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Author: logy


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Post time 1-3-2013 08:33 PM | Show all posts
logy posted on 27-2-2013 12:38 AM

bye2 to playbook & red boot......

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Post time 1-3-2013 08:35 PM | Show all posts
logy posted on 27-2-2013 12:41 AM
dlm byk bro code aku paling suka ....

The NEW is ALWAYS better!


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Post time 3-3-2013 02:13 PM | Show all posts
lega bila baca yg season 9 final diorg..ingt kan 2 season lg rasanya leh la bykkn cite si mak nya ni

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Post time 3-3-2013 11:41 PM | Show all posts
tiramisuu posted on 3-3-2013 02:13 PM
lega bila baca yg season 9 final diorg..ingt kan 2 season lg rasanya leh la bykkn cite si mak n ...

hopefully by end of this season, diorg dh show sapa The Mother.......

but aku ade baca kate Season 9 akan jd penceritaan cara baru...ade org speculate, season tu nnt adalah pasal how The mother nk jumpa Ted.... how come diorg xpenah berjumpa face2face wlpn ade beberapa kali diorg berada di lokasi yg sama (St. Patty Day, Econ class, her house...etc..etc..)..

cant wait!

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Post time 4-3-2013 09:06 AM | Show all posts
maxxwu posted on 3-3-2013 11:41 PM
hopefully by end of this season, diorg dh show sapa The Mother.......

but aku ade baca kate Sea ...

oh yea ke.nice idea jgk..dr perspective si mak tu

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Post time 5-3-2013 02:21 PM | Show all posts

rasa macam nak nangis dengan lily masa nih...mesti dia sedih gila..sebelum dia nak kawin dengan marshall dulu dia dah ckp nak jadi pelukis full time..tapi disebakan nak kawin ngn marshall dia terpaksa lupakan. sometime i hate lily in HIMYM. but this time..I pity her.

dalam episode 17 ada byk yang aku leh dapat..

barney always create a crazy story, robin and ted said he were not there...then diorang terpaksa la create story baru supaya nak cite barney really were there..but the truth is memang he was there.

aku suka tgk cara lily dengan marshall setelkan masalah..memang bertekak mulut..tapi..ada saling memahami antara satu sama lain. that was very sweet..

sorry..i dah terkebelakang..baru nak tgk episode pun tgk lunch time kat ofis.

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2013 07:01 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 5-3-2013 02:21 PM
rasa macam nak nangis dengan lily masa nih...mesti dia sedih gila..sebelum dia nak kawin dengan  ...

dia pergi masa bila tue... masa ted masih tgh sedang couple ex bini captain ker?

dia pergi tue pasal di jemput oleh kaptain kan?

btw kelakar dia interperetasi si captains nie adalah org yg jahat huhuhuhuhu...... dgn hanya nmpk mata sahaja...

dia call tue utk tawarkan pekerjaan utk si lily kan? tapi si lily ingat pasal dia curi si astray? yg si robin paling kelakau haru biru jer dia cam nmpk desperate nak berlaku jer... huhuhu sampai jealous si barneys...hahahhaha!

btw kalo tak silap si barneys ada ganggu citer si ted dan robin dua kali dgn keluar pakai 2 aweks cun yg berbikini kan? kenapa kat astruk hanya sekali jer mention?

si barneys tue memy kelas laaah bila nak cari aweks kan mesti ada yg terlekat? w/pun ada juga teruk dikecewakan.... hehehehehhe

last but not least betul ker the next new eps 18 Marchs nie?  kalo tak silap tajuk dia Time Travellers ... jadi citer akan jadi Fast Forwards ker? @ si ted berjaya mencipta satu time machine utk pergi ke masa depan? @ si ted khayal dan teringat (flash back) apa kesalahan dia yg lalu... jadi citer nie hiatus selama 2 minggu laaa yer? patutlaaa bila tunggu tgk pagi tadi live streaming kat office cam dah tgk jer eps tue? rerupanya ulangan boh! arrrrghsss,,...!!!!
Last edited by logy on 5-3-2013 07:07 PM


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 Author| Post time 5-3-2013 07:21 PM | Show all posts
Another thing that's likely making Smulders misty these days is approaching the end of a nine-season run with her hit show, How I Met Your Mother.

"I'm excited to start and finish the next season of How I Met Your Mother, because it's our last one,” said Cobie. “We are finishing Season 8, and then we start Season 9 in July. It'll be wonderful and sad, and it'll just be very emotional. It'll be every emotion happening at all times."

