Post Last Edit by azradiza at 13-7-2012 10:31
Rough guide for backpackers
Daily Expenses
between airport & downtown Seoul - by Arex express = 13,800
between airport & downtown Seoul - by Arex commuter = 3,850
between airport & downtown Seoul - by airport limousine bus = 10,000 ( 14,000 if deluxe airport bus)
between airport & downtown Seoul - by taxi - 60k ( if request earlier), 80k and above if use airport taxi
based on exchange rate : 1,000 won = RM2.90
guesthouse - dormitory - 20-25k won per nite = RM73
guesthouse - private room with attached bathroom - 40-60k won per nite = RM174
travel by subway - bajet 20k utk 1 week = RM58
makan2 kat itaewon (halal food) - 8-15k per meal = RM43
makan2 kat kedai korean seafood - 5-10k per dish = RM29
makan2 kebab kat Namdaemun - 3.5 kto 5k = RM14
minum2 coffee kat coffee house - 3k to 6k = RM17
nasik putih instant - average 1.5k ( rega between 1,450 to 2,000, ikut size) = RM4.50
theme parks = +- 38k perentry = RM110
palaces - suggest amik combined tickets - 10k for 5 palaces = RM29
utk shopping
3 helai t-shirt - 10k
1 papan FM ( 4 ketul) - 5-10k
1 papan keychain - 5-10k
Sudu garfu satu set - 3-5k
Ketip kuku - 5-10k
Kain silk/cotton - starting from 5k per yard
Brooch - starting from 2-3k each
AirAsia Daily Flight Schedule
now till June 2012
Mon,Tue,Thu, Sat - 2.35pm
Wed, Fri, Sun - 11:00pm
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun - 12:20am
Mon, Tue, Sat - 8:45am
July 2012 - October 2012
Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun - 1am
Mon, Wed, Fri - 9am
Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun - 9:35am
Mon, Wed, Fri - 5:25pm
Nov 2012 onwards
Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun - 12:50am
Mon, Wed, Fri - 8.50am
Mon, Wed, Fri - 5:25pm
Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun - 9:25am
Wireless Internet Option
to those heavy user internet cam aku ni mesti x bleh idup tanpa internet masa kat sana kan?
the only available internet is free wifi kat cafe2 (lately aku perasan byk dah kene lock) or wifi kat hotel je mase kat koya kan?
so ade solution baru. Chinggu aku baru balik and dia suggest aku sewa ni..
Pocket Wifi. Rupe dia cam ni..

(picture credit tu Mulan si..Komawooo~~)
bleh guna 24 jam kat mane2 saje..x perlu le tecari cari free wifi..of kos la benda ni bebayo..tapi pada aku bebaloi sbb aku antu internet...and also device ni boleh guna up to 3 gadjet..so bleh share2 dgn kawan-kawan...
device ni kene book dulu so sape nak wat reservation bleh go to this website ye..
buat reservation and nnti dorang akan kasi email..print email tu and bile smpi epot claim device ni kat location yg dibagi kat website tu..
Payment? bayo guna CC..1 day = 7700won (exclude 10% tax)..bile aku kira2 tempoh aku stay and kongsi 3 org..sorang kene bayo dlm 16,000 won je..so murah ye..
Review :
http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=654327&extra=page%3D1&page=20 --> post#479
http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=654327&extra=page%3D1&page=24 --> post#594
Contoh2 gambar hasil tangkapan kengkawan forumers
Contoh itineraries from forumers
Gambar2 yg forumer letak from previous threads
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=522708&extra=page%3D1&page=22 --> pyongchang ski resort
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=522708&extra=page%3D1&page=64 --> IBVille gh
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=532241&extra=page%3D1&page=9 --> Jeju
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=602553&extra=page%3D1&page=73 --> Jeju
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=522708&extra=page%3D1&page=9 --> kedai kat myeongdong yg jual haemultokjim tu
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=613500&extra=page%3D1&page=84 --> yongpyeong ski resort
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=613500&extra=page%3D1&page=88 --> gambar Seoul Tower Ville
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=613500&extra=page%3D1&page=91 --> kedai makan haemul ( seafood)
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=625476&extra=page%3D1&page=8 --> gambar dekat Hwacheon Fishing Festival - from yanadin
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=602553&extra=page%3D1&page=69 --> gambar makanan
http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=644742&extra=page%3D1&page=55 --> cherry blossom kat Namsan Park
http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=644742&extra=page%3D1&page=84 - post#2090 - gambar spring
Naadianaa & geng sesi terjah sendiri pegi DMZ :
http://mforum4.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=602553&extra=page%3D1&page=52 |
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
1) Saya nak ke Namsan GH, nak naik bus no brape & brape won tambang bus?
