Post time 6-10-2013 01:53 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Dh tgk. Simple n pelakon sikit je. Location pon kt angkasa lepas je. Kih3
Plot best tp jln cita lambat buat aku ngantok.
Meby aku ske cite mencabar sikit kot. Nih kureng mencabar pd aku
I like what she says on Gravity ( Bullock) - pada sesiapa yg suka membuat muhasabah , self - introspective , film ni mmg sarat dengan mesej seperti apa yg diujarkan :
[re Gravity (2013)] It's about rebirth.
How do you let go in the worst possible situation so you can have some kind of release and peace? Life is not going to stop coming at you. In the end, you just have to say, 'I have no control.'
Your time is precious. Are you really going to waste it worrying about this stuff?
apa yg boleh aku katakan,99% fakta yang lontarkan dalam cerita "graviti" ini,.. is true, the protocols, the environment...everything about the debris in space is true too,memang mereka dapat melakukan perjalanan mengelilingi bumi sangat cepat atau super speed, bergantung pada kecepatan mereka.
only one thing that is not that convincing though is , s bullock is breathing CO2...??!,tidak mungkin atau no way that she can breath CO2 that long, only a short while, then will pengsan,kalu u all mahu tahu
bercakap pasal serpihan2 di angkasa lepas,ia memang ujud sampai sekarang memang banyak malah beribu2 serpihan atau sampah angkasa ini di kenali sebagai Kessler syndrome or Kessler's effect.
stesen angkasa antarabangsa(ISS) dan stesen angkasa china(Tiangong 1) serta lain2 satelite ,memang akan dibubuh pada orbit yg selamat dari dihemtam sampah angkasa tersebot
btw,...If I were in space alone, or buried in a coffin, I would probably talk to myself to death also...hahaha
still its the most realism space movee for me...good job
Filem ni membuatkan kita kagum dengan keindahan alam semesta ciptaan Ilahi.
Filem yang sarat dengan nilai murni seperti semangat juang yg kental dan semangat untuk terus berusaha.
Dalam filem ni, Sandra Bullock berjaya mengekpresikan emosi sebagai seorang wanita yang berjiwa kental walaupun di saat akhir di seperti pasrah dengan nasib yg menimpa.
Lakonan yang cemerlang oleh Sandra Bullock dan kemungkinan besar dia akan tercalon di Oscar.
dah nonton ari tu....
rasanya tgk dlm 3D lg best kot...
starting agak slow, sbb suasana sunyi kot....
but after that baru nampak movement citer ni...
overall citer ni best...
jln cite: fresh space engineer (bolok) dgn veteran/last expidision estronot (ex-batman) tgh spacewalk utk betolkan teleskop hubble space tetibe derang "diserang" serpihan satelit yg hancor tekena tembakan misil mother shuttle derang hancor, so citer die adelah mcm mane derang nk survive dgn oksigen yg tinggal sket, teputus kontek dgn NASA, mcm mane nk return ke bumi...
best ke cite ni:
ade momen/scene tarap mengantok nk bile iolss hampir2 nk tetido, dtg scene mendebarkan... scene mendebarkan time debris satelite dtg menyerang bolok/kluni....sepanjang muvi tgn iolss jd bepeloh, sbb gayat tgk view bumi dr erospes, tgk mcm mane bolock/kluni tekontang kanting kt erospes.... sound track/effect muvi jugek membantu menambah debaran muvi ni...
plot hole:
iolss bkn la menat sgt psl erospes neh, cume tepikir bile da tekontang kanting kt space, dgn kelajuan bepuloh/beratos KM/J, mcm teda lojik bolock vole capai shuttle space & ISS etc tu ...impact hentakan bollock dgn shuttle/ISS tu pon patotnye dah bole matikan die, ni siap boleh capai/genggam mende tu, siap bole masok dlm tu... (shuttle/ISS tu sendiri sebenanye begerak dgn kelajuan yg melampao, imejin kapal terbang biase kt bumi ni yg tgh terbang, korg g begayut kt luar pintu die, pastu try bukak pintu tu tk masok, boleh ka?... supemen pon kena pk 3 kali sbelum nk try aksi itew...)
lebih masok akal kalu bollock cast away (eh mcm cite tom henk plak) ke erospes tros, x pon lebih trajik tedampar kt bulan, x pon planet pluto...x pon kena suck oleh black hole...x pon teserempak dgn megatron + gang tgh on de way nk serang otobot kt bumi...
rating: 3/5 sbb berjaye mempelohkan tapak tgn iolss sepanjang muvi ni...
Iols bagi 8.5/10 ... lakonan mantop by sandra bullock... jalan citer very simple, straight to the point... 3 things yang buat movie ni mantop:
1. Lakonan cemerlang oleh sandra bullock. Cuma pelakon yang terbaek jer yang mampu memberi impak sedemikian ke atas movie yang begitu simple nie .... She really shows all the emotion upon handling all the challenges and problem effectively. The emotion can be felt by the audiences as well... excellent job by sandra...
2. CGI yang tampak teramat real and of course beautiful ....
3. Last but not least... music score... mmg terbaek... bersesuaian ngan emosi yang cuba dipaparkan dan latar belakang citer yang nak disampaikan ...
Combination of these 3 factors has really make this movie really interesting to watch ...
Walaupun jalan citer yg bergitu simple dan straight to the point, tapi mesej yang nak disampaikan begitu hebat sekali. The mesej really reached deep into my heart. Walaupun betapa hebat dan besar halangan dan cabaran yang dihadapi, but if you trust yourself, have faith in yourself... confident with yourself... all those challenges and problems can be overcome.... and you will succeed.