As for rumors that she will be reprising her role as Agent Maria Hill from The Avengers in Joss Whedon's new Marvel television pilot, S.H.I.E.L.D., it's looking likely.

"It is a possibility, yeah," Cobie told us.

Smulders is also rumored to be participating in Avengers 2, set for 2015.

Be sure to catch Cobie Smulders in Safe Haven, in theaters today!

Jadi diorang dah habis shooting laaah yer an start season baru bulan julai utk shooting eps baru kan? ... en-shield-and-himym

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Post time 5-3-2013 07:28 PM | Show all posts
logy posted on 5-3-2013 03:01 PM
dia pergi masa bila tue... masa ted masih tgh sedang couple ex bini captain ker?

dia pergi tue  ...

i guess masa diorang pegi art gallery tu ted tgh ngn ex bini captain. yang tak boleh blah tu marshall tak caye captain tu jahat..ahahah

wait..eps 18 ni ulangan ke? ulangan untuk yang hari tu tapi diorang tak mention pasal playbook tu ade kan?

pasal barney bawak awek bikini dua orang tu..memang aku dah agak..kdg cite ni pun kita dah boleh agak ayat diorang..sbb dah paham sgt pangai masing2 kan..barney suke nyampuk tambah2 buat awesome story pasal dia..sampai mengeluh kawan-kawan dia..
..padahal dia memang ade kat situ. tapi ape barney buat ngn shelly aku tak tau..why he have to tackle shelly or shelly just ignored him.

masa eps 18..rasa sedih jugak dengan ayat barney. sbb dengan cara penipuan and trick la diorang dah engaged. Now the playbook has gone more copies or spare.

eps 17 memang aku rasa sedih and lengkap..sbb it can completely show all happy endings.


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Post time 5-3-2013 07:52 PM | Show all posts
well..i'm gonna missed this series after this.. cerita ni nampak ringan..tapi ada kebenaran dan kadang-kadang masalah tu juga jadi pada kita. any clues season 9 ni just sampai ted kawin atau sampai diorang sume beranak pinak teringin nak tgk cam ne diorang sambut anak ted dua orang tu macam mana diorang sambut marvin

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:17 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 5-3-2013 02:21 PM
rasa macam nak nangis dengan lily masa nih...mesti dia sedih gila..sebelum dia nak kawin dengan  ...

Aku pun kesian ngan Lily....aku tabek spring kt writers episod ni cuz kita xpenah terfikir apa jd pada cita2 Lily n how she felt bila cita2 die yg sekian lama tu mcm terkubur cenggitu je....

but what ever it is, Marshall will be behind her 100% in whatever she'll do in the future...

Barney mmg kaki propa...but in the end kita tau yg Barney actually xtipu that he was there, but agak exagerated laaa....ngan minah bikini bagai.....hahhahahahha

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:33 PM | Show all posts
logy posted on 5-3-2013 07:01 PM
dia pergi masa bila tue... masa ted masih tgh sedang couple ex bini captain ker?

dia pergi tue  ...

Ted dh clash ngan Zoey masa diorg pi art gallery tu, tu psl die freak out masa jumpa Captain for the 1st time.....

actually Captain pun tersilap anggap yg Lily tu Robin, cuz Ted bagi no. Robin n Robin marah...bila Robin call Captain baru tau yg Captain sebenarnye cari Lily.....yg minah berbikini tu mmg 2 kali muncul..but tau laa Astruuuukkk......kang klu tunjuk byk2 kali kang kene ban plak....

new episode adalah pd 18 Mac....tajuk time travellers....klu ikut press release...diorg kata Future version of Ted & Barney will visit Present Ted utk pujuk Ted pi tgk Robot vs. Wrestler......

utk memudahkan kita semua utk tggu ade episod br ke ade senarai tarikh yg di katakan ikut program kt US...not yet to be confirmed.

8x19 (The Time Travellers) – 18-Mar-2013
8x20 (Fortress of Barnitude) – 25-Mar-2013
8x21 (The Bro Mitzvah)– 15-Apr-2013 <---sgt J*wish tajuknye
8x22 (Romeward Bound)– 29-Apr-2013
8x23 (TBC)– 06-May-2013
8x24 (TBC)– 13-May-2013 <-----Season 8 finale


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Post time 6-3-2013 08:37 PM | Show all posts
logy posted on 5-3-2013 07:21 PM
Jadi diorang dah habis shooting laaah yer an start season baru bulan julai utk shooting eps ba ...

rasanye lom abis shooting cuz last year (ini ikut tweet NPH laaaa...xtau lak klu terawal plak tahun ni ...)
season 7 finale diorg shoot 2 bln b4 tarikh if if yerr....13 May adalah tarikh season 8 diorg mesti tgh shoot lagi....smpi 13 Mac.....kan.....

just my 2cent...


