380# kirawang
eh, cmna u dpt harga murah tu, kedai mana? i ingat setakat yg i survey price 5.6k tu paling murah for 2 pintu... adus, tensionnya... |
hitachi berapa lama warannty?
make sure ambik waranty lama sebab beli mahal2 kang rosak rabak duit poket..
kalau kat seng heng add 5 years warantty utk fridge hitachi dalam lingkungan rm500-rm700. tak tahu kenapa? maybe barang sparepart mahal ke atau apa yek? |
380# kirawang
eh, cmna u dpt harga murah tu, kedai mana? i ingat setakat yg i survey price 5.6k tu paling murah for 2 pintu... adus, tensionnya...
adhana Post at 9-12-2009 10:00 
Tak pe lah adhana, dah beli, nak buat macamana lagi..
kedai kat melawati, kalau tak silap..
saya tak ambik lagi, psl nak tunggu new house utk masuk new house jugak..
tapi confirm, dia dah bagi harga 5.4K... |
hitachi berapa lama warannty?
make sure ambik waranty lama sebab beli mahal2 kang rosak rabak duit poket..
kalau kat seng heng add 5 years warantty utk fridge hitachi dalam lingkungan rm500-rm700. t ...
actza Post at 9-12-2009 11:19 
motor biasanya 5 y, warranty,,,,yang part2 lain biasanya 1-2 tahun..
sama macam laptop, mereka bagi estend warranty jika nak, tp bayar sikit lah.. |
383# kirawang
kirawang, i juz booked jer dulu for small amount, coz tgu rmh siap.. so lum byr penuh lagi coz tgu my hse siap renovate.. if u don mind bole bagi tau nama kedai yg u dpt good prize tu coz bole la i survey gak.. @ may b bole survey brg letrik lain kot2 dpt harga murah gak...tq.. |
383# kirawang
kirawang, i juz booked jer dulu for small amount, coz tgu rmh siap.. so lum byr penuh lagi coz tgu my hse siap renovate.. if u don mind bole bagi tau nama kedai yg u dpt good prize ...
adhana Post at 9-12-2009 19:01 
boleh, tapi saya tak tahu nama kedai..lokasi saya tahu le....
nanti saya checkan... |
jkalau dah bagi murah book aje dulu.. tapi kalau nak masuk umah lagi 6 bulan... jangan beli dulu... nanti rege peti tue.. turun... rugi.. dulu saya nak beli peti tue.. tgk rege rm6k++... then bila confirm betul dah nak pakai/beli.. tengok rege dah jadi 5k... siap dapat LCD lagie... so.. bagi saya peti nie bukanlah macam perabot yang sales 50 - 70% ataupun apa-apa barang yang stabil regenya..
alat eletronik better beli bila betul2 dah nak pakai |
jkalau dah bagi murah book aje dulu.. tapi kalau nak masuk umah lagi 6 bulan... jangan beli dulu... nanti rege peti tue.. turun... rugi.. dulu saya nak beli peti tue.. tgk rege rm6k++... then bila con ...
actza Post at 10-12-2009 08:42 
setuju dengan actza
bagi je deposit skit for booking
nanti dah ready semua, bayar selebihnya |
saya masih guna petisejuk SHARP kaler hijau satu pintu yang dibeliu secara hutang bayar bulanan selama 2 tahun dari ARASTU pada tahun 1993....ingat bak tukar petisejuk baru...tapi ntahhhh.....diam mac ...
sayawifenikmie Post at 7-12-2009 22:01 
wifenik, white pun masih guna fridge jenis mcm tu....warna ijau 1 pintu brand SINGER.... beli tahun 80an...turun temurun dari mak ...mak takmo pakai dah sebab kecik bg dia....tp bg white yg family tak besar ni cukup le.... tp masalahnya fridge ni takde defrost setting.. so susah la ais asyik membeku aje..... so ni ingat nak sambar fridge baru .........brand apa yg elok ek???? |
383# kirawang
kirawang, i juz booked jer dulu for small amount, coz tgu rmh siap.. so lum byr penuh lagi coz tgu my hse siap renovate.. if u don mind bole bagi tau nama kedai yg u dpt good prize ...
adhana Post at 9-12-2009 19:01 
saya tengok harga kat kedai elektronik best ke apa tah nama...ting 4 kat klcc...
kedai mereka banyak branches macam seng heng...
harga 7600 offer katanya...
kalau beli cash, dpt discount 7% dlm 500 je...
bila saya cakap, saya boleh dpt 5400, terdiam salesman tu..
patutle, my friends yg kerja seng heng dulu, cakap jangan beli apa2 kedai seng heng...mahal katanya.... |
390# kirawang
betul... dan after sales servis pun tak berapa baik... |
383# kirawang
apa nombor model peti sejuk u book ni eh?
cam best je, coz tgh survey gak ni |
Post Last Edit by naaim at 13-12-2009 02:25
saya tengok harga kat kedai elektronik best ke apa tah nama...ting 4 kat klcc...
kedai mereka banyak branches macam seng heng...
harga 7600 offer katanya...
kalau beli cash, dpt discount 7% d ...
kirawang Post at 10-12-2009 22:45 
best denki tu kedai dr jepon, harga of course mahal....
selalu saya baca iklan dalam the star, harge fridge 2 pintu side by side dalam 4000++ jer rm 2999 pon saya pernah tengok.... apa mahal sangat yg u all tgok neh??
