Tadi baru pergi Ikea...
beli 3 curtain rods utk bilik baru... &
beli plants jer... RM 9 jadi RM 5... tak der la murah sangat plants tu sajer gatal tanggan beli... if beli kat Sg Buloh sure lebey fresh... entah naper tadi sengaja beli cuz dah tak der benda lain nak di beli lagik!!~
Ramai gak org tapi kat check out tak ler panjang Q nyer... |
Originally posted by misy at 15-3-2008 08:07 PM 
ummi lawa la display kabinet tuu....berapa ek harga dia?
kayu tu dia varnis ke ?
Macam dah lupa laa rege display cabinet tu. RM199 @ RM299 kot. Dah lama beli. Tak varnis pun... |
Originally posted by intanazlynna at 15-3-2008 09:50 PM 
Tadi baru pergi Ikea...
beli 3 curtain rods utk bilik baru... &
beli plants jer... RM 9 jadi RM 5... tak der la murah sangat plants tu sajer gatal tanggan beli... if beli kat Sg Buloh sure le ...
Masih ader sale lagi ker kat ikea tu? Murah gile2 ker?
Intan, sg buloh kat mana?
Reply #382 ummiauni's post
wow murah nye...ada lagi ke design cam ni, itu hari pergi tak prasan lak... |
Reply #385 yazmeen's post
hehehe lawak la..ayat ayt iklan diorang
me ni Ikea Frens, tapi tak pernah depa hantar brochure ....kawan tiri kot |
Originally posted by misy at 16-3-2008 07:51 AM 
wow murah nye...ada lagi ke design cam ni, itu hari pergi tak prasan lak...
masa pergi 2 bulan lepas ader lagi. Tak tahu laa kot2 sekarang dah habis. |
Reply #388 eva's post
wakaka kalau knob tu ikut slang sana & refer tu benda tut* memang lawak beno la bunyi dia
revolting rhymes...i wonder apa isi dia share la |
Originally posted by misy at 17-3-2008 10:11 AM 
wakaka kalau knob tu ikut slang sana & refer tu benda tut* memang lawak beno la bunyi dia
revolting rhymes...i wonder apa isi dia share la
wah cepat sekali misy menangkap... wakakak   .. tak bleh ajak mat salleh esp scottish berbelanja kat ikea sana... karang jd joke dorang .. wakakak 
revolting rhymes nie best... u baca this 
my fave one :
Jack and his mother are completely broke, so she sends him off to sell their old cow to someone wealthy.
Instead he comes back with only one bean. She can't believe his stupidity and throws the bean out onto the rubbish dump. Then she beats Jack with the vacuum cleaner handle. The next day they see that the bean has sprouted into a huge beanstalk.
Jack is pleased, but his mother complains that there aren't any beans for them to pick.
Jack points out that the leaves above them are pure gold.
She is entranced and tells him to climb up and cut them off.
As he climbs, though, he hears a giant above say, "FEE FI FO FUM, I SMELL THE BLOOD OF AN ENGLISHMAN!"
Jack scurries down and reports back to his mother.
She tells him it's no wonder the giant smells him, as Jack never bathes and he stinks.
She decides to climb it herself. Not long after, Jack hears the giant eat her up.
He realizes that if he wants the gold, he's going to have to wash.
So he cleans himself thoroughly.
When he climbs the beanstalk again, the giant doesn't smell him at all.
Jack waits til the giant is sleeping and then gathers up enough gold to make himself a millionaire.
"A bath," he said, "does seem to pay. I'm going to have one every day."
so... i think better suruh marketing executive ikea belajar dr book nie.. sure sale super duper laku  |
bebudak suka baca buku nie. infact part of dorang punyla sastera... sabo je la  |
so apa berita menarik sekarang? spring sale ada tak kat kl?  |
Originally posted by eva at 2-4-2008 04:30 PM 
so apa berita menarik sekarang? spring sale ada tak kat kl?
last 2 weeks pergi sana..
ingat nak ambik agen chair (kerusi rotan) yang putih tu..
tp tak sempat.. habis diborong oleh someone yg nak hantar ke sabah katanya..
i tanya kat info counter bila new stok dtg.. dia kata esoknya.. tp yang esok pun dah di book oleh orang tu..
hmm at last i beli la yang color krim tu... |
Originally posted by smeetasmitten at 6-3-2008 12:32 PM 
camne nak beli direct, habaq mai la sikit.
mana tina nih..habaq mai mana company tuhh.. |

yang saya beli last friday.. |
Reply #396 ummimon's post

sori.. keluar X pulak..
MELDAL bed |
Reply #397 ummimon's post

MALM dresser |
Reply #398 ummimon's post

BILLY bookcase |
Kiter pun ader day bed tu...
cantek sangat2 |
| |