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Author: waksir

Kertas rancangan perniagaan (RP) / Proposal Perniagaan [MERGE]

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Post time 6-4-2008 09:26 AM | Show all posts
ada byk tujuan menyediakan RP nie..

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Post time 8-4-2008 10:49 AM | Show all posts
contoh kami memang complete dan dalam bentuk word lagi..leh edit
bahagian projection akaun pun sama...dalam bentuk excell dan dah diformulakan..

kalau tak reti wat akaun leh ym saya.

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Post time 9-4-2008 08:46 PM | Show all posts
kenapa perlu menghabiskan duit beribu untuk upah konsultant membuat kertas kerja anda sedangkan anda mampu lakukan sendiri..kalau gagal anda tidak akan terkilan..
kalu upah konsultant paling kurang deposit rm500 ..

kelebihan membuat sendiri..anda dapat menilai perniagaan anda bagi jangka masa hadapan dan membuat penyelidikan tentang perniagaan anda.

lebih lanjutlanjut :

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Post time 10-4-2008 05:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #72 wira2149's post

ok thanx. saya dah dapatkannya..
nanti saya akan ajukan pertanyaan jika ada masalah.

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Post time 11-4-2008 03:25 PM | Show all posts
nak cagar tanah  100 ekar...tanam pisang

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Post time 11-4-2008 09:01 PM | Show all posts
bole tak sapa2 tlong bagi sample rp untuk pertanian...nak buat/tanam pokok jarak....biodiesel in future....

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Post time 11-4-2008 09:04 PM | Show all posts
dengar guroh di langit,..air di tempayan di curahkan.....

..projek bio diesel pokok jarak nie...di monopoli olih 2 company jer....


..Dr Mohd Sofi....

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Post time 11-4-2008 09:05 PM | Show all posts
sa nak daftar ssm tapi busines kt sabah lah belum da apa2 lesen g...tempat nak buka pun tengah nak cari...ble ke?

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Post time 14-4-2008 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Cik Wira, mcm mana saya nak beli produk u ni? Nak beli yg mana satu kalu nak start buat business?

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Post time 14-4-2008 05:30 PM | Show all posts
cik wira, saya nak tanya, kalau saya upah cik wira buat proposal utk saya sampai loan lulus mcm mana? blh ke? brapa pulak bayarannye? just nak tanya coz cam saya ni nama x tau la ada blacklist ke x... hbs2 sangkut pun credit card 1 jerk... pm saya yek. tq

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Post time 17-4-2008 10:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #76 ana_in's post

terima kasih atas pertanyaan anda.

bagi dapatkan e-book kami sila layari:

fokus utama e-book kami, adalah koleksi cth kertas kerja pinjaman perniagaan. walaupun perniagaan belum jalan, tetapi kertas kerja yang di buat hendaklah macam bisnes dah jalan, ini dikatakan perancangan perniagaan.

kami juga memberikan bonus 9 jenis panduan perniagaan bagaimana ingin memulakan dari A-Z

terima kasih

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Post time 21-4-2008 08:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #77 syahiera78's post

buat masa sekarang saya tak amik upah wat proposal sebab sibuk ngan isi borang income tax pelanggan sampai bulan 6. selepas bulan 6 baru saya buat semula.
kalau buat loan memang MARA, PUNB dll akan cek nama kita ok ker tak..ada CTOS, blacklist atau tak..

sangkut bayar kredit card tak aper..jangan blacklist.

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Post time 22-4-2008 08:27 PM | Show all posts
tengah wat survey costing pertanian nie,...sabar ye..
..RP pertanian akan di sdiakan

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Post time 22-4-2008 09:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 biscotties's post

kata ada RP pertanian complete percuma..apa lagi kasi jerlah orang dah mintak..

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Post time 22-4-2008 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Apa itu Rancangan Perniagaan                                             

   1. Satu dokumen bertulis yang menerangkan secara menyeluruh tentang perniagaan atau projek yang hendak dijalankan.
   2. Merupakan pelan induk perniagaan yang menerangkan kajian-kajian yang telah dibuat dan langkah-langkah yang akan diambil pada masa hadapan untuk membangunkan perniagan, ramalan dan jangkaan serta cara-cara pelaksanaan strategi perniagaan.


Rancangan Perniagaan disediakan oleh bakal usahawan dan perniagaan yang sediada

    untuk tujuan-tujuan tertentu seperti berikut :

   1. Membolehkan usahawan melihat dan menilai projek secara objektif, kritikal dan praktikal.
   2. Menjadi garis panduan untuk pengurusan perniagaan.
   3. Mengkaji dan menilai sama ada projek yang akan dilaksanakan berdayamaju atau sebaliknya.
   4. Meyakinkan pihak-pihak tertentu terhadap idea-idea perniagaan dan sebagai asas bagi cadangan pembiayaan.
   5. Mengagihkan sumber-sumber yang terhad dengan lebik baik.

Pengumpulan Maklumat Penyediaan

   1. Rekod dan data dalaman sesebuah perniagaan                             
   2. Statistik
   3. Data ekonomi
   4. Data perdagangan
   5. Penyelidikan pasaran


1. Jadual kandungan

7. Rancangan organisasi/pengurusan

2. Ringkasan eksekutif /sinopsis

8. Rancangan pemasaran

3. Pengenalan

9. Rancangan pengeluaran/operasi

4. Tujuan Penyediaan

10. Rancangan kewangan

5. Latar belakang perniagaan/syarikat

11. Jadual pelaksanaan projek

6. Latar belakang pemilik

12. Rumusan

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Post time 23-4-2008 07:32 AM | Show all posts

Ada buku bertajuk Aneka Contoh Kertas Kerja Perniagaan boleh didapati dari ataupun di

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Post time 23-4-2008 08:54 PM | Show all posts
What Investors Look For in a Plan
From venture capitalists to angel investors, here抯 what your business plan needs to include to catch the eye of startup investors.
September 12, 2005
By Tim Berry

Although you definitely need a business plan to find investors, your plan alone--no matter how good it is--isn't enough to attract investors. The investment decision depends on a lot of other factors: the business team and its track record, the product you'll be selling, the competitive advantage you have and what your market is, among others. By itself, your plan is like an automobile engine--the car won't go anywhere without it. But the engine alone isn't enough to make the car go, and you need to recognize this from the beginning.

