Konspirasi : USA Tipu Dunia Tentang Pendaratan Di bulan -
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Originally posted by mbhcsf at 11-3-2009 02:21 ![](http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
well we do not have to dakwah can be carried out by anyone , sometimes it requires no preaching at all, you just have to emulate
syida... aku langsung tak paham apa ko tulis nih.... bley ko tulis balik betul2 tak...
apa maksud ko : 'we do not have to dakwah can be carried out by anyone'
siyesly.... aku nyer english mmg mediocre.. tapi apa yg ko try explain ni... mmg aku tak paham langsung..
'sometimes it requires no preaching at all, you just have to emulate?? '
dakwah not requires preaching? tapi... dakwah itself means preach....
then apa maksud ko 'you just have to emulate'?
copy others? be like others?
emulate :
to do something or behave in the same way as someone else, especially because you admire them.
(aku ni tak tahu makna emulate.. jadik aku bukak dictionary ajer.... hah tu makna nyer..)
kena tulis in malay ler nampaknyer syida.... baru aku paham.... ko bley tulis in english pada yang mana paham english.. .. tapi post yang ni... mmg ko kena tulis in malay.... apa sebenarnya maksud ko dalam context ni ... wokeyyyy mate?? :victory: |
Reply #382 amazed's post
u show good examples lah...
u know something amazed, dakwah does not have to be verbal , do not you know that ?
like if a lady is wearing a hijab and she just simply be in a situation where not a single sole is wearing one, so she is said in a way to have perform the dakwah...she just modeled the hijab tu ...
dakwah in a wider context can be in any form dear |
then again, if u like this person coz she is a nice lady her values do concur with the teachings, you could emulate this values to others jugak.. |
Originally posted by amazed at 18-3-2009 19:47 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
syida... aku langsung tak paham apa ko tulis nih.... bley ko tulis balik betul2 tak...
apa maksud ko : 'we do not have to dakwah can be carried out by anyone'
siyesly.... aku nye ...
ni u rasanyer kena buka topik lain kat board muslim and islam |
anda xkn tau jwpn die selagi anda x menjadi org NASA, believe me. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by blastoff at 5-3-2009 13:03 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Seperti mana sekarang ni , mereka berada di low earth orbit dan merekanampak ruang vakum space sebagai gelap tanpa cahaya dan haba , makamereka berkata ruang vakum space tak ada cahaya dan haba , keranamemang mereka nampak begitu pun dari posisi mereka di low earth orbittu, tapi kalau depa dapat pi ke ruang vakum space tu maka mereka akandapat merasa bahang yang amat sangat kat situ . Jadi history repeatsitself la dalam kes ni , apa yang berlaku kat orang dulu kala makaberlaku lagi kat orang zaman la ni , tanggapan yang salah yang merekapegang kerana mereka melihat sesuatu dari posisi yang tak kena .
aku percaya vakum tak simpan haba.
ni cerita pasal satelit la, tak kira di LEO, GEO atau interplanetary. masalah dia sama je, permukaan satelit yang menghadap matahari dan menerima cahaya matahari akan panas, suhu dia boleh meningkat hingga lebih 100 degree celcius. tp kita takkan biarkan la suhu tu meningkat lebih 100, nanti rosak la solar panel. permukaan yg menghadap kegelapan angkasa pulak, suhu dia akan jatuh sehingga negatif. Maknanya dia tak terima haba dari mana2 sumber. Jadi ada dua keadaan yang ekstrim yg berlaku pada satu masa. Masa ni kita guna la coating macam cat hitam ke putih ke, guna heat pipes, radiator dan sebagainya untuk pastikan suhu dapat diturunkan.
bila satelit berada di belakang bumi (eclipse, masa ni guna bateri sebab takde cahaya matahari), ia tidak menerima apa2 haba pun. suhu akan jatuh dengan teruk kerana semua permukaan memancarkan haba keluar. masa ni kita kena pastikan suhu tidak turun melebihi operating temperature. Masa ni la kepentingan MLI, heater dan sebagainya.
