Originally posted by tomatomam2222 at 23-3-2009 20:57
Tira.. Suka Ceria tu kat KL ek..? dalam jadual mila tulis Selangor.. kat mane tempat exact die..?
Kalau ikut promo TV kat Pusat Ekuestrian Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur
Originally posted by kristine78 at 23-3-2009 15:34
tq tira 4 artikel.
oh ye, media hiburan yg latest pnya ade psl mila(cover farid kamil). Sape nk tgk mila & umah sewa ksyganya leh dptkn mh k. i dh beli, tp sori trlebih dahulu, x dpt nk scan ...
Uishh..siannyer scanner leh pecah
Nanti kalau org ada mag tu org scan yer..x janji sbb mcm xleh gi kedai buku jer in d near future
xpe laa.. sebagai peminat.. tomtom terima semua hentaman itu dengan hati yang terbuka..
sesungguhnya hentaman2 itu lah yang mematangkan seseorang
ahaksss.. tapi cian cikgu capi gak
Originally posted by braveheart2 at 24-3-2009 06:13 AM
......maybe she's a very simple girl or is there a point to be made here, only she knows .
as a public figure, people tend to notice every little thing that you wear
she can be a simple girl...but she must be simple in more classy way. padan la dgn status artis dia.
don't let people point out to you that you're wearing the same t-shirt/blouse/accessories every time you're appeared in public. i know famee were very particular about this
this could be a nightmare for any image consultant
pssstttt....kak ell pon sama je perangai...suka pakai baju recycled....tapi hanya fans sejati je yg akan dpt detect
well...at least dia ade good fashion sense...so kurang sket point nk kutuk wpon aku ade gak selamba je kutuk depan2 dia
as a public figure, people tend to notice every little thing that you wear
she can be a simple girl...but she must be simple in more classy way. padan la dgn status artis dia.
don't l ...
Ha...ha... point taken !!! however, ini time recession kan ??? dan artiste ni pun tak banyak show or income to keep an extensive wardrobe but i agree with you that u can be simple yet classy and a clever mix & match could easily disguise any recycle scenario. As to the accessories - well it could be a very very special gift from someone and she choose to wear them in appreciation of.
It seems like the current trend is for her to look youngish and attract the younger fans ( Stacy could be an influence maybe ) ...nothing wrong with that, but a good all round mix and taste would be in order.
Anyway who am I to suggest this and comment ....just thought I speak a little out of school for what it's worth.
actually i don't really care abt recycles wardrobe etc etc.
lantak la nk recycle sampai 10 juta kali pon
but since, ade org point out...so i dwell on the same subject.
saja je nk kritik...kalo tak takde sebab dah la nk masuk milanians ni
rindu plak korang ngan aku