[MERGED]--Room inside Kaba is a forbidden.Why? - Pict page 43
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You know what Truth, your Holy Bible is beginning like to sound like a fairy tale book. Don't be surprised it might be equivalent to Harry Potter & Lords of the Ring etc. |
Or even Nostradamus. Life is not based on predicitions but based on careful planning & how you manage your life. Everything is in your own hand. So stop all those crabs here!
One good reason why the Muslims all around the world gather at Kaabah, Mecca - brotherhood irrespective to their skin colors, status, race, culture, language etc - that Muslims have equal rights in the eye of God & they're all brothers & sisters in Islam. That's the CLEAR MESSAGE - UNITY. |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 2-2-2004 05:40 PM:
You know what Truth, your Holy Bible is beginning like to sound like a fairy tale book. Don't be surprised it might be equivalent to Harry Potter & Lords of the Ring etc.[ ...
so mohammad prediction about Dut18:18 is fairy tales too????
the real fairy tales :
72 virgns
river of wine and milk
pearls and silk cloth
bla bla bla
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 2-2-2004 at 07:53 PM ] |
The true teachings of Islam is abt brotherhood among the Muslims of different creed, culture, language etc & even extended to the non-Muslims. What you witness today - the Muslims do not follow the true teachings of Islam due to greed & other personal interests.
Don't laugh too soon Truth! The Pope is A BEAST & his name bears the no. 666. Brotherhood ehhh!!!? |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-2-2 07:48 PM:
so mohammad prediction about Dut18:18 is fairy tales too????
the real fairy tales :
72 virgns
river of wine and milk
pearls and silk cloth
bla bla bla
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 2-2-2004 ...
My reply:-
The prophet didn't write that particular verse. It's the WORD OF GOD. |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 2-2-2004 08:03 PM:
My reply:-
The prophet didn't write that particular verse. It's the WORD OF GOD.
How come Prophet Adam unti Jesus did not mentioned anything about those sensual paradise??? does ur allah real god? |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 2-2-2004 08:01 PM:
The true teachings of Islam is abt brotherhood among the Muslims of different creed, culture, language etc & even extended to the non-Muslims. What you witness today - the Muslim ...
i can see brotherhood in Malaysia Muslims soceity when PAS claimed that anyone reject allah huduh will be punished as what they says about nurul huda father did not accept hudud thats why nurul huda was punshied by ur god. :stp: |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 2-2-2004 08:01 PM:
The true teachings of Islam is abt brotherhood among the Muslims of different creed, culture, language etc & even extended to the non-Muslims. What you witness today - the Muslim ...
i do not support pope so don't hve bring that topic here. |
Again, it got nothing to do with God's punishment. There's something wrong with the system & the govt ought to look into this matter seriously.
to be continued......... |
does this look like act of faith??? touching and kissing the stone?
Bowing to God is nothing wrong but why must bow indirectly to Block of Stone (an object)? Why get yourself bruises by banging your head on floor 5 times a day? Is this how Muslims pleased god?????
Your thought and intention must be free from any object. Muslims first thought is must face the qilat which is an object then comes their intention /or niat of praying. If we are true God followers, we should follows the 10 commandment which written by God own finger. Then we are God fearing children.
Exodus 20:4,5: "Thou shalt
not make unto thee any graven
image, or any likeness of any thing that
is in heaven above [note, the command
is against any likeness, no matter what
form], or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth :
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to
them, nor SERVE THEM."
The words ANY LIKENESS is so powerful enough for us to understood. Yet, some Jews and Moslems indirectly bow to block of stone and banging on wall.
As God says that HE is composed of spirit and we should worshipped HIM in spiritual.
Even those beads also consider abomination to towards GOD. HE hates this kind rubbished. We do not need beads to remaind HIM or chanting HIM. very similar to pagans believed
I bow to GOD too but my thought and intention free from an object.
Muslims believe (without proof) that the revered "black stone" (Alhajar Al-Aswad) is a special divine meteorite, that pre-dates creation that fell at the foot of Adam and Eve. It is presently embedded in the southeastern corner of the Kaba. Muslims touch and kiss the black stone during Hajj but non-Muslims are strictly forbidden to even touch it.
![](http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-black-stone-in-kaba.jpg) |
up up up u go to Muslims view their beloved Black of stone. |
the first muslim kiblah/kiblat is baitulmuqaddis...then kaabah/mekah....if u go for umrah/haj korang bleh pergi ke masjid qiblattain dimana di masjid ni la arahan untuk bertukar kiblat diturunkan....kalau korang kata muslim sembah kaabah...then ur wrong...ahlil kitab awal(yahudi dan nasrani) asalnya sembahyang pun mengadap baitulmuqaddis....sebab tu ceaser rom ketika terima surat/utusan nabi muhammad beliau sedang mengerjakan haj di baitulmuqaddis sebab baru menang perang lawan orang parsi....asalnya pertukaran ini adalah kehendak Rasullulah s.a.w sendiri dan di perkenankan oleh Allah..kerana orang yahudi di madinah ketika itu mangatakan bahawa nabi muhammad meniru agama yahudi....nak tau tak apa reaksi orang yahudi....lepas tu dia kata la pulak dia kata orang islam nie bleh tukar tukar kiblat la pulak ye..konon nya lawak ler tu......begitu la kesahnya..btw aku da pergi buat umrah dan haj...dah pergi sekitarnya da...alhamdulillah....bertambah kuat kepercayaan aku pada islam....sebab apa kita tak bleh masuk kaabah..sebab nya terlalu ramai.....macam mana na masuk...bleh membahayakan para jemaah....so tak leh masuk....thats all....ok... |
if u read my topic frm begining u understand what i need. I do not need ur history fact explanation on qilat or ka'ba.
I need photos inside the room.
where is:
table to keep perfume
2 lanterns
pls read b4 u post ur crap stories.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 12-2-2004 at 10:40 PM ] |
jangan di layan kafir laknatullah ni.. |
Originally posted by dollah_bedwi at 12-2-2004 07:21 PM:
jangan di layan kafir laknatullah ni..
yg kafir laknatulah kamu le..hahahhahahaha |
duh..ur sooooo lost man....
duh...ko jugak yang kata org islam sembah kaabah...sembah batu....so skang dah terbukti org islam sembah allah....sembah tuhan yang betul...so i told u the fact...not the story.......if u can think u will understand the fact that i give u .....nampak sangat ko nie dah lama sesat....we not like u man ..christian worship an idol....a human being and then korang panggil dia anak tuhan......man... isa(christian rename it jesus) is just a prophet and one of god's messager....so kalau nak tengok jugak gambar tu bleh pergi muzium kaabah ....bleh tau keadaan kaabah dari dulu sampai sekarang...gambar yang ada di ambil dari zaman khalifah othmaniah sampai zaman skang.... tempatnya berdekatan dengan kilang kelambu kaabah tak jauh dari bandar mekah....sesiapa yang niat ihram miqat hudaibiyah akan lalu tempat tu.....specific nama tempat tu aku dah lupa....sesapa muslim yang tau/penah pergi nama tempat tu sila bagi tau....x tau la plak ade orang up load gambar kat mana2 site....kalu ada bagi tau....
last the way u write like ur lost man....ur story r crap too.. |
long crap stories but written in poor malay language![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
anyway, the question still stand:
where is photos :
2-3 lanterns
table to keep perfume
seeing is believing or action speak louder than words. |
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