Bus 6015 - tambang 10,000 won
Bus 6001 - tambang 14,000 won - bus ni akan singgah Gimpo Airport dulu before proceed to Seoul
2) Saya sampai airport pukul 9.45pm, agak2 sempat tak nak amik last bus pegi Myeongdong?
kalo nak try naik bus tu gak..start dr smpi tu trus gi ke area aerotrain...follow je direction..dah smpi main buliding..ko kene lari kejo eskelator kecik lagi sempit tu nak naik atas ..time ni le kene rebut2 skit dgn org lain..kat situ nak tuju imigresen..byk line nye tapi try to be dlm line yg pendek...kat situ kejap je ceknye kalo dah dok depan2 + kalo x de rolem..and nak lagi slamat bawak cabin luggage je so x yah le nak tunggu beg...so confirm sempat..
chimei slalu dok rempit kat area imigresen tu le..pastu tunggu beg kejap je kuar..pastu lari keluar kat gate 5...mmg seyes sempat la so far wat keje2 running2 ni....kalo bleh jgn singgah mane2 le...tiket bus bleh beli time nak naik bus tu..
3) Macam mana nak pakai KR Pass?
1. beli tix online kat web dia n print voucher
2. naik subway pegi seoul station (korail station) n redeem KR pass. tunjuk voucher kat kaunter n nnti dorang akan kasik KR pass ni (ni 3 day pass ye)
3. bile dah dpt KR Pass ni baru la ko pi claim tiket ko nak gi mane..cuntuh ke Busan, check timetable display tuk naik train pukul brape n bitau kat kaunter tu..and nnti dorang akan issue tiket ni..
4. everytime ko nak dpt tiket ni tunjuk la KR pass tu (KR pass ni kita simpan ye)
5. ape je ko bleh naik guna KR pass ni? Subway tak buleh. cuma train korail je..cuntuh KTX, Saemaul, Mugunghwa. Semua destinasi yg menggunakan train2 ni buleh le guna KR pass.
6. Kalo ko guna KR pass ni tuk travel luar Seoul mmg berbaloi sbb bleh guna korail train ni. kalo within seoul cam x bebaloi sbb tmpt2 semua reachable by subway.
again KR pass x bleh guna tuk subway ye..
hope that help..
refer kat this blog:
Kat dlm long distance train ( KTX, Saemul, Mugunghwa) boleh makan and ade org jual2 makanan jugak .
4) Berape tambang taxi dari Incheon International Airport ke Seoul?
Kalau suruh guesthouse yg arrangekan, biasenye diorang charge dlm 60,000 won per car .. max 3-4 person
Kalau amik taxi direct from airport, charge from 80,000 won onwards
5) Macam mana nak book air tickets to Jeju ?
T'Way Airlines
Sila refer to Zarina's blog on how to register as member first
Ni pulak how to buy the tickets
*credit goes to tuan empunya blog yer...
6) Register Eastar Jet but receive error ''Enter your name in Roman characters only' ?
Nama tak boleh ada space ...
7) Kalo nak beli sim card koya (prepaid) ada jual kat mana? berapa rm? telco apa?
Korea takde prepaid & dorang nya system different ngan kita.
Recommended beli Calling Card ( mcm ITalk card tu) ..
Kene make sure tepon tu ade at least 3G .... kalo tepon takde 3G, takleh pakai kat sane utk wat call...
