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Author: Truth.8

[MERGED]--Room inside Kaba is a forbidden.Why? - Pict page 43

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 19-7-2004 02:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-7-19 02:17 PM:
Oh yes the room inside Ka抌a is a forbidden place to visit especially from someone like you truth.8. As long as you are not a muslim man you are forbidden to visit holy place l ...


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Post time 19-7-2004 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Pls do not change the topic. Why Muslims are not allowed to enter that dark room??? what so secret about it??? idols is still they??? is the moon god giving power to arab king????  

T.8...i saw something wrong in your questions up here contradicted with what u have already posted.

1. Why Muslims are not allowed to enter that dark room?... the question should be Why only VIP are allowed to enter the dark room.. bcos u have posted this..Only the king of the nation, the Imam (priests) of the city, and on rare occasions Muslim kings and princess are allowed to enter that room
2. what so secret about it? The question should be May I know what is inside? bcos there is no secret.

This question u cannot ask here bcoz none of muslim here are allowed to enter the dark room bcoz again they are not the king of the nation, the Imam (priests) of the city, and on rare occasions Muslim kings and princess but if u still want the answer u may ask our Dr. M. And wat I’ve read from his bodyguard.. they (Dr. M & his bodyguard) just go in & pray & the room is empty (& I also know that u will reject this)

3. idols is still they?  Again u’ve already answer that … this is ur posting  - Nobody else knows what is displayed in its interior

4. is the moon god giving power to arab king? If so, why bother… if not, got any different to us?

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Post time 19-7-2004 02:53 PM | Show all posts
same again here your questions


Then let me ask u… do we need photo to believe something do we need photo for everything? I don’t know wat religion u are… do you have photo on the things that u belief in ur religion?

P/s I don’t have photo during my birth but I still belive I am a real son not adopted. So do I need photo?


Is it bothering you? U can choose whatever u like to believe. Nobody cares.

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2004 08:34 PM | Show all posts

Adam's and Eve's fall was spiritual, not a literal fall from a 'planet to earth'. They were driven out from the garden of Eden.

There is no evidence or information about any shrine/temple/tabernacle built for God, before Moses. Nether Adam nor Abraham built a building for prayer or pilgrimage.

Ishmael was a lad when Abraham sent him and his mother away, not a tiny baby.

Ishmael settled in Midian, between Israel and Egypt, hundreds of miles away from Mecca.

Ka'bah was never mentioned once in the Bible as a temple for the YHWH. The only symbolic mention of Ka'bah in the Bible is in the prophetic/apocalyptic book of Revelation, chapter 17.

There is no historical or archeological evidence about Ka'bah and Mecca's origin and dating back to Abraham's and Ishmael's time. Actually, the founding of Ka'bah and Mecca is still a 'mystery'. The main reason is because Saudi authorities wouldn't allow anybody to touch the 'holy ground' or to dig for the city's origin and past.

The story of the Ethiopian king Abraha has no evidences of its occurrence, except its record in the Muslims 'holy' book, the Quran, which dedicates a whole chapter for the story as if it were a well known fact.

Mecca didn't become a 'universal' religious center until the appearance of Islam. Even by the time of Muhammed, sectarian Jews and Christians of Arabia, used to face Jerusalem in their prayers and not the Ka'bah.

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Post time 24-7-2004 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Strange tis thread! This thread is totally insensitive and dwells on Monggoloid naunces of greater ignorance and stupidity on the part of the creator of this thread. I just wonder why this thread is not locked down?  Again very strange proceedings working in opposites here. Any comments dear Darsita?


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 Author| Post time 24-7-2004 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fuzzman at 24-7-2004 12:43 AM:
Strange tis thread! This thread is totally insensitive and dwells on Monggoloid naunces of greater ignorance and stupidity on the part of the creator of this thread. I just w ...

strange to u because u afraid truth is exposed.

my question still remain:

1) where is photos on: two pillars and table to keep perfume???

is that strange questions or u afraid.

now, don't tell me u want urine in ur pants or report to admin

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 24-7-2004 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fuzzman at 2004-7-24 12:43 AM:
Strange tis thread! This thread is totally insensitive and dwells on Monggoloid naunces of greater ignorance and stupidity on the part of the creator of this thread. I just w ...

