TM nut mmg slow..tt kena selalu komlen,aku pon jadi cam tu.bkn setakat rumah aku jer,chek rumah2 sebelah2 pon cam tu jgk.email kat bos besar dia beruler ok Last edited by wak_parjo on 4-6-2013 11:38 AM
Uish...aku takda problem langsung dgn streamyx... |
Modem is not the problem. If really there's a problem with the modem, they should check it before give out to any customer. Would you consider our fibre optic connection? I have a better package for you.
Name: Mr. Calvern
Contact: 0166461777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Redtone-Fibre/203263933170527 |
akumirul posted on 30-1-2013 01:46 AM 
streamyx mmg lembab pun... jujur ckp... dh ler service teruk kdg2 line takde langsung.... samp ...
Do you consider our latest internet fibre optic connection package?
Name: Mr. Calvern
Contact: 0166461777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Redtone-Fibre/203263933170527 |
calvern posted on 7-10-2013 09:57 AM 
Modem is not the problem. If really there's a problem with the modem, they should check it before gi ...
sorry saya duduk kawasan ulu..mana ade fiber..unifi pon xde lagi kawasan saya tu 
piringterbang posted on 7-10-2013 03:21 AM 
sorry saya duduk kawasan ulu..mana ade fiber..unifi pon xde lagi kawasan saya tu
Owh, is there are many demands in your area. I can check the landscape of your area and provide you a wireless connection which is better than Streamyx. |
saya pakai stimix 1mbps.modem kaler silver adsl innatech w7100n..speed test 0.20mbps dload 0.1 upload..ping time 1512ms.adakah disebabkan modem?line?dan nak tau kalau yg 1mbps tu sekureng2nya bleh dpt bape klu speedtest..tq allllllsss |
mambang posted on 4-12-2013 10:16 AM 
saya pakai stimix 1mbps.modem kaler silver adsl innatech w7100n..speed test 0.20mbps dload 0.1 uploa ...
contact streamyx.
buat komplen, reset port.
suruh set 1mb punya speed
aziz79 posted on 9-12-2013 12:49 PM 
contact streamyx.
buat komplen, reset port.
suruh set 1mb punya speed
tq..rasanya dah ok sebab tgk kat speedtest 1.07mbps..itu kalau pakai 1 device tp klu dah anak pun pakai 2 3 device jd slow jgk..anyway thanx
mambang posted on 11-12-2013 03:02 PM 
tq..rasanya dah ok sebab tgk kat speedtest 1.07mbps..itu kalau pakai 1 device tp klu dah anak pun ...
kalau dah kongsi 3, semua tgk youtube. mmg la slow 
aziz79 posted on 11-12-2013 03:58 PM 
kalau dah kongsi 3, semua tgk youtube. mmg la slow
haha..wpun umah aku xde pc(cpu meletop) tp device sekali online smpi 3-4...erm...sabo je lah dengan ke'slow'annye...
xAthenax posted on 18-1-2014 11:47 AM 
kaka subscribe streamyx 4mbps
tapi dalam this past 1 week
ada masalah surf web
masalah dns tu.
guna modem streamyx ke?
aziz79 posted on 18-1-2014 08:38 PM 
masalah dns tu.
guna modem streamyx ke?
apa maksud masalah dns tu?maaf memang bute IT skit .. |
modem adsl ada logo TM kan...dah tau dah apa punca internet ntah haper2...pernah terkena dulu masa subscribe streamyx dulu..kalau apa product ada cop logo TM...kena reflash firmware tukar ke firmware lain...pastu baru cun...superb connection...biasanya TM modify firmware tatau laa apa set termasuk logo TM sekali dlm tuh...bila buka configuration setting adelaa logo TM appear...