8) Senang tak nak carik Wifi?
Wifi connection ade merata2 ...some are free, some are not ...coffee shops biasenye free .. dlm subway pun ade Wifi.. dlm KTX pun ade ( free lagik ) ... guesthouse biasenye provide free wifi ...
9) Macam mana nak pegi Sokcho from Nami Island
Naik train dari Gapyeong ke nam chuncheon station (sbb station neh yg dekat chuncheon bus terminal)
Then, naik bus ker sokcho (dekat 3jam gak la)
Bus fare chuncheon- sokcho 12500 won
chuncheon bus terminal walking distence dari nam chuncheon station iaitu 2nd last station....kalau last station line neh kan chuncheon tapi station chuncheon jauh dari chuncheon bus terminal so klu saper 2 yg nak gi chuncheon bus terminal kene turun kat nam chuncheon 2nd station last before chuncheon station
More explanation : http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=644742&extra=page%3D1&page=28 --> post#696
10) Kalau nak pos barang, brape rate?
pos guna DHL.... 77k won utk 17.1 kg....so lebih kurang 4k la utk sekilo... Lebih kurang 12 hengget sekilo... Fiza rasa cam ok jer... X la mahal sgt.... Cepat pn cepat... Fiza anta khamis ptg, sabtu pagi dg sampai kastam....
11) Ade tak beg wrapping service kat Incheon International Airport?
kalau nk wrap kat Incheon Airport takder.. just ikat and kotak jer disediakan. aritu me ngan kwn amik yg ikat jer.. =) rega utk tali tu, 3k per bag
Last edited by azradiza on 27-9-2012 08:02 AM
dear team korean..,
boleh bagitau tak.. sume tempat kat bawah nie.. train paling dekat nak turun..
terima kasih 
ü Gwanghwamun
ü Namdaemun (Korean brooch)
ü Dongdaemun + Ikan Bakar (Korean Silk)
ü Myeongdong
ü Lotte World
ü Everland
ü Cheonggye-Stream
ü Han-River Cruise
ü Namsan Tower
ü Namsan Hanok Village
ü Insadong
ü 63Building
ü Youido Park & Han-river Park
ü Gyeongbok Palace
ü Coex
ü Nami Island (Tempat pengambaran drama Winter Sonata)
ü Seoul National Mosque
ü War Memorial Museum |
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
12) Macammana nak beli tiket ITX?
Boleh refer kat blog chimei nih : http://myoutsteps.blogspot.com/2012/06/south-korea-9th-trip-day-3.html
Seat selection : mase aku beli tu aku tak pilih seat..mesin tu mmg dah choose seat tuk 6 org..mmg sebelah2 la...based on yg mane kosong..so aku x perlu pilih dah..tapi timing tu mmg mesin tu yg tetapkan...let say ko smpi kul 9..tapi seat yg available tuk 6 org cuma ade kul 11 je so dia akan auto select time tu + seat number...aku rase boleh je pilih seat ....kalo dah penuh mesin tu akan inform kat situ...
ITX ni mmg dr yongsan je ker?klu cheongyani ke gapyeong xde ker?
ITX ni stop kat 6 station ye..so bleh naik kat mane2 6 station ni..kat every stop yg dia berenti tu bleh beli tiket
Yongsan (용산)
Cheongnyangni (청량리)
Pyeongnae hopyeong (평내호평)
Gapyeong (가평)
Namchuncheon (남춘천)
Chuncheon (춘천)
13) Macam mana nak beli tiket Jeju Air to Jeju ?
a) Kene register as member dulu baru boleh beli tiket
b) Nama passenger kene taip without spacing : example : MOHAMMAD ALI kene type MOHAMMADALI
c) Bila dah proceed sampai purchase information kena click "Foreign Issued Card" dan bukan " credit card" (credit card tu hanya untuk local sahaja).
