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Author: planb

Mahathir is right: Jews do rule the world

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Post time 30-10-2003 11:38 AM | Show all posts
hehehe! SFE, ppl shouldn't blame God for whatever they had or had not done. God give/s u brain, use it. Let not anyone control ur mind. we should know how to diferrentiate between rights and wrongs. Hmm... unless u r brainless or just another US canine?! huh!

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SFE talk This user has been deleted
Post time 30-10-2003 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Thast what I am saying, Allah has not been guiding Muslims and
Muslims have not been seeking this supposedly mighty allah.
Thats why they never use their brains, just like Acong who achieved nothing at all. Hahahahahahahahaha.............


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Post time 30-10-2003 02:37 PM | Show all posts
twisting and twisted, like usual...

sfe, you better take a great lesson on how to think analytically. and maybe how to use your brain effectively. duh!

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SFE talk This user has been deleted
Post time 30-10-2003 02:45 PM | Show all posts
I do think analytically, the problem is, you cannot accept reality.

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Post time 30-10-2003 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SFE talk at 30-10-2003 02:32 PM:
Thast what I am saying, Allah has not been guiding Muslims and
Muslims have not been seeking this supposedly mighty allah.
Thats why they never use their brains, just like Acong who achieved no ...

Hehe! Who is 2 tell that i achieve nothing? BTW, do u know what i am trying 2 achieve? Hehehe!

IKLAN [kalt EFS good at nuthing but licking Mr. Bush stinking toes!]

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Post time 30-10-2003 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LostSoul at 30-10-2003 02:37 PM:
twisting and twisted, like usual...

sfe, you better take a great lesson on how to think analytically. and maybe how to use your brain effectively. duh!

When he get one! I hope!

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Post time 30-10-2003 09:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sniper_Wolf7 at 2003-10-30 08:53 AM:
#Sniper_Wolf 7 ( " Let's get it on" ) :
about the america defeating the nazis and japan is a good thing but, that is just part of their propaganda.

go and learn history.
our brave soldier were working for the british and they were defeated. If not for the Americans "propaganda" there would have been no muslim country. All will be under the Japanese Emperor or the German Furrer. Muslims would be very-very likely bowing to the japanese Emperor and not towards kabbah.
Chinese were torture because the Chinese in China fought them, if the Malay and Indian opposed the Japanese the same way then they would have receive the same treatment... a samurai sword to your neck.
You got brains, think for yourself.

Originally posted by Sniper_Wolf7 at 2003-10-30 08:53 AM:
it doesn't care if Dr. M is a mamak, as long he is a muslim and think about his people comfort, he is my 6th idol. i think you making it up about the rest of the jews we muslim must kill them. ("salah tafsir membawa bencana kepada alam" ) We will kill if been provoke. just the same situation if your little brother or sister been pick on by some one. will you leave it like that or schold the picker?

According to *********, musiims are already provoked and they are defending. So its open-seasion for killing the kafirs particularly the Jews, is it?

credits deducted

[ Last edited by Jukebox on 31-10-2003 at 09:53 PM ]

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Post time 30-10-2003 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LostSoul at 30-10-2003 09:39 AM:
and why jews and americans feel so angry about dr. m. remarks? becoz it is the truth? as usual, the truth is hard to swallow, as the truth is hurtful!

Let me answer this.
If someone who is very influential (not just another Tom, Dick or Harry) said that you are having an affair another man behind your husbands back. Your husband could belief that and like may "jatuh talak" on you. What would you do? If you retaliate, would that means you are guilty?

There are better ways to deliver you message that to resort to hate speech, especially if you are an influencial person.

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Post time 31-10-2003 09:58 AM | Show all posts
The very big mistake Dr M made before his retirement is being the same hypocrite like Jerry Falwell or others who label all Muslims as terrorists. Just because some few million Jews are a part of Zionist imperealism to bully Palestine doesn't mean ALL JEWS are part of it. These people who criticizes Jews have forgotten that there are Jews who are against Zionism as well.

Dr M insults peace-loving Jews who wants nothing to do with money-mongering crooks like Soros or blood-thristy butcher like Sharon. Before that, he even made this statement:

The Jews for example are not merely hook-nosed, but understand money instinctively.
1970, the Malay Dilemma

I have a lot of respect for Dr M until the very day he made such statement. I don't know if you can say now this is only a part of his eccentricity.

