Survivor 23 : South Pacific [SOPHIE IS THE SOLE SURVIVOR!!]
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Setakat ni sokongan aku berpihak kepada blu-tribe Upolu, team work yang kemas, walaupun aku tak berkenan dengan coach |
Setakat ni sokongan aku berpihak kepada blu-tribe Upolu, team work yang kemas, walaupun aku tak berk ...
Jakemassimo Post at 1-10-2011 07:14
yeahh..aku pon suke Upolu...memang teratur team work diorg...btw..episod 3 dah kuar eh? |
Reply 22# wanigoku
Episod 3 dah keluar..selalunya hari Khamis dah ada.. |
Reply 20# Jakemassimo
Aku benci giler dengan Brandon...bak kata Coach memang dah nampak ke"Russell"an dalam diri dia...terbeban sangat kot untuk membuktikan dia bukan seperti ayah saudara dia tu.. |
EPISOD 4 dah keluar...
Baru tersedar semula kewujudan Rick...And 1st time dengar suara dia...Sebelum ni dia memang tak pernah dapat airtime langsung (adakah hint yang dia akan bertahan lama?)..lol..aku siap ingatkan dia ni bisu coz lepas Jeff tanya soalan kat dia, dia buat muka dulu, bukannya nak cakap..
Kesian Stacy kena vote keluar walaupun dia perform tadi...Aku rasa Coach ni tak lama lagi kena blindside...Samalah dengan Ozzy..Guess diaorang inspire oleh kemenangan Boston Rob season lepas dan cuba control tribe masing2.. |
Reply 25# gjoy_chester
Hebat...cepat gile ko tengok, aku baru tengah download haha. Bila ko sebut pasal rick, aku terpinga kejap, selama ni x sedar kewujudan dia hahaha. Lambatnye downloading. |
Reply 22# wanigoku
Gimme ten! |
Reply gjoy_chester
Hebat...cepat gile ko tengok, aku baru tengah download haha. Bila ko sebut p ...
Jakemassimo Post at 6-10-2011 23:03
aku layan youtube jer...huhu...petang Khamis memang dah keluar...Rick tu memang under the radar betul...dia memang tak pernah dapat airtime dan x bercakap langsung... |
Reply 23# gjoy_chester
betol la..kamis dah ade...dah ade episod 4 dah pon.... |
bosan la episod 4, game pon ulang2 |
Episode 4 (delayed )
1) The challenges were boring enough.
2) Dawn - She deserved a big clap and this honor! She has proven she could do something for the red-tribe. If you watch from the 1st episode, you will notice how hard she has been trying to contribute for SAVII, not to mention she is a nice person. At least, she is saved now from becoming a target.
3) Whitney and Keith - I see something is going on between these two.They're so lovey-dovey when they're together!
4) Edna - I know she's trying to step up, but please shut up sometimes, you're trying too much.
5) Brandon - OMG...Russell's name still came up till now? Come on! Please move up! Wish the editor do censor that name for all's sake. Annoying!
6) Stacey - U did such a good job, but u were a little too frank. U should have improved your social skills when Christine was kicked out. |
Dah lama tak visit page ni. Anyway.
Episode 4 ;
- Coach is still in control with the game. I bet the 5 + 1 alliance will go pretty far. The next target for Upolu tribe will be Mikayla. For sure, Mikayla is not in the 5 or +1 alliance at all.
- Edna, I like her, but she was too much, I mean, she talks too much because she feel so insecure, nice try but try again.
- Mikayla , I hope she realise that she's the next target. She's a strong girl, I would love to see her into the merge.
- Albert, If he didn't felled during the last challenge. Upolu would've won already.
- Brandon , He's so immature. He really trust everything at once! .. =.=".. Hope he's the one who will be voted out next instead of Mikayla or Edna.
- Stacey , she's a strong player but, a social player? Not at all.
- Christine , it's between either her or stacey in for redemption . I like them both but... Christine for the win.
- Ozzy? He got the immunity, but did he really control the game entirely? I don't think so, he's busy with his new girlfriend or whatever she is.
- Elyse? I hope she will go home next =P.
- Keith? Love game too? gosh!.. but atleast he know that ozzy has immunity idol. And if he turned ozzy's back!.. It will be awesome!..
- The singer whatever - she's hot!..
- Coachran - the weakest player on his tribe, but he know what is strategy, he said that he has watched every single survivor season, and i bet he know what to do. teamming up with what's the other guy name? i forgot .
- The other guy(poker?) - good strategy u have there! nicely done.. he realise that a couple team would be too dangerous. and planning a move is a good one.. i love watching all these stuff happening in survivor!.
- Dawn - yaw!! .. what's this? .. she's really strong. use to be a target in her tribe. but now, she proved that she's not the weakest. even if they lose the next challenge, i don't think she'll be in the chopping block.
overall for this tribe , it's 4(ozzy,elyse,keith,blonde girl) - 3(the poker guy, coachran, dawn) ..
i don't know how the 3 would destroy the 4, but i think if keith and the blonde girl could be a good choice.. or maybe not.. in the end.. it's only 30% the 3 will success.. it's hard to break the 4. |
nak youtube link pls.dpt tgk sampai eps 2 je |
saingan christine..stacey lak....
aku hrp christine dpt bertahan...
knapa la diorang x kuarkan brandon je:@ |
tak suke la elyse n whitney...tetau nape... |
elyse sudah kena vote out |
kuat la makcik christine nie, menang lagi kt redemption |
ooo jd stacey kalah la ye lwn ngan christine
aku hrp sgt dia dpt bertahan....tp jgn jd mcm season lps..apo nma bdak tu...mark |
finally a 1st blindside from the season..Elise is vote out. Ozzy dah jadi macam season2 lepas, terlalu yakin dan besar kepala..tapi luckily he's a strong guy, so people taknak vote out dia terlalu awal....can't wait to see the next tribal chalengge for Upolu coz takde alliance yang betul2 solid...Ozzy VS Keith + Whitney VS Jim + Cocrain + Dawn....skang ni aku dan makin suka kat Dawn dan Cocrain...harap2 diaorang dapat pergi jauh..
Christine is strong!! Aku rasa dia boleh kekal lama dan join balik tribe...Stacy is funny..lol..diva sangat..tapi pelik gak dia tak bocorkan rahsia pasal Brandon..kalau tidak mesti lagi gempak..Albert plak bodoh, boleh plak citer pasal hidden clue kat Coach..Aku rasa tunggu masa je dia kena blindside nanti dengan Coach.. |
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