takde manusia dalam donia ni sore perfect chuols... sharifah aini nyanyi live hauss jua perfect kebendenye
yg maha sempurna itu milik tuhan sajork aaagitewww
Post time 4-6-2023 11:26 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sleepandream replied at 4-6-2023 10:32 PM
takde manusia dalam donia ni sore perfect chuols... sharifah aini nyanyi live hauss jua perfect ke ...
Masa di hujung nyawa beliau mmglah haus deknon tapi masa mendunia vokal dia perfect yacchh lagi2 masa konsert dgn orkestra kat singapore & konsert solo di IB. Ct nan haus jauh ditinggalkan tokpah bertiang2.
Post time 4-6-2023 11:28 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Suka lagu michael bolton tajuk go the distance tapi tak tau sape composer. Lagu2 movie disney dulu banyak yg best & memorable. Beauty & the beast, a whole new world, semua ost mulan, colors of the wind, part of your world, u'll be in my heart
Post time 5-6-2023 03:09 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kitaserupaaa replied at 4-6-2023 11:28 PM
Suka lagu michael bolton tajuk go the distance tapi tak tau sape composer. Lagu2 movie disney dulu b ...
Acik punya favourite lagu michael bolton dua2 lagu remake, a love so beautiful (roy orbison) dgn to love somebody (bee gees)
Sedap betul dia punya version
Post time 5-6-2023 03:40 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Penyanyi terpaling fashion icon, terpaling composer, terpaling vocal, terpaling AJL tak dijemput ke? Walhal banyak buat cover lagu omputih dan mendapat pujian berbakul2 oelh reactors di youtube? Kenapa jemput penyanyi nan lipis album All Your Love nan sendu?
Post time 5-6-2023 06:18 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by fadz84 at 5-6-2023 09:21 AM
kitaserupaaa replied at 4-6-2023 11:28 PM
Suka lagu michael bolton tajuk go the distance tapi tak tau sape composer. Lagu2 movie disney dulu b ...
Komposernya Alan Menken.. komposer yg sama cipta lagu A Whole New World, Under the Sea, Beauty and the Beast.. byk buat skor utk movie Disney cm Hercules, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin.. dia gak salah sorg daripada 18 org yg dpt title EGOT (pernah mng semua awards dlm 4 medium seni yg berbeza -- Emmy (TV), Grammy (Muzik), Oscar (filem) & Tony (theater))..
Kita kat Malaysia ni ada x pengiat seni yg ala2 EGOT ni?
Post time 5-6-2023 07:12 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Weols ad 1 isu je dgn ctdk ni bile nyanyi lgu ingeris, iaitu sheols ad lenggok2 bila nyanyi. Lagu melayu sedap, tp not my preference bila sheols nyanyi lagu lgu2 inggeris. Ampon ya zoners. Management dayang x melobi ka? Last time bile DF ditanye, heols puji Dayang.
Post time 5-6-2023 07:31 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ms konsert tu umur tokpah brp? Siti x ingt dah suara dia x best. Tp sblm bsalin suara dia dh x sedap n lagu dh x memorable. Lama sgt dah hilang amaze dgn suara dia
Tak perlu pun nak kena tergedik gedik, terkinja kinja utk moderately fast flowing number seperti ini..kheunz?
Org kita selalu associate entertainer ni musti terlompat lompat....entourage dancers berpuluh to accompany,baru boleh dapat gelaran diva and true entertainer kheunz?
Dressing pun hanya Tok Ri je yg tahu menggayakheun utknyer...
Ada pazzpizzpuzz or even toktis mampu utk dapatkheun khidmat tok ri?
Level kpg kpg mana ada taste....kheunz?
Tok ri pun pandang sebelah mata je utk rekalheun utk mereka ini...but with DN...anytime