I would like to pose the same question to Darsita, as I agree that the initiator of this thread, together with the zero intelligence contained in the argument that he presents  is as what Fuzz has aptly described.

[ Last edited by KENNKID on 24-7-2004 at 06:58 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2004 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KENNKID at 24-7-2004 06:56 PM:

I would like to pose the same question to Darsita, as I agree that the initiator of this thread, together with the zero intelligence contained in the argume ...

if u were not a muslim, would u pose the question???

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Post time 25-7-2004 12:19 AM | Show all posts
I did post something here but got lost b'coz of the slow server.

Anyway, all I want to say is - many Muslim leaders & other Muslims have entered the Kaabah. If they saw idols, I'm sure they'll change their faith b'coz it contradicts with the true teachings of Islam which happens to be FAKE. Surely, they'll share their experiences in the Kaabah with the rest of the Muslims worldwide & expose FAKE. But somehow, it never happened.

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Post time 25-7-2004 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Ironically, someone who claimed himself as an ex-Muslim but never performed pilgrimage before (for sure he never entered the Kaabah) is questioning the inside of the Kaabah. It's very shameful!

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2004 12:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 25-7-2004 12:19 AM:
I did post something here but got lost b'coz of the slow server.

Anyway, all I want to say is - many Muslim leaders & other Muslims have entered the Kaabah. If they saw idols, I'm sure they ...

many leaders crawled inside:stp:lollol does it  contradicts :hmm:

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2004 03:51 PM | Show all posts
The Kaaba and the Black Stone caused very large numbers of people to come to Mecca on pilgrimages, and so Mecca had a very substantial tourist business. When Muhammad began to publicly criticize the hundreds of gods/idols in the Kaaba, in addition to religious implications, he was seen to be endangering the thriving tourist business and income of the city's leaders. This is considered as central to why so much animosity developed regarding him in Mecca, which drove him out to Medina.

Absolutely reliable Muslim sources (al-Tabari, Waqidi and Ibn Sa'd) describe a situation regarding sura 53, now referred to as the Satanic Verses. Apparently, while still in Mecca, Muhammad was sitting with some important Meccan leaders, next to the Kaaba, and he began to recite Sura 53, which describes the Angel Gabriel's first and second visits to Muhammad.
The original wording was: "What do you think of al-Lat and al-Uzza And Manat the third beside? These are exalted Females, Whose intercession verily is to be sought after."
These references were to some of the many Gods the Meccans then worshipped, (and some of their very favorites among their hundreds of gods) so the words seem to acknowledge the existence and even the importance of them, TOTALLY opposite of what Islam claims (of the One God, Allah). Islam now says that Muhammad was later visited by Gabriel again, who reprimanded him and gave him the "true" ending for that verse, which eliminated the praise for the gods and turned it into denigration. They consider those initial verses as being put into his mouth by Satan, i.e. Satanic Verses.

These verses represent a serious problem for Muslims. They seem to imply that Muhammad was carefully cultivating the Meccan leaders by saying things they "politically" wanted to hear. That idea would greatly damage his credibility as a Prophet. His sincerity would seem to be in question. On the other hand, if Satan was so easily able to put words in the mouth of the Prophet, how much Faith could anyone put in him? Might there be (many?) other passages where Satan affected the wording of the Koran?

for futher reading, pls click here:

[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 30-7-2004 at 03:57 PM ]

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Post time 31-7-2004 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Hey Truth, just enjoy the thread while you still

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2004 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 31-7-2004 01:13 PM:
Hey Truth, just enjoy the thread while you still

yup truth will be exposed while u still can & thanks for pushing my thread up again:hug:

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Post time 1-8-2004 04:07 PM | Show all posts
ok here is the answer
macam ni pun nak kecoh sangat ?

bukan forbidden , tapi  "There are some fortunate people who have been able to do it, and these are people who might be part of the dignitary or special guests. It would not be feasible for everyone to have this golden opportunity to enter inside the Kaaba."

