pada sesapa yg frenz dgn YB......sila pergi ke FB YB utk dgr lagu Pandangan Pertama nyanyian Hafiz & Adila di teater Muzikal KITA.......dgr kat tab video..... pastu bagi la komen sikit kat sini.....hehehehe
pada sesapa yg frenz dgn YB......sila pergi ke FB YB utk dgr lagu Pandangan Pertama nyanyian Hafiz & ...
Along_XX Post at 22-6-2010 09:13
longg...acik dah dgr...Ya Allah....sedapnya sore apis...
1st time acik dgr meremang bulu roma + bergenang air mata....sedap sgt sore dia...
i'm very proud of him long.....
huhu...aku jenguk korang jap je ni......tgh bz giler......
ni aku tepek sesuatu juz utk nak share dgn korang je.....
Quick!! Grab your tickets! 6 days left to watch this cultural drama. You will not regret. I can tell you that the story was well written, and the background setting was technically great. The casts sang and danced all the way through the end of the show. =)
I wasn't at home that day, from morning until night. Early morning, 7.30 am, I was at collage, with other friends waiting for the bus to arrive. It took us 30 minutes to reach Istana Budaya.
What a huge one, the first thing I thought when I saw Istana Budaya. Bigger than what I had imagined. The sharp edged roof lined up above the building like those traditional Malay houses. We went to the hall where all the selected artworks of IACT's students were published. There were short films in the Mac, computer graphic designs, posters and comics... all about the theme '1 Malaysia'.
longg...acik dah dgr...Ya Allah....sedapnya sore apis...
1st time acik dgr meremang bulu roma ...
ameeza2000 Post at 22-6-2010 09:46
kannnnnnnn?? tapi bodigad aku cakap kenapa sore hafiz x sesedap kat teater? bodigad yg cakap k? aku jawab hafiz nyanyi live mmg lebih sedap dari kat ikut emosi cerita......
part yg acik paling suka....""berdetik hatiku untuk mengenalimu..kau yg ku temui idaman hatiku...rela aku menunggu...seribu tahun lagi..wahai dewi puspita hati"...