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Author: mr.kulop


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Post time 22-7-2008 09:49 AM | Show all posts
versi melayu..

Rossi juara GP AS
LAGUNA SECA, California - Pelumba Itali, Valentino Rossi mengukuhkan kedudukannya sebagai pendahulu kejuaraan MotoGP dunia apabila menjuarai Grand Prix Motosikal Amerika Syarikat (AS), semalam.

Penunggang Yamaha dan juara dunia tujuh kali itu memenangi pertarungan sengit dengan penyandang juara dunia, Casey Stoner dari Ducati, yang menamatkan perlumbaan di tangga kedua.

Rakan senegara Stoner dari Australia, Chris Vermeulen yang menunggang Suzuki menduduki tempat ketiga.

Stoner, juara di litar Laguna Seca tahun lalu, mendominasi semua sesi latihan bebas dan aksi kelayakan minggu ini, malah berjaya memenangi tiga perlumbaan terakhir dari petak pertama.

Namun semalam, keadaan berubah apabila Rossi menamatkan dominasi pelumba muda Australia itu untuk melakar kemenangan, sekali gus mengukuhkan kedudukan pendahulu dunia dengan 212 mata, 25 mata di depan Stoner (187).

"Ini adalah kemenangan yang menakjubkan. Buat kali pertama, saya berjaya memenangi perlumbaan di sini, ia adalah perlumbaan yang sukar dipercayai,'' kata Rossi, yang selama ini sering mengharungi aksi mengecewakan di Laguna Seca.

Rossi juga mengakui, pertarungan sengit dengan Casey memberi keseronokan kepadanya, dan yang paling penting mendorongnya mencatat kemenangan yang penuh emosi.




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Post time 18-8-2008 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Rossi juara, Stoner terbabas

BRNO: Penunggang Itali, Valentino Rossi yang menggunakan jentera Yamaha, menjuarai saingan MotoGP Grand Prix Republik Czech semalam selepas juara dunia, Casey Stoner terbabas dan terkeluar daripada saingan.

Rossi, juara dunia lima kali yang mendahului carta keseluruhan, mendahului perlumbaan itu dengan selesa tanpa dapat dicabar selepas Stoner, penunggang Australia yang bermula dari petak pertama, terbabas pada pusingan keenam dan menamatkan perlumbaan dengan masa 43 minit 28.841 saat.

Stoner, yang menggunakan jentera Ducati tetapi diserang selsema sejak beberapa hari, tergelincir dan terjatuh ketika mengambil selekoh ketika berada sesaat di depan penunggang lain.

揓ika Stoner tidak terjatuh, mungkin saya tidak menang,

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Post time 18-8-2008 03:55 PM | Show all posts
trek panjang.. lebar lak tu payah nak potong... asyik main gear tinggi jer

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Post time 21-8-2008 03:38 PM | Show all posts
moto gp sepang bulan 10 kan? sape ade plan nak gi erk??

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Post time 21-8-2008 05:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #384 genting42's post

plan nak gi

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Post time 21-8-2008 06:38 PM | Show all posts
nak pi jugak tapi kena tengok schedule dulu...

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Post time 31-8-2008 08:08 AM | Show all posts
Stoner catat masa terpantas GP San Marino

Sekalipun kecederaan retak tulang berulang

SAN MARINO: Juara bertahan, Casey Stoner yang menjadi satu-satunya penunggang yang mampu melepasi tahap bawah seminit 35 saat di Litar San Marino, terus mencatat masa terpantas dalam sesi latihan bebas, semalam.

Sekalipun litar baru diturap dan ditambah jarak di Selekoh Variante del Parco serta kecederaan tangan, penunggang Australia itu terus menguasai carta catatan masa untuk memberi amaran buat pencabar lain menjelang perlumbaan GP San Marino, hari ini.

Sejurus tamat sesi latihan, penunggang Ducati yang mencatat 1 minit 34.806 saat sepusingan itu, terus mendapatkan rawatan di klinik bergerak dan imbasan x-ray menunjukkan tulang scaphiod patah yang dialami pada 2003, seolah-olah retak semula.

Kecederaan baru itu jelas menyakitkan dan mungkin menjejaskan tunggangan Stoner dalam sesi kelayakan dan perlumbaan walaupun dia menjalani rawatan fisio dan akan memakai pelindung khas untuk membolehkannya berlumba.

"Memang pelik kecederaan ini kerana tidak berlaku hentakan. Saya hanya menyesuaikan pelindung belakang sebelum keluar ke litar dan terasa sakit. Ia semakin teruk selepas itu, jadi saya mendapatkan rawatan dan tidak percaya apabila ditunjukkan x-ray.

"Pasti sukar selepas ini dan saya perlu berjaga-jaga supaya kecederaan tidak menjadi lebih teruk. Malang kerana segala-galanya nampak bagus," kata Stoner.

