gunblade712 posted on 12-11-2013 03:12 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
thank you for the explanation, but you did not answer my question :
Menurut agama Kristian, ad ... thank you for the explanation, but you did not answer my question :
Menurut agama Kristian, adakah golongan Malaikat itu 'bernafsu' dan berkebolehan untuk mempunyai niat untuk membelot/mengkhianat Tuhan? adakah dlm Bible mengatakan Malaikat bernafsu??? saya tanya :
bila malaikat ingin berperang utk mengambil takta DIA, apa kamu anggap:
gila kuasa
saya tidak tahu
Truth.8 posted on 12-11-2013 06:02 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
adakah dlm Bible mengatakan Malaikat bernafsu??? saya tanya :
bila malaikat ingin berperang utk m ... adakah dlm Bible mengatakan Malaikat bernafsu??? saya tanya :
saya tidak tahu, sebab itu saya tanya kamu. Kamu kata, Lucifer adalah 'malaikat' sebelum dia TAMAKKAN KUASA dan INGIN MERAMPAS KUASA.
'TAMAKKAN KUASA' itu, daripada apa? bukan nafsu? jika bukan nafsu, datang dari mana? mohon penjelasan.
saya tanya :
bila malaikat ingin berperang utk mengambil takta DIA, apa kamu anggap:
gila kuasa
saya tidak tahu
saya anggap ini tidak masuk akal sebab malaikat diciptakan oleh Tuhan sebagai makhluk yang sangat setia dan mustahil untuk mereka melawan perintah Tuhan.
Nampak gayanya, agama kamu merendah2kan martabat kaum malaikat.
gunblade712 posted on 12-11-2013 09:18 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
saya tidak tahu, sebab itu saya tanya kamu. Kamu kata, Lucifer adalah 'malaikat' sebelum dia T ... saya tidak tahu, sebab itu saya tanya kamu. Kamu kata, Lucifer adalah 'malaikat' sebelum dia TAMAKKAN KUASA dan INGIN MERAMPAS KUASA.
yes malaikat asal nya tapi ia berubah perangai .....
'TAMAKKAN KUASA' itu, daripada apa? bukan nafsu? jika bukan nafsu, datang dari mana? mohon penjelasan. bagi pendapat kamu???
saya anggap ini tidak masuk akal sebab malaikat diciptakan oleh Tuhan sebagai makhluk yang sangat setia dan mustahil untuk mereka melawan perintah Tuhan.
itu adalah ajaran kau bukan dari ajaran kami...
Nampak gayanya, agama kamu merendah2kan martabat kaum malaikat. bukan merendak2kan martabat tapi memang ujud dah berlaku as per the Bible sayings....jgn jadi macam parrot ....sila lantik pastor utk belajar dari berfikiran seperti itu
Truth.8 posted on 12-11-2013 06:00 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I do not have problem but it is u...simple ....in the verses it show no men...meaning, the eart ...
What lah you. You are a king of 'pusing-pusing' and 'belit-belit'. You stated in your post#2
Yes, that's right, GOD DESTROYED THE EARTH IN GENESIS 1:1...
Jeremiah 4:23-28, “I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light Meaning the biblical God
- destroyed the earth
- earth was without form and void
If the earth has been destroyed , pocek lah tambi. No more earth. Which points to the fact that the earth was then recreated. If the earth was recreated , how come we have the fossils of dinosaurs , proven by science.
This means the earth was not destroyed. Meaning you and your bible is wrong .... whats new eh?
Truth.8 posted on 12-11-2013 10:09 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
yes malaikat asal nya tapi ia berubah perangai .....
bagi pendapat kamu??? yes malaikat asal nya tapi ia berubah perangai .....
macam mana boleh berubah perangai? Tiba2 je dia berubah? tiada pengaruh lain?
eh? pendapat saya irrelevant dalam hal ini sebab saya ingin tahu daripada sudut pandangan Bible. Biar saya ulang lagi soalan saya :
saya tidak tahu, sebab itu saya tanya kamu. Kamu kata, Lucifer adalah 'malaikat' sebelum dia TAMAKKAN KUASA dan INGIN MERAMPAS KUASA.
