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[V36]#FAZURA -1841# - Bakal terlibat dalam filem epik 'Pontianak' terbitan syari

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Post time 11-12-2017 11:40 AM | Show all posts
x jemu2 aku tgk fattzura ni...makin bersemut hbs gatal 1 badan

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Post time 11-12-2017 11:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by vous_me6 at 11-12-2017 12:02 PM
sora13 replied at 11-12-2017 11:34 AM
kemain malaysia tatler ni menyusuri perjalanan cinta fattzura! . ...

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Couple Spotlight: How Nur Fazura & Fattah Amin Blossomed From Co-Stars To Marital Bliss

The showbiz sweetheart and her actor beau take their whirlwind romance to the next level, progressing from engagement to marriage in November 2017.

1. In the public eye
It’s no easy feat to keep a relationship under wraps for long if you’re a celebrity in Malaysia. But like regular people too, TV icons Nur Fazura Sharifuddin and Fattah Amin had met and fallen in love, marking the start of a private relationship in the public eye. Fans quickly caught wind of the signs, and thus marked the beginning of the endearing #Fattzura that has amassed more than a staggering 449,900+ posts.

Fazura and Fattah have remained commendably tight-lipped about their relationship since it surfaced in April 2017. To welcome the pair into married life, we chart these public milestones of their love, which led up to a November 27, 2017 wedding.

2. Their first meeting
Fazura, 34, and Fattah, 27, started off on a professional note, co-starring in Hero Seorang Cinderella. Fazura posted photos of them together on Instagram on April 4, 2017, and though it looked like just another romantic drama, their chemistry was palpable.

3. Professional team
As part of the show, the pair travelled to shoot in Amsterdam. Amidst the romantic backdrop of Europe, fans were thrilled about the prospect of a potential relationship between their favourite actors.

4. Sparks fly
We can only guess how sparks could have flown as they experienced the country together. Acting the part of a couple in a foreign land soon evolved into real life.

5. A string of appearances
As part of promotional campaigns lined up for Hero Seorang Cinderella, the well-heeled pair showed up in full swing for various meet-and-greet appearances.

6. Budding signs of a romance
Although Fazura and Fattah were technically appearing as themselves at events, it seemed like they had reprised the role of lovers quite comfortably. Their body language, eye contact, and overall bond was intense, to say the least.

7. Coordinated wardrobes
Perhaps it was the telling signs of their colour-coordinated outfits spotted at one event after another, book signings and fashion showcases. Fans took those as subtle cues to their relationship status…

8. TV’s dream couple
After the last episode of Hero Seorang Cinderella was aired in June, Fazura and Fattah announced a collaboration on a second drama, Wanita Terindah, via Instagram on June 30. #Fattzura had just began to take flight.

9. On-screen couple once more
By now, Fazura and Fattah were naturals at perfecting the look of love. July was a month of filming for Wanita Terindah, and Fazura kept their fans on tenterhooks with more behind-the-scenes shots.

10. First magazine cover
July was also the month they became open about romantic links with the release of their first debut cover for EH! magazine. It may or may not be a promotional move, but it was clear to see they were coming out together, alongside the cover line of “What would they do for love?”

11. Woo her with roses
Fattah demonstrated what he would do for love on August 21, when he stepped on stage to present Fazura a bouquet of flowers at her House of Doll fashion show.

12. "My Hero"
Filming was over, yet the two remained close. For a gentleman to cheer a lady and openly give her red roses is a gesture of affection. And for Fazura to acknowledge him as her ‘hero’ – well, that’s affirmation.

13. The #Fattzura birthday
September gave fans an insight to how serious Fazura and Fattah were for one another. The serial co-stars celebrated their birthdays, throwing a massive birthday bash to the endearing theme of #Fattzura

14. I only have eyes for you
With lovestruck gazes and constant side-by-side, Fazura was wordlessly indicating at a relationship status, apparently brought to life from behind the film lenses.

15. In their own world
Fazura and Fattah had begun embracing the part of lovebirds in October: case in point, their joint appearance at a Coach launch event.

