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Author: Truth.8

The Bible is BEST Book in the World...MUST Watch for those are lost souls

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2013 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 24-10-2013 02:20 PM
by snake.8

meaning to says, u just want to worshipped demi gods when the gita says is wrong..
now, why would i be in devil hand when u doing something wrong?? which is going aganist the gita book?


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Post time 24-10-2013 03:01 PM | Show all posts
by snake.8

now, why would i be in devil hand when u doing something wrong??

What can I possibly say if you assume everyone on the Planet is wrong except you?

You have a Messiah Complex - that you alone is correct and everyone else's opinion means jack$hit. People like this, I usually don't give a damn cos they always end up dead (surprise! Like your dead god).

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2013 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 24-10-2013 03:01 PM
by snake.8
What can I possibly say if you assume everyone on the Planet is wrong except you?

how that  suppose to be? u should ask the question yourself since it is u condem every faith include the gita book when it says demi god worshipped is corrupt element.

You have a Messiah Complex - that you alone is correct and everyone else's opinion means jack$hit. People like this, I usually don't give a damn cos they always end up dead (surprise! Like your dead god).
well, it fact...the devil hate to listen the truth..


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Post time 25-10-2013 02:05 PM | Show all posts
Walaupun saya mungkin mendapat makian, namun saya perlu nyatakan di sini walaupun pahit untuk kamu terima bahawa buku paling terbaik di dunia ini adalah al-Quran. Bukan saya yang kata tapi Allah yang kata... Kata Allah dalam surah al-Furqan, ayat 1-6:

Maha berkat Tuhan yang menurunkan Al-Furqaan (Al-Quran) kepada hambaNya (Muhammad), untuk menjadi peringatan dan amaran bagi seluruh penduduk alam.

Tuhan yang menguasai pemerintahan langit dan bumi, dan yang tidak mempunyai anak, serta tidak mempunyai sebarang sekutu dalam pemerintahanNya; dan Dia lah yang menciptakan tiap-tiap sesuatu lalu menentukan keadaan makhluk-makhluk itu dengan ketentuan takdir yang sempurna.

Dan mereka (yang kafir) mengambil benda-benda yang lain dari Allah sebagai tuhan-tuhan, yang tidak dapat mencipta sesuatupun, bahkan benda-benda itu diciptakan (oleh penyembah-penyembahnya dari bahan-bahan di bumi); dan benda-benda itu pula tidak berkuasa mendatangkan sesuatu bahaya atau sesuatu faedah untuk dirinya sendiri; dan tidak berkuasa mematikan atau menghidupkan, atau pun membangkitkan hidup semula makhluk-makhluk yang telah mati.

Dan orang-orang yang kafir itu berkata: “(Al-Quran) ini hanyalah satu perkara dusta yang direka-reka oleh Muhammad, dan ia dibantu membuatnya oleh kaum yang lain”. Maka (dengan kata-kata itu) sesungguhnya mereka telah mendatangkan satu tuduhan yang zalim dan dusta.

Dan mereka berkata lagi: “Al-Quran itu adalah cerita-cerita dongeng orang-orang dahulu kala, yang diminta oleh Muhammad supaya dituliskan, kemudian perkara yang ditulis itu dibacakan kepadanya pagi dan petang (untuk dihafaznya)”.

Katakanlah (Wahai Muhammad): “Al-Quran itu diturunkan oleh Allah yang mengetahui segala rahsia di langit dan di bumi; sesungguhnya adalah Ia Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.

Allah berkata dalam surah hud, ayat 13 :

Bukan itu sahaja kata-kata mereka bahkan mereka menuduh dengan mengatakan: “Ia (Muhammad) yang mereka-reka Al-Quran itu! ” katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “(Jika demikian tuduhan kamu), maka cubalah buat serta datangkan sepuluh surah rekaan yang sebanding dengan Al-Quran itu, dan panggilah siapa sahaja yang kamu sanggup memanggilnya, yang lain dari Allah, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar”.

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2013 04:44 PM | Show all posts
ct_og posted on 25-10-2013 02:05 PM
Walaupun saya mungkin mendapat makian, namun saya perlu nyatakan di sini walaupun pahit untuk kamu t ...

