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Author: abgsedapmalam

Kisah Lelaki Berkelamin Perempuan Melahirkan Anak (9 pics)

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Post time 11-3-2012 10:18 PM | Show all posts
dulu dah ada ni thread ni.. tp x larat nak cari lagi..
derang ni vice versa..
yg laki tu pompuan..
yg bini tu lak, sebenarnya lelaki!
tu pasal, laki bleh branak,bini yg bagi sperma..

derang berdua ni tukar jantina...
tu yg jadi songsang terbalik tu..

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2012 10:38 PM | Show all posts
He's definitely got his figure back: World's first pregnant man unveils muscular physique after three babies in three years

Fiona Roberts
UPDATED:08:14 GMT, 28 July 2011
[size=1.2em]Like any new mother, he was keen to lose the babyweight - but few would be quite so worried about getting a six-pack.

[size=1.2em]Thomas Beatie, the world's first pregnant man - or male mother -  has unveiled his new toned figure, just 12 months after giving birth to his third child in three years.

[size=1.2em]Mr Beatie, who now lives in Arizona with his wife Nancy and their three children, garnered international attention around the world when he became the first legally transgender man to become pregnant.
[size=1.2em]Now he and his wife have completed the family they always dreamed of, and the 37-year-old appears to have started taking testosterone again, helping him develop his muscular physique.
[size=1.2em]Scroll down for videos

Transformation: Thomas Beatie, shown left when he was pregnant with his first child in 2008, shows off his muscular physique a year after giving birth to his third child, Jensen, also pictured

Brood: Thomas Beatie now has three children, Susan, three, Austin, almost two, and Jansen, who turned one yesterday. He gave birth to all three naturally

[size=1.2em]He was pictured playing in the water with the couple's youngest child, Jensen, who was born naturally on July 25 last year.
[size=1.2em]The couple also have a three-year-old daughter called Susan and a son called Austin, who will be two in September.


[size=1.2em]Despite his three pregnancies, he showed off a flat stomach with the beginnings of a six-pack - although he couldn't quite hide the stretchmarks.
[size=1.2em]The couple moved to Arizona from their home in Bend, Oregon, after their house was repossessed last year.

Proud father: Mr Beatie with Jensen, just hours after giving birth on July 25 last year

Dream: Thomas with Jensen after he was born in May last year. He and Nancy always wanted a family

[size=1.2em]He said his successful T-shirt printing business, Define Normal, folded because of his fame. He said: 'We tried to keep up with regular orders, but we lost a lot of customersbecause of prejudice, and then the economy took a huge downturn.'
[size=1.2em]In March Mr Beatie revealed he had filed for bankruptcy and was desperately seeking a job to get his family off welfare handouts and pay his $5,000-a-month mortgage.

[size=1.2em]Mr Beatie was born as a woman, Tracy Lagondino, in Hawaii in 1974, but says he always felt like he wanted to be a man.

[size=1.2em]When he was in his twenties began having testosterone injections, giving him facial hair, a lower voice and altering his sexual organs.
[size=1.2em]In 2002 he had a mastectomy and legally became a man - but he chose to keep his vagina, uterus and other female sexual organs so the couple could have children, as his wife had had a hysterectomy.

[size=1.2em]He told Oprah: 'I wanted to have a child one day. I didn't know how. It was just a dream.'

Before and after: Mr Beatie in 2008 before he first became pregnant, left, and during his pregnancy, right. He has now regained his old figure after apparently resuming his testosterone treatment

[size=1.2em]After more than eight years, he stopped taking testosterone so he could become pregnant, although some of its effects, including facial hair, are permanent.
[size=1.2em]The couple bought sperm from an anonymous donor and Mr Beatie underwent artificial insemination. After an ectopic pregnancy which led to emergency surgery, he eventually fell pregnant with Susan in late 2007.
[size=1.2em]Astonishing photos of Mr Beatie with a baby bump and a beard made headlines all over the world, and he appeared on chat shows explaining how he and Nancy considered themselves like any normal heterosexual family.
[size=1.2em]He also revealed that the couple can have sexual intercourse, because the male hormones enlarged his clitoris so much. He told Oprah: 'It looks like a penis. I can have intercourse with my wife.'
[size=1.2em]He had his next two children in quick succession, as he only had a short window of not taking testosterone.

