Ha_Neul posted on 13-6-2013 07:50 PM
hmm... memang nampak macam menarikla cerita2 awal middle earth ni.. macam seswai je buat filem epi ...
betoi.. tolkien ni punya details memang bole terpaku di buat nya..
dengan karakter gila babeng punya ramai.. semua dengan nama tersendiri..
siap map middle earth yang details.. ada nama jalan, nama sungai dan lain2..
siap ada bahasa sendiri untuk dwarf n elves..
lepas tu cerita nya w'pun dah lama di karang.. hampir 100 tahun..
still releven dengan kisah akhir zaman..
sekngucing posted on 15-6-2013 03:51 PM
aku ada buku simlarilion, lotr, the hobbit tp tak baca2 pun
the hobbit aku baca sikit aje ehehe, ba ...
haha.. samalah.. aku pon ada semua buku tu tapi aku habis baca LOTR je.. itu pon jenuh paksa diri berpulun..
zaman aku membaca ni dah berlalu, asal nak kena baca something je rasa berat gila
sebelum Hobbit 2 tayang, aku berazam nak abis baca The Hobbit
the silmarillion tu tahun depan je la ..
Hari terakhir Martin Freeman sebagai Bilbo Baggins di set The Hobbits, NZ. Lepas ni semua scene post - production...
Martin Freeman waving goodbye after filming his final scene as Bilbo Baggins.
Tonight Martin Freeman finished his last shot as Bilbo Baggins. The end of an incredible two and a half years. I cannot imagine anyone else in this role - a character that Martin has nurtured and crafted with love and great skill.
We have said goodbye to our elves, humans, wizards and now the hobbit. We now enter our final 2 weeks of pick-ups, and it’s wall to wall dwarves. These pick-ups have been gruelling and intense, but I’m so happy with what we’ve been shooting. These next two movies are going to be pretty great! Last edited by hironakamura76 on 13-7-2013 11:33 AM