Bodoh, ego, fefeeling entitled sesangat, takde adab dan juga pengotor.
Cer tgk ni, Harry sentuh mata dia, lap hidung dia then dia pi shake hand dgn org. Euwww! Lepas tu sempat lagi dia betulkan seluar dia, in public, with cameras around!
I rasa Lady Louise ni masih berada dlm her awkward phase, biasalah... semua remaja akan lalui fasa ni. Her outfits pun selalunya mcm besar sikit, mungkin dia tak prefer yg ketat2. Kdg2 sheols recycle pakai dress mak dia. Her frizzy hair tu, kalau ubah hairstyle mungkin akan nampak lebih baik. She'll get better over time...
Sorry to say lah, for me, I lebih rela tgk Lady Louise drpd si Bea, she's so not easy on the eyes. Surprisingly, masa kecik2 dulu, Bea lagi comel drpd Eugenie, bila dah besar kurengggg pulak.
Post time 7-7-2021 09:46 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 7-7-2021 08:00 AM
Meghan's so called connection to Jeffrey Epstein and/or NXIVM mmg takde sebrg receipt kan?
No obvious tea, cuma kisah sheols yachting tu jur yg ada sket connection. If theyre not connected pun, why is she not asked about prince andrew’s scandal during oprah’s iv. Re: oprah iv diana, oprah is clearly kejar rating bila buat iv ngan h&m. She informed that iv ngan these two is not related to a iv series yg followed. But it happens that the iv jadi pembuka of the said series… eyyy iols bila oprah iv these two aritu mmg lost respek sama skali lh sbb i tot all this while oprah ni more to women empowerment tp after h&m and this iv she had with the late diana, even diana pun have ill thought of her..
Penyembah sama bodo ngan H&M. Oblivious pasal RF dengan vaksin.
Lepas divaksin bukan terus 100% tak dijangkiti, just kurang simptom teruk kalau dijangkiti atau tak nampak pun kena. Kalau kena, jadi pembawa bukan ke akan memudaratkan sekeliling? Dah lah DOC banyak kena jumpa org, tentunya dia takkan amik risiko tu.
Pasal skandal Rose tu dah pun disangkal rumors tu oleh pembawa cerita. Buta kah mata mereka, D&DOC nampak genuine loving couple. suka tengok William tersenyum sipu kalau bercakap pasal Kate dan anak2. So kiut....
Btw, H&M sekarang tak nampak mcm belangkas cam first kemunculan mereka dimana mekgan tak lepas berpegangan tangan even kat official events. kenapa yeeee.....?
Post time 7-7-2021 08:40 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by belilies at 7-7-2021 08:42 PM
The most disgusting read i had today.
Scobie scobie. Once kata source dari insider, skrg ko jadik kawan mekgan cum royal expert. Ketahian betul.
You can read it further on
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