16. Read between the lines
They only had eyes for each other and were physically closer together. They barely left each other’s side throughout the duration of the event. Once more, what could it be

17. #Fattzura fever
The pair carried on their charade with fans on November 3, at the gala premiere of their second TV show Wanita Terindah.

18. Electrifying connections
Dressed in matching blue, Fazura and Fattah balanced their attention for each other, meeting fans and posing for photos, while occasionally sharing a laugh.

19.Visiting the Holy Land
Family came into the picture, when they performed a religious trip to Mecca on November 15. Fazura and Fattah were accompanied by both their immediate families for umrah, a sign that they were entering the next step of their relationship.

20. We're engaged!
On November 23, the couple set the record straight: their engagement had taken place on November 13. In the press conference right after their return from Saudi Arabia, Fattah expressed that the engagement was kept under wraps to respect the privacy of his family. It was a cosy little do, but the couple couldn’t have looked more happier and blessed, when their engagement photos were released on November November 27.

21. #Fattzura's finery
For the intimate ceremony, Fazura donned a lilac kebaya designed by Rizman Ruzaini, featuring lace detail throughout the bodice and a sheer veil. The groom wore a fitted lilac baju Melaya with songket.

22. Making it official as man & wife
A day later, Fazura and Fattah dropped another bomb via Instagram: the private wedding had happened on November 27 at an undisclosed hotel in KL. Absolutely aglow, Fazura wore a pristine white Rizman Ruzaini baju kurung, with delicate bead and sequin embroideries. Fattah kept it clean and traditional, with a baju Melayu by Altelia Amani.

23. Congratulations!
Now that’s a dream love story come to life.

Pheww habis juga copy paste
Gambar boleh tengok kat website tu ye.

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Post time 11-12-2017 11:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
vous_me6 replied at 11-12-2017 11:31 AM
Haluuuu kaka coyote
Bukan main lagi entrance gif

Hellllooo vous baby... hehheehe as usual laaaa kn.. fefeeling fazzy.. vous dh teka blom?? Kaka buat teka teki ari ni.. soklan nyeeeee fazzy pegi ke idok uum ari ni ikut shuben???

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 11-12-2017 11:34 AM
kemain malaysia tatler ni menyusuri perjalanan cinta fattzura! . ...

Fuhhhhh!! Jenuh baca smbil sengeh2.. cantik sungguh pjalanan kesah chenta 2 ketui nih..  paling kaka enjoy sgt2 masa theyolls kt ams.. kelaut trus waktu tdo kaka masa tu.. dh mcm zombie jek..

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:17 PM | Show all posts
vous_me6 replied at 11-12-2017 11:56 AM
I tolong paste
Couple Spotlight: How Nur Fazura & Fattah Amin Blossomed From Co-Stars To Marit ...


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Post time 11-12-2017 12:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shityfans replied at 11-12-2017 10:29 AM
tengah gigih mencari gol & gincu season 1 tak jumpa2 tapi jumpa pulak article ni...bila baca balik m ...

Thank u for sharing this chuols! love love

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:18 PM | Show all posts
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 11-12-2017 12:03 PM
Fuhhhhh!! Jenuh baca smbil sengeh2.. cantik sungguh pjalanan kesah chenta 2 ketui nih..  paling ka ...

berbunga2 bacakan, dah le dua2 cantik dan hensem. haruskah meols beli malaysia tatler?

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:23 PM | Show all posts
kisahkeaku replied at 11-12-2017 10:13 AM
nak luah perasaan td masa nak masuk opis kita tdengar ada member ni tgh ckp kat dpn kuat2 me ...

hahahahahaha! win ni chuols. Patut chuols ckp gak yg event tu dirancang tanpa tahu bahawa mereka akan berkahwin dan attended it as husband-wife.

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:24 PM | Show all posts

tgk balik scene ni, potong stim plak tgk hero. Rambut heol mase scene ni meols rasa mcm nak masuk & tolong sikatkan.

