best2 lagi2... |
menariklah TT.... misteri 2 akan kekal selagi tak diselesaikan... lagipun kaedah 5W 1H pon takleh unsolved the mystery |
uihssss ..lamanya kes nie tak selesai......... |
buat pe tengok jauh2 pasal 'unsolved murder mystery' ??
kat malaysia kes **talantoya (bukan nama sebenar) tu... dah solved ke?
**nama sebenar si mati telah dilarang dari disebut. |
Post Last Edit by phanz00 at 3-11-2011 15:03
Sweden Murder Unsolved since 1932 - the Vampire
Stockholm, Sweden, May 4, 1932. Police find a murdered female in her Atlas area apartment. The appearance at the crime scene was ugly and gruesome. The woman’s skull had been crushed and she had been dead for at least a few days. Police went over the scene with a fine-toothed comb. Then a shocking discovery…
Detectives suspected that someone had been drinking the woman’s blood.
Almost immediately panic about a vampire on the loose was circulated and the newspapers kept this idea alive with story after story of the details and investigation of this crime.
The woman, who was 32 at her death, was known as an area prostitute so the investigation never really got the police attention that other murders received. As a result there is very little known about the murder suspect or other facts of this case.
Eventually all activity of finding a murderer ceased and today this is still a cold case - a murder story unsolved known as the Atlas Vampire Murder.And the case remain unsolved untill today. |
Dah seminggu aku layan collection cite X File the series...
beli sume 10 episod.. 24 cerita satu season... blum habis2 lagi mengadap 1 season.
so, aku boleh conclude.. semua pembunuha misteri adalah sebab - alien.. heheheee |
Chaeis!... Otak wayang juga da!.... |
kes norita tu pon lom setel kan? |
lama betul tak update thread ni la...
ok utk kes kali ni...the smiley face killers
pada tahun 2008...dua org polis yg sudah bersara, Kevin Dannon and Anthony Duarte mula menyiasat ttg kes kematian remaja lelaki dimana mangsa mati lemas akibat terlalu mabuk. pada mulanya mereka perasan yg mangsa yg mati tu popular, atlet sekolah dan kebanyakannye berkulit putih di 11 negeri berlainan kt US la of course . didapati dari tahun 1990an...hampir 40 kes mati lemas akibat mabuk / pemuda hilang disiasat dan diorg jumpe beberapa pattern
1. mesej tersembunyi yg membentuk perkataan COP, NEMEC, PIRE, ARM, COLD and CAMP.
bile lokasi pembunuhan tu disambungkan..
Columbus, OH - Anthony Luzio Jr, 25 (father was cop) 2005
Oakwood, IL - Ryan Katcher, 19 (father died before son) 1999
Peoria, IL - Keith Ryan, 22 (father was cop) 2005
East Dubuque, IL - Matt Kruziki, 24 (father was cop) 2005
Prairie du Chien, WI - Brian Dietrich, 30 (father was cop) 1993
2. smiley face map patterns - bile lokasi tersebut disambungkan di atas peta, ia membentuk wajah smiley yg besar
wajah smiley itu hampir sama ngan lukisan smiley yg ditemui di sebuah lokasi jenayah di IOWA 2007
3. newspaper connection - didapati 'pembunuh' akan meninggalkan mesej tersembunyi pada mangsa terbaru berdasarkan artikel suratkhabar yg memaparkan ttg kes kematian mangsa sebelumnye
Then on 04-14-1999 Nathan Andrew Edberg (age 21) vanished from White Bear Lake, Minnesota and is still missing. On 07-16-1999 the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported on Edberg's disappearance. The following is the first line of the story:
"A bartender at Decoy's Bar and Grill remembers the cold, drizzly night Nathan Edberg vanished."
The very next suspected smiley face death in December of 1999 happened in Chicago and is the beginning of the COLD word.
CHICAGO, IL - Brian Welzien, 21 (12-31-1999)
OAKWOOD, IL - Ryan Katcher, 19 (11-05-2000)
LACROSSE, WI - Patrick Runningen, 23 (03-01-2001)
DULUTH, MN - Ken Jason Christiansen, 19 (04-13-2001)
walaubagaimanapun ramai yg beranggapan kes ni hanyalah kebetulan semata2...dan mr flaherty masih lg meneruskan siasatannye hingga ke hari ni.....
hasil siasatan beliau boleh dibaca di website ini...
http://surfdete.ipower.com/smileyface.html |
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suke kes jonbenet tu... sedih sbb smpi ke sudh xtau sape pmbnuhnye... suspect tdekt pon parent die..adik bradik die cemane?..xkn xde motif kn....tp xpe la..rip la hndaknye.. kl die idop mesti jd one of the brightest young star in hollywood..hihi.. |
aku pun follow case unsolve mystery nie..especially the boy in the bottle..penah kuar kat 732 CI..
nie sebahagian dari info:
The Evidence
The boys hair was crudely cut and located throughout his body, indicating it was cut while he was deceased and naked or immediately before he died.
His hands and feet were wrinkled indicating they were submerged in water for an extended time just before or after he died.
The child may have had a chronic eye ailment
He had not eaten 2-3 hours before death.
The faded cheap flannel blanket he was wrapped in was made in either North Carolina or Quebec, Canada. It was also massed produced and shipped to multiple locations.
His esophagus contained a dark, brown residue, possibly indicating he vomited shortly before death.
He was severely malnourished.
Cause of death was multiple blows to the head.
details boleh baca kat sini:
http://historicmysteries.com/the-boy-in-the-box |
Kenapa kebanyakkan kanak-kanak yg jdk mangsa? Apalh salah diorg kan? |
kesiannyer kes budak dalam kotak tu... |
kesianla bace kes2 yg unsolved ni..dunia ni mmg dh kejam |
kes nurin jazlin mcm mana.. adakah dh dpt pembunuhnya |
kes Nurin setahu aku lum dapat lg pembunuhnya...kalau x silaplh |
5-Cali Doe Murder
ingat tak ade satu episod CSI, rerasanye New York yg pakai berengga utk tentukan waktu mayat dibunuh? ...
annehuda Post at 25-10-2011 11:52
kaedah ni dipanggil forensic entomology..sebab serangga ada cycle of life yang boleh dikatakan tepat.contohnya serangga2 ni bertelur,menetas dan hayatnya spesifik.jadi kalau serangga dah bertelur,kita tahu brp hari mayat tu.dan tempohnya berbeza antara satu serangga ke serangga yang lain.lg pula tak semua serangga blh hidup berumahkan mayat.dan bila sampai satu tempoh masa,hanya ada sejenis atau dua sahaja serangga yang boleh hidup pada mayat tu.saya pun lupa namanya,maklumlah dh lebih 6 tahun tinggalkan nota2 forensik.berbalik pd serangga tu plk,ada satu tempoh daging mayat tu akan menjadi makanannya.
teringat lg dulu sy pernah tolong seorang kwn pegi cari dan kutip berenga kt bangkai utk tesis dia..ada yg baunya lekat sehari,sampai tak lalu nk mkn kami ms tu.. |
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