My favorite scenes:
1. Bentuk muka bumi captured from the space. Ya Allah.... mmg cantek sangat. Betapa luasnya universe dan betapa kerdilnya manusia...
2. Scene dimana Sandra berada dalam capsule soyusz. When everything seemed to be fine, last last the capsule ada masalah ngan terjahan... by that time, sanda knew already that it would be the end for her.. she switched off everything, hoping she will die peacefully ... during that time, even small and tiny thing she that didn't care and bother in world seems to be important to her. The sound of dog barking ... sound of baby crying... all those things suddenly become so close and significant to her ... * I can feel it sandra...
3. Scene yang sama, dimana matt suddenly appeared and insisted her not to give up... ingatkan betul yang matt tu hidup lagi.. ghuper2nya, tu adalah mainan perasaan sandra which had waken her to keep survive ... *My fav scene tue... sebab apa yang berlaku tu exceli normal thing dalam kehidupan kita... biler kita rasa down or give up, sure ada sumthing yang akan membangkitkan kita utk terus survive...
4. My next fav scene... biler capsule milik cina yang dinaiki oleh sandra memasuki bumi... wahhh.... the scene wasso impressive ... so beautiful yet so dangerous....
5. Scene sandra berada dalam tasik utk timbul ke permukaan air ... even kelibatt katak yang berenang dalam air pun dah buat hati iols rasa relieve... at least, she made it .. kalo mati pun, biar ler mati kat bumi... *sampai begitu sekali hebatnya sandra melakonkan watak tu... cause i can feel Dr. Ryan Stone struggle for survival...
6. Scene dimana sandra terabung kat tasik meliat debris2 space craft yang berasap memasuki bumi... pergh... what a beautiful scene....
7. Scene akhir dimana Sandra akhirnya mampu berdiri kat tepi tasik.... memang terbaek... that scene was really touching my heart. Showed that Dr. Ryan Stone still able to stand alone on her own feet selepas menghadapi segala cabaran dan dugaan yang maha hebat untuk kembali ke bumi....
Overall... mobie ni memang best. Proven that to make one mobie so interesting to watch, tak payah ler nak ambik pelakon ramai ramai.. tak payah ler nak buat jalan citer tu so complicated....
Bottom line, tanpa sandra Bullock, I don't think so the mobie will give me such impact
Biller layan mobie ni .. tetiba teringat Tessane Chin, contender for The Voice 5th season. Time blind audition, she sang 'Try' ... a song by Pink.... very inspiring ... here you go guysss...
paling best & kelakar excelly ... biler sandra finally cakap ... I hate space ...
membuktikan...betapa kita suka, bahagia dan gembira berada ditempat lain yang begitu cantik ... indah.... but when sumthing happen, semestinya kita akan ingat balik betapa terbaeknya kampung halaman sendiri
bosan ker? cerita ini???....Cerita hitam putih memang macam tu.i =hitam,.humans and stuff = putih
after all,..It's about space survival. Imho it's good but a bit dragging,..Depend. If you are space odyssey type of person, you will probably understand it.
Cerita ini core themenya ialah move on. Dr Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) ini mempunyai kisah silam yang memedihkan, jadi apabila Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) terpaksa mengorbankan diri - dia terpaksa move on untuk terus hidup.Banyak simbolisme sebenarnya dalam cerita ni. Ryan Stone dalam keadaan fetus di angkasa menunjukkan ‘kelahiran baru hidupnya’ untuk move on, apabila dia dalam Soyuz. Apabila dia berada di spacecraft Soyuz, ada visual Jesus dalam bentuk Orthodox Church, tapi apabila dia berada dalam Shenzhou (spacecraft China), dia nampak patung Budai (Laughing Buddhaa).Kalau kau kesunyian, aku realize satu perkara - kau akan bercerita je apa yang kau nak cerita walaupun kau berulang kali cerita benda yang sama, dan, kau akan gembira dengar suara lain walaupun suara hanjeng, all the movee is about a wimmin floating around in space.
Those who's planning to watch this, please don't expect it to have a storyline. It is pretty much a direct show of a incident of what can happened in space.
As for my review of tis movee: Draggy, and I think got loopholes,cth,..macam mana Ryan Stone fail dalam flight simulator boleh jadi with unnecessary actions; but contains a few hidden symbolic messages about life. You just have to understand the conversation, or see carefully the objects surrounding or the "actions/movement" of the characters.However, this could be better if the survivor is not a "screamer" type of character.
bru mmg best tpi xmenusuk ke kolbu..i expected more given the rave reviews..fav scene ms Sandra mule2 masuk dlm Soyuz and dia tanggalkan sut and helmet and be normal..can feel betapa sesaknya nafas..
aku tak faham ada orang cakap citer ni awal2 boring. a bit slow lah. kalau nak tgk citer yang action2 tengok lah yang genre action. aku tak rasa pun beginning citer ni slow. aku rasa WOW bila tgk beginning citer ni sebab view earth and space sangat2 lawa. excited masa scene diorang betulkan teleskope tu. sepnjang citer ni aku berkongsi emosi dengan dr ryan. bila scene suspend berlaku aku pun ikut sama takut. masa scene halusinasi dr ryan yang matt masuk balik dalam kapsul tu then dia realize dia hanya bermimpi aku rasa sedih sgt.