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Author: Truth.8

Heaven and Hell as per Bible sayings....fact that is reality...

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2013 11:13 AM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 24-10-2013 11:11 AM
ya, saya faham apa yang kamu cuba sampaikan.

cuma, kamu kata, in the Heaven, the people will be  ...

have you understood the writings :

Most of Jesus' parables were about vineyards. He used wine and wineskins, and vines,    and winepresses to illustrate spiritual points.


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Post time 24-10-2013 11:20 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 11:13 AM
have you understood the writings :

Most of Jesus' parables were about vineyards. He used wine a ...

so, Jesus tak minum wine dalam syurga lah?

Tapi, menurut konteks ayat, ada orang bagi Jesus secawan wine, kemudian, lepas dia cakap thank you, dia kata yang dia takkan minum wine sampailah dia masuk syurga. Daripada perkara yang nyata (secawan wine) dia jadikan parable?

by the way, adakah kamu nak katakan yang di dalam Syurga, menurut agama kamu, minum2 pun takde? :O

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2013 11:26 AM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 24-10-2013 11:20 AM
so, Jesus tak minum wine dalam syurga lah?

Tapi, menurut konteks ayat, ada orang bagi Jesus se ...

Jesus masa hidup drink wine tanpa alkohol...paham?? dan masa pengikut tanya pasal heaven ...dia cerita lah pasal wine but in parable ...kamu paham ke??

Last edited by Truth.8 on 24-10-2013 11:27 AM


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Post time 24-10-2013 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 10:19 AM
is common our physical body in earth.. human having sex for reproduction humans  to stay ...
Will there be sexual relations in heaven? Some say "No" because Jesus says in Matthew 22:30 that we will be like the angels. But, in the context of what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 22:30, what Jesus meant is that we will be like the angels in that there will be no marriage in heaven.

That the reason why in Bible never mention about sex, wine, rouded eyes, handsome boy and those kind goodie things...maybe it kind trap to convert humans...hmmm maybe kind of a marketing plan

Rasa rasa pendapat ko dah salah berpandukan mat22:30 (bible NIV)
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Mat22:30 langsung tak terangkan ttg syurga. Baca betul betul. 'At the resurrection' bermakna semasa kebangkitan semula ; ie. di padang Mashyar menunggu utk diadili. Sapa nak pikir ttg kawin atau dikawinkan? Semua org tgh takut menghadapi Allah / tuhan.

One of the closest bible verse that describes heaven is mat19:29 (bible NIV)
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life

The biblical verse confirm of physical heaven in the bible. Don't you have conjugal relationship with your wife? Girlfriends , mistresses or prostitutes don't count.

Why are you making noise about physical heaven in the Quran whereas the bible contain the same? This is double standards and hypocrisy. You keep on harping about 'having sex in the presence of God'. Your belief is that the Christian God is omnipresent. If a Christian couple is having sex , is it not having sex in the presence of the Christian God? This is a very naive and unlearned argument owing to mat19:30 , Christians have been promised 100 fold wives in heaven.

In fact , spirituality in the Islamic description of heaven is better described than in the bible. The greatest attainment is having the approval of Allah , Quran9:72 (Sahih International)
Allah has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allah is greater. It is that which is the great attainment.

This again shows that Christian like you don't even know what is the Quranic description of heaven. The greatest attainment in heaven is the pleasure and approval of Allah.

You now need to show me , where in your bible that can match such spirituality in your Christian heaven.
Last edited by sam1528 on 24-10-2013 11:53 AM


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 Author| Post time 24-10-2013 12:20 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 24-10-2013 11:48 AM
Rasa rasa pendapat ko dah salah berpandukan mat22:30 (bible NIV)

Mat22:30 langsung tak terangka ...

have you bothered watching the video?
anyway here it is :

Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?                                                                                                                                                              

link : ... bible-really-teach/


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 Author| Post time 24-10-2013 12:22 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 24-10-2013 11:20 AM
so, Jesus tak minum wine dalam syurga lah?

Tapi, menurut konteks ayat, ada orang bagi Jesus se ...

ada kah minum wine , perempuan dan bla bla semua nya penting di syurga?


