yg tu la ms tan jual RM199 |
OK tak? review tu aku dah baca ari tu! |
Reply 443# adie82
oke ke x tuh xtawla.baru pakai 2 bulang.kene tye abe limi mende nih |
aku cuma nak quote yg ni jah..
We couldn’t pull a lot more from the E80-600. If we tried to pull more than 22 A from any of the +12 V inputs of our load tester, the unit shut down, and we could only increase +5 V and +3.3 V to 12 A each, and the total power we could pull from the reviewed unit was 608 W, with results not much different from the ones presented above. This shows that this unit has its protections tightly configured, which is good to see in a low-end power supply.
got 80 plus cert.. deliver 80% as advertised.. good protection config..
mebi some people akn pilih model lain yg blh tarik lbh dr wattage yg dlabel.. tp tu masing2..
sbb mende tu subjektif.. depend mcm mana kilang preconfig protective measure.. |
nak tangkap apa plak? |
Reply 448# adie82
xmo tangkap lain.. nak letgo je... voley gitu? ada pircaya? |
motip lu talak picaya????????? wa tunggu lu punya dualcore maa.. tunggu lu tolak mulah2 balu wa angkat lorrr... |
Wa pun ala satu mobo asus m2n68 cn. Tapi proc ngan psu je blom ada. |
Wa pun ala satu mobo asus m2n68 cn. Tapi proc ngan psu je blom ada.
adie82 Post at 28-2-2012 15:40 
ooo, itu bod pon ok maa.. lu kasi tolak mulah2 sama gua la.. nanti lu talak payah susa2 mau cari itu proc sama psu.. |
Wa mau angkut itu aerocool e80 600 pastu itu cm epp wa mau letak sama ini mobo la..
Ram sula ala 2gb, hdd sula ala 500gb, gc pun sula ala. Kuikuikui |
Reply 454# adie82
itu hali lu cakap mau pakai low power saja!!!! |
GC kalau talak mau guna boleh cabut ma.... |
GC kalau talak mau guna boleh cabut ma....
adie82 Post at 29-2-2012 12:04 
erkk.............. sampai cenggitu kesanggupannya...  |
Reply 457# halimi78
Aku dah jatang main game skang ni. Asik on9 ja. Laat aku main nfs the run (mirul yg bg dvd free). Tu pun main sekerat ja. Terus cabut gc balik. Hahaha |
Reply halimi78
Aku dah jatang main game skang ni. Asik on9 ja. Laat aku main nfs the run (mirul yg bg dvd free). Tu pun main sekerat ja. Terus cabut gc balik. Hahaha
adie82 Post at 29-2-2012 15:44 
sungguh tidak adillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll... aku pong nak jugak wei......... |
Reply 459# halimi78
Lenkali kena la selalu beramas mesra ngan dak mirul tu! |
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