.....hakikatnya  "The Bible is BEST Book in the earth


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Post time 27-10-2013 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-10-2013 04:44 PM
.....hakikatnya  "The Bible is BEST Book in the earth

Pada mereka yang tidak memahami maka dia kata apa yang dipegang itu la yang terbaik sedangkan Allah sendiri kata kitab al-Quran diturunkan adalah untuk menyempurnakan kitab-kitab Nya yang terdahulu. Jika dalam dalam Bible ada sedikit aje kaedah yang diberikan oleh Allah untuk panduan manusia maka di dalam al-Quran ada kaedah yang lebih terperinci yang perlu mereka ikuti. Kami orang Islam juga perlu beriman dengan Taurat, Zabur dan Injil tapi malangnya semuanya itu telah terubah seperti mana yang telah di beritahu oleh Allah :

Di antara orang-orang Yahudi ada yang mengubah Kalamullah (isi Kitab Allah), dari tempat dan maksudnya yang sebenar, dan berkata (kepada Nabi Muhammad): “Kami dengar”, (sedang mereka berkata dalam hati): “Kami tidak akan menurut”. (Mereka juga berkata): “Tolonglah dengar, tuan tidak diperdengarkan sesuatu yang buruk”, serta (mereka mengatakan): “Raaeina”; (Tujuan kata-kata mereka yang tersebut) hanya memutar belitkan perkataan mereka dan mencela agama Islam. Dan kalaulah mereka berkata: “Kami dengar dan kami taat, dan dengarlah serta berilah perhatian kepada kami”, tentulah yang demikian itu lebih baik bagi mereka dan lebih betul. Akan tetapi Allah melaknat mereka dengan sebab kekufuran mereka. Oleh itu, mereka tidak beriman kecuali sedikit sahaja (di antara mereka). (An-Nisa : 46)

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2013 04:19 PM | Show all posts
ct_og posted on 27-10-2013 04:18 PM
Pada mereka yang tidak memahami maka dia kata apa yang dipegang itu la yang terbaik sedangkan Alla ...

tidak perlu yakin dengan quran kami....

kami sudah ada kitab yg lengkap


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Post time 27-10-2013 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-10-2013 04:19 PM
tidak perlu yakin dengan quran kami....

kami sudah ada kitab yg lengkap

Jika lengkap mana ayat Tuhan yang mengatakan Tuhan menjamin kesempurnaan kitab kamu dan mana jaminan Tuhan memeliharanya?

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2013 04:40 PM | Show all posts
ct_og posted on 27-10-2013 04:37 PM
Jika lengkap mana ayat Tuhan yang mengatakan Tuhan menjamin kesempurnaan kitab kamu dan mana jamin ...
Jika lengkap mana ayat Tuhan yang mengatakan Tuhan menjamin kesempurnaan kitab kamu dan mana jaminan Tuhan memeliharanya?
Kamu ada jaminan ke? kami ada Jaminan  sekiranya percaya dgn Yesus...itu panggil salvation....itu jaminan                    DIA pada umat nya


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Post time 27-10-2013 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-10-2013 04:40 PM
Kamu ada jaminan ke? kami ada Jaminan  sekiranya percaya dgn Yesus...itu panggil salvation....itu  ...

Ya kami ada jamin bahawa kitab kami sempurna dan suci tanpa ada gangguan mana-mana pihak.

Kata Allah :

"....Pada hari ini, Aku telah sempurnakan bagi kamu agama kamu, dan Aku telah cukupkan nikmatKu kepada kamu, dan Aku telah redakan Islam itu menjadi agama untuk kamu....." (Al-Maidah : 3)

Maka Truth.8, ketahuilah bahawa semua ajaran Islam itu itu berpandukan kepada al-Quran.

Kata Allah : "

Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang menurunkan Al-Quran, dan Kamilah yang memelihara dan menjaganya. (Al-Jir : 9)

Kata Allah sebagai jamin kepada mereka yang taat perintah NYa :

"Mereka beroleh di dalam Syurga itu apa yang mereka kehendaki, mereka pula kekal di dalamnya. Balasan yang demikian adalah satu janji yang dijamin oleh Tuhanmu, lagi yang dipohonkan dan dituntut (dalam doa masing-masing). (Al-Furqan : 16)

Maka Truth.8, tidakkah dalam al-Quran terkandung segala apa yang kamu persoalankan sedangkan mana ayat dari kitab kamu yang kamu boleh pegang kepada kesempurnaan dan jaminan dari Allah?