'TAMAKKAN KUASA' itu, daripada apa? bukan nafsu? jika bukan nafsu, datang dari mana? mohon penjelasan.
mohon kamu jawab soalan ini beserta dengan bukti dari Bible, bukan dari pandangan kamu. terima kasih.
itu adalah ajaran kau bukan dari ajaran kami...
saya tahu. dah sah2 kamu yang tanya saya soalan ini :
post #21
saya tanya :
bila malaikat ingin berperang utk mengambil takta DIA, apa kamu anggap:
gila kuasa
saya tidak tahu
maka saya jawablah berdasarkan pegangan agama saya. takkan saya nak jawab berdasarkan pegangan agama kamu pulak. ![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
bukan merendak2kan martabat tapi memang ujud dah berlaku as per the Bible sayings....jgn jadi macam parrot ....sila lantik pastor utk belajar dari berfikiran seperti itu
saya tak layak lantik pastor, tapi saya boleh jumpa dengan pastor insyaAllah. Cuma, memandangkan KAMU yang kata Lucifer adalah MALAIKAT dan KAMU yang bukak thread dan topic ini, maka sudah pasti KAMU BOLEH MENJAWAB SOALAN2 SIMPLE KAMI.
takkan kamu bukak thread, lepas tu bila kami tanya, kamu suruh kami tanya pastor pulak? ![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
gunblade712 posted on 13-11-2013 12:23 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
macam mana boleh berubah perangai? Tiba2 je dia berubah? tiada pengaruh lain?
macam mana boleh berubah perangai? Tiba2 je dia berubah? tiada pengaruh lain? if u truly seeking answer, firstly you need to open your mind than beings 'parrot' here is the the link Did God Create the Devil?[/quote]
'TAMAKKAN KUASA' itu, daripada apa? bukan nafsu? jika bukan nafsu, datang dari mana? mohon penjelasan.
kalau kamu anggap begitu....sudah jawab lah
maka saya jawablah berdasarkan pegangan agama saya. takkan saya nak jawab berdasarkan pegangan agama kamu pulak. ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
kalau agama kamu 'perfect" kenapa ada ajaran sesat setiap kali ......tuhan harun, shia , syit dan lain22
saya tak layak lantik pastor, tapi saya boleh jumpa dengan pastor insyaAllah. Cuma, memandangkan KAMU yang kata Lucifer adalah MALAIKAT dan KAMU yang bukak thread dan topic ini, maka sudah pasti KAMU BOLEH MENJAWAB SOALAN2 SIMPLE KAMI.
sila rujuk dengan pastor
takkan kamu bukak thread, lepas tu bila kami tanya, kamu suruh kami tanya pastor pulak? ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif) ...niat kamu itu bukan jujur...
Truth.8 posted on 13-11-2013 10:55 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
if u truly seeking answer, firstly you need to open your mind than beings 'parrot' here is the ... if u truly seeking answer, firstly you need to open your mind than beings 'parrot' here is the the link Did God Create the Devil?
Thank you for the link. Tapi, link tu tak cakap pun Lucifer membelot sebab tamakkan kuasa. Dia cakap Lucifer first buat salah sebab arrogance :
DAN link itu tidak menjawab soalan kami : kenapa tiba2 dia berubah perangai (tanpa ada nafsu)?
kalau kamu anggap begitu....sudah jawab lah
apa yg kamu cakap ni? biar saya ulang soalan saya :
Kamu kata, Lucifer adalah 'malaikat' sebelum dia TAMAKKAN KUASA dan INGIN MERAMPAS KUASA.
'TAMAKKAN KUASA' itu, daripada apa? bukan nafsu? jika bukan nafsu, datang dari mana? mohon penjelasan. mohon kamu jawab soalan ini beserta dengan bukti dari Bible, bukan dari pandangan kamu.
kalau agama kamu 'perfect" kenapa ada ajaran sesat setiap kali ......tuhan harun, shia , syit dan lain22
apa kamu merepek ni? kamu tanya saya berdasarkan pendapat saya, maka saya bagilah pendapat saya berdasarkan agama saya. soalan kamu telah dijawab, soalan kami yang kamu dok pusing2 tak jawab ni.
tak masuk akal. KAMU BUKAK THREAD, BILA KAMI TANYA, KAMU SURUH RUJUK PASTOR? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
baik kamu tak payah start thread begini (dan menyebut muslim dan kitab lain) jika KAMU SENDIRI TIADA JAWAPAN TERHADAP THREAD KAMU.