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Post time 24-10-2013 07:01 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 10:19 AM
is common our physical body in earth.. human having sex for reproduction humans  to sta ...

is common our physical body in earth.. human having sex for reproduction humans  to stay ...
Will there be sexual relations in heaven? Some say "No" because Jesus says in Matthew 22:30 that we will be like the angels. But, in the context of what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 22:30, what Jesus meant is that we will be like the angels in that there will be no marriage in heaven.
You didn't answer my question. I was asking on what evidential basis sex is NOT good in spiritual body? I'm not asking whether if there will be sexual relationship in heaven or not. And I'm not asking about sex in regards to physical body in earth. Kindly read my question properly. Again, please provide the evidence to prove that sex is not good in spiritual body (per your own claim).


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Post time 24-10-2013 08:58 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 12:20 PM
ave you bothered watching the video?
anyway here it is :

Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach?                                                                                                                                                              

link : ... bible-really-teach/

I believe you are confused. Per your given link :
The reward of the saints is eternal life in the Kingdom of God. This will be given when Christ returns, but, as we have seen, Jesus will reign with His faithful followers on the earth rather than in heaven. And in the end, even God the Father will dwell with the saved here. The glorious future God has planned for us is far beyond any human dreams of life in heaven!

Per your belief now , there is no heaven but the final dwelling will be on earth.

However it still do not negate the following point :
(1) mat22:30 is resurrection on the day of judgement not in 'heaven'
(2) mat19:30 describes that physical pleasure awaiting people in 'heaven' as a person will get x100 wives

However you keep on harping that sex or physical pleasure is a 'no-no' or not done in your Christian 'heaven' as there is the presence of your God. The verses of your bible states otherwise in addition that you have this belief that your God is omnipresent.

Logically don't you think that people will continue to do what the do in the Christian heaven just like they did on earth?

Your argument lack any biblical evidence and your double standards is plain for all to see. Throw in your ignorance as well.


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Post time 25-10-2013 04:49 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 12:22 PM
ada kah minum wine , perempuan dan bla bla semua nya penting di syurga?

saya tak cakap semua perkara itu penting atau tidak..

saya tanya semua perkara itu ada atau tidak. Tolong ambil ayat Bible kamu itu in-context. jangan quote out-of-context lepas tu tafsir ikut akal kamu. orang-orang lama kat sini semua tahu tentang teknik tafsiran kamu yang memang tersasar.

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Post time 25-10-2013 04:50 AM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 24-10-2013 07:01 PM
You didn't answer my question. I was asking on what evidential basis sex is NOT good in spiritua ...

I'm waiting for @Truth.8 to answer this question, too. Hope he can enlighten us WITH PROOF FROM THE BIBLE, and not from his own interpretation...

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2013 12:11 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 25-10-2013 04:50 AM
I'm waiting for @Truth.8 to answer this question, too. Hope he can enlighten us WITH PROOF FROM TH ...

I am going  paste fact from my christian brother. since, our muslims sooooo eager to know about the sexual issue in heaven....let me put  brief points here:

Will there be sex in heaven?  What will the roles of men and women who have husbands and wives in heaven be?  Will they still be married?
Like the Angels
Jesus addressed this question when the Sadducees asked him about whether there will still be marriages in heaven and whether they will still be married.  One thing that I learned is that the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection but the Pharisees did.  There is an easy way to remember who did and who did not believe in the resurrection among the religious leaders.  The Sadducees did not and so they were “sad, you see” but the Pharisees did because they could see “far, you see.”  I know it sounds silly, but it helps me to remember who believed and who didn’t believe in the resurrection.
The Sadducees were trying to trick Jesus when they asked, “Teacher,” they said, “Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and have children for him. Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. Finally, the woman died. Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her” (Matthew 12:19-23)?  What did Jesus say?  He stated that, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” (Matthew 12:25).  This does not mean that we will have wings like the angels for not all angels have wings.  This means that there will be neither marriages of one to another or that they will procreate (have children).  The angels also do not marry nor do they bear children.  Jesus said in Mark 12:25 that “When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” Jesus actually rebuked the Sadducees saying, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God” (Mark 12:24)?
No Need for Sex in Heaven
There is not going to be any sex in the Kingdom of Heaven because those who have put their trust in Christ on earth will live forever. There will be no need to replenish the human race because eternal life means that the death rate on earth at present (being 100% or 10 out of every 10 humans die) will not be like the death rate in heaven (being 0 out of 10 will die). Sex was created by God to bond male and females together as one in a relationship that is like that of Christ and His Bride, the church. The church has become one with Christ.  Sex is also made for procreation (having children) but it is a way of having two people, male and female, come together i n the most intimate relationship possible. Two people become one in unity, family, and harmony and their DNA creates one child at a time (save for twins or more). This unique gift from God is designed only for those who have made lifetime commitments to one another.  In Genesis 2:24 is says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Jesus said as much when He stated that “at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.  For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Mark 10:6-9).  Today, the church and Christ become one and what God had joined together, stays together.  That is the intent of marriage.  “Till death do us part” is in most marriage ceremonies but sadly, it is “until disagreement makes us part.”  This is why parents of the couple must stay out of their children’s marriages and perhaps is the reason why God said, in Genesis 2:24, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (my emphasis). They leave their old families behind to create a new family.  I do not mean that they distance themselves or cut off the relationship from their families but that relationship stops at the threshold of the new couple’s door.
Better Than Sex
Sex was created by God to bond male and females together as one in a relationship that is like that of Christ and His Bride, the church.