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Post time 6-3-2013 08:44 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 5-3-2013 07:28 PM
i guess masa diorang pegi art gallery tu ted tgh ngn ex bini captain. yang tak boleh blah tu marsh ...

Ted tgh couple blk ngan Becky (ex-partner Robin lepas Don tinggalkan rancangan diorg tu)...but xsure Ted couple ngan Becky after die clash ngan Victoria atau b4 Victoria.....but one thing for sure, die couple b4 die ngan Jeannette.....

actually episod 18 n 16 berkait cuz kita xtau apa jd bila rumah Ted kene selerak ngan si Jeannette....diorg skip utk episod captain.....maybe saje je kut...bagi lari topic kejap...huhuhuhuhuh....

NEWay....bye Playbook n Red Cowboy boots....we gonna miss u a lot

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Post time 6-3-2013 08:46 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 5-3-2013 07:52 PM
well..i'm gonna missed this series after this..  cerita ni nampak ringan..tapi ada kebenaran dan  ...

harap2 diorg cite laaa how diorg smbt kelahiran 2 org anak Ted tu...but aku rasa mcm terkejar2 plak.....nk cari The Mother pun dh 9 tahun..takkan diorg buat episod psl 2 babies tu dlm 24 episodes....heheheheheheh

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Post time 6-3-2013 10:03 PM | Show all posts
maxxwu posted on 6-3-2013 04:46 PM
harap2 diorg cite laaa how diorg smbt kelahiran 2 org anak Ted tu...but aku rasa mcm terkejar2 pla ...

tu la pasal..kalau diorang buat the movie pun ok jugak.

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Post time 7-3-2013 07:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 6-3-2013 10:03 PM
tu la pasal..kalau diorang buat the movie pun ok jugak.

klu diorg wat movie... dh satu hal plak nk nego contract baru... masa nk extend ke season 9 pn... pye susah nk pujuk Jason Segel utk terima contract baru... ni kn plak buat filem...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2013 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Alyson Hannigan Gets 3-Year Restraining Order Against Alleged Harasser

Alyson Hannigan can rest easier.

A judge reportedly granted the actress a three-year restraining order against a 43-year-old New Hampshire man today that will prohibit him from coming within 100 yards of the How I Met Your Mother star and her family, writing about her online or otherwise trying to contact Hannigan.

In her petition for a temporary restraining order that she secured in February, Hannigan stated that her alleged harasser, John Hobbs, was "mentally unstable," had possessed a pistol permit since 2000 and had recently been discharged from a mental hospital.


Aku tak tahu laks citer pasal stalker tue ada kena mengena dgn si Allyson.... jadi 100 yards dlm citer eps PS: I love You tue betullllah yaaa.. tapi dlm kes nie si Allyson...haru biru betul dia cam nak sgt2 tawen dgn si dia nie..... nasib baik kes dah selesai....

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2013 05:16 PM | Show all posts
maxxwu posted on 6-3-2013 08:33 PM
Ted dh clash ngan Zoey masa diorg pi art gallery tu, tu psl die freak out masa jumpa Captain for t ...

Jadi setiap bulan ada 2 eps baru jer ker? argghhhh...!!!!!

stresss camnie jadi byk repeat the stroylaaah dia wat camnie utk time moleks ngan musim summer kan.. the end off the series is ended!

memey tuelaaah jadi cam propa jewish... haruius jewish mengamuks lagi kalo wat joke pasal dia kan? huhuhuh...
aritue dah terasa sekali masa si host oscar wat joke pasal jewish nie... kelakor sungguh si ted... nasib baik dia teddy bear.. kalo org harus kena diblack list dos kat kat hollywood nung!

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2013 05:20 PM | Show all posts
maxxwu posted on 7-3-2013 07:21 AM
klu diorg wat movie... dh satu hal plak nk nego contract baru... masa nk extend ke season 9 pn...  ...

si Jason tue kan suka wat filem wasernya x der masalah nak pujuknya. huhuhuh!!!!

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