aku boikot next season terus
yerlaa..kalo si tiyona tuu jap jer donald t leh fire ...
jpl_fan Post at 20-10-2010 15:50 
itulah pasal weeehhh! aku geram gile bab tu...sbb die tak tolong Gene langsung...lagi die tibai adelah..infact aku tatau ape David buat masa event tu.
tp tader pun bangkitkan hal tu.Steuart ade lah gak nak blamekan David..tp last2 die kena balik..seb baik die diam dah..huhuh
aku rasa DT suka kat david kot..
jpl_fan Post at 20-10-2010 15:14 
biasala trump tu sgt memandang tinggi org yg bekerjaya dan berkeluarga bagai |
itulah..aku rasa tyanna memang tader salah pun untuk task tu..
dia dibuang sbb tak menyumba ...
idolfan Post at 20-10-2010 14:50 
kan mmg betul sebenarnya tyana tu..
bukan dia taknak bg idea
tapi awal2 lagi org dah kondem dia pasal tak sependapat
dia nak diorg kembali the right path and direction.. tapi derang awal2 lagi tolak pandangan dia
dia nak sama2 pk kan idea yg lebih boom sesuai dengan kehendak task |
itulah pasal weeehhh! aku geram gile bab tu...sbb die tak tolong Gene langsung...lagi die tibai ...
idolfan Post at 20-10-2010 15:54 
boleh selamba badak jer dia cakap dia terus lari tinggalkan gene sorang bila gene dah buat mistake  |
our favorite yg tinggal  

Steuart Martens, 27 (Washington, D.C.), born and raised in Washington DC, was the successful owner of four companies. Unfortunately, as the economy took a downturn, Martens was forced to close down two of his companies and lay off his entire staff. A serial entrepreneur, he is always looking for the next big business venture opportunity. Martens attended Purdue University on a swimming scholarship and received a Bachelor of Science in business. He also made it to the Olympic trials for swimming and is heavily involved in DC government.

Brandy Kuentzel, 30 (San Francisco, Calif.), received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from UCLA and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Chicago Law School. After working as a corporate attorney for a prestigious international law firm, she co-founded a mobile cupcake business in the San Francisco Bay Area. This entrepreneur is now ready to launch a more challenging and rewarding career. Kuentzel is a vegetarian and an avid supporter of animal rights. She also loves the outdoors and runs several miles a day.

Anand Vasudev, 31 (Tampa, Fla.), worked for a very lucrative private firm managing several large multi-million dollar real estate investments. The successful Emory University graduate, whose past career accomplishments also include being the youngest person to be promoted to a senior role at a Fortune 500 company, thought he was “indispensable” to his firm because of the high level of expertise he had developed over the years. His eventual layoff came to him as a huge shock, yet was very motivating. In the face of adversity, Anand followed his dream and moved to New York City, where today he is a struggling entrepreneur trying to launch an innovative new vitamin-infused wine company, while still also looking to get involved in media and entertainment business. He is finding it rather difficult amidst today’s economic environment and hasn’t taken a salary in over a year. An avid sports fan, Vasudev currently resides in New York City.

Stephanie Castagnier, 34 (Chicago, IL), born and raised in Montreal, has been a fighter since a very young age. Having both her parents pass away from AIDS when she was only a teenager, Castagnier started her career by putting herself through college at McGill University while working full time. Since then, she has worked as a commercial banker, at which she found success at a young age and was ranked among the top commercial lenders in the country several years running. After being directly impacted by the effects of the recession in the financial sector, she is looking to take control of her life and be proactive in her career. |
hebatnye derang ni muda2 lagi  |
mlm ni top chef 2 finale....... |
biasala trump tu sgt memandang tinggi org yg bekerjaya dan berkeluarga bagai
eddysheddy Post at 20-10-2010 17:11 
satu jer laa aku puji DT season nie..dia leh offer interview utk nicole |
satu jer laa aku puji DT season nie..dia leh offer interview utk nicole
jpl_fan Post at 20-10-2010 21:12 
tak paham  |
erkkk...nicole kan org yg first skali kuar kan? kan time dia naik taxi tuu DT ader bg tau Junior ngan Ivanka yg dia akan suh nicole gi interview kat office kawan dia...tak pasan ker? |
After her time on The Apprentice, Trump set Nicole up with an interview at the Miss Universe pageant. |
erkkk...nicole kan org yg first skali kuar kan? kan time dia naik taxi tuu DT ader bg tau Junior nga ...
jpl_fan Post at 20-10-2010 22:06 
oh ye ke? lepas settle kat bodroom i terus tutup kot |
After her time on The Apprentice, Trump set Nicole up with an interview at the Miss Universe pageant ...
jpl_fan Post at 20-10-2010 22:07 
haha.. sempat lagi tu ye.. mentang2la dia tokey miss universe  |
mangkuk ayun tu still ade lagii!!! bertuah sbb octane menang! cis!
girls kalah.. dan memang i hate Liza.. |
yg penting anand ngan steuart nampak comel pakai mender ala2 crown tuu.. |
kalah teruk team girls.. mmg patut kelly tu kene buang.. aku tgk mcm tak buat keje je.. sume pass kat stephanie.. mentang2la stephanie tu terer |
yg penting anand ngan steuart nampak comel pakai mender ala2 crown tuu..
jpl_fan Post at 22-10-2010 22:56 
kan? hahaha |
mangkuk ayun tu still ade lagii!!! bertuah sbb octane menang! cis!
girls kalah.. da ...
idolfan Post at 22-10-2010 17:18 
bygkan dgn tiga org je yg berfungsi dan sorang lagi main2 jer boleh beat girls yg ramai tu.. anand mmg hebat
dan nampak gayanya tiga2 lelaki da bersatu tak suke david.. yeaaaaaaaaaa  |
| |