[V36]#FAZURA -1841# - Bakal terlibat dalam filem epik 'Pontianak' terbitan syari
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lovezy replied at 11-12-2017 10:23 AM
ni kan chuols?
Hehe yes2..i like it...nangis pn cantik..majoriti fazura dlm manisnya cinta tu..semua la cantik2 belaka... |
chuols konpiden ehh fazzy ikut
tengah gigih mencari gol & gincu season 1 tak jumpa2 tapi jumpa pulak article ni...bila baca balik memang betul laaa jodoh tu dengan fattah. btw, tahun 2005 lagi dia dah cakap nak anak 12 yeee...hahahha
They want to bring me down
28 Aug
She’s currently riding high with the much talked about movie, Gol & Gincu. But Nur Fazura Sharifuddin’s personal life is mired in the depths of controversy, what with an assault charge and rumours of porn videos of her circulating.
FOR her StarMag photo shoot, Nur Fazura Sharifuddin wore a slinky navy-blue top and an ankle-length skirt – with Adidas futsal shoes.
She is, of course, promoting the Malay teen flick, Gol & Gincu, that revolves around indoor football. The 22-year-old actress plays the lead, Putri.
“Are those the famous high heels?” I ask as she changes from the stilettos in which she arrived to the sports shoes.
“Ha, ha, ha, ha,” she laughs (slightly cynically), and replies, “Of course not.”
The famous shoe is the one she used to allegedly assault a woman with in December last year. In May, Nur Fazura claimed trial in a Kuala Lumpur magistrate’s court to an assault charge.
“The evidence is with the police, obviously,” she says of the gold and silver shoe. And, no, she doesn’t want to talk about what happened – “That would be contempt of court!”
“But I have a replacement pair of shoes at home. I got a new pair because I love that style. It was not a Manolo. Thank God it was not one of my Manolos.”
Manolo Blahnik, for the fashion-challenged, is the really expensive haute couture brand beloved of Sex and the City TV character Carrie Bradshaw.
And there you have it: the contradiction that is Nur Fazura. For this lass insists that she’s still a small town girl at heart – she hails from Pekan, Pahang. And yet, she displays a very sophisticated urban taste in not only her footwear but also the image she portrays.
It’s that image that seems to be getting her into hot water. Though she’s a bit of an industry darling, having won the Most Promising Actress award at the Malaysian Film Festival last year for her role in Bicara Hati, the Malay press are not exactly enamoured of Nur Fazura.
When rumours began circulating that the woman in a 10-minute pornographic video clip for mobile phones is her, the press went after her for either confirmation or denial.
“Some of the Malay tabloid reporters asked me if I would swear on the Quran (and deny that she’s in the video) and I went, ‘Why?’”
“But I see the point. They want to bring me down and they want to upset me. And I go, ‘Hey, I don’t want to bother’,” she explains. She adds pointedly, “They don’t have any stories to write.”
What, in her opinion, is the No. 1 false rumour written about Nur Fazura?
“That I’m wild. That I’m a party girl. That I created all this publicity just to get people to watch my movies. And there are all my ‘love affairs’ with this guy, that guy. It all makes me look bad,” she fumes.
Er, that’s more than one ? but then, the woman’s got a right to vent a little, we feel.
So, what is the truth about Nur Fazura, then?
“I’m not someone who would go out with all these guys. I’m not arrogant. That (woman in the) porn video isn’t me. I am a simple girl. But people look at me and assume I am this high profile, wild, party girl who goes out with everybody and beats people up all the time,” she says indignantly.
“I am a very private person. I like to stay home. I like to spread lots of fresh white flowers around the place, light scented candles and watch DVDs.”
And no, she says firmly, she is really not seeing anybody.
“I have not found a good guy yet. But I am confident I will. I can tell you, Philip, I really want to start a family. I’m young, I know, but I am aching to have kids,” she confides.
“I want lots of them – I want 11 boys and one girl! Eleven, because I want to start a football team. And the one girl will be Putri, the very spoilt one.”
Explaining her definition of a “good guy,” she says, “I would like an ambitious guy who works hard, somebody who knows what he wants in his life, somebody who likes to watch movies and read books and stuff like that.
“And someone who also likes – sometimes, not every weekend! – to go out and have fun.”
So, that’s Nur Fazura’s version of Nur Fazura. She sounds nice. She comes across as nice during the interview. And yet, there’s all that bad press?.
So we decide to find out what someone who has had to work closely with Nur Fazura thinks of her. We whip out the trusty mobile to track down Gol & Gincu’s co-producer Lina Tan of production company Red Films. (The movie’s other producer is Marina Mahathir, whose company occasionally works with Red Films.)
”The thing in this industry is, when you are female, young and beautiful, people judge you more,” says Tan. “People look at her, she is gorgeous and beautiful, and so people just assume she will also be arrogant – beautiful people have that problem!
“But when you get to know her, she is warm, smart and funny,” says Tan. “And when she commits to a project, she gives it her all. When she was on location, she was very focused. Before shooting, she had done her homework. She knew who Putri was.”