...niat kamu itu bukan jujur...
masih tidak menjawab soalan kami: bagaimana Lucifer (the Angel, or Cherub bak kata website kamu bagi tu) boleh ADA NIAT/KEHENDAK MAHU MELAWAN/KHIANAT TUHAN? datang dengan sendiri? or daripada anasir lain seperti nafsu?
dan jika begitu, adakah malaikat2 lain juga boleh melawan Tuhan sebagaimana Lucifer/Cherub kamu tu buat?
mohon jawab menggunakan bukti dari Bible, BUKAN DARIPADA OTAK PEMIKIRAN KAMU TU.
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Ya la truth.8.... kalau malaikat ada nafsu dan boleh membantah Dia maka kenapa sekarang mereka tak mahu menentang Dia? Bukan ke mereka boleh je menentang Dia seperti Lucifer buat jika Lucifer tu malaikat? Tidakkah Lucifer itu sebenarnya jin seperti mana yang telah disebutkan oleh Dia dalam al-Quran? |
gunblade712 posted on 13-11-2013 01:27 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Thank you for the link. Tapi, link tu tak cakap pun Lucifer membelot sebab tamakkan kuasa. Dia c ...
Question: Who Are Fallen Angels (Demons)?
Angels are pure and holy spiritual beings who love God and serve Him by helping people, right? Well, usually that’s the case. Certainly, the angels that people celebrate in popular culture are faithful angels who do good work in the world. But there’s another type of angels that doesn’t get nearly as much attention: fallen angels. Fallen angels (who are also commonly known as demons) work for evil purposes that lead to destruction in the world, in contrast to the good purposes of the missions that faithful angels fulfill.
Fallen From GraceJews and Christians believe that God originally created all angels to be holy, but that one of the most beautiful angels, Lucifer (now often known as Satan, or the devil), didn’t return God’s love and chose to rebel against God because he wanted to try to be as powerful as his creator. Isaiah 14:12 of the Torah and the Bible describes Lucifer’s fall: “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!”.
Some of the angels who God made fell prey to Lucifer’s prideful deception that they could be like God if they rebelled, Jews and Christians believe. Revelation 12:7-8 of the Bible describes the war that takes place in heaven as a result: “And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon [Satan] and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.”
The fallen angels’ rebellion separated them from God, causing them to fall from grace and become caught in sin. The destructive choices that these fallen angels made distorted their character, which led them to become evil. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says in paragraph 393: “It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels’ sin unforgivable.”
Fewer Fallen Than FaithfulThere aren’t as many fallen angels as there are faithful angels, according to Jewish and Christian tradition, which says that about one-third of the vast amount of angels God created rebelled and fell into sin. Saint Thomas Aquinas, a notable Catholic theologian, said in his book Summa Theologica: “The faithful angels are a greater multitude than the fallen angels. For sin is contrary to the natural order. Now, what is opposed to the natural order occurs less frequently, or in fewer instances, than what accords with the natural order.”
Evil NaturesHindus believe that angelic beings in the universe may be either good (devas) or evil (asuras) because the creator god, Brahma, made both "cruel creatures and gentle creatures, dharma and adharma, truth and falsehood," according to the Hindu scripture Markandeya Purana, verse 45:40.
The asuras are often revered for the power they wield to destroy, since the god Shiva and the goddess Kali destroy what has been created as part of the natural order of the universe. In the Hindu Veda scriptures, the hymns addressed to the god Indra show fallen angelic beings personifying evil at work.
Only Faithful, Not FallenPeople of some other religions who believe in faithful angels don’t believe that fallen angels exist. In Islam, for instance, all angels are considered to be obedient to God’s will. The Qur’an says in chapter 66 (Al Tahrim), verse 6 that even the angels whom God has appointed to supervise the souls of people in hell “flinch not (from executing) the commands they receive from God, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.” The most famous of all the fallen angels in popular culture –- Satan -- isn’t an angel at all, according to Islam, but instead is a jinn (another kind of spirit that does have free will, and which God made from fire as opposed to the light from which God made angels).