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Post time 27-10-2013 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-10-2013 04:44 PM
.....hakikatnya  "The Bible is BEST Book in the earth

What criterias did you use to determine that the Bible is the BEST book in the world? I have watched the video in post #1. It basically tells the human being to worship God, do good things and avoid bad things. I don't find this too unique in the sense that other scriptures/books also mention the same thing. So, may I know what make you think that the Bible is the BEST book in the world? What criteria did you use?


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Post time 27-10-2013 08:42 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 27-10-2013 10:13 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 27-10-2013 05:50 PM
What criterias did you use to determine that the Bible is the BEST book in the world? I have watch ...
What criterias did you use to determine that the Bible is the BEST book in the world? I have watched the video in post #1. It basically tells the human being to worship God, do good things and avoid bad things. I don't find this too unique in the sense that other scriptures/books also mention the same thing. So, may I know what make you think that the Bible is the BEST book in the world? What criteria did you use?

The Bible is best Book  in the world as followings:

Reason #1:
        The Bible has transformed the world
                    It would be impossible to claim to be an educated person in today's world without having at least some familiarity with the events contained in this book. Actually, all of the events contained in this book should be known by everyone.
  • A good number of people around the world read portions of this book every day. It is one of the most published and printed books in the history of the world. It has been printed in just about every known language (including braille) and each year, since it was first written, it has been the world's greatest bestseller year after year. As time marches on it is continually printed in yet more languages. Collectors of rare books treasure it in every form.
  • The Bible was the first book ever put to the printing press. The man who first printed it, Johannes Gutenberg, was recently voted the most important man to have ever lived within the past 1000 years!
  • A good number of museums exist today which are dedicated solely to this very book and the events contained therein.
  • The Bible is available in every corner of the globe, even where it is illegal to own or read this book. It is available in electronic format and on CD as well. You can find it on the internet for free. Famous actors and personages regularly quote it. It was quoted by William Shakespeare many times in his writings.
  • Worldwide organizations and associations have been formed because of this book and its message, many of them existing for centuries. Together they represent multiple hundreds of millions of members.
                Reason #2:
        People are willing to die for this book
                    People have died torturous deaths simply to gain access to this book. You may, even now, be in a country where this book is discouraged or even banned outright. In many countries it is a crime to distribute or even possess this book.
  • This book has been praised, cursed, restricted, banned, desecrated, burned and fought over. People swear on it and at it.
  • Some have tried to eliminate it. All who have tried have failed. People have suffered exquisite tortures and loss of freedom and even their lives for printing it. This has occurred recently and over many centuries past, as well. It is, in fact, a regular occurrence in this world.
  • This book is simultaneously hated and loved. Once read it would be impossible to be indifferent to it; for its claims are monumental and beyond exaggerating. It provokes a strong response in either a positive or negative direction; you will either love it or hate it. It was meant to be so by design. It is so controversial that wars have been fought over its interpretation. Governments have toppled on account of it and kings have been deposed because of it. Most importantly, lives have been dramatically changed for good because of this book.
                Reason #3:
        It’s the most accurate book of antiquity
                  The Bible is the most copied book of antiquity. Written over a time period of some 1,500 years, it was completed approximately 2,000 years ago. Yet, in all the centuries that have passed, none of its contents have ever been found inaccurate.
  • It has been translated into its present form directly from the original languages from a vast supply of ancient manuscripts sifted by the best minds and most competent scholars of our day and of many prior generations. It has been translated into every known existing language.
  • It is surpassingly accurate to the smallest details. Its contents, as translated, are as close to the original words of the authors as humanly possible. Only a few words of the entire book (a tiny, insignificant percentage) are in any doubt as to the original words and none of the disputed text affects the message of the book. Additionally, new discoveries of previously unknown ancient manuscripts continue to provide ever greater accuracy to the contents of this book.