Penunggang Suzuki, Loris Capirossi yang akan mencatat rekod kemunculan kali ke-276 dalam perlumbaan hari ini, tercicir hampir setengah saat di belakang Stoner manakala seorang lagi penunggang veteran Amerika, Colin Edwards yang menggunakan jentera Yamaha di tangga keempat terpantas.

Seorang lagi pencabar, Marco Melandri di tangga keenam terpantas tetapi yakin akan dapat mencatat peningkatan selepas membaiki bahagian depan jentera.

Juara dunia tujuh kali, termasuk lima kali kejuaraan berprestij 500cc dan MotoGP, Valentino Rossi yang memenangi perlumbaan terdahulu di Republik Czech, sekadar di tangga ketujuh terpantas selepas jenteranya berpusing dan terbabas.

Penunggang Itali itu kini mendahului Stoner dengan kelebihan 50 mata dalam senarai keseluruhan, manakala penunggang Sepanyol Dani Pedrosa di tangga ketiga dengan 170 mata. - Agensi

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Post time 31-8-2008 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Motorcycling-Rossi wins San Marino race, Stoner crashes

MISANO, Italy, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Valentino Rossi won theSan Marino MotoGP on Sunday to move a step closer to the worldtitle after Australian world champion Casey Stoner crashed outof the race early on.
The Italian抯 Yamaha mate Jorge Lorenzo was second, justover three seconds behind the winner, and Toni Elias of Spainfinished third on his Ducati.

Ducati抯 Stoner, who started in pole position, was alone atthe front when he slid off the track into the gravel and pulledout of the race. He had already crashed out of the Czech MotoGPin Brno two weeks ago.
The Italian rider capitalised on Stoner抯 exit, taking thelead and pulling away to equal Giacomo Agostini抯 record of 68premier class victories.
Rossi, the winner of seven world championships, now leadsthe standings by 75 points, ahead of Stoner.
揂gostini helped me to win

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Post time 1-9-2008 06:27 PM | Show all posts
malang sungguh stoner asyik jatuh je sukanya

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Post time 1-9-2008 06:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #389 ahmad_fazill's post

dia gelojoh bangat....

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Post time 15-9-2008 03:03 PM | Show all posts

Rain king Rossi eyes world title after Indy drama


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Post time 29-9-2008 12:29 AM | Show all posts

Rossi takes world title with Japan GP win


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Post time 29-9-2008 08:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #384 genting42's post

dah plan nak pegi... sambut besday sekali.. hehehe

[ Last edited by  stroberikiut at 29-9-2008 08:59 AM ]

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Post time 29-9-2008 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Rossi play smart.. ikut rapat jer.. tunggu peluang nak cilok...

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Post time 30-9-2008 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Monday September 29, 2008
Stylish win for Rossi
MOTEGI (Japan): Italian ace Valentino Rossi clinched his sixth world premier-class title in perfect fashion here yesterday when he edged out defending champion Casey Stoner in the Japanese Grand Prix.

Yamaha’s Rossi overtook the Australian Ducati rider on lap 14 of 24 and never looked back, taking the title and his eighth MotoGP win of the season in 43min 09.599sec with Stoner 1:943 sec behind.

Honda rider Dani Pedrosa of Spain finished third, 2.923 sec further back.

“I was confident with the bike and it is fantastic to win the championship with a race win,” the 29-year-old said.
“The battle this year was very tough especially with the guys like Stoner and Pedrosa,” he said.

Simply the best: Valentino Rossi speeding past the chequered flag to win the MotoGP race in the Japan Grand Prix at Motegi Circuit. — AFP

“It was a long season with a lot of hard battles and I’m so happy.”
Rossi needed only to finish third at Motegi to win the title, but the Italian took the chequered flag to extend his lead to an unbeatable 92 points over Stoner with three races left in the season.

It was the fifth straight GP win for Rossi, nicknamed the Doctor for his meticulous planning and racing, and his first MotoGP title in three years.
”I think I have put more effort than in other years in trying to win the title,” said Rossi, who missed out on the title to American Honda rider Nicky Hayden in 2006 and Stoner last year.

”I’ve worked a lot, not only on the race weekend but also out of the race. I have always tried to stay concentrated and very strong.”

”The next year is another story. It will be more difficult in 2009,” said Rossi, who switched his tyres to Bridgestone at the start of the 2007 season, which has proven a technical edge over his longtime supplier Michelin.

Stoner jumped from second spot on the front row to go first around the bend on the 4.8km stop-and-go Twin Ring Motegi track under overcast skies.

But Pedrosa overtook him on the second lap, with Rossi trailing in their slipstream. Stoner then grabbed back the lead with Rossi in second on the sixth lap.
Rossi made the race his on lap 14, passing Stoner around the first corner and consistenly building up his lead to take the chequered flag after a “wheelie”

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Post time 6-10-2008 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Monday October 6, 2008

Aussie overcomes wrist injury to clinch second straight home win

MELBOURNE: Australia抯 Casey Stoner overcame a persistent wrist injury and the disappointment of relinquishing his world title last week to clinch his home MotoGP at Phillip Island for the second successive year yesterday.