People who practice New Age spirituality and occult rituals also tend to view all angels as good and none as evil. Therefore, they often try to conjure angels to ask the angels for help obtaining what they want in life, without concern that any of the angels they summon may lead them astray.
Last edited by Truth.8 on 14-11-2013 05:55 PM
Truth.8 posted on 14-11-2013 05:00 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Question: Who Are Fallen Angels (Demons)?
Angels are pure and holy spiritual beings who love God ...
Tempting People to SinThose who do believe in fallen angels say that those angels tempt people to sin in order to try to entice them away from God. Genesis chapter 3 of the Torah and the Bible tells the most famous story of a fallen angel tempting people to sin: It describes Satan, the leader of the fallen angels, appearing as a serpent and telling the first human beings (Adam and Eve) that they can be “like God” (verse 5) if they eat fruit from a tree that God had told them to stay away from for their own protection. After Satan tempts them and they disobey God, sin enters the world damages every part of it.
Deceiving PeopleFallen angels sometimes pretend to be holy angels in order to trick people into following their guidance, the Bible warns. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 of the Bible cautions: “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.”
People who fall pretty to fallen angels’ deception may even abandon their faith. In 1 Timothy 4:1, the Bible says that some people “will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.”
Afflicting People With ProblemsSome of the problems that people experience are the direct result of fallen angels influencing their lives, say some believers. The Bible mentions many instances of fallen angels causing mental anguish for people, and even physical distress (for instance, Mark 1:26 describes a fallen angel violently shaking a person).
In Hindu tradition, asuras derive happiness from hurting and even killing people. For example, an asura named Mahishasura who sometimes appears as a human and sometimes as a buffalo enjoys terrorizing people both on Earth and in heaven.
Trying to Interfere With God’s WorkInterfering with God’s work whenever possible is also part of fallen angels’ evil work. The Torah and the Bible record in Daniel chapter 10 that a fallen angel delayed a faithful angel for 21 days, battling him in the spiritual realm while the faithful angel was trying to come to Earth to deliver an important message from God to the prophet Daniel. The faithful angel reveals in verse 12 that God heard Daniel’s prayers right away and assigned the holy angel to answer those prayers. However, the fallen angel who was trying to interfere with the faithful angel’s God-given mission proved to be so powerful of an enemy that verse 13 says the archangel Michael had to come help fight the battle. Only after that spiritual battle was over could the faithful angel complete his mission.
Headed For DestructionFallen angels won’t torment people forever, says Jesus Christ. In Matthew 25:41 of the Bible, Jesus says that when the end of the world comes, the fallen angels will have to go to an “everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”
Truth.8 posted on 14-11-2013 05:02 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Tempting People to SinThose who do believe in fallen angels say that those angels tempt people to ...
Meet Archangel Lucifer (Who is Satan?)
Name:Lucifer means 'light bearer.' Other names that may refer to Lucifer include Satan, Iblis, Beelzebub, Ba’al, Belial, Apollyon, Azazel, Leviathan, Lumiel, Prometheus, and Devil.
Main Characteristics:Lucifer was once among the most powerful of all archangels, and as his name suggests, he shone brightly in heaven. However, Lucifer let pride and jealousy of God affect him. Lucifer decided to rebel against God because he wanted supreme power for himself. He started a war in heaven that led to his fall, as well as the fall of other angels who sided with him. As a fallen angel, Lucifer is often referred to in popular culture as Satan, and the fallen angels who work under him are called demons. Many people say that the fallen angels’ work has brought only evil and destructive results in the world, so they try to protect themselves from fallen angels. Others believe that they can gain valuable spiritual power for themselves by invoking Lucifer and the fallen angels that he leads.
Symbols:In art, Lucifer is often depicted with a grotesque expression on his face to illustrate the destructive effect of his rebellion on him. He may also be portrayed falling from heaven, standing inside fire (which symbolizes hell), or sporting horns and a pitchfork. When Lucifer is shown prior to his fall, he appears as an angel with an extremely bright face.
