【►】12.03.09 『HB Ep 8 preview』 hmmm... that's why i said... no wonder viewers are protesting about "hello wife". seungho and GO said tat they felt Mommy No.1 is very caring towards Dayoung. in the end, mommy no.5 won (yeah, the lady who danced HOT dance in HB) speechless right?!
MBLAQ talent shows: dayoung said that she likes seungho piano perf. leo said seungho is very good at playing piano. joon starts to dance justin bieber song. u know wat it is... cute dance ^^ cheondung dance. very cool. mir is the DJ, rapping nosense and dancing. MIR's turn to perform. he intro himself and sang a cute song (pororo song?) but missed a beat. becos the reaction is not good, he felt sad.
G.O sang Kim Bum Soo - Bogoshipda. Dayoung said that G.O sings very well and very cool ~ dayoung keeps looking at GO ^^
okay, back to baby house. nothing surprising. hmmm... leo cried again while playing with joon appa o_o; http://pic.twitter.com/ZXCOcYW9
joon said he dunno what to do when leo cried. he might as well just cry with him ^^ joon is reading storybook. tried to make leo happy but leo ignored him. joon asked him what is he so unhappy about o_o;
knock knock. mommy no. 5 is here at baby house. joon said he agreed to select a mommy so that someone can clean the house.
Joon and G.O helping mommy to clean the house, but they clean and play around as well. mir is sleeping. mommy suddenly said she dun want to do cleaning! appa are in shock!
G.O asked leo who is his fav daddy. leo picked MIR!!! MIR is super happy! thunder said he dun understand, he should be leo's fav daddy! joon said he used to feel jealous about it, but now he dun.
they are DIY swimming pool. leo is so happy. he took off all his clothes! yes, all!!! LOL~ but daddies helped him to change into swimsuit... dayoung is out to in her swimsuit...
everybody is waiting for this moment! grandma is here!!! she is wearing pororo shirt! thunder went to open the door and said pororo is here ^^
grandma is giving out present. gun for leo, tiara for dayoung. dayoung said thank you to granny! grandma helping dayoung to change her clothes and keep praising dayoung, saying that she is so pretty ^^ dayoung said she looks like a princess. dayoung gives a kiss to grandma!
joon started drinking at age 5!!! but he doesnt drink a lot now...
they sticked the childhood photos on a board and let the kids guess who they are. dayoung cant recognise any, especially mir. GO said he is shocked that dayoung cannot recognise him. dayoung said GO appa is more handsome now ^^
Joon's mom is telling story... LOL~ joon still touch his mom's breat until... middle school... oopss... joon said he only did once ^^ haha...
done!!! hopefully i din confuse u with my text translation. did my best T^T thanks to MBLAQ 百度贴吧 for chinese translation! [plusMBLAQ] ‏
sian leader kena buli..klu suh dia menari ka men piano ka beatbox ka laju je dia wat..
bila suh wat aegyo tu dia sampai merah2 muka tahan malu...
mcm nk je cubit pipi...w;pun dia xpandai wat aegyo tp dia tetap comey...
MBLAQ Mir's Dangerous Remark about Women Wearing Mismatched Underwear
Idol group MBLAQ member, Mir, is drawing attention for his live appearance on SBS “One Million Quiz Show” aired on March 9. The idol appeared with fellow member, Lee Joon.
As the quiz asked about “Things Women Do That Are Hard to Understand,” the male panels were asked, “Which things about women are hard to understand for you?”
Mir picked from one of the multiple choices that women going to the restroom together was hard to take in because it made him assume that they are leaving to gossip about him. He jokingly added that a woman wearing mismatching underwear is questionable.
When the female panels started to jokingly boo Mir, MC Kim Yong Man said, “This is a dangerous remark,” and gave him another chance to explain but caused another laughter when he failed to do so during the live show.