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Author: Calla lily

[MERGED]Petua, Pemakanan, Vitamin utk yg nak, sedang dan selepas pregnant

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Post time 16-12-2009 04:13 PM | Show all posts
tahniah cikseri... neurogain kat farmasi ada jual...

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Post time 17-12-2009 08:58 AM | Show all posts
kwn2...lagi satu sy nak tanye ni, katanye fish oil elok utk perkembangan otak bayi ari tu sy search internet katanye fish oil tak elok utk org yg low blood pressure....anyway, sy ade masalah low blood pressure la....jadinye tak bole ke makan fish oil tu...huhu....

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Post time 17-12-2009 01:00 PM | Show all posts
lemon tgh plan nak ada skrg ni tgh amik anmum....tu kakak aku yg suruh..kalau ada lain2 tips2 atau amalan2 camner nak conceive...share la...
lemontea Post at 5-2-2009 16:29

Boleh ke amik anmum...sebab norin pun tengah mencuba tp norin ingatkan anmum tu untuk ibu2 minum di awal kehamilan...kongsi sikit kengkawan

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Post time 17-12-2009 03:53 PM | Show all posts
kwn2...lagi satu sy nak tanye ni, katanye fish oil elok utk perkembangan otak bayi ari tu sy search internet katanye fish oil tak elok utk org yg low blood pressure....anyway, sy ade masalah ...
cikseri Post at 17-12-2009 08:58

baru ku tahu fish oil x elok utk yg ada low blood pressure....:re:

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Post time 17-12-2009 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Boleh ke amik anmum...sebab norin pun tengah mencuba tp norin ingatkan anmum tu untuk ibu2 minum di awal kehamilan...kongsi sikit kengkawan
norindania Post at 17-12-2009 13:00

boleh ajer minum anmum tuu utk TTC...sbb dia mcm susu biasa gak cuma ada extra vitamin mcm acid folic...

BB pon kdg2 minum susu tu sblom tido

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Post time 17-12-2009 04:05 PM | Show all posts
baru ku tahu fish oil x elok utk yg ada low blood pressure....:re:
budakbaik10 Post at 17-12-2009 15:53

begitula nampaknye...actually before preggy mmg dah beli 1 botol...pastu bile preggy nak makan la...tup2 sambil search internet ade info ckp fish oil mmg elok utk yg preggy tp amatler tak sesuai utk yg low BP...patutla mase amik fish oil tu makin pening2 je rase, rupenye tak seswai...huhu...

tp kene gi cek dgn doc jugakla kan...

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Post time 17-12-2009 04:06 PM | Show all posts
boleh ajer minum anmum tuu utk TTC...sbb dia mcm susu biasa gak cuma ada extra vitamin mcm acid folic...

BB pon kdg2 minum susu tu sblom tido
budakbaik10 Post at 17-12-2009 15:54

tak silap sy susu yg mamil tu, kat tin die mmg ade specify sesuai utk yg TTC, preggy and breastfeeding....all in one...

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Post time 19-12-2009 11:02 AM | Show all posts
semalam gi farmasi cr neurogain
tp xde jual
alih2 beli obimin pluz rm 49
katanya bagus utk ibu n baby....cover dedua sekali...
so,sape ada makan obimin pluz ni...besar gile kapsul dia
sume vitamin dah ada dlm,xyahlah mkn vitamin lain
ke tetap kena makan neurogain jgk? sesape tau tak..

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Post time 19-12-2009 11:04 AM | Show all posts
lupa plak
skrg ni dah 6 months...just minum susu anmum n obimin je
yg lain tarak...uhhuhuh
aku ni memg pemalas mkn ubat

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Post time 21-12-2009 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Neurogain tu untuk baby....makan yang neurogain PB...maksudnya untuk Pregnant & BreastFeed.  Sha ambik dari kandungan usia 3 bulan hari tu lagi.  Satu kapsul satu hari.  Kini kandungan baru nak masuk 24 minggu...tapi tak boleh nak kata cergasnya dia kat 'dalam' nun.  Tendangannya luarbiasa...gynae Sha suka sangat dengan perkembangan yang sihat tu.

