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Author: perang_sivil


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 Author| Post time 4-11-2010 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 20# alphawolf

    seetuju sangat beb

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Post time 4-11-2010 09:28 AM | Show all posts
ramai org salah anggap sniper ni , bila pegang senapang berkualiti sikit organggap sniper sedangkan dia mungkin sharp shooter sebenarnya , benda ni sering terjadi , klu nak tgk peranan sharp shooter ni , klu tgk private ryan , seorang krew dia yg selalu disuruh tembak target tertentu , ha itulah sharp shooter , tp org biasa akan kata dia sniper , mungkin sniper agak galmor .

A marksman is a person who is skilled in precision shooting,[1] using projectile weapons, such as with a rifle but most commonly with a sniper rifle, to shoot at long range targets. In the military, marksmen are sometimes attached to an infantry squad where they take accurate long-range shots at valuable targets as needed, thus extending the reach of the squad.[original research?]

sbb tulah hsarp shooter sering disalah anggap sebagai sniper , dlm unit biasa mmg tak wujud sebenarnya sniper , tp ramai yg salah anggap , bila pegang je senejata sniper tu org pun anggap sniper , aku pun mula mula salah , tp kawan aku yg sharp shooter ni betulkan istilah antara sniper dan sharp shooter .

Another term for a marksman is a sharpshooter, which is derived from the German word Scharfschütze that was used in the early 19th Century.[2]

The main difference between a marksman and a sniper is that a marksman is usually considered an organic part of a team of soldiers, whereas snipers tend to work solitarily or with other snipers.

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Post time 4-11-2010 09:30 AM | Show all posts
The terms 'marksman' and 'sharpshooter' are often used interchangeably with the term 'sniper' (as often in history) within paramilitary counter-terrorism teams such as SWAT, since only a select few use long-range sniper rifles while the majority are armed with close quarter combat submachine guns.

In the United States Army and Marine Corps, the marksmanship of the soldiers are ranked based on their skill: marksman-sharpshooter-expert. Holders of each level wear qualification badges below their ribbons with bars for the weapons they qualify in. In the United States Navy and the United States Coast Guard, full-sized medals are only issued at the expert level. Both services award separate medals for pistol and rifle proficiency. The United States Air Force gives just a ribbon for qualifying at the expert level, although a bronze star can be earned if the wearer qualifies on both of these types of small arms.[4]

This sequence[clarification needed] comes from organized, competitive shooting where it was first created.[citation needed] Some civilian shooting organizations still use the same terms for classification purposes. However, the terms are not consistent between the military and civilians.[citation needed]

Within the United States military, a marksman in the U.S. Army is referred to as "Squad Designated Marksman" (SDM), and a marksman in the Marines is called a "Designated Marksman" (DM)

In the British Armed Forces, 'marksman' is traditionally the highest shooting rating. Holders of the rating wear a crossed rifles badge on the lower sleeve

A "Squad Designated Marksman" or a "Designated Marksman" should not be confused with a sniper.[original research?] United States marksmen rarely operate individually. Snipers are often deployed for specific objectives in teams consisting of snipers and observers. The marksman, however, operates as a regular member within a unit where his skills are called upon whenever the need for accurate shooting arises in the normal course of operations. While snipers are intensively trained to master fieldcraft and camouflage, these skills are not required for marksmen. There are differences in role and training that affect doctrines and equipment. Snipers rely almost exclusively on more accurate but slower-firing bolt-action rifles[citation needed], such as the M24, while a marksman can effectively use a faster-firing, but less accurate semi-automatic rifle[citation needed], such as the M14. A sniper's intensive training, forward placement and surveillance duties make their role more strategic than that of a squad-level marksman. Thus, marksmen are often attached at the squad level while snipers are often attached at higher levels such as battalion (cf.: designated marksman). In short, an "SDM" or "DM" is a regular infantryman that extends the effective range of a combat squad, while a sniper is deployed to gather information and eliminate specific targets

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Post time 4-11-2010 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 23# hyazinth79

    gud info , thanks

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Post time 4-11-2010 09:00 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sparxxjb at 4-11-2010 21:23

sy setuju pandangan anda lah... memang betul pandangan anda 2.sniper ni bukan setakat 2 je dari segi pasukan sniper elit komando ni kerja melibatkan sabotaj, pembunuhan org2 penting bgi melambatkan kemaraan musuh yg ingin menyerang pasukan sahabat sendiri. dalam 70% kerja mereka adalah membunuh 30% mendapatkan mendapatkan maklumat. bagi sniper infantry ia pulak ia banyak melengahkan kemaraan musuh agar dapat beri tekanan kepada pasukan musuh utk melancarkan serangan kepada pasukan inf yang lain. kerja sniper inf pulak 40% membunuh org2 pentig musuh 60% mendapatkan maklumat.biasanya sniper inf ni ia berkerja sama dgan pasukan recon inf x sama dgan sniper komando yg mana mereka dalam 1 ronda kumpulan kecil(RKK) mempunya sniper tersendiri.. sniper inf ni ada bahagian yg lain pulak.. ia terbahagi tim sniper inf Mechanized,tim sniper inf para dan tim sniper inf,perkerjaan mereka sama tapi organasasi yg berbeza..


