Reply #405 nashrudean's post
Claire punye character mmg borink pun this season but I said NOT annoying than others. x de mengena ngan borink. lol. |
Originally posted by nashrudean at 6-12-2008 11:08 AM 
unlike u...I think Claire's character a lil bit boring..
the show might be quite awful rite now....but HEROES is still one of my fav tv show...
Setuju banget plus annoying. Not sure if it's the way the character is written or the actress. Bad Claire tak menjadi, tak convincing, terlalu contrived. |
Originally posted by `pSyCho` at 6-12-2008 03:56 AM 
Just admit it, this show is so bloody awful now. The writing is such a big big mess. x tentu hala. No real substance or plot. Tunggang terbalik. ALL the characters also mcam taik, except Claire r ...
agree....totally suck right now....
got any idea what other best tv series to download?
when gonna traveller will come back... 
[ Last edited by slier81 at 6-12-2008 07:39 PM ] |
Semudah itu jer Arthur mampos?
Kutip power gegiler, sampai Catalyst pon dia sedut, last² mati katak jer. |
masa hiro hidang kan mak dia waffles.. aku nangis .. sib baik mak aku tak nampak  |
Balas #414 naj13\ catat
satu lg part lps bunuh sue landers yg ramai2 msk dlm blk bawa hadiah
sylar dgn muka poyo nyer cakap "cake.."  |
mmg da jadi serabut................
apa yg boleh kita nmpak skang..............
nathan mcm nak ganti side arthur tp kunun nya lbh ke arah kebaikan......
watak peter mmg memboring kan....
sehingga episode ni mcm lbh numpukan kpd watak hiro........
apa yg aku expect........... dunia ngan suma org ada superpower!!
tp........kita blom tau dark side belah nathan.....
at least sylar yg jahat pon bukanlah marabahaya sgt.................
overall mmg serabut................................... |
Citer nih mmg serabut arr..
Jd villian cter nih Sylar balik lah, dah Arthur mati da..
Ak igt ad scene lwn2 Peter team up ngn Sylar vs Arthur.. Mmg xkan ad lah scene tu nmpknya..
Apsal Elle mati lak, ak igt Sylar x jd bunuh, tp bunuh gak.. adui... |
aphal makin pening jer tgk Heroes ni?
senang2 jer si bapak tu mati padahal ada kuasa hebat  |
aku baru je habis layan episod 11......smua org dah dpt blik kuasa...tp x tau lah peter macam mane...still ada kuasa or not...... ....sylar tu buka anak peterliikan.......confuse plak aku nie... |
episod nih mmg 'emo' aaa...dhler title tajuk FATHERS...lglaa emo...
aku pelik tullaa masa Sylar dtg nyerang Arthur....bkn ker si Haitian tu ada kt situ...bleylaa plak power Sylar on...:re:
alkisahnyer...mmg biul laa heroes skrg... |
Reply #422 ct_subang's post
kan tyme tew si haitian power dia dh lemah..dia tak leh nak hold lame2..  |
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