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Author: Truth.8

Zakir naik -liar -kaki auta plus extra bonus ; KAKI KENCING

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Post time 3-5-2016 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 3-5-2016 10:12 AM
I ask you very simple question in my other thread but you giving wrong answer.

Let ask you agai ...

i don't believe in god, heaven, hell and yr stupid spirits   

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Post time 3-5-2016 10:39 AM | Show all posts
u stoopid?  

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2016 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 3-5-2016 11:58 AM
Acong replied at 3-5-2016 10:19 AM
i don't believe in god, heaven, hell and yr stupid spirits

u dont believe in spirits and downgrade the spirits??

now, I  going cast very powerful spell  on you as you have down grade the spirits entities....some bad /or negative issue will happen to you....

Just answer me simple question YES or NO....
To cast negative spell on you : YES

Do not cast negative spell on me  : NO

I do not need your name or photos because I know who you   are.  hints: you have moustache- fair- nice looking but now turning  aging....that's my vision i saw you.


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Post time 3-5-2016 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 3-5-2016 11:56 AM
u dont believe in spirits and downgrade the spirits??

now, I  going cast very powerful spell  o ...
YES pls  

u can send yr spirit to suck my cock  

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2016 12:04 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 3-5-2016 10:12 AM
LOL , that is what I am asking you. If you claim Sam Shamoun is a scholar then what is his credent ...
Why Dr Naik refuse to debate is not my concern. He is free to do whatever he wants. However you are just a hypocrite. You insist on references of a scholar but your arguments are from sites with no or zero scholarly standards such as a pastor telling us about the Quran.

is not your concern my it concern for other faith...because is fake to obtain popularity...
You keep on avoiding and running away from the points I raised.
- Sam Shamoun is not a scholar , he is a school dropout. However you claim he is a scholar. Can you back up your claim?
you kee on avoiding and running away     from the question i ask. where is the proof sam shanoun not scholar? he has own website  anwering islam...are you sayings he wrote himself without stuying it??

here it is  :


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Post time 3-5-2016 12:06 PM | Show all posts
lamanya...... spirit ko tak sampai pun.......  

atau dah sesat pi isap konek ko?  

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2016 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 3-5-2016 12:00 PM
YES pls  

u can send yr spirit to suck my cock

thanks for the  answer. in due time you will missing in this forum and regret for speech on Divintity and also spirits ...

what kind of spell? you will know soon.
the spell will manifest soon or later....

u will feel it  and regret for your writings...


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Post time 3-5-2016 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 3-5-2016 12:06 PM
thanks for the  answer. in due time you will missing in this forum and regret for speech on Divint ...

at the same time, pls provide me the winning numbers for 1+3D  


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Post time 3-5-2016 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Divintity as in tits?  

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Post time 3-5-2016 12:11 PM | Show all posts
i will shit on yr Divintity and spirits for free   

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Post time 3-5-2016 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Divintits and spirits belum sampai lagi...........   

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2016 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 3-5-2016 12:16 PM
Divintits and spirits belum sampai lagi...........

keep on talking....magick only manifest soon-later or due time....its just matter of time...
secondly, I am busy now so will cast spell  few days ....I promise it will manifest on you.
you will lose everything . physical, social life and regret for you speech..than you will crawling for  forgiveness from me but is not me you need to seek for forgiveness  but from greatest the highest the Supreme......

so, let it beings soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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Post time 3-5-2016 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Acong at 3-5-2016 08:10 PM
Truth.8 replied at 3-5-2016 12:46 PM
keep on talking....magick only manifest soon-later or due time....its just matter of time...
seco ...

my spell far greater than yours..... death awaits u  

my devils shall rape all female in yr family  

u shall burn in hell for eternity  

p/s - btw yr stoopid spell also known as aging... yr spirits can now kiss my holy cock   

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Post time 3-5-2016 12:50 PM | Show all posts
stoopid god/s  

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Post time 3-5-2016 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 3-5-2016 12:04 PM
is not your concern my it concern for other faith...because is fake to obtain popularity...
you ...

Aiyoyo tambi , then write to him and debate him in person and be prepared to be humiliated. Podah lah tambi .... you cannot even argue coherently and always running away from issues yet you want to prove him wrong. Hmmm , like the so called pastor in your previous video who claim he found a contradiction in the Quran but not knowing that Christianity has been corrupted to the worship of a man god. So much for learning Quran from a pastor per your claim.

ou kee on avoiding and running away     from the question i ask. where is the proof sam shanoun not scholar? he has own website  anwering islam...are you sayings he wrote himself without stuying it??

here it is  :

In his facebook (his personal information)
As an adolescent, Shamoun's faith often came under fire. His Christian beliefs were frequently challenged by those who maintained Islam as the "one true religion." From these unsettling encounters, he began to dig deeply into the basics of the Christian faith he confessed but wanted to know more about. After a thorough and critical examination of the Scriptures, his ability to share the Gospel and his capacity to answer skeptics' questions -- specifically Muslim objections -- increased dramatically.

Today, Shamoun is a frequent contributor to a prominent Web site dedicated to challenging the teachings of Islam. Additionally, he engages in debates as an informed apologist refuting accusations and attacks leveled by proponents of Islam against Christianity.

Where does it say he is a scholar? He does not even dare to publish his academic credential. Like I stated , you made a claim , now you back it up with evidence , else you are just another 'kaki kencing'. Don't ask me to prove something you claim as it is as silly as you can get.

You keep on avoiding and running away from the points I raised.
- Sam Shamoun is not a scholar , he is a school dropout. However you claim he is a scholar. Can you back up your claim?
- Why is that when muslims criticse the Bible and Christianity you keep on insisting references to scholars (BTW pastors are not scholars). However you are ok with your polemics against Islam and Quran with references to 'answering islam' and 'faith freedom'. Since when are these entities scholars?
- Why do you brush aside works by real scholars like Prof Bart Ehrman , Prof Geza Vermes , Prof Dale Tuggy (to name a few) that points out the errancy of the bible and the nature of Jesus (works which I reference to)?

Lets see how many post do you need to answer the questions. You are scared to answer?


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 Author| Post time 3-5-2016 03:04 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 3-5-2016 02:08 PM
Aiyoyo tambi , then write to him and debate him in person and be prepared to be humiliated. Podah  ...

whether you choose to believe or not is not my business....peoples already exposed zakir naik lies and fake...thats is my point in this thread...yes of course        muslims like u  and zakir   will use takiya  to mislead to protect ur common amoung muslims like  u...

The Challenge to debate with Dr. ZakirNaik
Scores of Muslims asked me to debate withDr. Zakir Naik and told me he can respond to all my charges against Islam.I agreed.  This page shows our correspondencewith these Muslims and Dr. Niak's refusal
In this page there are more exchangesbetween a Muslim sympathizer of Dr. Niak, Dr. Niak himself or one of hisbuddies and me.   
These two pages are published for thebenefit of the Muslims who keep inviting me to debate with Dr. Niak. It isto let them see that their hero is the one who is evading the debate andsee his excuses. This is to show the Muslims that there are no answers tothe charges against Islam. I hope this will convince you to read this sitemore carefully and find out the truth on your own. If you still thinksomeone can answer these charges, write to him and send him one of thequestions raised in this site and see what you get as response. I did thatmyself when I first read the Quran and was shocked. I asked many scholarswhom I trusted and thought they are knowledgeable. None of them had anyanswers. Try that yourself and find out the truth.  
Munir Qasim is an admirer of Dr. ZakirNaik. He assured me that Dr. Naik can respond to all my charges againstIslam and Muhammad. He wrote to him for the second time and this is whathe got in response:

Date:Tue, 04 Jan 2005 12:36:40 +0530
To:"MUNIR QASIM" <[email protected]>
From:"zakir" <[email protected]>
Dear Brother Munir Qasim,
As-Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
I pray to Allah (swt) for your health, happiness andvigour in Islamic spirits. Aameen.
Jazakallah and thanks for your email dated 10thDecember 2004. We are hearing about Ali Sina for the first time. There areseveral such Non-Muslims who would love to debate Dr. Zakir Naik forgaining popularity.
Dr. Zakir Naik prefers a public debate rather than adebate on email which can continue for months and years together for whichDr. Zakir Naik has no time.
Dr. Zakir Naik would not mind debating Non-Muslims aslong as he has a standing in the society and has a large following. If anyNon-Muslim who can attract atleast ten thousand audience for hisindividual public talk Dr. Zakir Naik would not mind debating him. Otherwise the person is not worth wasting time and neither would we like tomake him popular.  


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 Author| Post time 3-5-2016 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 3-5-2016 03:10 PM
Acong replied at 3-5-2016 12:48 PM
my spell far greater than yours..... death awaits u  
my spell far greater than yours..... death awaits u  

my devils shall rape all female in yr family  

u shall burn in hell for eternity u believed in spell, devils and hell but u do not believe  in spirits    and divinity....
how is that??? mind telling me

btw, i do  not cast death spell on spell make ur life total lost in life.....loosing physical body, appearance, weak, sick and negative on all u...u feel like is nothing....ur life will be no longer colorful...etc

I cast death spell if  needed but I never use it because not necessary for that.


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Post time 3-5-2016 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 3-5-2016 05:30 PM
Truth.8 replied at 3-5-2016 03:04 PM
whether you choose to believe or not is not my business....peoples already exposed zakir naik lies and fake...thats is my point in this thread...yes of course        muslims like u  and zakir   will use takiya  to mislead to protect ur common amoung muslims like  u...

The Challenge to debate with Dr. ZakirNaik
Scores of Muslims asked me to debate withDr. Zakir Naik and told me he can respond to all my charges against Islam.I agreed.  This page shows our correspondencewith these Muslims and Dr. Niak's refusal
In this page there are more exchangesbetween a Muslim sympathizer of Dr. Niak, Dr. Niak himself or one of hisbuddies and me.   
These two pages are published for thebenefit of the Muslims who keep inviting me to debate with Dr. Niak. It isto let them see that their hero is the one who is evading the debate andsee his excuses. This is to show the Muslims that there are no answers tothe charges against Islam. I hope this will convince you to read this sitemore carefully and find out the truth on your own. If you still thinksomeone can answer these charges, write to him and send him one of thequestions raised in this site and see what you get as response. I did thatmyself when I first read the Quran and was shocked. I asked many scholarswhom I trusted and thought they are knowledgeable. None of them had anyanswers. Try that yourself and find out the truth.  
Munir Qasim is an admirer of Dr. ZakirNaik. He assured me that Dr. Naik can respond to all my charges againstIslam and Muhammad. He wrote to him for the second time and this is whathe got in response:

Date:Tue, 04 Jan 2005 12:36:40 +0530
To:"MUNIR QASIM" <[email protected]>
From:"zakir" <[email protected]>
Dear Brother Munir Qasim,
As-Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
I pray to Allah (swt) for your health, happiness andvigour in Islamic spirits. Aameen.
Jazakallah and thanks for your email dated 10thDecember 2004. We are hearing about Ali Sina for the first time. There areseveral such Non-Muslims who would love to debate Dr. Zakir Naik forgaining popularity.
Dr. Zakir Naik prefers a public debate rather than adebate on email which can continue for months and years together for whichDr. Zakir Naik has no time.
Dr. Zakir Naik would not mind debating Non-Muslims aslong as he has a standing in the society and has a large following. If anyNon-Muslim who can attract atleast ten thousand audience for hisindividual public talk Dr. Zakir Naik would not mind debating him. Otherwise the person is not worth wasting time and neither would we like tomake him popular.  

link  :

In other words you cannot provide the evidence that Sam Shamoun is a scholar. You did not even read what is written in his FB page. I don't know about you , to me a scholar is someone who has the academic credentials. To you a scholar is someone who makes youtube videos like the pastor ignorantly telling us the so called contradiction in the Quran.

Giving videos after videos is not evidence of Dr Naik so called lies. You need to put up a or several points then we put it up for scrutiny. Lets see whether it holds. However knowing you , you would be too scared to do so.

Out of the blue , your favourite word .... takkiya. However you don't even know what is the issue. So much for your intelligence ....

I think Dr Naik made the right call for the debate with the so called Ali Sina of Faith Freedom. BTW , who is this person and how he looks like? This entity is not to be taken seriously if
- they cannot appear on the same debate platform
- cannot command 10k or more people as Dr Naik has audience of such number

Ha ha , Ali Sina @ faith freedom debate via email .... pffttt .... they might as well hide in their momma's skirt.

You keep on avoiding and running away from the points I raised.
- Sam Shamoun is not a scholar , he is a school dropout. However you claim he is a scholar. Can you back up your claim?
- Why is that when muslims criticse the Bible and Christianity you keep on insisting references to scholars (BTW pastors are not scholars). However you are ok with your polemics against Islam and Quran with references to 'answering islam' and 'faith freedom'. Since when are these entities scholars?
- Why do you brush aside works by real scholars like Prof Bart Ehrman , Prof Geza Vermes , Prof Dale Tuggy (to name a few) that points out the errancy of the bible and the nature of Jesus (works which I reference to)?

Lets see how many post do you need to answer the questions. You are scared to answer?


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Post time 3-5-2016 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Acong at 3-5-2016 08:38 PM
Truth.8 replied at 3-5-2016 03:07 PM u believed in spell, devils and hell but u do not believe  in spirits    and divinit ...

yr spell is powerless as yr fake god   

i already cast spells on yr family..... the child u love most would suffer the most.....

burn in hell in eternity for yr submission to a fake god & religion   

p/s - btw yr retard spell sounded like 'aging naturally'  

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Post time 3-5-2016 08:08 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 3-5-2016 05:27 PM
In other words you cannot provide the evidence that Sam Shamoun is a scholar. You did not even rea ...

zakar naik is gay  

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