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Post time 21-12-2009 10:05 PM | Show all posts
Saye baru 6 weeks + pregnant, and skrg ni x leh makan ape2, klu makan je muntah.. minum air pon same..dr prescribed ubat, tp die ckp better jgn amik klu x teruk, takut efek pade baby..masalahnye saye xtau nak makan ape lagi, ade sape2 boleh advise? biskut saye dah try, buah- buahan, roti, seme keluar balik.. masalah satu lagi, saye ni di perantauan, nk jumpe dr punyela payah, kene wat appointment dulu, 2-3 hari pastu baru dapat jumpe..dr suruh minum gak, klu x next week kene stay hospital , masuk air.. tp klu minum air pon, saye kene tahan spy x muntah, akhirnye.. muntah jugak.. dahla nak exam x lame lagi.. huhuhu

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Post time 21-12-2009 10:43 PM | Show all posts
512# erishuji

mm..kalu ikut aku
memg x dpt nak buat apala di waktu awal kehamilan mcm ni
memg semua mende xleh nak telan
cubala mkn vitamin tu sume sblm tido..pastu terus tido je
maybe bole kurg rasa loya tu

aku yg 6 bulan ni pun still loya2 masa nak gosok gigi
silap makan pun bole mual lagi...

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Post time 21-12-2009 10:46 PM | Show all posts
Saye baru 6 weeks + pregnant, and skrg ni x leh makan ape2, klu makan je muntah.. minum air pon same..dr prescribed ubat, tp die ckp better jgn amik klu x teruk, takut efek pade baby..masalahnye saye  ...
erishuji Post at 21-12-2009 22:05

Sha pun macam awak juga pada masa awal2 minggu kehamilan hari tu.  langsung tak boleh nak makan.  Yang dapat masuk pun Coca Cola tu je....hari2 itu je lah tanya kat Gynae...dia kata takpe...asal jangan nenas atau betik.  

Selain tu....atas nasihat dr tu...Sha makan buah....jambu batu...sebab dr kata jambu batu boleh kurangkan rasa mual.  Jadi..pagi2 lagi dah makan buah jambu ni.  Siap simpan stok dalam peti sejuk.  Pasal supplement yang macam Folic Acid dan B Complex segala tu...Dr soh stop dulu makan masa muntah teruk tu...sebab akan tambahkan rasa mual.  Tu untuk sementara je...bila selera dah ok...start makan semua tu semula...sampai melahirkan.  Biasanya...bila masuk bulan ketiga kehamilan...Insya'Allah semua simptom tu akan berkurangan dan hilang dengan sendirinya.  So...dapatlah mula ambik makanan dan suplement yang berkhasiat utk ibu dan baby.

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Post time 21-12-2009 10:47 PM | Show all posts
511# ShaPesona

tula tingin gak nak makan neurogain ni
tp x jumpa lg jual kat farmasi...
memg org kata bagus sgt pil  ni

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Post time 21-12-2009 10:52 PM | Show all posts
511# ShaPesona  

tula tingin gak nak makan neurogain ni
tp x jumpa lg jual kat farmasi...
memg org kata bagus sgt pil  ni
kuntakpindek Post at 21-12-2009 22:47

Sha banyak stok neurogain ni.  Maklum..kawan Sha yang Doktor yang supply utk Sha.  Kalau awak nak kita boleh supply untuk awak. Sebotol tu dapat untuk sebulan.  Sebiji sehari.  Makan masa awal pagi.

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Post time 22-12-2009 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Sha banyak stok neurogain ni.  Maklum..kawan Sha yang Doktor yang supply utk Sha.  Kalau awak nak kita boleh supply untuk awak. Sebotol tu dapat untuk sebulan.  Sebiji sehari.  Makan masa awal pag ...
ShaPesona Post at 21-12-2009 22:52

waaah bleh dpt murah la nii...??   ke free trus??   heheheh...

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Post time 22-12-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts
waaah bleh dpt murah la nii...??   ke free trus??   heheheh...
budakbaik10 Post at 22-12-2009 07:51

He...he...harga mcm biasa. Kat pasaran ada yg harga dia RM63.90 sebotol. Tapi Sha bagi kurang sikit plus free delivery.  Saja nak bantu mudahkan siapa2 yg nak benda ni.  Bukan nak buat bisnes. Kebetulan Sha senang dpt sebab member sha yg Dr tu yg supply.