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Post time 31-10-2003 10:37 AM | Show all posts
malaysian pm's oic speech may not be appropriate but its plain HARDtruth

sure not all jews r bad
but it looks like theres more bad jews than the good ones
n the good ones seem too timid to voice out their goodness
for eg they should go demonstrating in millions to protest the massacre of PALESTINE innocents along with hamas, the building of 600 kilo berlin wall n 200 illegal jewish settlements in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories, n the destruction of homes of millions israeli PALESTINIANS to give way to imported jews
wheres the demo?  where?

besides, wheres the superpower, eu, un etc leaders who put their foot down n declare wot the jews did aginst their brethren PALESTINIANS is wrong?  where?

infact superdonkey bush did worst; he feeds sharon billions worth of arms to genocide the PALESTINIANS as he (sharon) chants piously luv thy neighbour as thyself

as it is the jews did rule the world by proxy  :bg:


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Sniper_Wolf7 This user has been deleted
Post time 31-10-2003 03:24 PM | Show all posts
#Sniper_Wolf 7 ( "Enemy is around here somewhere" ) :

Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 30-10-2003 09:04 PM:
our brave soldier were working for the british and they were defeated. If not for the Americans "propaganda" there would have been no muslim country.  

this show that the Americans love war. they cant live with out war. even though our soldier work under the british. But they have one motive, "berkorban untuk agama, bangsa dan negara". this show that the religon is the most important thing. and do you know the first "ikrar satria"? (Oh! Sorry. I forgot, you didn't join the army) Well, let me tell you what is it. "Beriman kepada tuhan dan bertaqwa kepadanya." even though the Askar Melayu work for the british, but they don't do it for them, but for the country. why must they let other people protect the country for them. are we going to let other people protect our county like singapore once?

Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 30-10-2003 09:04 PM:
Muslims would be very-very likely bowing to the japanese Emperor and not towards kabbah.

that a harsh word. we muslim only bow to one and that is allah. not to a human. we would rather die than bow to any human. including the american. we will fight till the last drop our blood to protect our Iman rather than just give up. what about you? "adakah anda akan menjadi anjing kepada penjajah atau mati demi mempertahankan kepercayaan anda?"
oh, that's right! Since your a christian, you don't care if the american conqure malaysia right. yeh, you do look forward upon the american.

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Post time 2-11-2003 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Hi Sniper
Are you from the army? If yes, thanks for keeping the country save from the terrorist.

Originally posted by Sniper_Wolf7 at 2003-10-31 03:24 PM:
this show that the Americans love war. they cant live with out war

oh, that's right! Since your a christian, you don't care if the american conqure malaysia right. yeh, you do look forward upon the american.

f.y.i The freedom that you and i enjoy in Malaysia are courtesy of America. You can deny as much as you like but thats a fact.

Originally posted by Sniper_Wolf7 at 2003-10-31 03:24 PM:
even though the Askar Melayu work for the british, but they don't do it for them, but for the country. why must they let other people protect the country for them. are we going to let other people protect our county like singapore once?
yeah yeah... but during that period the Askar Melayu were on british payroll... just like Indian Army was.. and they too fought for the British here in Malaya.
My uncle was in the Malaysian Army till he retired. According to him, racial discrimination is rampant in the Malaysian army... and thats why there are so few Indian and Chinese wants to be in the Army.

Tun Dr.M( :bg: )  can't see whats right under his "hidung bawang" ... the racial discrimination, but the old man, have the nerve to condamn all the Jew(and not the zionist)

Originally posted by Sniper_Wolf7 at 2003-10-31 03:24 PM:
that a harsh word. we muslim only bow to one and that is allah. not to a human. we would rather die than bow to any human. including the american. we will fight till the last drop our blood to protect our Iman rather than just give up. what about you?

So thats why you people don't bow to the Agung and the Sultans...uhh!
Me... well I will bow to anybody who deserve respect.

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Post time 3-11-2003 03:35 PM | Show all posts
faith healer,

the problem is it is the truth. jews did rule the world by proxy. very simple, they control the states, the states has certain degree of control on the world. when ppl said "america's gonna get you", the country shudder, just like iran now. so, that's how jews control the world.

his speech doesn't propose the violence method, instead his kinda hinted maybe oic could impose economic steps to slow down israel. just like what american did to iraq. so, is that wrong? i mean, everybody could see that palestinians are the victims here, not israel. but due to 9/11 the world shifted its view. and i wonder who the brain behind that 9/11? who benefit form it? definitely not muslims!