God created sex for married couples to enjoy but in heaven, there will be no greater joy than to be in the presence of God.  What a day that will be and there will be nothing on this earth to compare with it. That is why Paul said, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).  The joy is indescribable even to Paul who was taught directly by Jesus Christ.  Paul said that “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). The Apostle John had a foretaste of this when he wrote, “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).

Last edited by Truth.8 on 25-10-2013 12:13 PM


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 Author| Post time 25-10-2013 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-10-2013 12:11 PM
I am going  paste fact from my christian brother. since, our muslims sooooo eager to know about th ...

The Roles of Men and Women in Heaven
Men and women are co-equals and co-heirs in Christ today and in the Kingdom of Heaven they will be ruling with Christ as kings and priests.  That indicates that we shall be ruling and reigning with Christ.  The capacity and responsibilities will not be due to our being male or female but due to what we have done on this earth.  Jesus said that some will rule five cities, some may rule ten cities, but our responsibilities will be in direct proportion to what we have done with out talents, time, and treasure here on earth (Luke 19).  In Revelation 5:10 it states that at His return, He “made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth”, “and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father–to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen” (Revelation 1:6).
God is no respecter of persons between men or women (Acts 10:34) because, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Men will not be the head of women in heaven. He and she will both be ruling together but in different capacities according to what they have done on earth.  We are not saved by works but our works will follow us to heaven and each man and woman will be rewarded according to what they have done on earth for the Lord.  Today, if you have not placed your trust in Christ, you will not be in heaven but be eternally separated from God with no second chance.  Today is your day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2) for no one is guaranteed that they will live beyond tonight or tomorrow. Come to Jesus today, repent of your sins, confess them to God, and put your trust in Jesus Christ.  Then you can join the other saints in ruling and reigning with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven.  That will be better than any marriage or sexual relationship that has ever been consummated.


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Post time 25-10-2013 01:33 PM | Show all posts
itu kesimpulan kamu..

Ini pula kesimpulan dari orang Islam :

"Ketahuilah! Sesungguhnya Allah jualah yang menguasai segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi. Sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui keadaan yang kamu berada padanya wahai umat manusia dan pada hari umat manusia itu kembali kepada Nya, maka Dia akan menerangkan kepada mereka segala yang mereka kerjakan, kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui akan tiap tiap sesuatu." (An-Nur : 64)

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Post time 25-10-2013 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-10-2013 12:12 PM
The Roles of Men and Women in HeavenMen and women are co-equals and co-heirs in Christ today and i ...

You are going in circles chasing your own backside. You are not addressing any questions by us muslims but try your best to run away from them. Later you come back with the same issue but then run away from the questions by us muslims. If you don't have the capability nor the knowledge to answer , just admit it.

Addressing your copy paste points :
(1) 'Like angels and no need for sex in heaven'.
You and the article again refer to mark12:25 and mat22:30
When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven

This is the 3rd time I am pointing it out to you. At resurrection (or when you rise from the dead) , it is judgement day not in heaven nor hell. Of course there will not be any marriage or physical pleasure. Everyone is facing divine judgement. Marriage or sex or anything of pleasure will be the last thing in a person's mind.

There will be a physical 'heaven' according to the bible. This is pointed out in mat19:21 and mat19:30 (bible niv)
Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

That means you will have riches and 100x wives . A man will have conjugal relationship with his wife , yes?