Energy Color:Black
Role in Religious Texts:Some Jews and Christians believe that Isaiah 14:12-15 of the Torah and the Bible refers to Lucifer as a "bright morning star" whose rebellion against God caused his fall: "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit." In Luke 10:18 of the Bible, Jesus Christ uses another name for Lucifer (Satan), when he says: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.'" A later passage from the Bible, Revelation 12:7-9, describes Satan’s fall from heaven: "Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down -- that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." Muslims, whose name for Lucifer is Iblis, say that he is not an angel, but a jinn. In Islam, angels don’t have free will; they do whatever God commands them to do. Jinns are spiritual beings who do have free will. The Qur’an records Iblis in chapter 2 (Al-Baqarah), verse 35 responding to God with an arrogant attitude: "Call to mind, when we commanded the angels: Submit to Adam, they all submitted, but Iblis did not; he refused and was arrogant, being already one of the disbelievers." Later, in chapter 7 (Al-Araf), verses 12 through 18, the Qur’an gives a longer description of what happened between God and Iblis: "Allah questioned him: 'What prevented thee from submitting when I commanded thee?' He retorted: 'I am better than he. Thou hast created me of fire while him hast thou created of clay.' Allah said: 'In that case, depart hence. It behooves thee not to be arrogant here. Get out, thou art surely of those abased.' Iblis pleaded: 'Grant me respite till the day when they shall be raised up.' Allah said: 'Thou art given respite.' Iblis said: 'Since thou hast brought about my ruin, I will assuredly lie in wait for them on thy straight path and will approach them fore and aft, and from right and left, and thou wilt not find most of them grateful.' Allah said: 'Get out hence, despised and banished. Whoso of them shall follow thee should know that I will surely fill hell with you all.'" The Doctrine and Covenants, a scriptural book from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, describes Lucifer’s fall in chapter 76, calling him in verse 25 “an angel of god who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son whom the Father loved” and says in verse 26 that “he was Lucifer, a son of the morning.” In another scriptural text from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Pearl of Great Price, God describes what happened to Lucifer after his fall: “And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice” (Moses 4:4). The Bahai Faith views Lucifer or Satan not as a personal spiritual entity like an angel or a jinn, but as a metaphor for the evil that lurks in human nature. Abdul-Baha, a former leader of the Bahai Faith, wrote in his book The Promulgation of Universal Peace: "This lower nature in man is symbolized as Satan -- the evil ego within us, not an evil personality outside." Those who follow Satanist occult beliefs view Lucifer as an angel who brings enlightenment to people. The Satanic Bible describes Lucifer as “Bringer of Light, the Morning Star, Intellectualism, Enlightenment."
This means the earth was not destroyed. Meaning you and your bible is wrong .... whats new eh?
Earth renewed and restored
Consider another section of Scripture in which God inspired a psalm revealing more about His creation. "O Lord," the psalmist writes, "how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions . . . You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth" (Psalm 104:24
, 30).
The surface of the earth needed a renewal when God created the present life-forms we see around us. So what does the fossil record depict? It shows a series of fossilized life-forms in layered deposits scattered in the earth's crust. Man as we know him, made in God's image with enormous creative and spiritual abilities, has left written records that take us back a little more than 5,000 years.
This is a tiny span compared with what most scientists consider the age of the earth and stars to be based on their research. Man, in an incredibly short time, built the pyramids—which to this day defy imitation. Man has traveled to the moon and sent spacecraft to explore our solar system and beyond. Such achievements show the enormous difference in the earth before and after Adam.
How long did the angels exist before man was created? The Bible doesn't reveal the answer. How long did it take Lucifer to persuade as many as a third of the angels to rebel with him? (compare Revelation 12:4). Remember, angels are spirit beings for whom aging is of no consequence (Luke 20:36). Whatever length of time this might be, perhaps millions or billions of years, the angels were created and lived before the creation of Adam and Eve and the days of the renewal of the earth described in Genesis.
It does seem that Satan's rebellion happened after the earth had passed through the dinosaur age. Then, geologists agree, something dramatic occurred between the age of reptiles and the age of mammals.