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Post time 3-11-2003 03:39 PM | Show all posts
courtesy of america???? err... it is u who do not read history. if you said britain, then you would hit somewhere near bull's eye. thanks Tunku Abdul Rahman & the merdeka team for it.

sinper, chsritian, he's not. agnostic, he is and will always be, it seems.

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Post time 3-11-2003 07:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LostSoul at 3-11-2003 03:39 PM:
courtesy of america???? err... it is u who do not read history. if you said britain, then you would hit somewhere near bull's eye.

f.y.i The british were running with thier tails behind their back towards Singapore when the Japanese invade Malaya.
If not for the American's atomic bomb, you will be bowing to the Japanese invaders. Kapish.

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Post time 3-11-2003 08:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LostSoul at 3-11-2003 03:35 PM:
faith healer,

the problem is it is the truth. jews did rule the world by proxy. very simple, they control the states, the states has certain degree of control on the world. when ppl said "a ...

You know thats an assumption based on Arab propaganda. Since the "prophet" Mohd and his friends started invading, killing and converting the Jew to his version of religion, the world is not a safe place for the Jews. ..check out the hadiths.

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Post time 4-11-2003 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-3 08:02 PM:
You know thats an assumption based on Arab propaganda. Since the "prophet" Mohd and his friends started invading, killing and converting the Jew to his version of religion, the world is not a safe place for the Jews. ..check out the hadiths.

u're distorting facts  
its not becoz of prophet mohd n friends that make the world unsafe for the jews.  
its the evil among the jews 'emselves that forced god to curse 'em to become nomads till doomsday.  read

when the jews died in millions during the holocaust coz by trinity christian hitler, they r determined to take PALESTINE as their promised land.
thru callous lobbying, un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist in 1948.
thats the harsh reality of jews being axis of evil n world manipulator.  sigh  :bg:


Heb. 3:7-14

So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.  That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’  So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”

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Post time 4-11-2003 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 4-11-2003 09:46 AM:
u're distorting facts  
its not becoz of prophet mohd n friends that make the world unsafe for the jews.  
its the evil among the jews 'emselves that forced god to curse 'em to become nomads till doomsday.  read

when the jews died in millions during the holocaust coz by trinity christian hitler, they r determined to take PALESTINE as their promised land.
thru callous lobbying, un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist in 1948.
thats the harsh reality of jews being axis of evil n world manipulator.  sigh  

You are wrong.
Not only there is "evil" among the Jews... there is "evil" among any race. God is unable to curse anyone lah..... let the "Alien" rest in peace..

The fact is Jews community exist in Arabia particularly in and around the present land called Palestine, long before Islam was invented by Mohd and gang... right?

Jerusalem is a well established place by the Jews. right?.

It makes no difference to me, whether the Jews community have a  place to call thier MotherLand in America or Africa or Middle East. The Jews think they deserve a place in Middle East particularly in Jerusalem as thier root is deep there... and they are there to stay...thats a fact you have to accept. The muslim world have accept the fact and recornise Isreal as a nation.

When UN established Isreal, they did it because there was a need for it.
The Jews are Nomads no more, they have a place to call their home...

[ Last edited by FaithHealer3 on 5-11-2003 at 10:34 PM ]

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Sniper_Wolf7 This user has been deleted
Post time 5-11-2003 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2-11-2003 05:26 PM:
So thats why you people don't bow to the Agung and the Sultans...uhh!
Me... well I will bow to anybody who deserve respect.

Bow to agung and sultans? we don't bow, but say, "Daulat tuanku!" I only bow to one and that is Allah. human are human. i thank to Allah because giving me a leader that is agung, Sultan and PM. What i learn from my Nasrul Hak', we respect our leader because Allah have given us hope to survive. If the leader is a good one, we'll follow. but if he did wrong, advice him so that he can go on the true path.

Oh! about the army thing. I'm just a reserve army. nothing much but, I'll die for my "agama, bangsa dan negara." I don't like anybody saying that the army that day is such a weak soldier. and they are not that strong rather than the American marine. Have you ever heard about the joint war excersise between the American marine with our military? Do you know the result of the war?

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SFE talk This user has been deleted
Post time 5-11-2003 10:26 PM | Show all posts
American soldiers are very tough and strong but generally have less stamina and endurance compared to Asian soldiers because they are muscular and heavy.

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