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Author: makdik2301


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Post time 1-10-2012 12:23 PM | Show all posts
pcyduck posted on 1-10-2012 12:11 PM
pekebende horseradish tuh....mesti pedas gler!!!!kesian tgk JM!!!!

entah tgk 1n2d epi nie br tahu ttg horseradish sblm nie x dgr benda nie .. hari itu smpt jgk google ttg benda nie.... dan benda nie dikatakan pedas mcm wasabi.....

Cooks use the terms "horseradish" or "prepared horseradish" to refer to the grated root of the horseradish plant mixed with vinegar. Prepared horseradish is white to creamy-beige in colour. It will keep for months refrigerated but eventually will start to darken, indicating it is losing flavour and should be replaced. The leaves of the plant, while edible, are not commonly eaten, and are referred to as "horseradish greens".
Horseradish sauce
A bottle of Heinz horseradish sauce

Horseradish sauce made from grated horseradish root, vinegar and cream is a popular condiment in the United Kingdom and in Poland. In the UK it is usually served with roast beef, often as part of a traditional Sunday roast, but can be used in a number of other dishes also, including sandwiches or salads. A variation of horseradish sauce, which in some cases may substitute the vinegar with other products like lemon juice or citric acid, is known in Germany as Sahnemeerrettich. Also popular in the UK is Tewkesbury mustard, a blend of mustard and grated horseradish originally created in medieval times and mentioned by Shakespeare (Falstaff says: "his wit's as thick as Tewkesbury Mustard" in Henry IV Part II[7]). A very similar mustard, called Krensenf or Meerrettichsenf, is popular in Austria and parts of Eastern Germany.

In the U.S., the term "horseradish sauce" refers to grated horseradish combined with mayonnaise or salad dressing. Prepared horseradish is a common ingredient in Bloody Mary cocktails and in cocktail sauce, and is used as a sauce or spread on meat, chicken, fish and in sandwiches.


Last edited by ctaisyah on 1-10-2012 12:30 PM


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Post time 1-10-2012 12:32 PM | Show all posts
ctaisyah posted on 1-10-2012 12:23 PM
entah tgk 1n2d epi nie br tahu ttg horseradish sblm nie x dgr benda nie .. hari itu smpt jgk goo ...

patut r tbakar JM..

ni pokok die...

ni radish nye kot...

ni bile dh jd sos....aku rse mcm penah nmpak kt giant!!!!


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Post time 1-10-2012 12:34 PM | Show all posts
pcyduck posted on 1-10-2012 12:13 PM
haah...dh btui dh nih!!!!ko lg byk pandai dr UTW!!!!

hohoho! dgn slumbernya haku menonton 1n2d kt ofis!   gigih marathon dr ep 1 dr pg td. slumber thp badak dh nih. skrg dok tgk ep 3 si cth ngomel penat jd baton.


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Post time 1-10-2012 12:51 PM | Show all posts
chekshu posted on 1-10-2012 09:59 AM
memang merajuk giler dia tu....

merajuk giler tak nak makan daging tu....

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Post time 1-10-2012 12:52 PM | Show all posts
chekshu posted on 1-10-2012 10:02 AM
keras giler gourd tu...
sampai trauma pokcik seung woo nak makan malam
sebab nasik tu isi dalam  ...

sian giler kat pak cit seungwoo...mesti sakit...last2 kalah gak...

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Post time 1-10-2012 01:14 PM | Show all posts
pcyduck posted on 1-10-2012 09:39 AM
mmg kesian kt die..dh r seme die kalah.....mesti blk umah suh wife die tuam kepale die ngan air su ...

gong ok lagik weh..x banyak kali.. tp gourd tu mmg sadis weh..dh la byk kali.. siap ada yg tak pecah...aku rasa kompom benjok kepala pacit nih... .. udah la berumur...

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Post time 1-10-2012 03:22 PM | Show all posts
pcyduck posted on 1-10-2012 12:11 PM
pekebende horseradish tuh....mesti pedas gler!!!!kesian tgk JM!!!!

horseradish ni pedas nokkkk
sepupu-sepapat wasabi jugak


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Post time 1-10-2012 03:23 PM | Show all posts
ayie77 posted on 1-10-2012 12:51 PM
merajuk giler tak nak makan daging tu....

kan??? selalu tengok heols buat muka aegyo-comel-ala2 manja gitu
sekali dapat merajuk...
rasa nak sekeh2 pun ada....