14) Last edited by azradiza on 27-9-2012 08:04 AM
kalao ko betul2 mentelaah page 1 dari thread no 10 aritu, semuanye dah dinyatakan kat mane train ...
azradiza Post at 29-5-2012 10:06 
owh.. kene mentelaah balik nie.. hehehe..  |
Nak tanya soklan basic je...tlg jgn lahar ye...flight dari KL ke Incheon brp jam ye? |
Reply 27# MissN-ny
hahaha. 6-7jam. kat sana 1 jam awal dari msia. |
da rumah baru.. tak sabanya nak g tahun depan.. hehehe   |
cek in umah baru!
yg b4 ni pun x khatam lg..huuu |
Reply 28# bdk2
Huhuhu...tq ye sbb sudi jawab...dh study skit2 sambil merangkak dari umah 9 lagi...tp xjumpe pun brapa jam dlm flight...Tq ye, lagi satu suke baca ur blog bdk2...sgt2 byk info n gambo pun cantek2...tp saya plan nak ddk kat Namsan GH jadi route subway awak tu xdpt lah plak saya nak ikut...tp awak ni mmg btl2 adventurer ar... seronok tgk brani redah sana sini...ni saya nak kne study banyak lagi ni...lagi2 psl route subway... |
ahah! rumah baru..patut le senyap je kat yg lama tuh |
saya sudah pulang ahad lepas, baru berkesempatan nak online kat sini!! Hai uol's!! ^^ Kesimpulan backpacking to Korea just 1 word AWESOME WEYHHHHHH!!!!  |
ni sume info utk backpacking ke?? teringin gk nk g south korea ni tp mau g ngn family so backpacking is a big NO la...travel agent ape yg best yek?? nk g seoul ngn jeju...any suggestion?? *don't lahar me, ok?? bdk baru ni so agak lost...huhuhu* |
Reply 33# HoDinieRi
Wah, baru balik...ni masih fresh lagi udara Korea...
Nnt bila free time sila update ye...
Klau blh tlg masukkan skali jumlah keseluruhan yang tlh dibelanjakan kt sane...
Plan nak backpack gak berdua je...
klau ade subway route atau bas tlg skali ye mcm yg bdk2 wat tu...huhuhu |
Post Last Edit by vamplave at 5-6-2012 13:22
keep it up!  |
saya sudah pulang ahad lepas, baru berkesempatan nak online kat sini!! Hai uol's!! ^^ Kesimpulan bac ...
HoDinieRi Post at 29-5-2012 01:35 PM 
glad u enjoying it..^^ |
chek in rumah baru.....mmg mantap lah benang nih xpenah sunyi hihihi |
Reply HoDinieRi
Wah, baru balik...ni masih fresh lagi udara Korea...
Nnt bila free time sila u ...
MissN-ny Post at 29-5-2012 14:49 
InsyaAllah akan diupdate sekarang busy boss lambakkan kerja xhengat *jeling jer paper work atas meja* hahahha
Cuma 1 jer nak bagi cadangan, sesiapa yg nk backpacking ke Korea ni silalah enjoy seenjoy-enjoynya(apakah ayat aku hahah) sbb mmg terbaik kalo pergi backpacking, tak terikat atau tersekat korang redah jer mana tempat korang nak pergi. Kitorang 1st day dah terlepas sampai ke Chuncheon sebab dapat tiket concert free yehaaaaaa!! Tapi experience 1st day mmg awesome weyhhh, kitorang buat mcm negara sendiri muka masing2 konfiden walaupun nak ke luar Seoul huhuuh.
Guest House yg kitorang duduk pun best sgt & selesa. Owner dia pun mmg terbaik ahh really helpful & well speak in English. Yang penting apa2 hal pun sila buat research sebelum pergi. Sila khatam subway mereka, sila study routes setiap tempat korang nak pergi so mmg kena well prepared kalau tak sampai sana korang panic dan xtau nak buat apa huhuhu. Ini nasihat aku kitorang memang well prepared ahh backpacking ke Korea ni. Semua study dari thread ni + blog2 yg berkaitan. Alhamdulillah apa yg kitorang plan semua dipermudahkan.
So kesimpulannya tahun depan akan terjah KOREA lagi InsyaAllah semoga murah rezeki hahahahaha  |
| |