prettyuglybabe replied at 25-5-2016 01:05 PM
papprich, old town pun banyak orang asing kan?
bukan dah ada rules ke orang asing takleh keje res ...
Entah lah, carly x pernah masuk oldtown, x terpanggil utk mkn kt situ... setakat lalu lalang aje... |
Nie yang takda hal...suami hang atau diri hang???? Cuba cakap dengan penuh keihklasan....banyak mata yang memerhati tau.....
TWG pernah masuk????
twg plak.... ade duit ke nak masuk..... ooo oh ok ade kupon.... |
Kalau macam hang please jangan ....abis nanti semua servers kat situ kena carut pepez cendawan oleh hang.
ikhlas atau x itu perkara kedua... yg penting ikhlaskah manak untuk berbini?
Berlagak tul. |
Have you tried their macarons???? I mean, TWG????
Ok ler so so......Kalau nak dibandingkan dgn LADUREE atau PIERRE HERMES.....
...anencephaly babies nie memang tak bley survive lama...paling lama pon yang aku pernah jaga survived 3 days post delivery...and i supposed memang rata2 mereka nie tak diberikan apa2 nutrients and vaccination...some pediatricians asked nurses not to feed them...to put them in a corner yang others cannot view them and to let them passed on...however...some pediatricians allow nurses to continue feeding them until they passed on...
...reasons why pediatricians tak galakkan feeding these babies mainly becos they say that it would prolong their life...wallahualam...
...when we received these babies from the delivery suite...they will be dressed just like other babies...diapers on...siap dibendung dan dipakaikan baby hand knitted (by nurses) hats...and...we do put them in a corner...bukan tuk dibiarkan to die...but mainly for privacy sake...as the nursery blinds must be opened during visiting hours so that visitors can see the babies in the nursery...
...generally...nurses will follow what the pediatricians advised them to do...but when it comes to anencephaly babies...they would ignore doctors order and will continue feeding these babies...bila doc dapat tau...senang jer jawapan yang diberi..."tak sampai hatilah dengar mereka merengek..."...settled...
Morning doctor.........
bley plak sampai ati ped pesan jgn bg pape kat baby tuhh...... patut ler aku duluk2 tak penah pun pikir nk jadik doktor ka, nurse ka....
blackmore replied at 26-5-2016 08:37 AM
...anencephaly babies nie memang tak bley survive lama...paling lama pon yang aku pernah jaga surv ...
baby anencephaly ni kalau x beri susu just biarkan gitu x melalak lapar ke? lagi satu alasan paed sb tak nak prolong kan lagi keadaan baby tu, kalau bole nk bg pegi cepat. adakah baby tu akan rasa terseksa kalau tak pegi cepat?
rasa kemanusiaan aku ni tebal. wpun paed bg reason sebegitu tp ntah la. rasa paed tu kejam jgk |
...most pediatricians would discourage feeding these babies...but like ive said...walaupon mereka discourage...nurses tetap akan feed jugak...lagik2 kalau aku yang on...lantak lerr ngan their orders tu...rebel with a cause gitu...
3 days post delivery cam ko tulis td tuhhh kalu kita feed the baby ka?
...itu alasan yang diberikan...but like ive said...generally nurses will ignore their orders...also mainly atas dasar ikhsan...and these babies...tangisan mereka tak seberapa kuat like normal babies...but...rengekan mereka nie masih mampu tuk invoke your sympathy...tu yang kita slalu heck care ngan orders not to feed them...
...not necessarily...without feeding pon bley survived 3 days...ada few cases yang walaupon kasi susu tak bertahan for 24 hours...
okayyy sis......
…aku respek women yang walaupon mereka tau yang anak dalam kandungan mereka tu anencephaly…mereka tetap meneruskan kandungan dan melahirkan bayi mereka seperti biasa…
…most women here bila tau jer anak yang dikandung tu tak normal…their next option is to abort the pregnancy…banyak cases macam nie…
…and these abortus usually less than 24 weeks gestation…some came out already dead due to the abortion process…some however still bernafas…and these are the ones yang aku paling hiba nak sambut…cos due to their small size…they will be placed in a kidney dish and left aside to die... |
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