(2) The roles of man and women in heaven
In the first place , will there be any women in the christian heaven? No says the bible and your copy paste points to rev1:6
and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

Priest = male

In addition , do you know what is the condition of the christian in heaven? 1john3:2 (bible niv)
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

If you are like biblical Jesus in the Christian heaven , you will have a beard , long hair and holes in your hands , feet and possibly abdomen. Probably a penis to go along. So , where are the women in the christian heaven?

Ha ha , somehow you are just too thick to understand. I wonder why? Then you come back spouting the same nonsense over and over again but ignore the arguments put forth. I get a feeling that you are at a loss to answer any arguments by us muslims. That is why you just ignore them , come back later and blabber the same issues over and over again. You are a disservice to christianity.

Last edited by sam1528 on 25-10-2013 02:42 PM


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Post time 25-10-2013 03:28 PM | Show all posts
I'll just chill and watch how @Truth.8 is going to answer @mashimaru83 and @sam1528, I don't want him to get more confuse and then ran away from any of our questions.

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2013 11:59 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 25-10-2013 02:35 PM
You are going in circles chasing your own backside. You are not addressing any questions by us mus ...
You are going in circles chasing your own backside. You are not addressing any questions by us muslims but try your best to run away from them. Later you come back with the same issue but then run away from the questions by us muslims. If you don't have the capability nor the knowledge to answer , just admit it.

not circle but the fact

This is the 3rd time I am pointing it out to you. At resurrection (or when you rise from the dead) , it is judgement day not in heaven nor hell. Of course there will not be any marriage or physical pleasure. Everyone is facing divine judgement. Marriage or sex or anything of pleasure will be the last thing in a person's mind.

Yes resurrection indeed not gala times  sex  and rounded houris...

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

That means you will have riches and 100x wives . A man will have conjugal relationship with his wife , yes?

does it says 100 x wives?? what are you? u sound like not pure malay ....maybe pak arab blood which twisting my fact

Priest = male

any problem?

If you are like biblical Jesus in the Christian heaven , you will have a beard , long hair and holes in your hands , feet and possibly abdomen. Probably a penis to go along. So , where are the women in the christian heaven?

show me the verses that Jesus has long beard and long hair??? dont give your pak arab twisting tounge here...

Ha ha , somehow you are just too thick to understand. I wonder why? Then you come back spouting the same nonsense over and over again but ignore the arguments put forth. I get a feeling that you are at a loss to answer any arguments by us muslims. That is why you just ignore them , come back later and blabber the same issues over and over again. You are a disservice to christianity.

that fact remained...there not such nonsense that u enjoy sex in heaven and etc....
the sex in earthly life is for the purpose intimade relationship men and women to continued  their humans generation...

why one need those sex  in heaven and  worst is what is the women going to do when men doing the sex in heaven???


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Post time 26-10-2013 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-10-2013 11:59 PM
not circle but the fact

Ha ha , this again show that you are trying to run instead of engaging us muslims. Can you explain what the phrase mean :
going in circles chasing your own backside
If you don't know just admit it.

Yes resurrection indeed not gala times  sex  and rounded houris...

Like I stated , mark12:25 and mat22:30 is about judgement period just after resurrection. Why are you referring to the said 2 verses to justify that there will be no sex or physical pleasure in heaven. Period of judgement and heaven are 2 different things. Do you really understand your bible? It appears that you are extremely ignorant of your bible. Can you address your blunder? Don't try to change the issue.

does it says 100 x wives?? what are you? u sound like not pure malay ....maybe pak arab blood which twisting my fact

Mat19:30 : '..And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

Can you now explain what the phrase '..receive a hundred times as much..'?

any problem?

For sure there is a problem. Where are the women in the Christian heaven per rev1:6 - '..and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen..'. Priest = male. Are you now admitting that the bible is stating that only men go to the Christian heaven or the women become men in the Christian heaven?

show me the verses that Jesus has long beard and long hair??? dont give your pak arab twisting tounge here...
There is no biblical verse that biblical Jesus had long hair. However you Christians are the ones who dipicted him as such. Example :

I personally like this one :

The biblical description of Jesus is like a monster with flaming eyes and having a tongue of a double sided sword. Rev1:14 and rev1:16
The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire
coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword
In other words , biblical Jesus , your man God in his second coming looks like a monster.

that fact remained...there not such nonsense that u enjoy sex in heaven and etc....
the sex in earthly life is for the purpose intimade relationship men and women to continued  their humans generation...

why one need those sex  in heaven and  worst is what is the women going to do when men doing the sex in heaven???

You need to show the biblical verse that states that there is no sex or physical pleasure in heaven. So far you have not done so but just giving your unlearned personal opinion whereas mat19:21 and mat19:30  points out that there will be wealth and physical pleasure in the Christian heaven. Personal opinions without scriptural evidence don't count as we all know that your comprehension is not good.

What is wrong with women having physical pleasure in heaven? Not very logical .... are you .... ha ha


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 Author| Post time 26-10-2013 04:26 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 26-10-2013 12:28 AM
Ha ha , this again show that you are trying to run instead of engaging us muslims. Can you explain ...
Ha ha , this again show that you are trying to run instead of engaging us muslims. Can you explain what the phrase mean :

me running away??? r u nuts or getting old fargot.. if i m running, i would not reply.
If you don't know just admit it.

yes i do not admit there is not such things sex, rounded eyes ( 100001 arabia tales), wine and those just nothing but  to hook peoples to convert.
Like I stated , mark12:25 and mat22:30 is about judgement period just after resurrection. Why are you referring to the said 2 verses to justify that there will be no sex or physical pleasure in heaven. Period of judgement and heaven are 2 different things. Do you really understand your bible? It appears that you are extremely ignorant of your bible. Can you address your blunder? Don't try to change the issue.

resurrestion is time when humans face for judgement...there is no single words humans get erotic or sensual paradise...

Mat19:30 : '..And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

Can you now explain what the phrase '..receive a hundred times as much..'?
I caught u lying again...not suprise that muslims need to lie to protect islam
Matthew 19:30
King James Version (KJV)

30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
For sure there is a problem. Where are the women in the Christian heaven per rev1:6 - '..and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen..'. Priest = male. Are you now admitting that the bible is stating that only men go to the Christian heaven or the women become men in the Christian heaven?

Revelation 1:6
New International Version (NIV)

6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

anyone  can feel the heaven by accepting Jesus:  Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.         

hope that  explained...
There is no biblical verse that biblical Jesus had long hair. However you Christians are the ones who dipicted him as such. Example :

go and ask the RC why such image was far as i concern this not Jesus...i do not know  this person. Jesus has short hair as he instructed peoples to have short hair..

I personally like this one :

Really u like it? why not  go here : ... oCQ&ved=0CDMQ9QEwBA

sure u like it very much...
The biblical description of Jesus is like a monster with flaming eyes and having a tongue of a double sided sword. Rev1:14 and rev1:16 usual trying show off that u Bible scholar ? or listening to that deedat fella  who was cursed  totally paralyzed for mocking the you want to be next???

You need to show the biblical verse that states that there is no sex or physical pleasure in heaven. So far you have not done so but just giving your unlearned personal opinion whereas mat19:21 and mat19:30  points out that there will be wealth and physical pleasure in the Christian heaven. Personal opinions without scriptural evidence don't count as we all know that your comprehension is not good.

Since Bible did not mentioned on the issue about sex , rounded eyes houris, wine , handsome  we reject such believed..such view only blind peoples  to accept certain religion...
What is wrong with women having physical pleasure in heaven? Not very logical .... are you .... ha ha

In earlty life we need pleasure of sex because it part intimate heavenly ...we need intimate relationship with Divine...


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Post time 26-10-2013 07:35 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-10-2013 04:26 PM
me running away??? r u nuts or getting old fargot.. if i m running, i would not reply.

To run away comes in 2 forms. Either you
(1) Do not respond anymore     ; or
(2) Not answering the question - which you are doing now .... ha ha

yes i do not admit there is not such things sex, rounded eyes ( 100001 arabia tales), wine and those just nothing but  to hook peoples to convert.

Then why in the bible states of having x100 wives to receive in heaven? I am pretty sure there will be sex between husband and wife. What say you? Your bible states that biblical Jesus , your man God , will drink wine with you in 'heaven' per mat26:29
I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
You are now saying that there will not be wine in the Christian heaven? Now you are making up things. If I know better , I think you are trying to lie plus the fact that you don't know your bible.

resurrestion is time when humans face for judgement...there is no single words humans get erotic or sensual paradise...

Now you are admitting that at resurrection , it is the period of divine judgement. Therefore no one would be thinking of physical pleasures. The verses you quoted , mark12:25 and mat22:30 , states of 'at resurrection' not heaven. Why are you trying to lie using the said 2 verses to argue that there will not be physical pleasure in heaven? I just caught you trying to lie in your argument. This is embarrassing for you.

I caught u lying again...not suprise that muslims need to lie to protect islam
Matthew 19:30
King James Version (KJV)

30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Boo hoo , you are just being petty. I know you are losing badly. Being petty do not solve your problem. Just go to verse 29 of mat19 (NIV bible)
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
You now agree that you will get x100 wives in the Christian heaven? What would you do with your wife?

Revelation 1:6
New International Version (NIV)

6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

anyone  can feel the heaven by accepting Jesus:  Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.         

hope that  explained...

Ooi tambi , gal3:28 has got nothing to do with the environment in the christian heaven. It is about Paul (the liar) justifying by faith only and such fellowship is gander neutral without class nor race. Can you read (an try to understand) from verse 23? Nothing to do with the Christian heaven. You are not trying to lie ... are you? You still have not answered me. Per your reference in rev1:6 , there will not be any women in the Christian heaven.

go and ask the RC why such image was far as i concern this not Jesus...i do not know  this person. Jesus has short hair as he instructed peoples to have short hair..

Ha ha , so now Biblical Jesus had short hair? You mean like this?

How do you know that biblical Jesus had short hair? Roman Catholics are about the earliest denomination. How is it that your denomination that comes later is accusing the RCs to be wrong?

Really u like it? why not  go here : ... oCQ&ved=0CDMQ9QEwBA

sure u like it very much...

You mean this image?

Yeah. Who is that? Can be an arab , a jew , a bengali or 'wkk5159'. Prophet Muhammad(saw) has never been dipicted of his features. Ha ha , nice try .... try harder the next time. usual trying show off that u Bible scholar ? or listening to that deedat fella  who was cursed  totally paralyzed for mocking the you want to be next???

I repeat the verses that describes biblical Jesus , your man God in rev1:14 and rev1:16
The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire
coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword

What would think of a man having 'eyes of fire' and a 'double edge sword tongue'? I would say he is a monster. What do you think? Hey , such is the description in your bible. Some Christians will employ mental gymnastics and start to say that its just a parable. What is your take?

Since Bible did not mentioned on the issue about sex , rounded eyes houris, wine , handsome  we reject such believed..such view only blind peoples  to accept certain religion...

Hmm , I have already provided the biblical verses of having x100 wives , treasures and drinking wine in the Christian heaven. You are denying it because it has burst your bubble about your so called naive perception of the Christian heaven. This is evidence that your argument do not have scriptual support. You are just arguing on 'syok sendiri'. You really don't know your bible ... do you? Ha ha , come to think of it , since there will not be any women in the Christian heaven as everybody will be like biblical Jesus , your man God  - how do you 'do it' with your reward of x100 wives in the Christian heaven? It will be 'sword fighting' , wouldn't it. No wonder lah , you 'die die' claim that there will be no sex in heaven. Everybody has a 'sword' as everyone will be like biblical Jesus , your man God per 1joh3:2 (NIV bible)
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
In earlty life we need pleasure of sex because it part intimate heavenly ...we need intimate relationship with Divine...

Why can't there be more in heaven apart from intimate relationship with God? Your bible states of having physical pleasures but you are denying it because in the Christian heaven everyone will be like biblical Jesus , your man God. Everyone has a 'sword'. No wonder you 'die die' claim of no physical pleasures ...... ha ha .... your secret is out .... are you looking forward for 'sword fighting' in the Christian heaven .... ha ha


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 Author| Post time 26-10-2013 10:07 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 26-10-2013 07:35 PM
To run away comes in 2 forms. Either you
(1) Do not respond anymore     ; or
(2) Not answering t ...

To run away comes in 2 forms. Either you
(1) Do not respond anymore     ; or
(2) Not answering the question - which you are doing now .... ha ha

where ? am i running or u just get urself nicely wallope from  me for giving direct answer.