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Post time 22-12-2009 11:26 AM | Show all posts
He...he...harga mcm biasa. Kat pasaran ada yg harga dia RM63.90 sebotol. Tapi Sha bagi kurang sikit plus free delivery.  Saja nak bantu mudahkan siapa2 yg nak benda ni.  Bukan nak buat bisnes. Keb ...
ShaPesona Post at 22-12-2009 10:52

wooo syg nyer BB lom peknen lg... kalo dah 'menjadi' nnti BB roger2 la sha...

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Post time 22-12-2009 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Ni Sha nak share sikit info pasal Neurogain PB ni.  Kesan dan kebaikan dia memang bagus untuk baby kita.

Scientifically Formulated For Pregnant and Breast-feeding Women

Both Ω=3, Ω=6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential but the body requires them in a ratio that is not normally achieved by the typical diet of today's industrialized nations. They must be consumed regularly as the body has limited storage for them.

Pregnancy - in the last three months of pregnancy, it is important that the mother-to-be has an ample supply of the omega-3 fatty acids. Around 70 percent of all the cells that made up the adult brain are formed during this period. The omega-3 DHA central to this process reaches the fetus from the mother via the placenta.

If there is insufficient DHA for the baby, fetal development may be impaired resulting in lower IQ and poor visual acuity.

What is NeuroGain® PB Vegicaps®* ?

Neurogain® PB is a natural, customized, standardized, refined purified, high quality formulation of conditionally Essential Fatty Acids for Pregnant and Breast-feeding women. Now available in vegetable capsules made in Germany, Neurogain® PB is  DHA high, EPA low with AA and OA to help Pregnant and Breast-feeding women meet important pre and peri natal nutritional requirements in essential fatty acids. Neurogain® PB is scientifically formulated in line with international recommendations for essential fatty acids supplementation early in life.

Why a vegetable capsule ?

Unlike capsules from beef or pork materials, vegetable capsules (Vegicaps® Soft)* have a multicultural appeal while showing proven chemical and physical stability with low odor, taste and aftertaste.

Who needs NeuroGain® PB ?

    * Pregnant and Breast-feeding women
    * Pregnant women with a history of low birth weight babies, pre-term births
    * Frequent, multiple pregnancies
    * Pregnant women allergic to fish and eggs
    * Poor, unbalanced maternal diet

When is the best time to take NeuroGain® PB ?

At meal time for better absorption and compliance. When eating, the fats in the meal will improve the absorption of Neurogain® PB essential fatty acids like DHA in the body.

Is it safe to use NeuroGain® PB ?

Yes, NeuroGain® PB is a natural DHA supplement of EFAs. The EPA level is low in line with WHO and ISSFAL recommendations for DHA supplementation at an early stage of life. NeuroGain® PB is not a drug.

Why is NeuroGain® PB free of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) ?

EPO, Borage oil, and possibly other substances containing GLA, should not be used during pregnancy because they may be harmful to the fetus and induce labor.

How about the cleanliness of the finished product ?

NeuroGain® PB is manufactured under the highest international standards for quality and safety for EFAs. In order to minimize the risk of contamination, NeuroGain® PB is controlled and molecularly distilled to systematically remove PCB's and DDT's. Heavy metals are removed by going through an absorption column. At the end, varied tests will check the low level of peroxidation and the removal of pollutants.

What are the best storage conditions for NeuroGain® PB ?

Store at room temperature in a cool and dry place. The vegetable capsules provide excellent protection for oxygen sensitive essential fatty acids.

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Post time 30-12-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts
509# kuntakpindek

awal2 preggy dulu eda pernah tanya gynea... masa tu dia ada bg eda sample obimin plus.. eda tanya la klu dh amik obimin leh ke amik supplement lain cam neurogain ke... dia ckp klu obimin biasa (just obimin jek), leh la amik.. tp klu dh amik obimin plus tu xyah amik lg neurogain.. sebab nye gynea ckp dua2 pon fungsi nya sama dan abimin plus tu competitor tuk neurogain... jd eda pon xde la amik neurogain lg dh, telan la obmin pluz walaupon besar gedabak..

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