In fact, Tan sees many similarities between Gol & Gincu’s sweet Putri and Nur Fazura: “Our first impression (when they cast Nur Fazura) was, ‘Oh God, she is Putri!’ She is like Putri. She is a nice person who can be naive about the world, but her warm personality is infectious.”
Nur Fazura is also evidently someone who can laugh at herself. In the movie, which was filmed in March, there is a reference to the infamous real life assault incident. Putri and her friend Zie (Rafidah Abdullah) are chatting when Putri says, “You better watch out, if not I will throw my shoes at you.”
Now that’s funny.
‘Gol & Gincu’ is currently showing in cinemas nationwide.
seriously macam tak caye je bampaku support fattzura.. kekekeke
ingat lagi dulu bampaku anti betol dengan fattah
uum dkt je dgn aku..
husband ku keje uum..hahha
tp idokla la aku nk p ngadap deme..mcm x je kot faz nk pg..letih kot..
hahha..tp kalau xleh berpisah dgn husband i dont know la plak..hahah |
hahaha. xde la chuols, gurau2 sajok.  |
that putri will be a really spoilt daughter i guess haha dapat bayang fazzy manjakan gila2 putri
kisahkeaku replied at 11-12-2017 10:13 AM
nak luah perasaan sket.pg td masa nak masuk opis kita tdengar ada member ni tgh ckp kat dpn kuat2 me ...
Eeeee gerammnyaaa kalau kekawan keje kaka ckp mcm tu, kaka masa muda2 dolo dgn penuh emo nya akk jawab mcm chuolss..tp dah tua2 ni kaka akn senyum n jwb "uf jerrrr uolsss"....or "skip je ig explorer uolss tuuu"...smbil snyum x ikhlasss #gituh |
hekkkk sebab fazzy laa meols terima fattah seadanya...nampak faz sayang sangat dkt fattah.. kerana faz aku relakan gitcheawwwwww
She is like Putri. She is a nice person who can be naive about the world, but her warm personality is infectious.”
I setuju sangat yang her warm personality is infectious. Of course i dont know her personally tapi from what has been potrayed by her circle of friends and fans memang nampak begitulah kan. It is too impossible to have that as an act like every minute isnt it?
Sebenarnya i memang happy time fans duk sebok #roadtopekan, but now that they are actually married, i feel surreal tengok faz jadi isteri orang. Hari hari fikir hisshh macam tak percaya je.
shityfans replied at 11-12-2017 10:29 AM
tengah gigih mencari gol & gincu season 1 tak jumpa2 tapi jumpa pulak article ni...bila baca balik m ...
Oh my god!!#criessssss!!!!!terharunyaaa bc artikel lama ni!thanks chuols !! |
meols pun tak percaya betul ke faz dah kawen.. and am happy keluarga mertua faz adalah keluarga yang background baik2.. lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan yang baik kan?
terpaku replied at 11-12-2017 10:50 AM
hekkkk sebab fazzy laa meols terima fattah seadanya...nampak faz sayang sangat dkt fattah.. kerana ...
Gituhhhh!!koserr yach!how bout ct nana with zoey rahman!zoey in person pre btlkan muka hensem cum natural yach n very nice person!!kaka sukeeeee! |
eeeeeeeeeeee moteppppppp???? sah2 hat tu gayah meols tak restu
terpaku replied at 11-12-2017 09:19 AM
meols masuk sekali sekala nak tuju lagu buat pasangan romantis ni
Wow bamPaku tujukan lagu utk fattzura
Hehehe |
Edited by vous_me6 at 11-12-2017 11:22 AM
Dah ada yg share belum news dari media SG
Berita Harian Singapore: http://www.beritaharian.sg/setem ... tu-peminat-serantau
Pengantin baru 'Fattzura' dapat doa restu peminat serantau
Dec 11, 2017 | 05:30 AM
WAJAH berseri pengantin baru dari seberang Tambak, Fattah Amin dan Nur Fazura Sharifuddin, menceriakan lautan peminat dari Singapura, Malaysia dan Brunei yang tidak sabar mengucapkan tahniah di atas terbinanya mahligai impian mereka baru-baru ini.
Petang kelmarin, Fattah, 27 tahun, dan Fazura, 34 tahun, tampil buat pertama kalinya sebagai suami isteri dalam acara pertemuan bersama 250 peminat di Orange Ballroom, Tanjong Katong Complex.
*berita full kena langgan 
Jumpa scan version dari ig zweena
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Morning chuolss..lama x jenguk benang faz..benang abam pon meols da jrng msk..lps dorg kawen lega sket so byk slow down la..tgk kt ig aksi sweet nk matey dorg tu sambil jaki sensorang ..hjung thn bz pon ye jgk..tp tetap gigih nk gossip..
Welcome back tt freaky.. |
terpaku replied at 11-12-2017 09:19 AM
meols masuk sekali sekala nak tuju lagu buat pasangan romantis ni
Apo bam paku tuju lagu leman kt fattzura... |
Edited by vous_me6 at 11-12-2017 11:38 AM
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 11-12-2017 09:45 AM
Morningggggg librarians!!!!!!!! Kaka misssss uolllsssssss so soooo much..
Haluuuu kaka coyote
Bukan main lagi entrance gif  |
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