As the famous paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson once remarked: "The most puzzling event in the history of life on the earth is the change from the Mesozoic Age of Reptiles, to the . . . Age of Mammals. It is as if the curtain were rung down suddenly on a stage where all the leading roles were taken by reptiles, especially dinosaurs, in great numbers and bewildering variety, and rose again immediately to reveal the same setting but an entirely new cast, a cast in which the dinosaurs do not appear at all, other reptiles are supernumeraries and the leading parts are all played by mammals of sorts barely hinted at in the previous acts" ( Life Before Man, 1972, p. 42).
This apparently reflects the change from the pre-Adamic world to the world of man. Certainly there are smaller reptiles in our world, but they are insignificant in comparison to those that existed in the previous age.
This is not the only "ancient earth" explanation available, but it seems to make the most biblical sense. It accepts the literal 24-hour days of the creation (or re-creation) week and, at the same time, allows room for an indefinite period before the creation of mankind that could include the dinosaurs and previous eras.
To better comprehend the biblical explanation of an initial creation followed by destruction and a later re-creation, be sure to read the chapters that follow titled: "Earth's Age: Does the Bible Indicate a Time Interval Between the First and Second Verses of Genesis?" and "Genesis 1 and the Days of Creation".
The Bible explanation
Can the Bible explain the fossil record, evidence pointing to an ancient earth and divine creation at the same time? Yes, it can. We don't know the details of what happened before man's time. But Jesus Christ has assured us that when He returns "there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light" (Mark 4:22).
Instead of wandering through the chaotic, confused maze of the theory of evolution, we should look to God's Word for assurance. It is there—directly from our Creator—that we find the truth of man's origin.
Perhaps the following quote from noted writer George Sim Johnston best sums up that truth: "The book of Genesis has held up well under the scrutiny of modern geology and archaeology. Twentieth-century physics, moreover, describes the beginning of the universe in virtually the same cosmological terms as Genesis. Space, time and matter came out of nothing in a single burst of light entirely hospitable to carbon-based life. A growing number of chemists and biologists agree that life had its origin from clay templates (see Genesis 2:7) . . . I would say all this is a curious development for Darwinists" ( Reader's Digest, May 1991, p. 31).
But these things aren't a "curious development" to those who faithfully believe, as Christ did, in "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). They know that such truths have been recorded for mankind in the Bible for thousands of years.
It is to the Bible that we should turn for our moral standards, to discover our one true source of salvation and, perhaps most of all, for our belief in the invisible Creator God. Then we should not doubt the real origin of species mentioned in the creation epic, that rock-solid book of beginnings, Genesis.
Does it really matter what you believe?
We've seen the untold story of evolution: how evolution's supporting pillars—the fossil record, natural selection and random mutation—fail to support the theory at all. We've seen that evolution cannot explain many of the facts we see in the world around us. We've seen that the book of Genesis doesn't conflict with science and that, when we consider the evidence, it actually offers an explanation far more sound than Darwinian theory.
So where do you go from here? The choice is yours as to how you view the evidence.
You can choose to hold to the view that there is no Creator and that we are simply the result of blind chance, a series of lucky accidents. You can decide for yourself how you should live and what values and principles will determine how you treat others. You can believe that man created God rather than the other way around. As Paul pointed out almost 2,000 years ago, many people are quite content to find ways to reason around the evidence of a Creator (Romans 1:20-32 ).
On the other hand, you can accept the evidence that there is a Creator who cares about you in ways you can't even imagine.
Some 3,000 years ago King David recorded his thoughts upon gazing at the magnificent night sky. He prayed to God, "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?" (Psalm 8:3-4 , NRSV).
David understood that a Being capable of creating such perfection and splendor must have a great plan and a purpose for us. And indeed He does. God wants to reveal that purpose to you, to show you the way out of the pain and sorrow we have brought on ourselves from rejecting His ways. He offers this incredible invitation: "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).
We've summarized some of these "great and mighty things" in our free booklet What Is Your Destiny? It will show you from the Scriptures the future God has planned for those willing to believe Him and accept His invitation. It's a future far beyond the meaningless and purposeless moral, emotional and spiritual vacuum offered by evolution.
"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses," He tells us. "Choose life so that you and your descendants may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19, NRSV).
The choice is yours.
Last edited by Truth.8 on 15-11-2013 12:01 AM
Truth.8 posted on 14-11-2013 11:52 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Earth renewed and restored
Consider another section of Scripture in which God inspired ...
Dah banyak post kamu saya baca, tapi tak jumpa-jumpa lagi bahagian mana dalam Bible yg menyatakan tentang dinosour. Kebanyakannya interpolasi sahaja.
mashimaru83 posted on 15-11-2013 11:02 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Dah banyak post kamu saya baca, tapi tak jumpa-jumpa lagi bahagian mana dalam Bible yg menyatakan ...
thats show u not telling the truth.
read again ...the new name or present name knows as dinasours.... what was the this animals name in Bible? read with open heart
Truth.8 posted on 14-11-2013 05:00 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Question: Who Are Fallen Angels (Demons)?
Angels are pure and holy spiritual beings who love God ...
Lucifer/Cherub tu, macam mana boleh ada keinginan/perasaan tamak, dengki, etc tu? Daripada nafsu ke, atau bukan?
Truth.8 posted on 15-11-2013 11:16 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
thats show u not telling the truth.
read again ...the new name or present name knows as dinasou ...
From Jeremiah 4:23-28
I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled.
Where is the dinosour?
mashimaru83 posted on 15-11-2013 02:23 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
From Jeremiah 4:23-28
Where is the dinosour?
“Dinosaur” Names, Then and Now
| Name and date first written in the Bible
| Scientific Name (best estimate) and date the name appeared
| tanniyn (dragon)
| before 1400 BC
| dinosaur
| 1841 AD
| behemoth
| before 1400 BC
| brachiosaurus
| 1903 AD
| Leviathan
| before 1400 BC
| kronosaurus
| 1901 AD
| How we got these new names is interesting. In 1822, Mary Ann Mantell became the first person to discover and correctly identify a strange bone as part of a large, unknown reptile. Her husband, Dr. Gideon Mantell, later named this creature an “Iguanodon.” From that time forward, these forgotten animals were given names chosen by the people who rediscovered them. Of course, the Bible, written between approximately 1450 BC and 95 AD, does not include any of these names.
Reading the Bible carefully, you will realize that no living creature matches the descriptions of behemoth and Leviathan. However, if you grab your kid’s dinosaur book, you will notice several possible matches for each one. Let’s examine those.
Behemoth has the following attributes according to Job 40:15-24
- It “eats grass like an ox.”
- It “moves his tail like a cedar.” (In Hebrew, this literally reads, “he lets hang his tail like a cedar.”)
- Its “bones are like beams of bronze,
His ribs like bars of iron.” - “He is the first of the ways of God.”
- “He lies under the lotus trees,
In a covert of reeds and marsh.”
Some bibles and study bibles will translate the word “behemoth” as “elephant” or “hippopotamus.” Others will put a note at the edge or bottom of the page, stating that behemoth was probably an elephant or a hippopotamus. Although an elephant or hippopotamus can eat grass (or lie in a covert of reeds and marsh), neither an elephant or a hippopotamus has a “tail like a cedar” (that is, a tail like a large, tapered tree trunk). In your kid’s dinosaur book you will find lots of animals that have “tails like a cedar.”
We would expect behemoth to be a large land animal whose bones are like beams of bronze and so forth, so whatever a behemoth is, it is large. A key phrase is “He is the first of the ways of God.” This phrase in the original Hebrew implied that behemoth was the biggest animal created. Although an elephant or a hippopotamus are big, they are less than one-tenth the size of a Brachiosaurus, the largest (complete) dinosaur ever discovered.[1] A Brachiosaurus could therefore easily be described as “the first of the ways of God.”
Comparing all this information to the description in your kid’s dinosaur book, you may come to the conclusion that “behemoth” is not a normal animal, it is a dinosaur—the brachiosaurus. We agree with that conclusion!
Note: Some paleontologists have found fragmentary leg bones, ribs, or vertebrae which they propose belong to “new” sauropods larger than Brachiosaurus. Examples of these include Amphicoelias, Argentinasaurus, Sauroposeidon, Seismosaurus, Supersaurus and Ultrasaurus. There currently is not enough evidence to really determine the size of any of these, and some paleontologists believe that they are merely large examples of known dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus or Diplodocus. In any case, only the “modern scientific name” of behemoth would change. The point would still remain that behemoth refers to a dinosaur, not a “modern animal” like an elephant or hippopotamus.