so, kalau vakum dapat menyimpan haba, semua satelit takleh survive, and ilmu yang aku belajar takleh diapply.
p/s heat source tu kira solar flux je, tak include albedo ngan earth radiation |
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Originally posted by paparock at 26-2-2009 18:33 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hahaha... kalau macam tu semua satelit tu pun berderet-deret la jatuhke bumi. Apa benda pun boleh terapung di orbit asalkan ia bergerakdengan kelajuan tertentu yang seimbang dengan daya tarikan graviti yangdialami objek tu. Semakin tinggi orbit semakin perlahan kelajuan yangdiperlukan sebab daya graviti semakin rendah. Pada jarak lebih kurang35,786 km di atas khatulistiwa, sesuatu objek tidak perlu bergerakuntuk maintain di orbit, maknanya pada jarak tu daya graviti bumiadalah kosong. Satelite astro berada dalam orbit tak payah bergerak ni.Sebab tu la kuali astro tak payah nak di alih-alihkan.
semua benda yg mengorbit bumi bergerak. cuma satelit di GEO (36k altitude) bergerak pada kelajuan yang sama dengan putaran bumi. sebab itu ia statik dari bumi.. ia masih bergerak dengan kelajuan lebih kurang 11000km sejam.. |
Reply #392 padlie's post
padlie, forumer ni x accept sains yg kite blaja. he likes to believe what he wants to believe. no more comment. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
blasty, satelit Geo tu bergerak, cume die berhenti with respect to the ground.
Ini yg jadi klu blasty tanak blaja byk bende. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by <i>padlie</i> at 20-3-2009 12:00 <a href="http://mforum5.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=29780509&ptid=402072" target="_blank"><img src="http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
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semua benda yg mengorbit bumi bergerak. cuma satelit di GEO (36k altitude) bergerak pada kelajuan yang sama dengan putaran bumi. sebab itu ia statik dari bumi.. ia masih bergerak dengan kelaj ... <br />
Maksud aku ia tidak bergerak, secara perbandingan, dengan permukaan bumi sebab ia bergerak selaras/sama laju dengan kelajuan pusingan bumi. Itulah yang aku maksudkan. Sesuatu yang bergerak pada kelajuan 11,000 km/jam di altitud kurang dari geostationary orbit akan jatuh ke bawah. Nama pun geostationary, maknanya tak bergerak la. Tapi, in relation to the earth's surface beneath it. Kalau kita nak ambik kira semua pergerakan, then tak ada apa pun dalam dunia yang boleh kita kata tak bergerak. Bumi berputar di paksinya, bergerak mengelilingi matahari, matahari berputar di orbitnya mengelilingi galaksi, galaksi pulak bergerak keluar dari pusat big bang, alam semesta pula di junjung oleh kura-kura gergasi merentasi gurun umbimi, gurun umbimi pula terletak di sebuah kuntarto yang berputar mengelilingi dian... |
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well Papa
Originally posted by paparock at 21-3-2009 11:18 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Maksud aku ia tidak bergerak, secara perbandingan, dengan permukaan bumi sebab ia bergerak selaras/sama laju dengan kelajuan pusingan bumi. Itulah yang aku maksudkan. Sesuatu yang bergerak pa ...
tang alam semesta tu kan , well things are getting a bit hazy & blurry sikit anyway ...so u know which culture that said the universe being on top of a tortoise? as u know the reptile itself is probably bit "younger " than the age of the universe, kan?
![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
bertahun-tahun dah orang pergi speculate neil armstrong
convert to Muslim - pelik betul....
so - tak payahlah tulis ignorant ntah apa2 -
here is some document - and one from neil sendiri -
so put to rest la sesiapa yang ignorant yang masih
ingat neil tu muslim -
How Neil Armstrong "became" a Muslim
Among the many rumors circulating in the Islamic world, the claim that Neil Armstrong, the famous Astronaut, has become a Muslim seems to be one that will never die.