[size=1.2em]Mr Beatie has just eight menstrual cycles a year instead of 12, and onlyhalf of these cycles are useful for conception as he has previously hada fallopian tube removed due to an ectopic pregnancy.

Family: Nancy and Thomas celebrate after the birth of Jensen, their third child

Loving mother: Nancy Beatie, 46, couldn't carry the couple's children as she had a hysterectomy when she was younger, but she breastfed all three babies. They moved to Arizona last year after their business folded

[size=1.2em]He said: 'I am only able to get pregnant four days out of the year... We had our babies in a short space of time because we don't have the luxury of waiting years between each child.'

Quite a brood: Mr Beatie says people often stare at him and his wife when they take all three children out

[size=1.2em]The couple still have some of their donated sperm in a cryobank, and in March said they hoped to have another child, but in the photograph released today it appears Mr Beatie has started taking testosterone again and their family is complete.

[size=1.2em]They hope to solve their money worries by setting up a new business, this time in personal training.
[size=1.2em]He said: 'We've already registered the business and are starting to make plans for it. I have a bachelors degree in Health Science and I can take a different certification programme. It will be a great family business.'
[size=1.2em]The couple say they are starting to make friends in Phoenix but still attract surprised stares when they are spotted pushing a trolley around the supermarket.
[size=1.2em]He said: 'It was hard moving here as we had to deal with a whole new set of people staring at us. When I'm alone I look like any other man. But I can't go anywhere with Nancy and the kids without people recognising me.'
[size=1.2em]He added: 'But we like it and the neighbours are nice. Some people recognise us and come up to talk, but we haven't had any negative responses yet.'
[size=1.2em]TheBeaties are determined to turn their money problems around and make a success of their new business, to provide for their family, and help people in the community.
[size=1.2em]Hesaid: 'It's been the worst year of our lives. We have no idea what thefuture holds for us but we are trying to focus on each day, making surethe kids are well cared for. As long as we have each other, we're goingto be fine.'
[size=1.2em]The day Thomas Beatie gave birth to Jensen

[size=1.2em]The couple take Jensen home


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Post time 11-3-2012 11:19 PM | Show all posts
so camne dia ML dgn wife dia??dia buat sex change tu, maknanya dia ada joystick tu ke??serius aku tak faham

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Post time 12-3-2012 09:12 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-3-2012 09:41 AM | Show all posts
gilerr arr dorang nih...

pelik ...mule2 kte buat pembedahan tukar jantina..
pastu dia kte dia mkn pil hormon tuh anu dia membesar jd mcm yg lelaki punyer
bis tu amende je yg di buat time tukar jantina tu?..buat telo palsu ke?iskkk...pening btol kuarga nih....
x dpt byg kn bdn sasa ada 6 pack bagai tp tetibe dtg period....adoii

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Post time 12-3-2012 09:58 AM | Show all posts
pelik....pelik...aku menengoknyer

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Post time 12-3-2012 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply 20# xcalibur07

tak2 i'm still kompius ngan mamat nieh.. cane mule2 die tau yg die bley pregnent.. die nie de sperma ke ovum.. xpe, nnt aku bace btol2 detail n tgk video dorg post ni skali..
la nie xdek mase lg dok jln2 tgk pic je..

papepon, mate aku nmpk bini die cam macho je disamping laki die niehh... ekekekeekek

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Post time 12-3-2012 03:44 PM | Show all posts
geli tgk die mengangkang time deliver baby tu..

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Post time 12-3-2012 03:53 PM | Show all posts
peliknya manusia ni...
dia dpt sperma dr tabung ka...
apsal dia x soh wife dia ngandong jek

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Post time 12-3-2012 08:52 PM | Show all posts
geleng kepala aku baca. tapi ada suatu masa dulu memang dia famous.

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Post time 12-3-2012 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Kalau dah sejak azalinya pompuan apa yang nak diherankan.

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Post time 13-3-2012 03:04 AM | Show all posts
saya aman sahaja konsepnya lelaki boleh mengandung dan bersalin....