  • It has been sifted, studied, commentated upon and dissected more than any book in history. Volumes of books have been written about it and if they were stacked on top of one another they would reach to the sky.
  • Where this book can be verified by external events such as archeology, geography, custom, politics, culture, known world history and writings in other ancient texts it has been so verified as to be accurate in all respects. New discoveries always support it, never vice versa. It has never once been proven faulty on single detail or fact, although many have mightily tried and failed.
                Reason #4:
        It contains a life-changing message of freedom
                    The Bible has liberated many from oppression by its clear teachings. It raises the dignity and rights of every human being ever born. It is truly an amazing and remarkable piece of writing. It contains clear teaching on the value and worth of every individual. It will astonish and surprise you and likely move you to tears.
  • It has freed minds and hearts throughout history. The events recorded in this book have generated more great works of art (and some not-so-great ones, as well) than any other subject matter in the history of the world. All the museums in the world, added together, could not possibly contain all of the artwork inspired by the events of this book.
  • This book itself represents true freedom. It has never been in the custody and control of a single group of people, unlike other important books. It belongs to everyone and it has been possessed by everyone, every culture and every tribe and race of people. Reading it will strike you directly in your heart. It has the "ring of truth" to all who love the same.
  • This book contains a message at its very core. It is a message to all people everywhere, in every time period, relevant to their everyday lives. It claims to be the very words of God... an audacious claim, for sure. It is for you to decide whether to believe the message of this book and apply it to your own life.
  • If you now know nothing about God, you will know a great deal about God after reading this book. If you believe you know much about God, you will know even more about him after you read this book. You may even decide to re-evaluate your knowledge of God after reading it.
                Reason #5:
        It connects you to history’s most important figure
                    You may have heard of the "godman," Jesus of Nazareth, also called the "Christ" (i.e."Anointed One"). You may even think you know him. But if you have not read the account offered firsthand throughout this book, you will, in effect, know nothing definite about him. The entire Old Testament points to his coming, and the entire New Testament testifies to his teachings and actions.
  • His name has been used to bless people and it has been used as a curse word by those who despise him. People have been healed and set free in his name. One thing is for sure: when you meet Jesus in the pages of this book and understand who he claims to be it is impossible for you to remain indifferent to him.
  • This story is either the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind or it describes Jesus as exactly who he claims to be: the Supreme Lord and Ruler over all of mankind and the very creator God of the Universe.  Logically speaking, this is either a nice poetic story created from a fantasy with an intent to deceive you or a clear and accurate picture of God, who is our judge ( both mine and yours). You decide. If you think you know about God already, consider the source of that "knowledge" and examine if this book may, in fact, be a better source for true knowledge about the one true Creator God that made you and everything else, both known an unknown in this Universe.
  • People are free to reject this book and what it says. God made us "free moral agents" to choose as we desire. Yet, people violate the teachings and wisdom of this book at their own peril.
  • Because of the main person in this book, Jesus of Nazareth, time has been split into two main epochs (B.C. "before Christ" and A.D. "anno Domini" for "year of our Lord").
  • Each year, over a billion people celebrate his birth, his death and his bodily resurrection from the dead.
  • Jesus is the only religious leader ever to make the claim that he has risen from the dead. All others are dead and buried. Abraham is dead. Moses is dead. Mohammed has died and remains dead, Buddha is dead, Gandhi is dead. Only Jesus claims to be alive. Even Muslims revere Jesus as a holy man and a great prophet. All told, about half of the world today accepts that this Jesus was a great and remarkable personage.
                Conclusion        Keep turning the pages of this remarkable book. Read it with an open mind and open heart. It contains pure truth about God, about life, the nature of mankind and our own hearts as human beings. The Gospel of John is a wonderful place to start, but read the whole thing — Old and New Testaments. You'll be amazed what you discover about God, and about yourself.
        If this God is indeed your judge, before whom you will someday give an account of your life, it truly behooves you to be aware of who he is and the simple thing he asks of us before that solemn time comes. In essence, this book will help you to deal with that very event for which we are all destined. Be warned: you will not be the same after you read this book.