Kalo tak reti...beli modem lain... |
so kalau aku tukar modem/router baru selain cap TM, internet connection pasti lebih laju?
any experience for those yang dah cuba?  |
net_level posted on 11-2-2014 02:42 PM 
so kalau aku tukar modem/router baru selain cap TM, internet connection pasti lebih laju?
any exper ...
bergantung pada pakej speed yg kita amik..
beli la modem rega riban2 pun
tp kalo subscribe stimix 1mb,tetap 1mb jgk
lembab nih banyak punca.. pasal 1 mbps .. yang dia offer ko secara teori nya... 800kbps is an acceptable speed based on your speed quota request .. nak lagi laju request lagi banyak speed .. maka lagi banyak yang ko kena bayar..
memandangkan zaman wireless tech nih sume device guna network katakan dalam isi rumah ader 2 hp 1 pc dan 1 laptop.. sure akan jadi lembab pasal sume device nih sharing one connection.. if semua are connected to the internet.. lebih2 kalu buka youtube.. atau any streaming data.. sure akan brought all the network down [dalam umah lah].. atau slow cam jamban... nak tukar2 DNS .. aku rase.. cam tak der privisi.. pasal there is a posibility dia akan gunakan ko as a research hamster... cth usage ko terma pencarian ko.. etc2.. so aku tak selesa..
kalu nak tukar DNS aku tak galakan pasal baca bawah nih..;
"The recent rash of botnet [webmasterworld.com] issues has uncovered that the source of power for the latest and most widespread strain of malware is the free DNS servers being used to locate their command centers.
Why this is a problem is because these dynamic DNS services allow anyone to freely create a dynamic domain name such as "any-subdomain.example.com" which can be quickly and easily redirected to any new server when the previous botnet command and control center (C&C) is identified and blocked.
Botnets tend to have lots of infected machines that are idle, just waiting to be put into service, therefore closing one command center only shuts down the bot for a few minutes, perhaps even seconds, until the IP address is changed for "any-subdomain.example.com" to point to the next infected server now being used as the botnet C&C.
Best yet, the latest botnet strains have algorithms that allow them to detect new random subdomain names created so when "botnetsubdomain1.example.com" is removed from the free DNS service a new "botnetsubdomain2.example.com" is created, which the botnet can detect, and continues to run.
The names being used are completely randomized so it's not as simple as looking for something like "botnetsubdomain*.example.com" and blocking all variations as it's fairly undetectable.
Therefore, it seems a simple solution to eliminating this threat posed by free dynamic DNS services is to filter out the free variations of the dynamic domain names so that "any-subdomain.example.com" isn't accessible by anyone from a broadband service which would render the entire current variation of the Kraken botnet completely harmless.
So the question then is should broadband services, or all internet services for that matter, block these free dynamic DNS services in order to protect the safety of the internet as a whole and stop hundreds of thousands of machines from communication with their command center in one simple step?
I'd say YES, just like like ISPs currently use RBS to block spammers and known hosts of malware, that it's a reasonable step to providing internet-wide security against this latest and the most difficult to stop (to date) brand of botnet before more copycats emerge and the situation is completely out of control. "
sumber dari - http://www.webmasterworld.com/webmaster/3642155.htm
even kajian nih in 2008 but the risk is still there..
aku guna 20mbps unifi.. puas ati.. beb.. berbaloi baloi... nak rasa selamat wifi ko dari kena hack.. silalah sorok network id ko [SSID] guna password yang agak mustahil utok directory hack figure.. cth LaBu!@3!221#, guna WPA2PSK format
Last edited by hydrocloric on 11-2-2014 05:17 PM
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1. dekat kan laptop ngan router>>kalau internet makin laju maknanya router problem.
2. nak test connection,try direct modem(yang kaler biru gelap tu) trus g laptop jgn pakai router. then kalau pakai direct modem pun still slow, mmg dah bole shoot 100.
3. punca line slow ada banyak
a)cable bawah tanah tu..
b)mmg ada haiwan perosak yang kacau cable
c)cable LAN tu (majoriti lepas tukar kabel dah ok)
d)cuaca kita
lepas call TM, technician akan datang mai rumah wat inspection dan akan advice apa patut buat.
regards. |
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