The 2007 world champion beat Valentino Rossi by more than six seconds to the delight of the 50,541-strong home crowd, several thousand of whom stormed across the track at the conclusion of the race. American Nicky Hayden finished third.

Rossi, who had treatment on his neck after falling during qualifying on Saturday, wrapped up his fifth world MotoGP world title, and sixth premier-class title overall, in Japan last week.

揑t wasn抰 really a disappointment because I lost the championship when I had those two crashes, and Valentino rode really well,

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Post time 6-10-2008 09:55 PM | Show all posts
maaf la saya nak bersuara gak tak sesuai kita campur adukkan Kejuaraan Grand Prix Asia Petronas dan PETRONAS Sprinta dalam ni.saya rasa thread ni khas untuk Moto GP je.macam F1 dengan A1 lain kan jadi elok kita posting pasal Moto GP saje.time kaseh



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Post time 7-10-2008 12:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #406 ahmad_fazill's post

bagus cadangan tu sebenarnya -
tapi kalau ada forum members macam stoberibiskut ke amazed ke HangPC ke
nak copy dan paste latest news tentang any motor race kat MotoGP ni --
tak ada masalah pun...

not gonna be a matter of life and death...  sapa yang suka baca news tu boleh
baca -..  yang tak nak baca tu...  pun tak apa --

kalau depa nak letak Sprinta pun tak apa  bukan nya everyweek ada race tu -
sesekali aje... so  semua di MotoGP tak jadi masalah -

tak boleh nak compare kan dengan F1 - sebab lumba tu every couple week
so  selalu ada news dia...   

dan lumba kereta lain -- boleh letak di thread lumba kereta yang lain -

thanks for your input -


[ Last edited by  dexa at 7-10-2008 11:33 PM ]

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Post time 8-10-2008 12:11 AM | Show all posts
KUCHING: The Sarawak Cub Prix 2008 yesterday saw 40 riders pushing their machines to the limit to get pole position in today抯 first round qualifiers held at the Temporary race track at the Sarawak Stadium car park.
Yesterday, team Boon Kui fielded national rider Ahmad Abd Kadir who is the reigning champion in the Petronas Sprinta Malaysian Cub Prix Championship 2008 under the WIRA epg category.
Ahmad who won races in Taiping, Perak and Kluang, Johor last month will face the wrath of other such as Gertaq Racing Team, Borneo Racing Team, John Motor, Team Hadi and Kuong Hing Motor together with their machines primed and tuned for category Novice A and B (80cc - 115cc 4 stroke).
The final rounds for the qualifiers will be held today and Minister of Social Development and Urbanization, Dato Sri William Mawan Ikom is expected to be giving away the prizes to the winners of the races together with the winners of the NB Dai-Ichi 125Z one make race.
The one make race will be featuring the new model of bikes from Yamaha sponsored by NB motors will be held today for a ten laps race for the riders.
The event which is jointly organized with the Sarawak Automotive Racing Sport Association (SARSA) is to identify, develop and train young potentials in the State to adhere illegal racing in the State while giving young riders a chance to race in a safe and controlled environment.
The second round of the qualifiers will be held at Kala Dana temporary race track, Mukah on the 7th and 8th of June in the hope of recruiting young potentials in the central region for the development program.
And the final rounds of the qualifiers will be held at the Go-Kart track at MIri on the July 26- 27.
Through the qualifiers, the young riders with gifted potential will race in the Petronas Sprinta AAM Malaysia Cub Prix Championship on the August 9-10 at the temporary race track in Kuching.

prengggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg kalau bunyi 2 stroke

kalau 4 stroke tatau laaa...

motogp dulu 2 stroke

la 4 stroke....

[ Last edited by  hyphrigian at 8-10-2008 12:13 AM ]

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Post time 8-10-2008 12:17 AM | Show all posts
Thursday August 21, 2008
The 2008 Petronas Sprinta AAM Malaysian Cub Prix pitted the best riders against each other

LOCAL rider Ahmad Abdul Kadir was unable to capitalise on home crowd support in the sixth leg of the 2008 Petronas Sprinta AAM Malaysian Cub Prix at the state stadium in Petra Jaya, Kuching, recently.

Riding for Faito Boon Kui Racing, Ahmad could only finish third in the Wira epg category after crossing the line in 7:50.508.

Md Rozaiman Md Said of SKF Enduro Racing won the race in 7:50.085 while Zaidy Md Zaifaizal of Motul KMC YY Pang was second in 7:50.170.

A former student of SMK Raja Petra Kamarudin, Ahmad said he was glad to be back on the podium in front of his home crowd, adding that this would spur him on in the remaining four legs.

揑 am satisfied with third place although it would have been nicer if I had finished first. However, it抯 good to be back on the podium after a string of poor performances,

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