Last edited by Truth.8 on 27-10-2013 10:15 PM


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 Author| Post time 27-10-2013 10:16 PM | Show all posts
ct_og posted on 27-10-2013 05:13 PM
Ya kami ada jamin bahawa kitab kami sempurna dan suci tanpa ada gangguan mana-mana pihak.

Kata ...

ya quran tapi kamu mempunyai banyak cabang...sempurna ke? pergi betulkan agama kamu dulu sebelum cerita pasal agama kamu itu sempurna..


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Post time 28-10-2013 07:45 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-10-2013 10:16 PM
ya quran tapi kamu mempunyai banyak cabang...sempurna ke? pergi betulkan agama kamu dulu sebelum c ...

Jelaslah bible yang kamu pegang itu tak sempurna dan tak dijamin Allah keselamatannya. Kalau sempurna jangan nak spin cerita kata Islam tak sempurna... letak le kat sini ayat kitab kamu  yang KONON the best tu...

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Post time 28-10-2013 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-10-2013 10:13 PM
The Bible is best Book  in the world as followings:

Reason #1:

I found out that many of the given reasons are not that solid especially point #3. Everyone knows that the content of the Bible has been revised over time. It's known for authors to revise their book because of errors. How come something that has errors can be accurate? I believe many people in this forum have pointed out this issue...

That being said, I still respect you belief.


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 12:26 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 28-10-2013 08:10 AM
I found out that many of the given reasons are not that solid especially point #3. Everyone know ...
I found out that many of the given reasons are not that solid especially point #3. Everyone knows that the content of the Bible has been revised over time. It's known for authors to revise their book because of errors. How come something that has errors can be accurate? I believe many people in this forum have pointed out this issue...

That being said, I still respect you belief.

the problem with many peoples now a days they will  pin point  on something which I think not justify because, in order to study the Bible, one should not  study by their own .....either they can get someone in expert or Bible scholar to study....the  end of the day...are we sincere in enough or just want to find fault as long we won???

Like i mentioned, sincerity and honestly is importan but we seldom see such even that person call him/herself as religious ...

As for me, the Bible made me true human I can valued life, sincerity with business, the way of life  and etc....thats how the Bible shape me....

Last edited by Truth.8 on 28-10-2013 12:28 PM


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 12:32 PM | Show all posts
ct_og posted on 28-10-2013 07:45 AM
Jelaslah bible yang kamu pegang itu tak sempurna dan tak dijamin Allah keselamatannya. Kalau sempu ...
Jelaslah bible yang kamu pegang itu tak sempurna dan tak dijamin Allah keselamatannya. Kalau sempurna jangan nak spin cerita kata Islam tak sempurna... letak le kat sini ayat kitab kamu  yang KONON the best tu...

agama kamu banyak cabang sehingga ada yg bunuh dan bakar, sunni dan banyak lagi...di mana logik agama kamu itu sempurna???


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Post time 28-10-2013 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 28-10-2013 12:26 PM
the problem with many peoples now a days they will  pin point  on something which I think not ju ...
Well, I think what you put just now was from your belief perspective. In your own belief perspective, anything within your belief do look perfect, but let us deal with the issue on logical basis. That is more reasonable. After all, God created logic and reason for us to use them.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 (KJV)
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

On factual basis, it is known that the Bible has flaws. Even the Christian scholars admitted the issue and that is why the book has been revised multiple times. It still can be your best book in the world (according to your own belief), but point #3 in your previous post is evidentially incorrect.

Last edited by mashimaru83 on 28-10-2013 01:31 PM


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 01:34 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 28-10-2013 01:30 PM
Well, I think what you put just now was from your belief perspective. In your own belief perspective ...
Well, I think what you put just now was from your belief perspective. In your own belief perspective, anything within your belief do look perfect, but let us deal with the issue on logical basis. That is more reasonable. After all, God created logic and reason for us to use them.

God created logic and reason for peoples to  THINK...not blaming HIS words

[quote]On factual basis, it is known that the Bible has flaws. Even the Christian scholars admitted the issue and that is why the book has been revised multiple times. It still can be your best book in the world (according to your own belief), but point #3 in your previous post is evidentially incorrect.
peoples can says anything they want ...why not muslims scholar like Salman rusdie says quran is satanic least my Bible was not label beings satanic book...


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