What would your weapon of choice be if you killed monstrous spirits?
拿着一张符,当它们靠近的时候,我就像show id那样给它看一看那样就送它去极乐了
或者符参水装进喷水器内(理发店拿来喷我们头发那种),pss pss pss喷它们就好了
What would your weapon of choice be if you killed monstrous spirits?
I would talk the Monster to death by beginning with a speech about the good things in life, the wonders of good, how Humans Are Special and the list goes on!
What would your weapon of choice be if you killed monstrous spirits?
I will use a boombox and play a lot of pretty bad songs in music history in highest volume enough to make the spirits explode. Hint: it's gonna be lotsa, lotsa Bieber.