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Author: ayushuhada04

[KBS] Marry Him If You Dare ~ Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong Gon, Jung Yong Hwa...

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 23-10-2013 12:53 PM
speku2 ajo.....

speku2 pun tetiba jadi kenyataan..hahaha

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Post time 23-10-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 23-10-2013 01:19 PM
saje nak tgk fans yong a.k.a seju marah ker x....
so memg marah pun, ko la ic ...

kan.. hahaha.. lawak je... ahjumma tu..

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 23-10-2013 01:00 PM
alaa senang jer....
kfc, md, starbuck, keniroges,...... lain2 akn ditambah dr semasa ke semas ...

boleh ajer..sebut je bila...tkder hal ler.........

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 02:27 PM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 23-10-2013 01:02 PM
junki oppa cuti skrg nih.... so turn yong plak hahahahaa~

sape la gerangan yg jd future kim nih ...

ohh cuti yer..patut ler cinta beralih arah kejap le ni...

ntah ler..kak ayu tk sempat nk check lagi sapa le yg jadi future kimshin ni..
huduh sgt ler rupanya...

tu ler..mmg SJ dh terjatuh cinta pada MR tu..sejak terpandang kat kolam...
then masa dia selamatkan kat pantai  masa tu MR tk ingat apa2 pun..

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 02:28 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 23-10-2013 01:31 PM
alamak....rugi wooo..
xpe....nanti letak dlm list

ohh kasihan ler.....cite tu mmg ayu rekomen ...
wpun kita dh tau sapa JOJ ttp nk tgk cite tu...
sbb cite sejarah kan..

ye ler..mmg nowdays byk sgt drama2 baru..
tk tertengok ler..kena take turn..

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Post time 23-10-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 23-10-2013 01:51 PM
lagik xcaya ko kurus dr kimtaehee......

aku sendiri pong dh hakikat,,terima je lar
gaji mmg x naik....busan org asyik keliru....aku xnk jadi PA....pasni nk tunggu offer berlakon,,ade market

YEH ni kalo wat rambut lurus lagi skrg punye ni mmg unik


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Post time 23-10-2013 02:57 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 23-10-2013 02:28 PM
ohh kasihan ler.....cite tu mmg ayu rekomen ...
wpun kita dh tau sapa JOJ ttp nk tgk cite ...

xpe tu uma pong uma ayu,,hikhik

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Post time 23-10-2013 02:59 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 23-10-2013 02:28 PM
ohh kasihan ler.....cite tu mmg ayu rekomen ...
wpun kita dh tau sapa JOJ ttp nk tgk cite ...

yelar kann,,,blom abesh satu drama,,,dh ade drama baru
kadang2 konfius dh tgk ke blom...last2 sedar,,,ehh......dh ulang 3 kali

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 03:15 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 23-10-2013 02:57 PM
xpe tu uma pong uma ayu,,hikhik

yg penting..kita sama2 memeriahkan yer...

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 03:24 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 23-10-2013 02:59 PM
yelar kann,,,blom abesh satu drama,,,dh ade drama baru
kadang2 konfius dh tgk ke ...

klu ayu lak...
ayu akan ikut ranking...mana yg ayu rasa menarik citenya..
dan pelakon tu ayu mmg minat....mmg tu ler no 1....

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Jung Yong Hwa's Interview (excerpt : MHIYD topic)

Q. I am enjoying watching ‘Marry Him If You Dare’. If you can go to the future, what year do you want to be in? Why?

Jung Yong-hwa: Hum. I like being in the present. If I have to, well, I really don’t want to go to the future! I am really happy now. I am doing the music I like as CNBLUE while enjoying filming ‘Marry Him If You Dare’ as Park Se-ju.

Q. I enjoy watching ‘Marry Him If You Dare’! You must be very busy and tired due to the filming of the drama. Do you have your own way of taking care of your health or relieving stress?

Jung Yong-hwa: Sleeping in your spare time is the best. By the way, how are you doing, Yun-hye? I am sad that I could not see you since 'You’ve Fallen for Me’.

TRIVIA: Actress Yoon Eun-hye is the main actress of KBS2’s ‘Marry Him If You Dare’! Jung Yong-hwa plays the rich man Park Se-ju, who approaches Na Mi-rae (Yoon Eun-hye) that he was smitten by at first sight in Jeju Island without revealing his real identity.

Q. You play a man who has everything in ‘Marry Him If You Dare’. If Se-ju can choose the personality, face, and body of his spouse, what would be Se-ju’s choice? (Please be specific!)

Jung Yong-hwa: This is a challenging question... In fact, the personality matters most to me. It would be perfect if she has the personality, face, and body Yoon Eun-hye.

Q. ‘Marry Him If You Dare’ is your third project. What roles do you want to play?

Jung Yong-hwa: I want to do anything. Anything would be fun.

TRIVIA: Actress Go Doo-shim and Jung Yong-hwa are a grandmother and a grandson in ‘Marry Him If You Dare’. In fact, the actress says that she did not know who Jung Yong-hwa was before meeting him through ‘Marry Him If You Dare’. In the press briefing of ‘Marry Him If You Dare’, she said, “I heard from others that he was a very famous person.” She said that they had fun filming scenes together as if they had known each other for years.

