Reply 20# Andy47
tak tau bad or good news
dh tak apper invalid url...
but appear
problem loading page....sy type link yg diberi https://www.facebook.com tp kuar:
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.facebook.com.
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web. |
maybe sy kot atau anak saya yg gatal tgn klik tang mana2 masa dh mula ada prob ni sebelum minta bantuan di sini...huhuu  |
Reply 21# a_dira
So atleast kita dah tahu apa yang triggered problem 'URL' tu.
Since u pakai Firefox, kat firefox tu, click
Tools > Option > Advanced > Network Tab - Connection >Settings
Kalau Default setting is 'Use system Proxy Settings'. Try tukar kepada 'No Proxy'. Save setting then restart 'firefox'. |
Reply 23# Andy47
andy, dekat situ mmg dh pilih NO PROXY |
Post Last Edit by Andy47 at 4-6-2012 01:06
Reply 24# a_dira
Sementara saya try cari solution, a_dira try tak buka facebook guna Google Chrome? Kalau Google Chrome pun tak boleh, saya percaya problem ni dah merebak ke setting Firewall. Kalau melibatkan setting Firewall, biasanya disebabkan virus dari Facebook Chat 
Tambahan lain sebagai rujukan. Since the IP number still xleh masuk Fb, try lagi tambah ni: facebook.com www.facebook.com login.facebook.com en-gb.facebook.com
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