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:34 PM | Show all posts
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 11-12-2017 09:45 AM
Morningggggg librarians!!!!!!!! Kaka misssss uolllsssssss so soooo much..

kaka coyote and her grand entrance always got me like, WOW!

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:36 PM | Show all posts
noiz_phayz replied at 11-12-2017 10:00 AM
Sukaaaa sangat video ni. Faz lapkan tangan abam..pastu minum pon tunduk je..

ya Allah, entah berapa kali meols tgk vid yg ni. Sweet nak mati! terharu tgk..

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Post time 11-12-2017 12:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 11-12-2017 01:45 AM
Morningggggg librarians!!!!!!!! Kaka misssss uolllsssssss so soooo much..

Wow kaka coy very class gitu

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Post time 11-12-2017 01:04 PM | Show all posts
lovezy replied at 10-12-2017 06:38 PM
lahaii comel betul la faz ni..muka last sekali yg fattah kantoikan tu rasa nak cubit2 jerrr {:mlface ...


i suka giler tgk video ni..muka faz comel sangat..

dan makin hari makin sayang pulak kat couple ni..sbb yer la bila dh halal diaorg xlokek share moment2 diaorg dgn peminat..share dari mula kenal..mmg untunglah sape yg dapat pegi reception day diaorg nnt..dpt tgk video exclusive fattah proposed faz..

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Post time 11-12-2017 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BoongaKertas replied at 11-12-2017 12:24 PM
tgk balik scene ni, potong stim plak tgk hero. Rambut heol mase scene ni meols rasa mcm nak masuk  ...

Oo.. klu kaka plk masuk dlm tv trus tolak hero masuk longkang gnti ngn abam bront..  boleeee???

Holllllaaaaaaa booo... misshhh u..

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Post time 11-12-2017 01:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 11-12-2017 03:34 AM
kemain malaysia tatler ni menyusuri perjalanan cinta fattzura! . ...

Ala2 the it couple in tinsletown chuols..
Mereka ni dah kalahkan awal and scha in terms of power couple...

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Post time 11-12-2017 01:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by coyote_ugly0911 at 11-12-2017 01:30 PM
ElmoRed replied at 11-12-2017 12:40 PM
Wow kaka coy very class gitu

Hehehe... hollllllaaaa elmo... rindu kaka kt sume adik2 librarian.. kaka balik kg, line maxis hazabedah sgt.. nk nengok madu pun tsekat2.. balik jek umh, nah ko brbaldi2 tadah madu.. huhuhuhu.. cenggini haaa kaka

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Post time 11-12-2017 01:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noiz_phayz replied at 11-12-2017 10:00 AM
Sukaaaa sangat video ni. Faz lapkan tangan abam..pastu minum pon tunduk je..

Fazzy nie caring nya ya awloh iols tgk sheols lap tgn laki sheols iols rasa romantiknyaaa chuols fazzyyy

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Post time 11-12-2017 01:51 PM | Show all posts
aireen24 replied at 11-12-2017 01:25 PM
Ala2 the it couple in tinsletown chuols..
Mereka ni dah kalahkan awal and scha in terms of power  ...

yes, i hope to see more of them as a couple in advertisements of high-end products bcos they are one hell of a photogenic couple. can imagine a sizzling kind of advertisement on billboards or fashion magazines.


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Post time 11-12-2017 01:54 PM | Show all posts
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 11-12-2017 01:22 PM
Oo.. klu kaka plk masuk dlm tv trus tolak hero masuk longkang gnti ngn abam bront..  boleeee???  ...

bolehhhhhhh sanggggaaaattt kaka oiii

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Post time 11-12-2017 02:04 PM | Show all posts
iamsickofu replied at 11-12-2017 01:30 PM
Fazzy nie caring nya ya awloh iols tgk sheols lap tgn laki sheols iols rasa romantiknyaaa chuols f ...

iols nangis tgk scene lap tgn tu chuols! over betul meols syg diorang 2 ni. hahaha!

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