meningkatkan pengecutan uterin.
Melegakan sakit haid, menyelaraskan sistem endokrin untuk memulihkan kedatangan haid yang normal serta mengurangkan sakit haid dan keputihan.
Merawat kedinginan seks dan mencergaskan keinginan fizikal dan meningkatkan nafsu syahwat
Memulihkan keadaan tisu kulit supaya kelihatan lebih berseri dan cerah, membantu mengurangkan kedutan akibat kehamilan,masalah kulit,bebayang mata, jeragat dan jerawat.
Mengurangkan gangguan putus haid (menopause)

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2010 10:05 AM | Show all posts

Kebaikan LD Estem
Apabila buah dada yang montok dan seimbang menjadi impian setiap wanita, LD Estem ialah penyelesai yang dapat merealisasikan mimpi anda. Dengan menyuburkan dan mencergaskan fungsi hati dan ginjal, LD Estem berupaya mengalakkan aktiviti sistem endokrin dan kalenjar seks dalam ovari untuk merangsang pertumbuhan asini kalenjar mamari, membantu pembentukan saluran laktiferus dan melancarkan peredaran darah dalam buah dada. Dalam keadaan ini, ia menentukan khasiat yang secukupnya di terima oleh buah dada dan sekali gus mengumpulkan lebih banyak lemak supaya membentuk buah dada yang lebih besar secara semulajadi.

Walaupun saiz buah dada amat penting, namun buah dada yang besar semata-mata tidak dapat menentukan kontur yang cantik tanpa memiliki sifat sifat sepeti tegang, montok dan kenyal. LD Estem membantu mempercepatkan penjanaan semula tisu fibrous di bahagian buah dada supaya menjadikannya lebih tegang.

Melahirkan anak atau akibat gangguan endokrin sering menyebabkan warna putting dan areola berubah. Biasanya daripada warna merah muda pada zaman gadis kepada merah bernyala atau hitam selepas melahirkan anak. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, LD Estem berupaya melaraskan rembesan hormone supaya memulihkan warna putting dan areola, membolehkan anda menikmati rasa muda remaja semula.

Meskipun pada hakikatnya, LD Estem tidak mengandungi hormone, ia menghasilkan kesan yang sama dengan hormone seks wanita. Ia sangat berkesan dalam meningkatkan fungsi kalenjar mamari dan melaraskan fungsi endokrin untuk memulihkan keadaan jeragat, ketiaktentuan haid, kekeringan faraj, hilang nafsu seks, kesan kedutan semasa hamil dan sebagainya.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2010 10:07 AM | Show all posts
What is Molucular Reform Therapy?

The Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT) was developed based on research accumulated over 150 years. This therapeutically concept was hailed by the US and international medical fraternity and nutritional bodies such as :-

Dr. Linus Pauling, a two time winner of the Nobel Prize, predicted that MRT is destined to become the mainstream of medical studied in the 21st Century.
Medical studies of cells also became the subject of renowned university including Johns Hopkins University and University of California, Berkeley.
A brainchild of the U.S. Congress’s Special Committee of Nutrient Investigation (SCNI) established in 1975, the MRT concept was first introduced through a 5,000-page report titled Elements Required by Human and Nutrients fronted by two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling after an in-depth study on nutrition.
Also known as the Cell Reform Therapy, the MRT advocates that the human body will not fall sick as long as the body cells are receiving balanced nutrients regularly – free from metabolic abnormalities at cellular level. Accordingly, The ELKEN MRT emphasises on feeding the body with four life-supporting elements to achieve optimal health.

Step 1 : Balanced Nutrition
To maintain optimum health, our bodies need 46 essential types of nutrients on a daily basis. Also known as 'metabolic nutrients', the 46 essential nutrients consist of :
8 types of essential amino acids
8 types of vitamins and
20 types of minerals

As their functions are closely inter-linked, it is vital for one to ensure a balanced intake of all 46 essential nutrients on a daily basis. On the other hand, long-term inadequate intake has been linked to metabolic disturbances at cellular level and a higher chance of developing chronic diseases.

The ELKEN MRT Step 1 thus aims to correct and prevent this nutrition imbalance by the means of nutrition supplement where it is necessary.

Recommended Elken Products ( Step 1 ):-
Elken Spirulina
Win Calrich
Ester-C 500 Plus

STEP 2 : Increasing Oxygen Intake
Oxygen is the fountain of life. We can survive for days without food and water, but will die in six minutes if we are deprived of oxygen. It is a necessary ingredient as our body produces millions of new cells to replace those lost through the metabolic process everyday.

However, modern lifestyles and industrial pollution often deprive us of oxygen, without us being aware. This interrupts the metabolic process and cell renewals, leaving us susceptible to chronic conditions.

ELKEN MRT Step 2 aims to increase our oxygen intake through supplements, to effectively improve oxygen supplies in our blood circulation.

Recommended Elken Products ( Step 2 ):-
AO Max
Guasa Series
Win Rei Shi

STEP 3 : Detoxification
We need to clean and detoxify our body everyday, for food that is undigested and unabsorbed would end up forming ‘toxic wastes’ which can permeate our intestinal walls, be reabsorbed into blood capillaries and reach all parts of our bodies - thus increasing our risks of developing chronic illnesses.

ELKEN MRT Step 3 aims to dispel this health threat by introducing a natural and effective method to detoxify our body.