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Post time 4-11-2010 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 23# hyazinth79

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Post time 5-11-2010 07:36 AM | Show all posts
peranan sniper dlm peperangan tak boleh dipandang mudah , begitu jugak sharp shooter , setiap org ada peranannya , dan selalunya yg ramai org tak perasan kebanyakan sniper lahir dr sharp shooter

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Post time 5-11-2010 01:53 PM | Show all posts
kita blh lahairkan bayak sharp shooter dari tentera ataupun awam dgan meparbanyakan latihan menembak.tapi kita tidak dapat melahirkan sniper berkuntiti yang ramai pada satu masa ia kerana melibatkan kemahiran imp yg ckp tinggi.

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Post time 5-11-2010 02:46 PM | Show all posts
untuk sharpshooter selalunya bakat dilahirkan melalui pertandingan menembak , macam di malaysia jarang pertandingan mcm ni diadakan , waktu zaman komunis mmg ada org awam yg handal dalam sharp shooter ni , malah ada yg dibayar utk terlibat dlm operasi tertentu utk bantu TD

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Post time 5-11-2010 03:43 PM | Show all posts
taktik sniper sekarang kebanyakannya dipelajari daripada german , semasa kempen di normandy , sniper german ni dgn mudah masuk kawasan yg dikawal oleh tentera bersekutu , menyebabkan banyak kemalangan jiwa di kalangan tentera us sampaikan us ni pun pelik mcm mana german boleh masuk jauh ke kawasan mereka , klu dibanding sniper russia yg sememangnya beroperasi di kawasan sendiri . sbb tu sekarang bnyk doktrin sniper diambil dr german lepas perang dunia ke 2 , dan lahirlah konsep sniper elit ni , yg masuk ke kawasan musuh ni

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Post time 5-11-2010 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sparxxjb at 5-11-2010 16:39


dalam sejarah sniper pun german adalah sebuah negara yg pertama menubuhkan tim sniper(penembak hendap) pada tahun 1915 ia bertujuan membunuh segala musuh iaitu pasukan nato(persatuan pertubuhan atlantik utara) terdiri daripada british,usa,peranchis pada perang dunia pertama. jika ada atikal yg lain selain in itu semua propanganda utuk kelirukan sejarah sebenar.. kebanyakan tentera german mempratikan dan menajar pengatahuan sniper... tentera jerman juga ada lah yg pertama mengunakan gabungan  senjata dan penjera optik bertujuan menembak musuh di jarak yang jauh... tentera malaysia pun mengunakan senjata accuracy international nato buatan england dan mengunakan penjera optik buatan german. ini menunjukan kita masih lagi perpandukan sejarah sniper yg sebenar... tapi tidak ramai yang tahu semua ni...

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Post time 5-11-2010 07:50 PM | Show all posts
Reply 31# sparxxjb

    tul tu , dorang siap ada sekolah sendiri waktu tu , agak kehadapan berbanding tentera bersekutu , dan russia membangunkan konsep psikologi menggunakan sniper di stalingrad .

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Post time 5-11-2010 11:30 PM | Show all posts
2 memang betul german dah maju kehadapan masa peperangan dahulu, baru lah tentera nato buka sekolah sniper lepas 2 mereka lah hero dalam segala cita yang ada skg ni... banyak fakta di propagandakan bagi menunjukan tenteranya yang gah di mata dunia...

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Post time 6-11-2010 09:42 AM | Show all posts

ni mungkin turki , loreng helmet mcm kita rupanya

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Post time 6-11-2010 09:52 AM | Show all posts

ada 2 sniper , cuba teka di mana


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Post time 6-11-2010 09:55 AM | Show all posts
A BRITISH Army sniper has set a new sharpshooting distance record by killing two Taliban machinegunners in Afghanistan from more than 1 miles away. .... “The first round hit a machinegunner in the stomach and killed him outright,” said Harrison, a Corporal of Horse. “He went straight down and didn’t move. The second insurgent grabbed the weapon and turned as my second shot hit him in the side. He went down, too. They were both dead.” The distance to Harrison’s two targets was measured by a GPS system at 8,120ft, or 1.54 miles.

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Post time 6-11-2010 10:00 AM | Show all posts

Using tall grass for cover, a Soldier from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1-36 Infantry Division attatched to the 3rd Infantry Division, sets up his shot using the "Buddy-Supported" firing postion, taking aim with his M110 Sniper Rifle. The snipers trained Iraqi army special forces soldiers as part of a two-week sniper training in Mosul, Iraq.


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Post time 6-11-2010 11:33 AM | Show all posts
ada yang ok dia punya penyamaran.... ada yang gagal jugak 2 senang pasukan infantry kesan kedudukanya terus buat serangan..

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Post time 6-11-2010 01:06 PM | Show all posts
SAMARAN YG DIPAKAI , TAK SAMA DGN PERSEKITARAN , sbb tulah sniper di ajar ilmu medan , supaya mereka boleh belajar keadaan sekeliling dan guna keadaan tu utk sembunyikan aktiviti

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2010 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply 39# hyazinth79

    IMP sangat advance...

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