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Post time 1-10-2012 03:38 PM | Show all posts
ayie77 posted on 1-10-2012 12:52 PM
sian giler kat pak cit seungwoo...mesti sakit...last2 kalah gak...

memang kesian
ntah berapa kali ketuk kepala ngan gourd tu...

ada terbaca kat tenet
winter squash - kulit tu memang keras
so may be lah kot - depa guna jenis ni
tu yg payah bebeno nak pecah


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Post time 1-10-2012 03:40 PM | Show all posts
ctmufizano posted on 1-10-2012 01:14 PM
gong ok lagik weh..x banyak kali.. tp gourd tu mmg sadis weh..dh la byk kali.. siap ada yg tak pec ...

nasib baik lah
masak bokbulbok tido tu
wife dia jawab manja - ilang skit le sakit tu


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Post time 1-10-2012 04:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alaaaa weekend lepas banyak hal x dapat tengok 1n2d ni...langsung xdapat menyampuk! Malam baru dpt hadap tv tgk my husband got a family. Uncle seungwoo buat cameo

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Post time 1-10-2012 05:03 PM | Show all posts
lionsleepin posted on 1-10-2012 04:14 PM
Alaaaa weekend lepas banyak hal x dapat tengok 1n2d ni...langsung xdapat menyampuk! Malam baru dpt h ...

happy viewing my dear!

iols tak berapa sangat tengok citer tu....
sokmo tak berkesempatan - tengok tebuk2 ni... tak berapa kick!

episode yg ni - kena tunggu ulangan hari jumaat lah
sebab hari rabu dah tak de ulangan....

boleh gelak guling2 kali ni
sebab buzzer macam2 pesen -
ada gong - belon isi air - gourd
bokbulbok utk tido pun boleh buat gelak gak...
lukis facial hair!

tapi yg tak bleh lupa - menantu akak merajuk giler sebab tak dapat makan daging!


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Post time 1-10-2012 07:46 PM | Show all posts
chekshu posted on 1-10-2012 05:03 PM
happy viewing my dear!

iols tak berapa sangat tengok citer tu....

haah sis x menyabar plak bila selak2 blakang baca komen korang episod lepas kelakar. pasal my husband got a family tu mmg terjebak sbb balik2 umah konon nak layan ilbak yil ni la tapi da abih. so layan je la drama tu yg kononnya rating 40%. haha..

btw, iols rasa lappy opis iols weng arini sbb bila bkk cari je page tu blank. website lain sukses je. sbb tu iols senyap disamping terkejut badak keje bertimpa2 utk bln ni

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Post time 2-10-2012 08:25 AM | Show all posts

Sung Shi Kyung shows off his bowling skills on ’1 Night 2 Days’allkpop
    Artist and ‘1 Night 2 Days‘ cast member Sung Shi Kyung showed off his smooth bowling moves on the latest episode of the travel-variety program.

teerbakar bowling ssk

    For the Chuseok special, the cast members turned up dressed in beautiful hanbok, and set upon a series of games that focused on the enormous variety of food products that come from fall season in South Korea.

    In the last game, the members competed in a round of bowling to determine whether or not they will get to have freshly-caught seafood for dinner.

    With Sung Shi Kyung as the final contender, all of the cast members’ eyes were on the variety rookie, putting pressure on his performance.

    It turned out there was no need to worry – although he initially only hit one of the pins, that pin soon began to careen through the rest of them, knocking them all down in the process and earning a strike – and dinner – for the ’1N2D’ cast. Sung Shi Kyung soon became a hero for that night, and was promptly crushed by the masses of his thankful co-cast members.
mula sms 2nd chance ssk mula2 lontar dan jatuhkan semua pin dan mrk fail dan diberi peluang terkhir dn ssk org terkhir berbj jatuhkan 3 pin yg ada .. sbnrnya mrk kena bergilir jatuh pin itu shingga org last.. hny 6 org je bermain kenrn utw x ada di sini


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Post time 2-10-2012 09:48 AM | Show all posts
morning uols....

seriously mengantuk
sangap ntah berapa kali dah ni
sampai meyong kepala iols!


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Post time 2-10-2012 09:52 AM | Show all posts
ctaisyah posted on 2-10-2012 08:25 AM
Sung Shi Kyung shows off his bowling skills on ’1 Night 2 Days’allkpopmula sms 2nd chance ssk mu ...

SSK terer main bowling eh...

tak sabar nak tengok episode ni....

tapi of kos... lambat lagi siaran kat sini!

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Post time 2-10-2012 10:03 AM | Show all posts
chekshu posted on 2-10-2012 09:48 AM
morning uols....

seriously mengantuk


weehuuu da bole view cari! sape yg posing maut time tdo ni? mongie ek?


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Post time 2-10-2012 11:12 AM | Show all posts
lionsleepin posted on 2-10-2012 10:03 AM

weehuuu da bole view cari! sape yg posing maut time tdo ni? mongie ek?

ni ep 172 - monggie dah tak de masa ni...
sleeping bokbulbok...

ada yg kata - itu PD Na....
tapi ekceli - ada gak staff yg sesekali enterprame...

tapi yg di siar kat KBS - dah banyak cut
so yg gambo tu tak pun....


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Post time 2-10-2012 11:17 AM | Show all posts
chekshu posted on 2-10-2012 11:12 AM
ni ep 172 - monggie dah tak de masa ni...
sleeping bokbulbok...

episod yg dorg kene tdo ni da tengok actually tp x igt plak part tdo posing ala2 ballerina tu. yg suspek mongie tu pasal dia tdo paling ganas. merata2 dia guling. haha


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Post time 2-10-2012 11:21 AM | Show all posts
lionsleepin posted on 2-10-2012 11:17 AM
episod yg dorg kene tdo ni da tengok actually tp x igt plak part tdo posing ala2 ballerina tu. yg  ...

JW pun tdo ganas gak!!!!

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