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Post time 13-3-2012 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Dia ni pompuan laa...

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Post time 13-3-2012 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Dia perempuan tetapi dalamannya lelaki...itu yg menjadikan dia berperasaan lelaki sejak kecil..kenapa dia berperasaan lelaki tetapi badan perempuan?..selepas membuat pemeriksaan doktor pakar akan sahkan melalui pemeriksaan hormon,kromosom,dna dll

biasanya manusia begini yg maju pemikirannya tinggal pula dlm masyarakat bermaklumat dan berpendidikan tinggi akan melakukan pembedahan 'kembali' kepada jantina asalnya,dgn membuang lemak nenen supaya rata,membuang rahim dan memasang penis yg di reka dari kulit badannya sendiri sambil mengambil hormon testosterone yg menyebabkan tumbuh rambut di bhgn2 khas lelaki seperti misai,janggut etc..
alat kelamin lelakinya selepas itu akan berfungsi seperti lelaki boleh klimak tapi tiada benih shj...sudah ada teknologi yg boleh membiak benih dprd 'cell' lelaki yg spermanya 'bermasalah',jadi suatu masa nanti kaum begini juga boleh beranak pinak juga drpd 'benih' mereka sendiri...

ok kembali kpd artikel tt ini..sebaliknya lelaki/perempuan thomas dlm cerita ini tidak melakukan pembuangan rahim dan pembedahan sambung zakar...tetapi hanya membuat pembedahan buang lemak nenen supaya leper sambil mengamal makan hormon yg menyebabkan tumbuh misai/janggut dan menyebabkan 'clit' nya membesar luar biasa...kisah ini di ceritakan sendiri oleh beliau apabila di tanya oprah ...He also revealed that the couple can have sexual intercourse, because the male hormones enlarged his clitoris so much. He told Oprah: 'It looks like a penis. I can have intercourse with my wife.'

kenapa isterinya tak mahu mengandung telah di terangkan bahawa isterinya tak boleh beranak lagi kerana telah membuat hysterectomy sejak remaja yg menyebabkan dia tak boleh mengandung...

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Post time 13-3-2012 04:40 PM | Show all posts
Tak jadi nak kagum

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Post time 13-3-2012 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Bila da canggih...macam2 boleh jadi...

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Post time 13-3-2012 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Beberapa gambar lama thomas betie

sini ada 32 pics

Pregnant man: Three pregnancies are enough for himPREGNANT man Thomas Beatie has revealed he is calling it quits — after having three children following a partial sex swap.

Beatie — born Tracy Lagondino — legally became male in 2002 but did not have his female reproductive organs removed.

He and wife Nancy stunned the world when Thomas became pregnant in 2007. They have since had two more children but have now decided three is enough — and Thomas, 37, is planning on having a hysterectomy.

Nancy, 48, already had two grown up children. She could not conceive after having a hysterectomy herself when she was younger.

But it was her who breastfed Susan, three, Austin, two, and one-year-old Jensen because Thomas had had his breasts removed.

He said shortly before Susan was born: "It's been excellent. I feel fantastic. I've been so lucky.

eh ni balak ngandung mana pulak

tumpang sekaki lah tu...


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Post time 13-3-2012 08:52 PM | Show all posts
kiranya anak yg lahir tu bukan la dr sperm nya?
kiranya amik dari lelaki yg menjual sperm diorang pada couple ni lah ye?
no wonder anak2 dia xde pon muka mix..sbb muka "mamat" ni mcm chinese
tp anak dia pure mat salleh which is pelik..

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Post time 14-3-2012 01:20 AM | Show all posts
     my father gave birth to me

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Post time 25-4-2012 01:23 AM | Show all posts
gilerr arr dorang nih...

pelik ...mule2 kte buat pembedahan tukar jantina..
pastu dia kt ...
abby_R Post at 12-3-2012 09:41

itu la tu..bermakna die period la mcm pompuan normal kan?? dan die x buat pembedahan tukar alat kelamin kan? sbb tu die bole beranak ikut situ..kalau dah laki pnye, mesti bersalin melalui pembedahan jer..confuse

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