Then why in the bible states of having x100 wives to receive in heaven? I am pretty sure there will be sex between husband and wife. What say you? Your bible states that biblical Jesus , your man God , will drink wine with you in 'heaven' per mat26:29

where the Bibel says x100 wives? not only u getting old fargot but u loosing mind

You are now saying that there will not be wine in the Christian heaven? Now you are making up things. If I know better , I think you are trying to lie plus the fact that you don't know your bible.

where in verses there is wine in heaven ?? verses please

Now you are admitting that at resurrection , it is the period of divine judgement. Therefore no one would be thinking of physical pleasures. The verses you quoted , mark12:25 and mat22:30 , states of 'at resurrection' not heaven. Why are you trying to lie using the said 2 verses to argue that there will not be physical pleasure in heaven? I just caught you trying to lie in your argument. This is embarrassing for you.

resurrection aka heaven sex to u?hahahahah[quote]
Boo hoo , you are just being petty. I know you are losing badly. Being petty do not solve your problem. Just go to verse 29 of mat19 (NIV bible)

dont boo hoo me ..u twisted tounge like snake been noticed by many here
You now agree that you will get x100 wives in the Christian heaven? What would you do with your wife?

until u can  provide x 100 wives in Bible than  i can agree  lah ...where show me x100 wives..r u  adding ur assumption?

Ooi tambi , gal3:28 has got nothing to do with the environment in the christian heaven. It is about Paul (the liar) justifying by faith only and such fellowship is gander neutral without class nor race. Can you read (an try to understand) from verse 23? Nothing to do with the Christian heaven. You are not trying to lie ... are you? You still have not answered me. Per your reference in rev1:6 , there will not be any women in the Christian heaven.

Paul the liar? i hve  no problem with Paul but problem with muhammad being prophet

Ha ha , so now Biblical Jesus had short hair? You mean like this?

I dont worshipped Jesus in image........we not talking about  Jesus images here am i rite??? so if u interested to know, ask RC not me...because I do not worshipped God or Jesus in images....or  circling , bowing direct /or indirectly to an object....
How do you know that biblical Jesus had short hair? Roman Catholics are about the earliest denomination. How is it that your denomination that comes later is accusing the RCs to be wrong?

we not discussing about denominatio here....stick to the topic...if u post jesus image...ask the rc not me...i am  more concern on the topic here on heaven and hell

You mean this image?
Yeah. Who is that? Can be an arab , a jew , a bengali or 'wkk5159'. Prophet Muhammad(saw) has never been dipicted of his features. Ha ha , nice try .... try harder the next time.

oh really? how come muslims goes rampage after seeing that pics ...why?  mind explain to me because i was confused muslims world wide include here in malaysia they condem such image...why ? why such image was anger in islam world? i m waiting

I repeat the verses that describes biblical Jesus , your man God in rev1:14 and rev1:16 has meaning...have u understood the meaning?

What would think of a man having 'eyes of fire' and a 'double edge sword tongue'? I would say he is a monster. What do you think? Hey , such is the description in your bible. Some Christians will employ mental gymnastics and start to say that its just a parable. What is your take?

now u jumping to different topic? why want to divert...keep the topic...are u that old lossing ur mind

Hmm , I have already provided the biblical verses of having x100 wives , treasures and drinking wine in the Christian heaven. You are denying it because it has burst your bubble about your so called naive perception of the Christian heaven. This is evidence that your argument do not have scriptual support. You are just arguing on 'syok sendiri'. You really don't know your bible ... do you? Ha ha , come to think of it , since there will not be any women in the Christian heaven as everybody will be like biblical Jesus , your man God  - how do you 'do it' with your reward of x100 wives in the Christian heaven? It will be 'sword fighting' , wouldn't it. No wonder lah , you 'die die' claim that there will be no sex in heaven. Everybody has a 'sword' as everyone will be like biblical Jesus , your man God per 1joh3:2 (NIV bible)

where in the verses says  x 100 wives?? what does it mean x 100?? wives is it?? than show me the verses lah..
Why can't there be more in heaven apart from intimate relationship with God? Your bible states of having physical pleasures but you are denying it because in the Christian heaven everyone will be like biblical Jesus , your man God. Everyone has a 'sword'. No wonder you 'die die' claim of no physical pleasures ...... ha ha .... your secret is out .... are you looking forward for 'sword fighting' in the Christian heaven .... ha ha

Our materials pleasure , sex and etc are only in physical body in this earth.. if that exist in heaven....than it consider like earth.
if ur teachings  says  got sex....hmmm it remind me about wonder peoples says muhammad have hijacked hindusim and blend with Jew teachings...not sure how true is that but from your seems u like support sex in heaven...

here is the youtube :
can explaine why both have similarity ???

Last edited by Truth.8 on 26-10-2013 10:23 PM


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