thafly posted on 11-6-2014 10:42 AM 
mungkin la kot kak..
jeles sebab yang mcm dok bg perhatian kat dia si seho je
kalau fly la kan ...
yer kan...mungkin le salah satu sebb...
kak ayu pun agree dgn fly.....buat apa nk expose sgt....
biarlah org lain nampak dgn sendiri..dan tertanya2 kan..
klu boleh..cover2 lagi bagus...so lg orang nk tau kan..
ni dh sah terang2...kak ayu pun takkan percaya...
ayushuhada04 posted on 11-6-2014 10:58 AM 
yer kan...mungkin le salah satu sebb...
kak ayu pun agree dgn fly.....buat apa nk expose sgt....
macam mase minwoo nak convincekan soohyun..
kan dia macam ngelak2, buat2 tukar topik, buat2 terkejut kononnye mcm dah kantoi..
itu yang dia berjaya buat soohyun percaya..
tapi lepas pada tu hampehhhhhh
nak2 bila dah bergabung dgn bom kat umah tu..
lagi la mengarut depa dua org ni
ep 6 aku ske plak dgn Nana.
dia tuh kelako. main cakap je ape dia suka..
sweet plak bila seho tanya siapa suka dia. chanyeol dgn nana angkat tangan..
aku ske chanyeol. cutee jee..
comey je mama shin bawak anak2 dara kuar gi pasar |
thafly posted on 11-6-2014 11:07 AM 
macam mase minwoo nak convincekan soohyun..
kan dia macam ngelak2, buat2 tukar topik, buat2 terke ...
yer tu mmg nampak real ler....minwoo mmg berjaya..
tp bom le yg spoilkan segalanya...
kak ayu suka jer bom dan minwo..
thafly posted on 11-6-2014 10:45 AM 
dimple dia tuuuuuuuuuuuu
dimple tu yg buat dia nmpk manis sgt 
thafly posted on 11-6-2014 10:55 AM 
bengong la depa dua org ni
depa bedua ni elok la kapel..... hahahaha
sesuai sgt dah...
ayushuhada04 posted on 11-6-2014 08:40 AM 
ichi..kak ayu pun sama ler.....nana dgn seho tu mmg sesuai jer berdua...
psl operasi yg minwoo ...
nana jeles sbb dia pon nak kapel2 gak kot... amik je la seho... pelok pon sedap hahahaha..
ayushuhada04 posted on 11-6-2014 08:38 AM 
dia pun sama..nk amik perhatian lelaki.....
laki suka laaaa..... |
pakcik sungwoo tu xleh blah btoi time berlakon prank tu.. mcm serius tp xbrape nk jadi.. 
ep 4 nana main piano dgn seho... sape tau tjuk lg tu g tau sikit... mcm best je lgu tu.. |
ichi posted on 11-6-2014 12:47 PM 
nana jeles sbb dia pon nak kapel2 gak kot... amik je la seho... pelok pon sedap hahahaha..
kan.....maybe ada sikit jeles....
naper ler minwoo tak plan dgn dia ek...
ye ler ichi..amik je ler seho....
eddlisa_uyuk posted on 11-6-2014 01:46 PM 
laki suka laaaa.....
rasa tk semua suka kot..
sempat tengok rancangan ni few episodes
tak boleh masuklah
yang pompuan nampak plastik dan gedik
paling tak boleh terima cobaan nak ship kan
bom dengan DW . aiyohhh pleaselahhh 
Roommate's Park Min Woo and Seo Kang Jun visit Lee Dong Wook at the set of his advertisement shoot
ccording to their agency King Kong Entertainment on the 12th, Park Min Woo also brought along Seo Kang Jun (not pictured) to visit the set of Lee Dong Wook's CF to cheer on their sunbae actor and the entire staff with their snacks and drinks.
Lee Dong Wook has been busy filming his MBC weekend drama 'Hotel King' and advertisements so his flower-boy roommates took the time to go visit the witty and warm actor separately.
Catch more of the three actors' bromance on 'Roommate' every Sunday at 4:15 PM KST!
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