Leviathan has the following attributes according to Job chapter 41, Psalm 104:25,26 and Isaiah 27:1. This is only a partial listing—just enough to make the point.
- “No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up.”
- “Who can open the doors of his face, with his terrible teeth all around?”
- “His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal; one is so near another that no air can come between them; they are joined one to another, they stick together and cannot be parted.”
- “His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning lights; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke goes out of his nostrils, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth.”
- “Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail; nor does spear, dart, or javelin. He regards iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones become like stubble to him. Darts are regarded as straw; he laughs at the threat of javelins.”
- “On earth there is nothing like him, which is made without fear.”
- Leviathan “played” in the “great and wide sea” (a paraphrase of Psalm 104 verses 25 and 26—get the exact sense by reading them yourself).
- Leviathan is a “reptile [a] that is in the sea.” (Isaiah 27:1)[a] Note: The word translated “reptile” here is the Hebrew word tanniyn. This shows that “Leviathan” was also a “tanniyn” (dragon).
Unlike behemoth, who is huge, Leviathan is ferocious and terrifying. Many references (we have not listed them all) refer to the sea, so Leviathan is probably a sea creature. Although some bibles refer to Leviathan as an alligator or crocodile (and both of these are fierce) neither of these is a sea creature. They like the water, but they spend much of their time on land. Further, the question “Who can open the doors of his face. . . .” implies that nobody can open Leviathan’s jaws. Although an alligator's jaws cannot normally be forced open, a punch to their sensitive snout or poke in eye might startle them enough to release their grip.[2] Although this is a good description of an alligator characteristic, it does not fit perfectly with the description of Leviathan, which in the context of the Bible was supposed to describe an essentially impossible event, and we are not done yet.
The description of the scales is interesting. Several verses describe these great scales. Compared to Leviathan’s armor, iron is like straw and arrows ca not make it flee. Let’s face it, an arrow can do a lot of damage to a crocodile or alligator. This is not a description of either of them—or any living animal we are aware of.
And now for the key ingredient: fire. It is hard to read Job 41:18-21 without realizing the Bible is telling us that Leviathan breathes fire. That alone will eliminate almost every living animal. Yes, there is one animal like that in today’s world. It is called a bombardier beetle. This beetle is a native of Central America, and has a nozzle in its hind end that acts like a little flame thrower. It sprays a high-temperature jet of gas (fueled by hydroquinones and hydrogen peroxide with oxidative enzymes) for protection. Now, if a Central American beetle can do it, so could Leviathan. By the way, crocodiles and alligators are out of the picture on this one, don’t you agree?
Before we leave the topic of fire, there are two more notes you may find interesting:
- The history of every culture is filled with stories of fire-breathing dragons. If you think about it, in all the past ages wouldn’t someone have made up a story of a fire-breathing lion or something? Nobody did because the dragon stories are based on truth, and only “dragons” breathed fire. It is easy to imagine Leviathan as a member of the dragon (tanniyn) family. (Plus, Isaiah 27:1 strongly implies this connection.)
- Many fossil dinosaur skulls contain unexplained, empty passages. Scientists have not been able to guess the reason for these passages. Would it make sense that some dinosaurs used these passages as “gas tanks” for the combustible mixture used to “breathe fire?” We believe it does.
The end....
[quote]doi Truth.8, kamu MASIH TIDAK MENJAWAB SOALAN KAMI.
Lucifer/Cherub tu, macam mana boleh ada keinginan/perasaan tamak, dengki, etc tu? Daripada nafsu ke, atau bukan?
let me ask u simple question: muslims believed after they die, will be rewards with heaven with houris, sexual , pearly handsome boy and etc...
are you saying there is keinginan/perasaan nafsu even after beings spirit form???
Truth.8 posted on 14-11-2013 11:52 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Earth renewed and restored
Consider another section of Scripture in which God inspired ...
A very simple question. If the earth has been renewed after it being destroyed , as claimed by you - does it not mean a new earth? If its a new earth then there won't be any fossils. However science have proven the bible and you wrong.
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