mmg ada tempat tinggal luggage kat train station. locker dia ikut size, yang paling besar tak silap kicap dalam ch6.50. yang paling kecik dalam ch 2. and yes, dari grindelwald boleh terus naik jungfrau 
ye lah tu. berapa banyak duit habis sbb kicap kerap pi toilet, preggy la katakan ... hehehhe. mmg masuk still kena bayar chf 2. heheh
kat interlaken banyak b&b yang elok. hari tu kicap duk kat interlaken n service, host, location dia mmg tip top (at least bg kicap lah) kalau interested, blh pm kicap.
kicap bermalam kat interlaken je.. tak tido pun kat murren/ lauterbrunnen. mmg plan macam tu sbb kicap tak leh nak ski/sledge semua kan, lg pun kitaorang suka meronda/ berjalan malam2. hubby la taknak overnight kat murren/lauterbrunnen sbb dia taknak mati kutu malam2 (sbb kitaorang pi winter) tp ok je, kicap suka interlaken, orang dia frenly, baik and helpful  |
Balas #380 nenektua\ catat
kicap tak sure kat mana, tp tak silap kicap kat winteregg ada. winteregg ni on the way pi murren. tp mungkin jugak ada on the way pi grindelwald. nanti kicap tanya kawan  |
Balas #402 kicaptamin575\ catat
murren tak pernah sampai tapi kalo tgk dlm gambar tu macam kat zermatt...
swiss nie kalo malam atau hari ahad, macam bandar mati w/pun kat bandar besar cam zurich....masa zaman i duk dulu, ahad memang lepak rumah sebab zurich lengang.... |
Originally posted by nenektua at 11-1-2009 08:21 PM 
nenek akan ke swiss
21-24 mei nanti.
21 - zurich
22 - interlaken
23 - murren
24 - zurich
ok tak jadual nenek tu? hehehe...
nenek sebenarnya masih keliru2 lagi pasai swiss ...
oklah tuh since nenek pun ada 4 hari aje kat swiss
zurich - nothing much sbb it is just like any other big city, tapi nenek boleh lah gi the old town and lake zurich, they are near to each other
actually nenek boleh jalan across the famous shopping street in zurich called Bahnhofstrasse (jgn terkejut BATA pun ada kat situ ! and ada 4 stories of Bally !), terus sampai Lake Zurich and come back through the old town
these places are near Zurich Main Train Station, we all pilih hotel yg dekat train station sbb malas nak carry bag jauh-jauh dekat the university area
our hotel was pension st josef, cuba google and email them, they reply very fast, we all ambik 4 in a room plus bfast
in murren, we all pun buat cam kicap, duduk kat interlaken, we all duduk city hotel, ramai japanese and koreans duduk situ tapi interlaken byk sgt hostel and hotels so nenek ada byk choice
interlaken is a pretty town, and ada kedai halal doner kebab (halal sign hanging on the window), tapi u don't need a whole day to explore interlaken
like our last trip, we took the morning train from lucern to interlaken, sampai dlm 11 am and then lepas lunch and masuk hotel, at about 1 terus take the train to lauterbrunnen untuk ke murren, we all balik interlaken at night and tido kat interlaken
next day we spent only half a day at interlaken and then terus ke geneva
i recommend nenek spend more time dekat atas swiss alps, maybe murren half a day and then gimmelwald half a day and then boleh lagi naik atas gunung to go to other swiss towns atas mountains and then finally maybe to jungfrau
or since nenek gi waktu summer, nenek boleh gi hiking kat atas tuh 
itu pun kalau nenek suka tgk scenery sbb kat situ yg ada only the beautiful sceneries..tapi view dia..mmg breathtaking ! |
Reply #405 hijaulover1's post
thanks hijau.
thanks bebanyak
cumanya nenek nak tahu pasai jungfrau ke apa camne ejanya tu.
heheheh |
Reply #402 kicaptamin575's post
wah cantiknya.. nak lagi dan lagi dan lagi gambo pliz..
kicap pegi bulan berapa? nampak cam cuaca basah2 sejuk je tu |
kicap.....cantik2 nyer pemandangan...subhanallah....excited tgk gambar2 nih....2012 plan europe tour plak la.... monik yg tgk gambar nih pun rasa teruja sgt2, monik boleh bayangkan excitement kicap kat sana.... |
Balas #407 mesmerize\ catat
ni kicap baru pi krismas baru2 ni nanti kicap tepek gambar lagi ya  |
Reply #402 kicaptamin575's post
cantik jer gambar yg last tu.. |
cantik2... interested nak pegi |
Reply #409 kicaptamin575's post
sejuk sangat2 tak masa tu?
kicap pakai baju cemana masa nak jalan2? |
aku gi book hotels kat hoteltravel.com..
ok la murah sikit dari rates yang diberi oleh booking.com atau venere.com |
Reply #414 mesmerize's post
u buking hotel mana ek?
ok dak reganya?
hotel kat swisss ni nenek tak buking lagi |
Balas #416 mesmerize\ catat
bayar dlm EURO ke?...i rasa swiss masih dlm CHF....
mahal ooo euro to msian rm
zermatt memang susah dpt hotel....esp yg ngadap matterhorn, uishh mahal ... |
Reply #417 my-alja's post
kalu bulan 3 agak2 susah tak nak dpt tpt tinggal kalu main redah jer?. Aku tak book ape2 penginapan lg ni kat swiss, ingat nak dok jer mana2 youth hostel yg jumpe. |
Reply #418 arwien's post
aku tak berani nak main redah je.. kang kalau hotel / hostel penuh mati keras lak kena tido kat tepi jalan or train station  |
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