Hopefully, the following statement will help to put this claim at rest. Neil Armstrong participated in the Global Leadership Forum in Malaysia on 6 September 2005. The Star Malaysia, currently the most widely read English newspaper in Malaysia, took the occasion to interview him on his moon landing mission with Apollo 11. In the article, Armstrong recalls moon landing, published on 7 September 2005, both in print and online, one finds this statement:
Armstrong, 75, also denied he had heard the Muslim call to prayer on the moon and had converted to Islam.
The rest of this article, originally written in 1996 and updated a couple of times since then, documents the reasons why anyone would even ask Neil Armstrong such an odd question, and explains the necessity for clarifying this issue.
July 14,1983
Mr. Phil Parshall Director
Asian Research Center
International Christian
Fellowship 29524 Bobrich
Livonia, Michigan 48152
Dear Mr. Parshall:
Mr. Armstrong has asked me to reply to your letter and
to thank you for the courtesy of your inquiry.
The reports of his conversion to Islam and of hearing
the voice of Adzan on the moon and elsewhere are all
Several publications in Malaysia, Indonesia and other
countries have published these reports without verifi-
cation. We apologize for any inconvenience that this
incompetent journalism may have caused you.
Subsequently, Mr. Armstrong agreed to participate in a
telephone interview, reiterating his reaction to these
stories. I am enclosing copies of the United States
State Department's communications prior to and after
that interview.
Vivian White
Administrative Aide
having shared that - still the theory tentang neil ke bulan masih ramai yang
tak mempercayainya.... dan depa dengan hujah masing2...
neil tahu dia dah sampai atau belum - just as ramai yang speculate tentang
dia dengar azan kat bulan dan converted to Islam.... he is the one who knew about it - |
ada baca news pasal buzz aldrin smacked the guy
yang 'accused' him about the 'fake' landing -
and here is some comical about it -
as it turned out - the guy was arrested by cop
buzz tak kena fine pun - and some of american
believe it is a 'fake' landing -
as we all know - armstrong hides from spotlight lama dah -
hardly give any interview etc etc....
ini some of the comment about it -
He avoids the spotlight because he knows the truth about the "moon landing.
" At the 11th hour before the "mission", he was told that the entire "moon landing"
would take place at a abandoned warehouse in Burbank, California.
While it's possible for a craft to travel to the moon, the radiation they would encounter
would be lethal. No human can survive it. No technology at the time could prevent
Armstrong went along because of a serious death threat to him and his family
(ordered by President Johnson). The other astronaut guys went along with the
deception because they were paid off handsomely and had no qualms about the deal.
Armstrong refused any remuneration, quit thereafter and kept his mouth shut. It's pretty
common knowledge among most NASA workers, who also keep quiet and enjoy a good
laugh over it. |
Reply #397 dexa's post
Actually I find it funny those people who said that 'no man has ever set foot on the moon because of the deadly radiation'. Since 1961, a full 8 years before Apollo 11, no human has ever been killed by that 'deadly radiation' up until today! |
aku konpius sebenarnya, kalau US menipu, kenapa sampai 6 kali dia menipu tapi masih dia dapat rahsiakan ek?
Apollo 11 : Armstrong, Collins, Aldrin
Apollo 12 : Conrad, Gordon, Bean
Apollo 14 : Roosa, Shepard, Mitchell
Apollo 15 : Scott, Worden, Irwin
Apollo 16 : Mattingly, Young, Duke
Apollo 17 : Schmitt, Cernan, Evans
![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/As17-140-21391c1.jpg) |
Kan aku dah cakap nak menipu pun takleh banyak kali....
Dan kalau US menipu, dah lama Rusia angin satu badan. So adakah
1.US memang dapat ke bulan atau
2. US bayar Rusia untuk tutup mulut? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi