whether you choose to believe or not is not my business....peoples already exposed zakir naik lies and fake...thats is my point in this thread...yes of course muslims like u and zakir will use takiya to mislead to protect ur faith...is common amoung muslims like u...
The Challenge to debate with Dr. ZakirNaik Scores of Muslims asked me to debate withDr. Zakir Naik and told me he can respond to all my charges against Islam.I agreed. This page shows our correspondencewith these Muslims and Dr. Niak's refusal In this page there are more exchangesbetween a Muslim sympathizer of Dr. Niak, Dr. Niak himself or one of hisbuddies and me. These two pages are published for thebenefit of the Muslims who keep inviting me to debate with Dr. Niak. It isto let them see that their hero is the one who is evading the debate andsee his excuses. This is to show the Muslims that there are no answers tothe charges against Islam. I hope this will convince you to read this sitemore carefully and find out the truth on your own. If you still thinksomeone can answer these charges, write to him and send him one of thequestions raised in this site and see what you get as response. I did thatmyself when I first read the Quran and was shocked. I asked many scholarswhom I trusted and thought they are knowledgeable. None of them had anyanswers. Try that yourself and find out the truth. Munir Qasim is an admirer of Dr. ZakirNaik. He assured me that Dr. Naik can respond to all my charges againstIslam and Muhammad. He wrote to him for the second time and this is whathe got in response:
Dear Brother Munir Qasim, As-Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. I pray to Allah (swt) for your health, happiness andvigour in Islamic spirits. Aameen. Jazakallah and thanks for your email dated 10thDecember 2004. We are hearing about Ali Sina for the first time. There areseveral such Non-Muslims who would love to debate Dr. Zakir Naik forgaining popularity. Dr. Zakir Naik prefers a public debate rather than adebate on email which can continue for months and years together for whichDr. Zakir Naik has no time. Dr. Zakir Naik would not mind debating Non-Muslims aslong as he has a standing in the society and has a large following. If anyNon-Muslim who can attract atleast ten thousand audience for hisindividual public talk Dr. Zakir Naik would not mind debating him. Otherwise the person is not worth wasting time and neither would we like tomake him popular.