Q. This is my first time to work with you, but I feel familiar with you. I like that. You were very attractive as a singer, too. What is the difference between acting and singing? And I heard that you are enjoying an amazing popularity in Southeast Asia. Is it true?

Jung Yong-hwa: I think that you made me feel comfortable from the beginning. Thank you! As a singer, it is the biggest charm to see responses from audience immediately as I sing or move for about two hours. As an actor, it is very tempting to live a life of another person. Regarding Southeast Asia.., how do I mention the popularity by myself? Thank you for always treating me kind.

Actor Lee Dong-gun and Jung Yong-hwa are friends from the same agency. They are appearing in the same drama ‘Marry Him If You Dare’. In addition, Lee Dong-gun and Jung Yong-hwa have a similar face. They have a special relation!

Q. Park Se-ju is a man of a twist. What is your twist?

Jung Yong-hwa: My twist? I laugh and talk a lot among people, but I like being alone quietly with aroma candles on at home.

Q. We are enjoying watching ‘Marry Him If You Dare’ as well. Your character Park Se-ju seemed to be confused to see Na Mi-rae (Yoon Eun-hye) at first sight. Have you recently had a similar experience?

Jung Yong-hwa, who were successful both in singing and acting, received questions from stars on his activities as a singer and as an actor. They were interested in the drama series ‘Marry Him If You Dare’. Most of the stars said words of support to him. Jung Yong-hwa responded with his own short but humble answers, which revealed his key to success. The secret was his positive energy where he makes consistent efforts and enjoys his work. We look forward to his future as CNBLUE and as an actor.


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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Marry Him If You Dare Episode 4 Review: Jung Yong Hwa Starts to Have Interest in Han Chae Ah

In Marry Him If You Dare, episode 4, Park Se Joo(played by Jung Yong Hwa) started to have interest in Seo Yoo Kyung(played by Han Chae Ah).

Yoo Kyung went to a bar and saw Se Joo drinking himself. She was about the pay for his drinks when she realized that he has drank three drinks. She was surprised and shouted, “How many times did you drink this expensive drink? You crazy busxxxd!”

Se Joo started to be interested in her and said, “You don’t need to do this. You’re already beautiful yourself.”


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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Marry Him If You Dare Episode 4 Review: Yoon Eun Hye Finds Out Jung Yong Hwa & Han Chae Ah’s Fate of Getting Married

In Marry Him If You Dare, episode 4, Na Mi Rae(played by Yoon Eun Hye) found out Park Se Joo(played by Jung Yong Hwa) and Seo Yoo Kyung(played by Han Chae Ah)’s fate of getting married.

As Mi Rae kept showing interest in Kim Sin(played by Lee Dong Gun), big Mi Rae(played by Choi Myung Gil) said to her, “I risked my life to come to the past to cancel my marriage with Kim Sin. I can only watch, I’m not supposed to intervene like this. If the Black Man sees me, I’ll be in danger. And why on earth are you interested in that kind of man?”

The big Mi Rae said, “What if you lose Park Se Joo to Seo Yoo Kyung?” Mi Rae laughed and said, “Seo Yoo Kyung? No way.” However, the big Mi Rae answered, “It was supposed to be Seo Yoo Kyung he fell in love with at Jejudo. They get engaged next year March, and married next year September. Do you even know how huge the wedding was?”


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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Two attractive actors of KBS drama, ‘Marry Him If You Dare’. Jung Young-Hwa and Lee Dong-Gun look so romantic in these photos. Anyway how did you like yesterday’s episode? Please share your thoughts to us.


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Post time 23-10-2013 04:02 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 23-10-2013 02:25 PM
boleh ajer..sebut je bila...tkder hal ler.........

boleh bawa @ichi  x ?..... , ichi nak jugak tapi malu nk bagitau k.ayu.....
ichi joommm....

errmmm....x payah la bawa ichi kan...... kang habis dia sapu yg is punya makanan pun....

Last edited by ismaha on 23-10-2013 04:04 PM


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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 04:13 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 23-10-2013 04:02 PM
boleh bawa @ichi  x ?..... , ichi nak jugak ta ...

boleh ajer tkder hal...........
kak ayu belanja ler..
ajak le ichi tu......................

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Post time 23-10-2013 04:13 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 23-10-2013 02:54 PM
aku sendiri pong dh hakikat,,terima je lar
gaji mmg x naik....busan org asyik keli ...

"ada market "....... ayat xboleh blah laaaa......
ditambah plak ngn "terima hakikat ko lebih kurus dr kimtaehee"...... yg neh pun x boleh blah

rasa rugi arr ko resign awal.... ,
sbb kalu ko ada market kan ko patut guna jalan senang nak naik dengan bantuan kimtaehee, dia boleh pomot ko.....


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Post time 23-10-2013 04:47 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 23-10-2013 03:15 PM
yg penting..kita sama2 memeriahkan yer...

betol2.........sokong ayu

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2013 04:53 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 23-10-2013 04:47 PM
betol2.........sokong ayu

dh tgk le ep 4 ??
ayu lum sempat....

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Post time 23-10-2013 04:57 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 23-10-2013 04:13 PM
"ada market "....... ayat xboleh blah laaaa......
ditambah plak ngn " ...


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