Question from chat room: May I inquire what is in the black room that all the Muslims pray to?

This room, which you refer to, is called the Kaaba, and this is basically an empty structure with nothing inside. But it is a resemblance of the unity of Muslims that is the focal point within the world for all Muslims to face when they pray. Now, this ancient structure was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. In some of the reports, it could have been built by Adam, the father of humanity itself, and then, after some passage of time and deterioration, it was rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael and it has been there for all the past centuries until today. I must say that about five years ago, the Saudi government made a complete renovation of the Kaaba itself, especially replacing the roof and the walls, and solidifying the structure to bear the passage of time. So it is very well taken care of and well-maintained.
Question from chat room: Does anybody get a chance to enter Kaaba?

There are some fortunate people who have been able to do it, and these are people who might be part of the dignitary or special guests. It would not be feasible for everyone to have this golden opportunity to enter inside the Kaaba.

read more:

Dr. Ahmad ibn Saifuddin is an Islamic scholar. He is associate professor at Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Saudi Arabia.

Kalau nak picture, email la VIP yang pernah masuk dalam
email raja Arab Saudi mintak:cak:

[ Last edited by neostream on 1-8-2004 at 04:18 PM ]

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Post time 1-8-2004 10:45 PM | Show all posts
tun dr mahathir pernah masuk dalam kaabah kan?! :stp:

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Post time 2-8-2004 12:10 AM | Show all posts
i dont know, maybe
ask the PM office

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Post time 2-8-2004 01:05 AM | Show all posts
Sebenarnya di dlm kaabah tu kosong aje,takde apa2.Its empty,nothing inside.Ini mengikut kata org yg pernah masuk.Tak caya tanyalah Tun Mahathir.

Kaabah itu cuma sbg satu titik arah atau tanda shj sbg kiblat.Orang2 bukan Islam mungkin tak faham kerana sentiasa membandingkan cara sembahyang mereka dgn org Islam.

Lagipun buat apalah nak masuk ramai2 dalam sana,tempat tu pun bukan luas sgt.,kecik aje,nak bg tersepit ke apa.

Alahai,carilah isu yang munasabah sikit.Kelakarnya..

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Post time 2-8-2004 01:14 AM | Show all posts
tu la pasal..

masalah nya sekarang , ada mangkuk ayun sorang ni nak gambar sebagai bukti.

tu la aku suruh dia email raja Arab saudi mintak.

atau pun pi ler pejabat PM mintak kat dia gambaq.

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Post time 2-8-2004 01:43 AM | Show all posts
Asal nak bukti aje mintak gambar..asal nak bukti aje mesti nampak dengan mata kepala.Apa bukti tuhan wujud?Itulah sebabnya mereka terpaksa 'menyembah' gambar dan patung sebagai simbol bukti penyembahan mereka pada tuhan.

Kepada org2 bukan Islam sebenarnya takde apa yg istimewa dlm kaabah tu,jgn pikir bukan2.Takdenya patung dlm tu.Dulu sbl kedatangan Islam di Mekah mmg ada banyak patung2 kelakar dlm tu,tp semuanya dah kena tebas.Buat menyemak aje.

Bapak kawanku pun pernah masuk ke situ.Dia ni org berpangkat dalam polis(skrg dah pencen dah).Dia dapat masuk semasa mengiringi seorang kenamaan negara semasa mengerjakan umrah.Dlm kaabah tu mmg kosong katanya.Kita boleh bersolat kemana2 arah dlm kaabah tu sebab kita berada di titik arah itu sendiri.Apa yang misterinya?Tak misteri langsung.

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