ni sy ambik dr HSL punya website
Code: SSG-RS20BRHS | Description: FRIDGE-SIDE BY SIDE 508L | W.M. RCP: $3,699.00 | Brand: SAMSUNG |
 | Code: SSG-RS20NASH | Description: FRIDGE-SIDE BY SIDE 496L | W.M. RCP: $2,999.00 | Br
and: SAMSUNG |
http://www.hslene.com.my/default_ca.htm |
378# adhana
Code: HTC-RM800EMGBK | Description: FRIDGE-SIDE BY SIDE 3 DOORS 720L | W.M. RCP: $5,699.00 | Brand: HITACHI | Features :
*720 Litres*910(W)x1760(H)x760(Depth with handle)mm*black colour*New concept ice dispenser*Makes clean ice from a built-in tank system*Advanced Hybrid technology - MINUS-ZERO cooling*Third Compartment with clean technology for fresh vegetables*Extremely large capacity*Outstanding convenience*Seperate Veg. Compartment*Blue LED Display*MINUS-ZERO cooling*Nano Titanium*Chill Leaking Alarm*Tempered Glass Shelves*Dairy Pocket*Xenon Lamp*3 Super Moist Drawers for vegetable*2-Way Humidity controller*Xenon Lamp*Twist Ice Tray
Enlarge Picture | Print | Add to cart |
 | Code: HTC-RM800EMGS | Description: FRIDGE-SIDE BY SIDE 3 DOORS 720L | W.M. RCP: $5,499.00 | Brand: HITACHI | Features :
*720 litres*910(W)x1760(H)x760(Depth with handle)mm*new concept ice dispenser*Makes clean ice from a built-in tank systemadvanced Hybrid Technology - MINUS-ZERO cooling*Third compartment with clean technology for fresh vegetable*Extremely large capacity*Outstanding convenience*Seperate Veg. Compartment*Blue LED Display*Nano Titanium*Chill Leaking Alarm*Tempered glass shelves*Dairy pocket*Xenon Lamp
Enlarge Picture | Print | Add to cart |
 | Code: HTC-RM800EMGWH | Description: FRIDGE-SIDE BY SIDE 3 DOORS 720L | W.M. RCP: $5,499.00 | Brand: HITACHI | Features :
*720 Litres*910(W)x1760(H)x760(Depth with handle)mm*White colour*New concept ice dispenser*Makes clear ice from a built-in tank system*Advanced Hybrid Technology-MINUS-ZERO Cooling*Thrid compartment with clean technology for fresh vegetables*Extremely large capacity*Outstanding convenience*Seperate Veg. Compartment*Blue LED display*Nano Titanium*Chill Leaking Alarm*Tempered Glass Shelves*Dairy Pocket*Xenon Lamp*3 Super Moist Drawers for vegetable*2-Way Humidity controller*Twist ice tray
Enlarge Picture | Print | Add to cart |
 | Code: HTC-RM800GMGBK | Description: FRIDGE-SIDE BY SIDE 701L,3D, ICE DISPENSER | W.M. RCP: $7,499.00 | Brand: HITACHI | Features :
*701 Litres Capacity*910(W)x1760(H)x720-760(Depth without/with handle),600 Depth Without Door*Seperate Veg. Compartment*Ice Dispenser*Blue LED Display*MINUS-ZERO Cooling*Nano Titanium*Chill Leaking Alarm*Refrigerator :-Water Tank With Filter-Tempered Glass Shelves-Dairy Pocket-Xenon Lamp*Vegetable :-3 Super Moist Drawers-2-Way Humidity Controller-Xenon Lamp*Freezer :-Automatic Ice Maker-Tempered Glass Shelves-3 Drawers-Xenon Lamp
Enlarge Picture | Print | Add to cart |
 | Code: HTC-RM800GMGS | Description: FRIDGE-SIDE BY SIDE 701L,3D,ICE DISPENSER | W.M. RCP: $7,199.00 | Brand: HITACHI | Features :
*701 Litres Capacity*910(W)x1760(H)x720-760(Depth Without Handle-With Handle)mm*Seperate Vegetable Compartment*Ice Dispenser*Blue LED Display*MINUS-ZERO Cooling*Nano Titanium *Chill Leaking Alarm*Refrigerator :-Water Tank With Filter-Tempered Glass Shelves-Dairy Pocket-Xenon Lamp*Vegetable :-3 Super Moist Drawers-2-Way Humidity Controller-Xenon Lamp*Freezer:-Automatic Ice Maker-Tempered Glass Shelves-3 Drawers-Xenon Lamp
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naaim, kedai kat mana harga rm 7499 ni..seng heng ke..
mmg kedai seng heng mahal tahap gabang,,, |
396# kirawang
ni dr website HSL... tp rsnya harga kat kedai lebih murah... |
395# kirawang
thanks ... ada pegi kedai dia, ada promotion sikit lagi tu untuk certain model termasuk la yg ni
salesperson tu quote me model ni Hitachi RS800GM GBK RM6499 - RM550.00. So dalam RM5949 la kan?
(untuk member and voucher) |
398# stroberi_80
wooo best price laaa ek??
saya lambat lg nak pindah masuk umah baru.... dalam 2 tahun lg... tp kene keep up to date gak laaaa hehhehe |
395# kirawang
thanks ... ada pegi kedai dia, ada promotion sikit lagi tu untuk certain model termasuk la yg ni
salesperson tu quote me model ni Hitachi RS800GM GBK RM6499 - RM550.00. So dalam RM ...
stroberi_80 Post at 14-12-2009 19:01 
5949 kira ok lah tu....tapi yg saya punya lagi murah, yg kat melawati /ampang tu.,..saya belom beli or booking lagi, tapi minah tu janji nak bagi 5400... |
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