Recommended Elken Products ( Step 3 ) :-
Fujita Lactose-S
Bio Pure Series R.O Water Purification System

STEP 4 - Health Regulation
Contrary to popular beliefs, chronic illness is NOT a part of the ageing process. In fact, our body possesses the power to heal itself, if it receives constant nourishment, revitalisation and are able to carry out required bodily mechanisms.

We, however, are prone to compromising our health by not supplying our body of sufficient rest, nutrition, oxygen, detoxification and water. It renders our body vulnerable to metabolic disorders such as enzyme deficiency, which leads to indigestion and underweight problems, as well as metabolic disorders, which can combine with endocrine disorder to cause obesity. These are not ideal states of health.

A further lack of health regulation erodes our body’s self-healing ability, thus weakening our resistance against illnesses and diseases.

ELKEN MRT Step 4 promotes health regulation as the most effective means of regaining control of our health through the consumption of nourishing and strengthening products for an elevated state of well-being.

Recommended Elken Products ( Step 4 ):-
Win O' Taka Enzyme
Win HiFiber CE
DK Join
Win IG6 Colostrum
Dr. Diet
Dr. Xeniji
Palace Prime

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2010 12:59 PM | Show all posts

Benefits of improved healthy metabolism
    * Enhances nutrition absorption
    * Promote intellectual (brain) development
    * Maximizes the metabolism of nutrients for healthy physical growth

Expectant Mothers:
    * Helps in absorption of nutrients
    * Helps in optimal and healthy growth of the fetus
    * Increases energy levels
    * Reduces complication of pregnancy

    * Helps maintain normal metabolism to regulate cholesterol levels
    * Prevent accumulation of excessive fat
    * Helps regulate blood glucose uptake by the body
    * Helps normalize renal high blood pressure
    * Reduce the risk of cancer cell formation

    * Delay aging process
    * Invigorates and maintains efficiency of body organs

More Than 7 Wonders of 1000 Days of Fermentation
    * DR-XENIJI was initially developed to provide nourishment for pregnant mothers and development of healthy fetus.
    * More than 1000 days of fermentation allows all nutrients from the fruit and vegetables to be fully fermented, hence creating the most Bio-active Board Spectrum co-factor and co-enzyme. The activation of digestive and metabolic processes requires different co-enzyme and co-factors that can be found in DR-XENIJI, the broad spectrum co-factor and co-enzyme.
    * More than 1000 days of fermentation produces bioactive micro-fine nutrients that are in predigested form ready to be absorbed by cells, hence ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of metabolism in cells.
    * Bioactive micro-fine nutrients are fast absorbed in our body therefore less energy is required for metabolism of food and nutrients, hence reducing the stress levels in the body which leads to improved health.
    * More than 1000 days of fermentation allows the capturing of full spectrum of phytonutrients and energy from all seasons of 52 types of fruits and vegetables together with Muscovado (raw brown sugar).
    * More than 1000 days of fermentation allows fruits and vegetables to ferment naturally. No heating or chemicals are required to sterilize or to quicken the fermentation process, hence all nutrients are preserved.
    * Because it is a broad spectrum co-factor/co-enzyme, it acts as a booster catalyst for metabolic processes in our body, hence it has a positive effects on illnesses related to metabolic disorders.
    * Boosted Activity of NK Cells by 6.5 Folds
      Absorption of Sugar into Bloodstream Curbed by 80%
    * Lower Hypertension Causing ACE** Activity Levels by 90%

All the above illnesses are related to metabolic processes not being performed at their peak optimal level in the cells.

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2010 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah, dh ramai yg view thread ni..TQVM

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 Author| Post time 7-4-2010 11:15 AM | Show all posts

if ada sesiapa yg berminat nk test air kt rmh tu, leh la PM sy kay. Sy dh pernah test brand C (2 C), BA, Z, N, R, result mmg serupa minum air paip ja..filter tu mcm aksesori ja coz xdak functions apa2 pun, air mcm tu gak kotor...

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2010 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Slm semua!

ramai dh view ni tp xdak sorang pun yg fdback ni..huhu..mari2 menjaga kesihatan anda. Sakit mai xdak warning, so baik kita jaga2 dari dah terkena nnt....

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2010 10:22 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2010 12:09 PM | Show all posts
huhu..nampaknya warga Pulau Pinang ni tak kisah psl kesihatan kot....hmmmm

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2010 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Mari2, frenz, if ada sesiapa yg ada famili yg sakit ke, accident ke, boleh contact saya. Sya mungkin dpt tlg anda. TQ

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 03:49 PM | Show all posts

If anda semua tidak mampu, mari join saya buat biz ni. Modal? RM75 sahaja..murah kan? Ni bukan jual plan mcm yg lain2 tu..dun wori..

Details? PM saya

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2010 02:22 PM | Show all posts
alooo alooo..warga Bod Penang

Mana anda? Penyakit dan virus dh bertambah, adakah badan anda dan keluarga sudah cukup kuat utk menentang virus2 tersebut?

Renung-renungkan, jangan dh terkena baru nk tergadah....

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2010 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Olla Warga PEnan! Mari2 jaga kesihatan anda dan keluarga anda

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2010 04:39 PM | Show all posts

since ramai yg view thread ni, meh aku up kn lagi...

mari membeli produk kesihatan anda di sini!

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2010 12:18 PM | Show all posts
aloo alooo, mana org2 Penang ni?

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2010 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Date: 6 June 2010
Venue: Elken S.Jaya
Topic: Bio Pure Mini Workshop
Ticket: RM5

nk join? PM sya

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2010 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Skrg ada byk ofer, meh la..Nk tau details PM sy.

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