Another important point to understand is that investors are not all the same. At the high end, there are a few thousand venture capitalists working for a few hundred venture capital firms. At the low end, you have friends and family. And in the middle, there are tens of thousands of private investors called "angels."

The venture capitalists are the most demanding. They fund only a few thousand plans per year, and they have to reduce their risks because they're investing other people's money. They probably won't consider your venture unless you're introduced to them first because they have no other way to screen and process all the proposals they get. They aren't sharks or bad people--they're just professional managers doing their job. They won't steal your idea: The last thing they want is another business idea without a team to implement it. Therefore, when they search for investment vehicles, they look for the following:

* A management team with a proven track record. Yes, that often means they won't fund your plan because you don't have experience, but you don't have experience because they won't fund your plan. Deal with it. If this is the case, look for angel investors or friends and family (and keep reading).
* A defensible product with a competitive advantage. It's easier to predict the success of a tangible product than it is a service, which is why service businesses are rarely interesting to venture capitalists. Of course, there is the occasional exception, such as Netflix, the popular home delivery service for DVD movie rentals, for example.
* Reasonable valuation. Divide the amount you plan to take as investment by the percent of ownership you're offering to give in exchange. For example, offering 50 percent of a company for $5 million means you're valuing your company at $10 million. An outrageous valuation shows investors you may still have your head in the clouds.
* A clear statement of the investment offering Check with your attorneys about the legality of your offering, including how much equity for how much money you're planning to offer this time through, and the planned future dilution for later rounds of investment.

Other things that interest venture capitalists include:

* A shot at increasing the value of the company from whatever they think it is now to about 100 times that in three to five years.
* A plan that requires at least a $3 million investment--in fact, the more the better. Your plan has to show that the money is carefully planned and really needed.
* A plan that has several other similar investors ready to invest at the same time. Venture capitalists find safety in numbers so they don't want to be the only investor in a deal.
* A clearly stated exit strategy. Investors like to see that you've thought ahead to how they're going to get their money back on the deal.

Angel investors are harder to predict. They're usually wealthy individuals or small groups who invest in different ways. Most of them look at almost the same factors as venture capitalists. Some of them, however, will consider lesser investment amounts and will even invest alone. They often specialize in a specific type of business, such as retail or technology, perhaps because they know that sector well.

When it comes to friends and family, I can't tell you what they'll look for because they're your friends and family. I can tell you to be very careful about seeking friends and family to invest in your new venture because businesses frequently fail and you don't want to lose your friends and family when you lose your business. And don't make the deal based on a handshake--you should treat your deals with friends and family just as you would with a professional investor.

Adakah Anda Seorang Usahawan?
Walaupun keusahawanan bukan untuk semua insan, tetapi anda mungkin memilih bidang keusahawanan sebagai satu kerjaya, memulakan sebuah perniagaan dan seterusnya menjadi seorang usahawan yang berjaya.

Willian E. Jennings, (揂 Profile of the Entrepreneur

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Post time 24-4-2008 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Special Funds

In addition, we may also be able to match your start-up development requirements with the appropriate dedicated funds or programmes which are being channeled through the SME Bank. The main criteria is the viability of the business idea and how that idea can effectively be translated into a business plan to produce, commercialise and market to identified local or international markets.

Depending on your business scope, you may also be eligible for all other SME Bank products and services. For example, you may be eligible for the SME Global product even as a start-up if you have a ready market overseas or you have a patent pending or patented product for global distribution. Our officers will be able to direct you to our other products on application.
SME Clasification         Micro         Small         Medium
Type of Financing        
        Conventional and Islamic
        Conventional and Islamic
        Conventional and Islamic
        Term Loan
        Revolving Loan
        IHP / Leasing
        BG / Letter of Credit
        Term Loan
        Revolving Loan
        IHP / Leasing
        BG / Letter of Credit
        Loan Stock
        Term Loan
        Revolving Loan
        IHP / Leasing
        BG / Letter of Credit
        Loan Stock
Limit of Financing        
        Up to RM500,000
(for Special Programmes only)
        Up to RM5 million
        Up to RM10 million
Interest Rates        
        Competitive rates subject to terms of funds and risk ratings where applicable
        Up to a maximum of 15 years subject to assets financed
        Working capital up to 5 years, subject to annual review
        Up to a maximum of 3 years grace period
Method of Repayment        
        Monthly, Quarterly, Fixed or Contract Terms
Processing Fee        
        0.25% of approved loan
        0.25% of approved loan

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Post time 25-4-2008 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Cik Wira,

Saya plan nak start business, tp takde experience nak apply loan or buat biz plan or proposal. Cik Wira bole PM no. phone tak, bole la kita discuss futher.


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Post time 25-4-2008 10:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #83 ana_in's post


kalau nak bincang lebih panjang leh ym saya : [email protected]

senang sikit dari phone..kalau phone tak nampak nak discus..kalau ym leh tukar2 file..

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